



1、、同步知识梳理、单词搭乘 _车站 走,步仃 医院商店 _动物园车站太阳书店 _ 沿着,顺着 电影院电影 超市 满的,饱的 结束了,完了短语:1. ask the way 问路2. want to visit 想要去参观3. Su Hai ' s new hom苏海的新家4. get to 到达5. take the metro 乘坐地铁6. get on 上车7. get on the metro 上地铁8. at Park Station在公园站9. get off 下车10. at City Library Station 在城市图书馆站11. walk to 步仃到12. nex

2、t to 在旁边13. come out from从出来14. ask for help 向求助15. excuse me 劳驾;对不起16. go along 沿着走17. turn right向右转18. turn left 向左转19. at the traffic lights 在交通灯处20. on your right在你的右边21. in the shoe shop 在鞋子商店22. see a new film看一场新的电影23. go to City Cinema 去城市电影院24. wait for the bus等公交车25. at the bus stop 在公交车站2

3、6. get in a taxi上出租车27. be over 结束了28. too late 太迟了知识点 1: Yang Ling wants to vis it Su Hai 's new home.want to +动词原形 do sth =would like to + 动词原形 dosth 可玄门上+物sth=would like+物sth 其中would没有人称的变化 根据中文提示,完成句子。他想要一个苹果,而他的弟弟想要吃一个梨。He ,but his brother _用所给词的正确形式填空1. Would you like (watch) the film? But

4、 I like (watch) TV at home.2. He wants(live) in the big city with (we).知识点 2.1. How do I get to your home? 我怎样才能到达你的家? 这是一种问路的方式, how 表示方式。在小学阶段,不仅要掌握这一种问路的方式,还有其 他几种也是常见的问路方式,本单元中还出现了另一种方式“ Where' s?句型结构:问句: How do I get (to)+ 地点(the park,the zoo,home) ?答句:You can+交通方式get to中的to遇到home,there,her

5、e要去掉,因为home,there,here为副词,可以直接加上动词, 例女口 get there, get home。选择题:-How does your mother go to the park?-She getson foot.A to there B there C for there根据中文提示,完成句子。你怎么样回家啊?我步行回家。-you go? -Ion foot.另一种方式“ Where'+地点?例 1: Where is the cinema?知识点3.You can take the metro.你可以乘地铁。乘坐某种交通工具用take。例如: You can

6、take the metro to our school.同义句: You can go to our school by metro.出行方式知多少介词短语动词短语汉语意思On foot步行By bus乘公共汽车By bike骑自行车By metro乘地铁By taxi乘出租车By pla ne乘飞机By car乘小汽车By ship乘轮船By boat乘船对以上短语提问全部都用how。Tom can go to the cin ema by bus.选择题I.Tom walksevery day.A to home B school C home D to there知识点 4: You

7、can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station.你可以在公园站上地铁,在城市图书馆站下车。get on/off the bus 上下公交车get on/off the metro 上下地铁此处假设出现代词it那么放在get on/off it,与前两个单元中的try it/them on,put it/them on,take it/them off 及 pick it up.Station 前介词用 at. at City Library Station 根据中文提示,完成句子。1. - 去人民

8、医院怎么样? -你可以坐 6 路公交车,在珠江路站上车,在广州路下车。-How do I get to Renmin?-You canBus No.6.You the bus at Zhujiang Road Stop and at Guangzhou Road Stop.2. - 打搅一下,请问我怎么到大华电影院?-沿着这条街走,在红绿灯处右转。-Excuse me,how do I Dahua ?-Go this street.Then, at the traffic lights.选择题 1.A young manthe bus and sits down in front of me.

