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1、名词性从句应当注意的问题:1主语从句1单个名词性分句充当主语时,全句谓语用单数形式;但是当两个 由and连接的名词性从句作主语并表示两件事情时,谓语动词用复数Whether she comes or not doesn ' t concern me.What caused the accide nt and who was resp on sible for it rema ins a mystery to us.2假设主语从句中逻辑意义完整并且根本句子成分齐备,那么须在句 首使用连接词that,该词无意义;假设缺差主/宾/表等名词性成分,那么根据需要选择what/which/who/

2、whom等That they were wrong in these matters is now clear to us all.What crime he has done is quite clear.3从句作主语时为保持句子平衡,可用it作形式主语,而将从句置于句末,其中that可省略It isn ' t surprising (that) he should have rddneiie2. 宾语从句1宾语从句后跟有补语,常用it作形式宾语,而将从句放在补语之后,其中it无意义She has made it clear that she will have nothing to

3、 do with him.I heard it said that the meet ing would be postp on ed.2that-从句一般不可以直接用作介词宾语,但是可以用在 in, except,save, besides和but之后,多已形成固定用法。in that因为,except that 除了,but that要不是,save that除了,besides that除了I like the city in that I have many friends there.He is a good stude nt except that he is occasi on

4、ally careless.He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time.3当主句谓语为 assume, believe, expect, guess, imagine, suppose, think 等表示“认为,“猜测动词时,其后的宾语从句假设带有否认意 义,通常应将否认词前移至主句谓语上I don ' t think that you two met before.I don ' t suppose that anyone will object to the plan.3. 表语从句

5、主语是reason的表语从句须用that引导,不要误用because引导The reas on why he was abse nt was that he was ill.The reason why I didn ' t go to Canada was that I got a new job.4. 同位语从句同位语从句具体说明被其修饰限制的名词的实际内容。常见的可接同位语从句的名词有:announ ceme nt, belief, con clusi on, discovery,doubt, evide nee, fact, guara ntee, hope, idea, kn

6、o wledge, n ews, order, proposal, questi on, rumor流言, stateme nt, story, suggesti on, thought想 法,understanding理解。其引导词常用that,根据逻辑意义也可选用 whether, what, who, how, why, where 但决不能使用 which。Her suggesti on that we send some people to help them is adoptable.Next comes the questi on what you want it for.I h

7、ave no idea where she came from.形容词性从句/定语从句应当注意的问题:1以下情况只能用关系代词that引导,不能使用which;1当并列的两个先行词分别表示人和物时They are talking about the people and countries that they have visited.The passe ngers and parcels that filled the car were mixed.2领先行词是 all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much, none

8、, few, a few 等不是定代词时 Everything that he said seemed quite reas on able.Much that I lear ned in the book is very useful.3领先行词被形容词最高级,序数词包括the last和no, every, some, any ,o nly, much等限定词修饰时This is the most interesting film that has been produced in recent years.This the only thi ng that we can do now.T

9、he last stude nt that stood up was Joe.2. 以下情况只能用关系代词 which,不能使用that:1在非限定性定语从句中,引导词只能用 which和who/whom, where, when等;而且引导词在从句中作宾语时不能省略。Steel, which has many useful properties, is widely used in the machi ne-buildi ng in dustry.The shed in our garde n, which my father built many years ago, has lasted

10、 for a long time.2和介词连用构成复合引导词时There are scie ntific ways in which many solves problems.Ocea n curre nts affect the climates of the lands n ear which they flow.3. Whose表示所有关系,即可指人的也可指物理学She lives in the house whose door and win dows are broke n.How many stude nts are there in your class whose pare n

11、ts serve in the gover nment age ncies?4. 关系代词that/which和关系副词 when/where/why的选择:假设引导词在从句中担任状语,选用 when/where/why;假设作主/宾/表语那么用that/whichThis is the place which I ' ve Ionian ted to visit.1 know of aplace where we can swim.This is the reason why I am not in favor of his plan.I can' taccept the r

12、eas on that he gave.The sports meet will be held next month when the climate is very congeni al.This is a great day that I will n ever forget.5. as引导定语从句既可指人也可指物,通常与the same, such, so等连用;还可引导非限定性定语从句,指代整个主句意思或局部内容,位置灵活They n eed such materials as can bear high temperature and pressure.Mass is not th

13、e same thing as weight is.As you can see, we ' ve got a problem with the engine.She was abse nt, as is ofte n the case.副词性从句/状语从句应当注意的问题:1关联词的多义性资料来源:状语从句中某些引导词具有多义性,可以引导不同状语从句。女口:as, sin ce, while, whe n1As I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front ofNo.13 时间As he was not w

14、ell, I decided to go without him.原因Much as I admire Shakespeare comedies, I can ' agree that they are superior to his tragedies.让步I got up late in the morning so I had to run to the school as quickly as I could.比拟2He has been serving for this company since he graduated from theuni versity.时间Sinc

15、e the weather is so bad outside, why don' t yo原因ay at home?3I saw him while he was going out of the room.时间让步ke its shape.(While I like the color of the hat, I donWhile there is life, there is hope.条件)He knew how to answer the question, while I couldn 转折)'t.(4When he arrived, I was cooking l

16、unch.当时)I was about to go out this morning whe n the telepho ne rang.正在这 时)2. 句型“ no soon ertha n, hardly/scarcely/barely whe n表示“一就,主句中常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时;假设把no sooner, hardly, scarcely, barel放在句首,使用倒装语序No Sooner had he heard the n ews tha n he fain ted.Scarcely had he en tered the room whe n the tel

17、epho ne rang.3. 某些表示时间的副词和名词性词组如directly, immediately, instantly, the moment, the minute, the instant, the day/year, next time 也可以弓丨 导时间状语从句。I got into touch with him immediately I received his letter.The in sta nt the result came out, she told us.The second time we met, he answered me a lot of ques

18、tions.4. 在时间/地点/条件/方式/让步等状语从句中,如果从句谓语动词为be,而且从句主语和全句主语一致,或者主语是it,那么从句主语或it和谓语动词be可省略Whe n ( I was) a boy, I looked at such things differe ntly.Though (she was) an gry, she hurriedly left the room.This viewpo int, however (it is) un dersta ndable, is wrong.If (it is) necessary I' ll have the composition rewritten.5. 复合连词引起的原因状语从句,常用词有:in that, now that, seeing that, con sideri ng that, not that-but that 等Now t


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