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1、Book1 Unit 2 I can do it! (第一课时教学设计)一、学情分析 本单元是教材的第二单元,关于个人能力描述,要求能进行口头能力描述,向别人了解能力,能看懂求职表,根据求职表安排合适的工作岗位,填写求职表等,实用性强,内容贴近学生生活,新的词汇量不大,句型简单。但是职业学校的学生通常会说却不能正确拼写单词,会七嘴八舌地说出许多词组,但是不能长段地独立表达个人观点,课堂热闹但是课后较少主动复习。因此,教学中应重视基本词汇的四会,重视指导性作文的写作,重视指导学生养成课堂记笔记的能力。职业学校的学生普遍发散性思维较强,教师可以充分利用集体的力量开展教学,集思广益。二、教材分析1教

2、学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第二单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生用英语流利表达个人能力提供了模版,还利于教师挖掘学生的多元智能,学生间进一步促进了解。2教学重点、难点教学重点通过与个人能力描述相关的词汇和句型的学习,学生采访同学、老师,并拟写采访单。教学难点学生了解词汇记忆的策略之一分类记忆;学生区分出不同购物场所的特点;三、教学目标1. 知识目标学生能掌握描述个人能力的词汇,如

3、speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers。学生能掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,如:Can you say something about yourself?Can you sing English songs?Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.2. 能力目标学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。学生能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。3. 情感目标学生

4、能欣赏自我,欣赏他人。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (10 min)1. Facts or lies: Start with a game. The teacher makes a list of his abilities, and two of them are lies. Ask the students to pick them out.Eg. I can read in English.I can sing many English songs.I can play basketball.I can drive a car.I can use the computer

5、.(设计意图:以身说法,拉近师生距离,吸引学生注意力,自然呈现教学词汇,为学生流利表达打下扎实基础。)2. Guess Who I am: The teacher gives each student a card and ask each of them to make a list of their abilities(at least five abilities) on the card. Two of the abilities should be lies. Two minutes later, the teacher asks five students to read thei

6、r cards in front of the blackboard and ask other students to guess which two sentences are lies. The teacher collects all the cards and picks five cards aimlessly. Then the teacher reads the cards loudly and asks the students to guess who the person is.After class, the teacher sticks all the cards.

7、(设计意图:让学生挖掘自身优点,锻炼了写作和拼写能力;上台朗读所写内容,锻炼了口语能力,增强了自信和胆量;教师收集所有卡片,从中任选5张,让学生猜测写的是谁的优点,可以牢牢吸引学生的注意力,增进彼此了解。彩色卡片的引用显示教学的严谨与执着,同时利于将学生的作品在班级英语角及时展示。)3. Look and complete. (activity 1 on page23) Show the students a group of pictures. Then ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence pattern

8、 “He/She/They can ” After that, the teacher may ask the students to listen to the tape and circle what Ben can do.(设计意图:教师可以收集更多利于能力描述的图片,通过PPT快速展示,通过看图说话可以锻炼学生的细致观察能力,语言表达能力,快速反应能力以及短时记忆能力。听力训练则着重锻炼学生帅选信息的能力。)Step Two Vocabulary teaching (10 min)1. Group competition: What can we do? (1 min)The teac

9、her divides the whole class into four groups and asks each group to write down what they can do on the blackboard in the given time. The group that offers the most phrases about abilities will be the winner. (设计意图:小组竞赛利于培养学生的团队合作和公平竞争意识。上台书写既锻炼了胆量又利于教师测试学生的拼写能力,还可以发现学生的个性差异,在短时间内为全体同学提供了展示的舞台。四组同时举行

10、,可以快速收集到尽可能多的主题词汇,利于词汇积累、思维开拓。) 2. The teacher types these abilities phrases on PPT (the teacher may ask a student to type these phrases if there is a good typist in class). Then the teacher asks the whole class to read these phrases together and corrects some pronunciation errors. After that, the t

11、eacher may encourage the students to memorize these phrases in one minute. Finally, the teacher asks the students to copy all these phrases in their notebook in 1 minute (the teacher may ask each pair to have a cooperation.)(设计意图: 老师或学生当堂将学生提供的词汇打入PPT,既是展示才能的好时机,也是加强词汇记忆的必须环节。请同学限时记忆尽可能多的词汇,则可以大大调动学

12、生学习的积极性,激发他们的课堂表现欲。请全体同学限时将罗列的词汇记入笔记本,既指导了学生记笔记,也利于学生随时利用和复习这些词汇。为节省课堂时间,教师可以鼓励学生同桌分工合作记录词汇,课后再补充笔记)Step Three Listening ( Activity 4,5,6,7 ) (12 min)1. Activity 4. Read and tick. Are these abilities necessary for applying a job?a. I can drive a car.b. I can swim.c. I can use the computer.d. I can p