9、A gets off B gets on C gets to 2.You can take the bus and at the third stop.A get on B get off C get into知识点 5: My home is next to it. 我的家在它旁边。beside; near; next to 三个词都是 "在旁边,在附近,靠近 "的意思: 但是表示远近时候还是有区别的。从近到一般近到最近为到: near> beside> next to beside 指在旁边你的左、右两边 , near 指你的附近但凡靠近你的都算,包括前、后

10、、 左、右, next to 紧靠着通常有顺序和方向 。例1 The toilet厕所is beside the garden.何能是左边,也可能是右边。例 2 The toilet is next to the garden. 从脚下往 garden 方向去的下一个就是。 例3 The toilet is near the garden.前后左右不确定,你自己找! 根据中文提示,完成句子。书店在邮局旁边。The bookshop is the post office.知识点 6:Yang Ling comes out from City Library Station. She asks a

11、 policeman for help.杨玲从市图书馆站出来。她向一位警察求助。come out from 出来 ask.for help 向.求助 根据中文提示,完成句子。杨玲找不到书店了,她向警察寻求帮助。Yang Ling cannot the .She a policemanfor.选择题 1.I do not understand the story,so I ask Mr Green .A to help B for help C with help 2.Lly comes out school with her friends.A from B for C to知识点 7:Exc

12、use me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street? 打搅一下, 我怎样到达月亮街上的图书馆?excuse me:虽然可以译为对不起但它实际上是一种礼貌的语言形式,主要表达讲话者对受话者的敬重。以下场合较为常见: 向陌生人问路,要引起对方的注意时,请求别人帮助时。如:Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is?(2) 需要打断别人的谈话,或要对别人刚讲的内容提出反对意见时,为了不显得粗鲁 无礼,常用 excuse me。如:Excuse me, may I get in a word

13、?(3) 因故中途离席是中断和别人的谈话时。如:Excuse me, but I must go home now (4) 在表示请求许可时,我们也常用excuse me。如:Excuse me, but can I sit here? 注意:答复 Excuse me 时,应该说: That ' s all right Certainly 或 Never mind 等而 Sorry 在说或做这种事情之后使用 ,表示歉意。 选择题 1.-,how do I get to the library?-Go along this street. You can see the libraryo

14、n your left.A Please B Excuse me C All right 知识点 8: Go along this street. Turn right at the traffic lights. 沿着这条街走。在红绿灯处向 右拐弯。 You can see the bookshop on your right. 你可以看见书店在你的右边。这些是向别人指路的句式。左转: turn left 右转: turn right沿着这条路直走: go along this street 在第一个十字路口: at the first crossing 句型: “turn left/rig

15、ht at + 地点 表示 “在某处向左 /右转 根据中文提示,完成句子。在电影院向右转。 the cinema. on your right 在你的右边选择题 1.Nancy sees a white house her left.A in B on C at 知识点 9: They wait for the bus at the bus stop. Wait for 等待 at the bus stop 在公交站台 填空题Bobby and Tina w for the bus at the bus s.根据中文提示,完成句子。博比在公交站台等车。车来了,但车子上挤满了人。-Bobby t

16、he bus at the bus stop.A bus ,but it is.知识点lO.They get in a taxi.他们上了一辆出租车。在小车里,在的士里在公交车上,在火车上一般来说在大型封闭型交通工具上用on/in均可比方:火车、飞机小型封闭型交通工具用in也可以理解为只能坐着,不能站着比方:小轿车 非封闭型交通工具用 on比方:轮船、自行车知识点 11: See you later. 一会见。解析:再见是英语中经常会使用到的句子,其表达方式也有很多。什么情况下都可以用“ Goodbye./See you.,希望下次再见面用“ See you later/soon.°

17、随堂演练:检测题1:一用所给词的正确形式填空1 .A nna(1ike)dri nking milk.2. -How does Mike(come)to schoo1?-Mike(come) ofte n Io school by taxi.3. Lily likes (sin g)every morning. She4. Mr Black(come)from En gla nd.5. Ca n you(sing) a song for me?6. Please tell me which one(choose).7. Tur n left at the(three)traffic light

18、.8. Tom(not like)play ing computer.二、从B栏目中选出与 A栏相应的答句。A()1. Would you like some coffee?()2. How many less ons do you have?()3. Where do you live?()4. When does David go to the zoo?()5. Whose clothes are these?()6. Why are you so happy?()7. Do you see my footha11?()8. What does he often do on Su nday

