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1、CourseTitleA Listening Course 2听力教程 2Un it21.To tellstudents what listeningskills should be mastered in this semesterand how to master these skills.Aims of the2.Phon etics: stress, inton atio n, tone of the voice and acce nts.Un it3.Note-taking: outlining and summarizing.4.Predicti on,guess ing the

2、meaning from the con text,and draw inginferen ce.5.Oral work practice.1.Phon etics: prominent word.Importa nt2.Note-taking: outlining and summarizing.&3.Predicti on,guess ing the meaning from the con text,and draw inginferen ce.Difficult4.Backgro und kno wledge in liste ning comprehe nsion.Poi n

3、ts5.With the help of the no tes retell the main content of the passage.Ask stude nts to expla in new words and phrases.Ask stude nts to give a summary of some exercises.Teachi ngPair workMethodsGroup workand AidsCommuni cative ,Audio-Visual and Task-based Teach ing MethodsPPT, Multi-media, I nternet

4、Time200 min utesLocatio nSectio n 1 Tactics for Liste ningTeach ingPart 1 Phon etics-Stress, Inton ati on and Acce ntContentstonic word and prominent word1.Introduce tonic word and prominent word to students briefly. Pay specialatte ntio n to prominent word in the exercise.Tonic word: stressed word,

5、 重读词Prominent word: importa nt or stressed word (s),重要词,重读词2. Liste n to the audio three times and an swer the questio ns.3. Check the an swers:a. It's on top of the bookcase.b. With milk , please.c. At five past one.d. At five past one.e. It's on top of thebookcase.f. With milk, please.Exer

6、cise:1. f2. c3. e4. b5. a6. d4. Ask stude nts to review the rules after class and take more practice.Part 2 Listening and Note- Taking Ralph NaderTeach ing tips:Note-takingis to help the listenersform a general idea of a speech. Whilelistening, we can only take down the key words.Summarize the main

7、ideas or important points for each part.As speak ing is always faster tha n writi ng,the use of abbreviati ons,sig nsand symbols will help you a lot in keeping as much information as possible.Common sense and backgro und in formati on is helpful.1. Vocabularysausagecomplai nradiatio npoultry2. Backg

8、round information about Ralph Nader.He is an American political activist, as well as an author, lecturer, and attor ney. Areas of particular concern to Nader in clude con sumer protect ion, huma nitaria ni sm, en viro nmen talism, and democratic gover nment.Nader came to prominence in 1965, with the

9、 publicati on of his book Un safe atAny Speed, a critique of the safety record of American automobile manufacturers in general, and particularly the first-generation Chevrolet Corvair. In 1999, a New York Un iversity panel of jour nalists ran ked Un safe at Any Speed 38th among the top 100 pieces of

10、 journ alism of the 20th cen tury.Nader is a five-timecan didate for Preside nt of the Un ited States, havi ng runas a write-i n can didate in the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic primary, as theGree n Party nominee in 1996 and 2000, and as an in depe ndent can didate in 2004 and 2008.拉尔夫纳德,美国工艺事务组织主席、

11、律师、作家、公民活动家、现代消费者权益之父,曾催生汽车召回制度,曾五次参加美国总统竞选。3. Ask students to listento some sentences and fill in the blanks. Then checkthe an swers.Exercise A:1. Ralph Nader is a man of few possessi ons.2. He is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.3. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer .4. A

12、law was passed to en sure that products like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat.5. Ralph Nader has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their coun try.4. Ask students to listen to the audio three times and finish th

13、e exercisesin part B. Then check the an swers.Exercise B:Ralph NaderI. Ralph Nader, a man of few possessi onsA. He owns very little a nd lives in a small apartme nt.B. He does n't havea car or a TV set .C. He does n't have many clothes .D. He does n't care aboutmoney.II. His early effort

14、s to make car saferA. He talked about the dan gers of car , and how bad car desig n caused the deaths of so many people each year at parties.B. After he graduated from Harvard, hepublished an article entitled"Un safe at Any speed.C. Later, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed how

15、 many deaths in car accidents were because of badly-made cars .D. In 1966, because of Nader's work, a law was passed to make car safer.III. His in terests in someth ing very differe ntA. The quality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods likesausages and hamburgersB. In 1968, thre

16、e more laws were passed because of Nader's efforts.a. The first was toen sure the safety of gas pipelines.b. The sec ond was to protect people from radiation.c. The third was toen sure the proper sta ndard of poultry.IV. Ralph Nader. one of the most in flue ntial people in the Un ited StatesA. H

17、e has set a wonderfulexample of what determined men and women cando to improve the quality of life in their country.Sectio n Two Liste ning Comprehe nsionPart 1 Dialogue 1 Give Them Time to Get to Kn ow You1. Vocabularyawfuldepressed2. Ask students to go through the statements quickly.Listen to the

18、dialoguethree times and the n finish the exercises.3. Check the an swers:Part 1 Dialogue 2 Gestures1. Vocabularygestureeyebrowstapelbowflickchi nthumbs uptoss2. Ask students to go through the chart quickly.Listen to the dialogue threetimes and then finish the exercises.3. Check the an swers:Gestures

