五年级上册Unit5 Story time教学设计 郭英平_第1页
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五年级上册Unit5 Story time教学设计 郭英平_第4页
五年级上册Unit5 Story time教学设计 郭英平_第5页
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1、课题:Unit5 Story time课时: 5教材分析本节课是五年级上册第五单元story time故事教学。本单元中学过了There be句型和方位词的使用。本故事内容是对本单元重点单词和句型的进一步巩固和延伸。 该故事讲了一个易拉罐被丢在河边想回家,经请求小鸟、小熊,小猴子、小兔子后无人帮他回家,小熊反而把他踢入河中,两条鱼帮忙把他传给了岸上的Zoom和Zip,Zoom接到后把他放入垃圾桶中。易拉罐最终回家的故事。通过该故事的学习让学生能从整体上理解故事情节,根据角色表演出故事。能让学生知道帮助人并要养成保护环境的好习惯。 学情分析本节是第五单元的最后一节故事教学。学生还没有学到第五单元

2、,所以与此有关的there is句型和表方位的词没有学过。加上本故事里的生词,新知识多。平时故事教学不作为重点,学生在表演上也会有所困难。本节课一定要体现出故事的趣味性,让学生被吸引后主动的表现。教学目标能让学生从整体上理解故事情节,根据角色表演出故事。能让学生知道帮助人并要养成保护环境的好习惯。教学重点难点教学重点:能让学生从整体上理解故事情节,根据角色表演出故事。能让学生知道帮助人并要养成保护环境的好习惯。教学难点:1、本故事中生词over、can、naughty、busy、kick、fall、fish、poor、late for2、故事的表演。教学策略本节教学过程中采用了参与式,讨论式,

3、互动讨论式和任务型教学的方法。资源的开发及说明本节课采用多媒体课件辅助教学,利用图片,声音,动画来刺激学生感官,让学生在愉悦中学习,体验学习的乐趣,增强的学习效果。教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图Step 1、 1 Greeting and warm-upT:Good morning. Nice to meet you.S:Nice to meet you too.T: Today I will tell a story for you, now lets chant together.Can, can, sad, sad, sad.Little bird, little bird

4、, fly, fly, fly.Naughty bear, naughty bear, kick, kick, kick.Rabbit, monkey, rabbit, monkey, late for school.Mr Fish, Ms Fish, help, help, help.Zoom and Zip, Zoom and Zip, good, good, good.跟唱设计意图:chant内容中包含故事中的关键词,提前给学生渗透。Lead in拿出实物can, This is a can.T: Today I will tell you a story about can. What

5、 will happen to the can? First, look at the picture. I can see a bird。What can you see in the pictures?引导学生说出 I can seeT: Look at the can, he is very sad.(引导学生看表情理解意思),引出sad并带表情的读词。Why is the can sad? Lets watch the cartoon and think about the question.Q1、 Why was the can sad?Q2、Where is the can in

6、the end?3 播放视频,之后让学生回答两个问题。T: I Think you have known something about the story. Now I will tell you the story.(自己从黑板上画出河流,课本图片上没有,并把can贴在旁边)。教师手指can和river的位置说出there,引导学生接出 There is a can beside the river.然后手指can 的表情说He is,引导学生说出sad。The can wants to go home.But who can help him . Now, a bird is comin

7、g.(在黑板上贴小鸟图) So the can says(出示PPT,引导学生说出易拉罐的话,要注意语气。)多请几个学生模仿一下小鸟的话。T:The can asks the bird for help, does the bird help him?引导学生回答No What does the bird say to him?引导学生说出Sorry,Im busy.引出生词busy并带读。Busy一词要连接几幅图片辅助理解。引导学生表演第一幅画内容。4 图2图3The bird doesnt help the can. He flies away. Now a bear comes. He

8、is very naughty.手拿小熊图片。 He is a naughty bear. 引出a naughty bear。A naughty bear kicks the can。引出kick带学生做动作练习。 The bear is so naughty, he kicks the can and laugh.引导学生说出haha。But the can is very sad。 He says:引导学生看图说出oh,no。教师向学生出示问题Should the bear kicks the can?引导学生做出判断,标明学生该有的立场。T: The bear doesnt help t

9、he can. Now comes Rabbit and Monkey.(在黑板上贴图)The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey.手拿can在黑板上做飞的路线,让学生体会over的含义,让学生说出。T: The can is very afraid. When he is in the sky he shouts;引导学生看PPT说出help。T:Does Monkey help him? S: No.T: Monkey doesnt help him, and he also says: Look at that poor can.引出poor,加链接理解。T

10、: Does Rabbit help him? Why?引导学生说出Come on. Were late for school.引出late for表演图2图3根据黑板上的贴图变换can的位置,同时播放图4.T: The can falls between two fish.引导学生看下落的动作理解fall,带读。然后再问where does the can fall?引导学生说出The can falls between two fish.T: Do the two fish help the can? How do they help?T:Mr Fish says: Here comes

11、a can. Ms Fish says: Lets give it to zoom. He can help. Do you agree with the two fish?带领大家演出图45 图5 The two fish give it to Zoom, and Zoom出Zoom Zip图贴黑板上)catches the can.拿实物can问学生Can you catch the ball?让学生接后说He catches the ball.T: Does Zoom help him? S: Yes. Zoom helps the can in the trash bin and sa

12、ys: let me help you.T:w, is the can still sad? S: No, he is happy.T: The can is happy. He says:引导学生说出 Thank you。 Home, sweet home.T: Zoom and Zip are together, Zoom helps the can, and ZIP引导学生看Zip给Zoom竖起大拇指。T: Do you think Zoom and Zip are right? Do you want to say something about what they did?T: Th

13、ey are helpful. They love the environment.情感教育。6 Listen and repeat。7 Practise in group。8 Show time。可选择一个场景。9 拓展(如果没人帮助易拉罐将会出现什么样的结果。)10 情感教育(垃圾分类,保护环境)。跟读 。观察图片,表达出所看到的动物。带表情读单词并理解。带着问题进入文本听力阅读。回答问题。 根据老师贴图提示说出there be 句型。根据PPT说出小鸟的话。 跟读busy根据提示说出图一部分故事内容。做动作读单词。模仿。判断小熊做法。讲出图2 3故事。回答教师的问题。演出图4故事。对Zoom行为作出评价。引出剧情转折。观察图片细节内容。对Zoom和Zip行为判断。听并跟读。小组角色练习。展示。发散思维考虑。体会如何帮会环境。设计意图:让学生通过观察图片找出故事中


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