19、s?()9. Who clea ns the classrooms.()10. Ho,r can I get to the bookshop?三、根据中文意思将句子补充完整,每格填一词。1. 我怎样才能到达书店?你可以步行。How do I get to the? You can on.2. 沿着这条路走,电影院在你的左边。Gothis stree , the cin ema is on your(sin g)there every morni ng.Ba. Eight.b. They're Jim's.c. Because it's my birthday.d. I

20、live n ear City Library.e. Sorry, I don't know. I ' m new here f No, I don't.g. He visits his un cle.h. Ya ng Li ng and Su Hai.i. Yes, please.j. Every weeke nd.3. 我奶奶经常向警察求助。My gran dma ofte na policema n for.4这辆车满了。我们乘下一辆。The bus is. We can take thebus.四联系上下文完成对话,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词。Miss Gre

21、e n is here. She isthe way to Don gya ng farm.A: Excuse me, I want toDon gya ng farm. How can I get there?B: It ' s on Huainan Street. You can take buos8. The bus stop isto the Red Star Cinema.A:is the Red Star Ci nema?B: It ' s notfrom here. You canto the second traffic light, and thenright

22、. Itleft.A: Howstops are there?B: There are five stops.A: Thanks a lot.How do they come(to)+ 地点?在出现home,here,there前不用加介词 to.Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam.鲍比想要把他的 自行车给山姆看。解析:want to想要做某事,想要某物是want后面直接加某物,想要做某事“want+to+动词原形。他的姐姐在哪儿工作?-他在轮船上工作。-Wherehis?-Sheon a.语法1. 询问某人住在哪里的句型:Where do/doeslive

23、?及其答复:live/lives 一般情况下用“Where dolive?和“.live 来问和答。 当主语是第三人称单数时,用“Where doeslive?和“.lives 来问和答。2. 询问某人如何到某地的句型“ How do/does及其答复“ .by/on" 一般情况下用“How dcr和“.by/on来问和答。 当主语是第三人称单数时,用“How does"和“.by/on 来问和答。例1:填空Mike not dohis homework on Saturday.Bobby likes ridea bike in the park .例2:选择( )They

24、the way to the park. A not know B don ' t know C doesn ' t know( )How does Yang Li ng get? -By bus.A to homeB home C ci nema( )How do you get to the hospital? - I getby taxi.A there B to there C thehospital( )Ca n you show your new bookus? A to B for C with( )We live n ear the zoo.We ofte n

25、goon Sun days. A to there B here C there()9.1 can. A ride a bike B by a bike C by bike题型过关:选择题()1.Hele n ofte nin summer.A swimmi ngB swimsC swim()2.-do you go to school? -By school bus. A Where B How C Whe n()3.He likes his new school. A either B many C very much()4.ofte n go to the park on Sun day

26、 after noons. A I and Nancy B Nancy and IC Nancy and me()5.He doesn' t think.A so B this C too专题精讲:指路的用语:go straight 直走turn left向左转turn right向右转at the first cross ing在第一个十字路口go along/down the road 沿着这条路走go back往回走far from 离.远next to在.旁边go/walk east/south/west/ north 向左/南/西/北走on one ' s left/

27、rigl在某人的左/右侧over there 在那边take the one-way street 走这条单行道一、根据汉语提示,完成以下句子、词组1. Turn left在第二个红绿灯处.2. 等等他 ,He is running.3. They wait for the bus看一部电影.4. We cannot乘车.5. My mother and I both 喜欢闪亮的鞋子6. My brother has如此多的玩具.7. 我该怎么到达Apple cinema.二、 选择适宜的介词填空on, in, at, for, off, from, to, by, next to, alon

28、g)1. How do you get Su Zhou? I get there metro.2. My home is yours. So we go to school together.3. Get the bus, shopping mall is here.4. Please get off the bus the station.5. The bus is coming, get the bus quickly.6. Please come out the metro station, then go this street.询问路在何方:Can you tell me the w

29、ay to? Can you show me the way to ?Can you tell me how to get to ?Could you tell me how to get to?How can I get to ?Would you tell me the way to?Which is the way to?Where's ?Which is the way to ?Is there a n ear here?c指路:Go along the street. Go down the street. It on Road. / It ' in Street.T