19、)MeaningCountryNodYwMost placesNodNOK /ArgentinaReived eyebrowsYesBrazilRaised eyebrowsiFormenoyCanadaTapping your headLm thinkingColombiaTapping your headCrazyGermanyTapping your elbowCan't depend on s.o.My /GreeceTapping ycur dbowThat person doesn't like to sp«nd moneyPa/IndiaCircling

20、 your htadSomeone is calling or* the telephoneItalyFlicking /our chinGo awayNetherlandsFlicking your chin1 dontknowNigeriaPumiha upft has a very t>ad miningPeruTossing your headCQmehre7TongaTossing your headYesTossing your headNoPart 2 Passage Why Should n't you Go by First Impressi ons1. Voc

21、abulary:go by someth ingassumein questi onsort someth ing out2. Pre-liste ning Questi onAppeara nces are ofte n deceptive .In this passage, the two examples tell us the reas on why we should n't go by first impressi ons.3. Ask stude nts to go through the choices first and liste n to the passage

22、two times. Then finish the exercises.4. Check the an swers and have a discussi on about the an swers.1. C2. D3. A4. B5. C6. D7. A8. B5. Liste n to the passage aga in and an swer the follow ing questi ons.1. What did people who knew the gia nt man think of himTo those who knew him, he was a kind and

23、gen erous friend.2. What was the difficult task the narrator' s brother had recentlyThe pla ne was overbooked and for once all the passe ngers tur ned up.So my brother had the difficult task of choosing three passengers and informing them that they could n't travel on the flight i n questi o

24、n.3. What do we know about the relati on ship betwee n Mrs. Pepper and theairli neThey had a very close relati on ship.4. What would the narrator ' s brother probably do next timeProbably he would n ever trust his first impressi ons aga in.Part 3 NewsNews Item 31. Ask students to search some inf

25、ormationabout “ Jakarta and Bali ” beforeliste ning to this piece of n ews.2. VocabularyJakarta: capital and largest city of Indonesia;located on the islandof Java; foun ded by the Dutch in 17th cen tury雅加达Bali: an island in Indonesia east of Java; strikingvolcanicscenery;culture is known for elabor

26、ate dances and rituals and for handicrafts 巴厘岛3. Ask stude nts to go through the questi ons in part A and B quickly.4. Listen to the piece of news two times and complete the summary. Then listen to news aga in finish the exercises in part B.5. Check the an swers:Exercise A:This news item is about th

27、e 2nd serious bombing that took place in Indonesia within 2 years.Exercise B:1. Indon esia is going to reduce security measures Wedn esday. F2. A fatal car bomb ing happe ned in Jakarta. T3. At least 30 people were killed and 148 people were injured. F4. The damaged hotel is run by a Europea n coun

28、try. F5. Two days later an Indonesian court would rule the former bombing casein Bali. T6. More than 200 people were killed in the attacks of Bali Island. TSection Three Oral WorkRetelli ngRetelli ng is a way to help stude nts produce Ion ger oral prese ntati ons.At firststude nts may find this part

29、 quite difficult. They may just recite the story.That ' s all right. Later students are encouraged to retell the story in their own words. It takes a lot of timeto finish it in class. Therefore, this part will be assig ned to stude nts to do after class and will be checked at the begi nning of n

30、ext class. The retell ing training can be begu n from guided retelli ng. The guida nee used for retelli ng can be in the form of an outl ine, questi ons or a summary framework.Origi nal text:As Susa n and her daughter Jenny walked around the park they were houn ded bybeggars. The girl was shocked wh

31、en she saw a skeletal young beggar womanwrapped in a gray shawl. Her eyes were sunken* and she held out a bony hand like she was receivi ng com munion, As she did, her shawl fell away reveali ng a young child standing under it. Jenny just started throwing her money into that bony hand. Susa n grabbe

32、d her before she could start tak ing off her jewelry, and the mother decided to have a talk with her about the beggars whe n they got back to the hotel.They boarded the retur n bus. They were stopped at a red light whe n Jennystood straight up and screamed, "Mother Susan went to her window and

33、she pointed to a taxi n ext to the bus. There, in air con diti oned comfort, sat the beggar woman with her child next to her, eating an ice cream cone.Sectio n 4 Suppleme ntary ExercisesPart 1 World Sight DayExercise A:1. Because of grants , the average student pays a lot less than the publishedcost

34、s of a college educati on.2. Two forms of financial aid for the students aregrants and loans .3. When students receiveloans , they have to repay them later.4. The in creases in tuiti on are mainly caused by cuts in state spe nding oneducati on.5. The total charge for the stude nts who live at a coll

35、ege in eludestuiti on ,housing and other costs .Exercise B:1. This year the cost of studies at public colleges in the Un ited Statesin creased14 perce nt.2. The average total charge for students who live at a public college in their state is dollars. While at a private college, total charges are almostdollars.3. The above in formatio n is collected fromcolleges and uni versities.4. It is said that this year's in crease in the cost of studies isthe biggestone in 30 years.5. American students rece


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