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1、.中考语法形容词/副词一. 形容词1. 定义:形容词是用来修饰名词和代词,表示人和或事物的性质、特征、状态或属性的词。2. 用法 adj.+n. 形容词修饰名词。如:a nice day系动词+ adj. 形容词作表语 有:一be, 二保持keep, stay三变become, turn get, 五个感官look, smell, feel,sound, taste, 等。keep/make+宾语+adj. 作宾语补足语 以及作宾补的介词短语:with+宾语+adj.3. 与形容词的相关考点:不定代词的用法something, somebody, someone通常用于肯定句;anything

2、, anyone, anybody通常用于否认句一般疑问句或条件状语从句中。在肯定句中anything表示任何事物,常与everything放在一起做辨析。不定代词+adj. 作后置定语修饰不定代词 例如There is nothing wrong with my computer.不定代词+to do不定式 to do不定式作后置定语修饰不定代词。二、副词:副词时用来修饰动词和形容词的程度。1.形容词变副词的规律 一般情况下直接加“ly 中考中以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly的,只有一个true-truly绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加-ly。如:以“y结尾的,且读音为 / i

3、/, 先将“y改成“i,再加“ly但是假如读音为 / ai /, 直接加ly,如:dry-dryly shy-shyly 以辅音字母加le结尾时,去e加y2.频度副词频度副词never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always从不,很少,有时,经常,通常,总是。这些词都是表示频率的词,一般在句中作状语。它们所对应的百分比见下表:三、难点:1.有些形容词和副词形式一样,但是用法却完全不同。比方hard难的和hard努力地2.副词具有两种形式的,一种表示抽象概念,另外一种表示详细概念。如wide和widely3.有些以ly结尾的单词并不是副词,而是形容词

4、,如friendly。这种形容词同时是名词+ly的形式。4.有些形容词的ly形式并不是其副词形式。比方hard和hardly近三年模拟题形容词总结2019年一模题组【2019年 溧水一模】curious interested in anything new【2019年 高淳一模】early avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning【2019年 建邺一模】completely forgot Mr. Johns projectbe very angry【2019年 结合体一模】modestnever shows off.【2019年 结合体一模】seldom

5、 He often goes on business in Canada【2019年 江宁一模】interested/interesting/bored/boringwant to read them again【2019年 六合一模】friendly has a smile on her face【2019年 秦淮一模】impossiblewe try our best to make it2019年一模题组【2019年 溧水一模】speak slowlyread your mouth more easily and understand better【2019年 建邺一模】happen s

6、uddenlyknow some ways to protect yourselves【2019年 结合体一模】hardly understand English filmsdoes well in her written English【2019年 江宁一模】had exactly one minute to complete the special taskno more and no less【2019年 江宁一模】confident enough to take on any challenge【2019年 秦淮一模】simply lie on the beachenjoy all t

7、he water sports【2019年 玄武一模】clapped hands excitedlysaw their favourite pop stars come in2019年一模题组【2019年 建邺一模】have more meaningful things to do a waste of time to play phone games【2019年 结合体一模】make yourself valuable doesnt want to lose you【2019年 玄武一模】Community safety is specially introduced Very useful

8、【2019年 鼓楼一模】walk a little more slowly thought you could follow me四、真题考点归纳1. 题干中出现了Have you found it to read these English stories主谓宾宾补构造2. 并列句的连词:and,but,or。题干中常常涉及到句子之间的转折、并列和选择关系,因此需要在这些方面下功夫3. 涉及到的句型有too.to, enough.to, its adj+to do sthFind it +adj, make it +adj,4.考察的单词中,有易混淆的interested/interesti

9、ng,widely/wide, closely/close, hardly/hard, 有些加强语气的,completely,exactly,simply,还有些积极的meaningful,valuable,polite,modest,curious,friendly,confident词组积累: in Chinas scientific and technological development2019年一模真题组【2019溧水一模】1.What do you think of Jane?Shes a girl and always interested in anything new. A

10、. curiousB. modestC. energeticD.organized 考点:形容词辨析A【2019高淳一模】2. We will have to leave _ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning. A. earlyB. quietlyC. slowlyD.politely考点:副词A【2019建邺一模】3. Jack, you look worried. What happened? I _ forgot Mr. Johns project and Im afraid hell be very angry.A. success

11、fully B. completelyC. smoothlyD. peacefully 考点:副词B【2019结合体一模】4. Millie does well in her lessons. But she never shows off.I cant agree more. She is quite . A. modestB. modernC. gentleD. polite考点:形容词辨析A【2019结合体一模】5. Have you ever seen Tom recently? . He often goes on business in Canada.A. SeldomB. Usu

12、allyC. AlwaysD. Often考点:频率副词A【2019江宁一模】6. Have you found it to read these English stories?Yes, I want to read them again if I have time.A. interestedB. interesting C. boredD. Boring考点:形容词辨析B【2019六合一模】7. What do you think of your English teacher, Tim? I love her. She is really . She always has a smil

13、e on her face.A. humorous B. funny C. friendly D. serious考点:形容词词义辨析C【2019秦淮一模】8. On March 29th , the Chinese football team managed to win an important match. Their success shows nothing is _ if we try our best to make it. A. impossible B. helpless C. possible D. helpful 考点:形容词词义辨析A2019年一模真题组【2019年 玄

14、武一模】1. The fans in the hall clapped hands _ when they saw their favourite pop stars come in. A. excited B. excitedly C. exciting D. excitingly答案 B 形容词副词【2019年 建邺一模】2. Earthquakes always happen _ so you should know some ways to protect yourselves once they come. A. silently B. hopefully C. suddenly D

15、. carelessly答案 C 副词辨析【2019年 江宁一模】3. John is so excited. Did he win the competition?Yes. He had _ one minute to complete the special task, no more and no less. A. especially B. probably C. exactly D. hardly 答案 C 副词辨析【2019年 江宁一模】4. You may meet many difficulties in the future. You should learn to be _

16、 enough to take on any challenge.A. confidentB. modestC. generous D. curious 答案 A 形容词辨析【2019年 结合体一模】5. Linda always does well in her written English, but she can _understand English films.A. usuallyB. hardlyC. easilyD. already答案 B 副词辨析【2019年 秦淮一模】6. In Sanya, you can enjoy all the water sports, or _

17、 lie on the beach. A. simply B. hardly C. nearly D. especially【答案】A【解析】句意理解和单词识记。在三亚,你可以享受所有水上运动,或者仅仅是简单地躺在沙滩上。A. simply简单地;B. hardly频率副词,几乎不; C. nearly 接近 D. especially 尤其。 【2019年 溧水一模】7. Please speak _ to those children with hearing problems so that they can read your mouth more easily and underst

18、and better. A. happily B. politelyC. quietlyD. slowly答案 D 副词辨析2019年一模真题组【2019年 鼓楼一模】1.Dad, would you please walk a little more_?Sorry. I thought you could follow me.A. closelyB. quicklyC. quietlyD. slowly 答案 D 副词【2019年 建邺一模】2. It is really a waste of time to play phone games.Exactly! As a teenager, we have more things to do .A. carefulB. successfulC. meaningfulD. peaceful答案 C【2019年 结合体一模】3. Mom, Ive just got a new job in a big


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