30、urn right / left at thecross ing.Take the turning on the right / left.Go along Road, turn right/left at Road.Then go along Road. The place is on your right/left.You can take bus No.and get off at the stop.It ' s near / beside / between the It ' over there.根据情境选择最正确答案()l.当别人给你指路时A. The same t

31、o you.()2.当你向别人问路时,你最后应该说:B. Tha nk you.C. Yes.,应该先说:A.S ony.B.Hi C.Excuse me()3.当别人向你表达谢意时,你应该答复A.That's all rigt.B. That's right. C. OK()4.当别人赞扬我们漂亮的时候,我们应该答复A.Not beautiful. B. Tha nk you C.Not at a11.A:does the girl go to her gran dma;s house?B:She goes.A:in her basket?B:Theresome cakes

32、and fruit.疑问词含义用法whe n什么时间问时间谁问人谁的问主人在哪里问地点哪一个问选择为什么问原因什么冋东西,冋做什么事什么时间问时间指具体时刻什么颜色问颜色星期几问星期什么日期问具体日期什么形状问物体的形状怎么样问情况,或问什么方式、手段多大问年龄多少问数量后加可数名词复数形式多少冋价钱;冋数量后加不可数名词多远问路程、距离多长时间问时间长度语音:shout shoulder _shinysh / ?/ sheep ship shoe shop she shirt shortt knovSharon is in the shoe shop. She likes shiny sho

33、es. But there are so many, she does n to choose!莎伦在鞋店里。她喜欢发光的鞋子。但是有这么多的鞋子,她不知道选哪一双了Shirley and Sally shirts at their shop.Shall we see the show at school on Saturday?1. shoe2.six :、单词辨音,相同的写T,不同的写F1. bag cake2. cinema hospital3.zoo book4. rightmlk5. street tree6. mppn afternoon检测过关二用所给词的正确形式填空1 .A n

34、na(1ike)dri nking milk.2. -How does Mike(come)to schoo1?-Mike(come) ofte n Io school by taxi.3. Lily likes (sin g)every morning. She(sin g)there every morni ng.4. Mr Black(come)from En gla nd.5. Ca n you(sing) a song for me?6. Please tell me which one(choose).7. Tur n left at the(three)traffic light

35、.8. Tom(not like)play ing computer.二根据情境选择最正确答案()l.当别人给你指路时,你最后应该说:A.The same to you.B.Tha nk you.CYes.()2.当你向别人问路时,应该先说:A.Sony.B.HiC.Excuse me()3.当别人向你表达谢意时,你应该答复:A.That's all rigt.B. That's right.C. OK()4.当别人赞扬我们漂亮的时候,我们应该答复A.Not beautiful. B. Thank youC. Not at a11.一、用所给词的正确形式填空1 .A nna(1

36、ike)dri nking milk.2. -How does Mike(come)to schoo1? -Mike(come) ofte n to school by taxi.3. Lily likes (sin g)every morning. She(sin g)there every morni ng.4. Mr Black(come)from En gla nd.5. Ca n you(sing) a song for me?6. Please tell me which one(choose).7. Tur n left at the(three)traffic light.8.

37、 Tom(not like)play ing computer.二选择适宜的介词填空1. They get to/ on) the cinema by taxi.2. You can turn left (at/in) the second traffic lights.3. Yang Ling comes (out/ in) from the shop. Now, she is on the street.4. Go (alo ng/ to) this street.5. The shopping mall is (at/ on) your right.6. The boy lost his

38、 way. So he is asking a policeman (to/ for) help.7. You can get (on/ in) a taxi.8. I live in/ on ) Shan Guan town. My home is (in/ on) the street.三、给以下单词划线局部的发音归类sheep, ship, book, drink,cook, cool, foolish,shop, zoo, dress/?/ /u /dr/ /u:/四、翻译以下词组1. 到你家 2.乘坐地铁3. 在公园站台下车 4.在街上5.靠近 6.走至y太阳街 7. 寻求帮助 8.该选哪一个 9. 在你的右边 10.看一部电影 三、 单词辨音,相同的写T,不同的写F1. bag cake2. cinemahospital3. zoo book4. right mi


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