13、lay basketball.e. I can serve visitors.f. I can speak English.2. Activity 5. Listen and circle. What abilities does Zhang Qing have?3. Activity 6.Read and underline. Read after the tape and underline the sentences about abilities. Can you say something about yourself?Well, I can teach English and I

14、can speak a little Chinese.Can you sing English songs?Yes, I can.4. Activity 7. Listen and repeat. And practice the dialogue with your partner.(设计意图:由于有以上环节的铺垫,Activity4-7可以相对轻松地完成,学生在完成过程中不会碰到什么困难,主要训练学生的听力和语音语调。)Step Four Production (12m)1. Make a similar dialogue with your partner. Ask some group

15、 to act their dialogue.(设计意图:模仿范文进行对话操练,熟悉对话内容,学以致用,简单容易操作,比单纯背书更能吸引学生注意力。)2. Bingo game. Draw a 3x3 square box and ask each student to write an item about abilities in each box. The teacher calls out items and students cross them off. (The teacher should write down phrases on the board in a random

16、order.) Ask the winner to make sentences with the phrases he has written. Remember to use the real name of your classmates.free(设计意图: Bingo游戏可以在英语教学中广泛应用,此处设计此游戏可以与学生一起复习主题词汇和句型,达到巩固与拓展的作用。造句时要求学生必须使用班级同学的真实名字,这样可以考验同学间的了解程度,也让任课老师从另一侧面获取学生信息。知己知彼,才能百战不殆。)Step Five Homework(1m)1. Recite the dialogue

17、 (activity6) and make a similar dialogue.2. Remember and copy the following sentences twice.I can speak Chinese.I can drive cars.I can repair computers.I can teach English.I can read in Chinese.I can serve customers.I can swim.I can use the computer.I can play basketball.I can serve visitors.I can s

18、peak English.五、板书设计Abilitiesrepair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers。swim.use the computer.play basketball.serve visitors.speak English.speak Chinese, drive cars, Sentences:Can you say something about yourself?Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.Can yo

19、u sing English songs?Yes, I can.Unit 2 I can do it! (第二课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第二单元的第二课时,包括Listening and speaking中的Dialogue B部分和language in use部分,具体内容为:申请加入俱乐部,提供个人信息,和can的用法。这些内容将第一单元以及本单元第一课时的教学内容融合在了具体的任务中,同时为本单元任务“完成求职表”做好铺垫,起的是承上启下的作用。2教学重点、难点教学重点申请加入某俱乐部并陈述相关能力;can的用法。教学难点与所申请加入的

20、俱乐部相关的能力描述。二、教学目标1. 知识目标学生能掌握描述个人信息和能力的词汇,如Class 3 Grade 1 , send e-mail, play computer games, drive a car, use the computer, speak English, write in English学生能掌握询问和描述个人信息及能力时所使用的句型,听懂应聘某一俱乐部时需提供的信息,如:Whats your name?How old are you?Which class are you in?Can you use the computer?Yes, I can send e-m

21、ails, and I can play computer games.(3)掌握can的基本用法You/ I / He/ She/ We/ You/They can/cant Can you/I /he/she/we/you/they?Yes, I /you/she/we/you/they can.No, I / you/ she/ we/ you/they cant.2. 能力目标学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力及信息的对话。学生能选择适合自己能力的俱乐部,并进行相关能力和信息描述。3. 情感目标学生能正确评价自我,了解参加俱乐部所提供的基本信息。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-i

22、n (10m)1. Vocabulary memory: the teacher shows a group of pictures about abilities on ppt and asks the students to describe each picture.(设计意图:复习词汇,锻炼学生的短时记忆能力,看图说话能力。)2. Do a survey: the teacher asks some students some questions about “Can you write in English?/ Can he play basketball?/ Can she pla

23、y chess?/ Can they sing an English song?/ Can you repair the computer?” and so on.(设计意图:此课堂随机调查问题的设置很重要,要尽可能地询问学生的实际能力,这可以树立教师在学生心目中的威信。这里也不留痕迹地呈现了can在陈述句,一般疑问句,以及简短问答中的用法.)3. Do you know these school clubs: the teacher shows many school club activities on the ppt, and asks the students to guess the

24、 names of these school clubs. After that, the teacher may ask the students two more questions: Do you want to join these clubs? Can you ?(设计意图:以真实校社团活动图片呈现,让学生猜测这些社团的名称,让学生学会关注校园生活,激励学生加入这些社团, 培养学生的主人翁意识,同时将教学内容生活化、真实化,利于学生吸收。)Step Two Listening and speaking (20 min)1. Whats this? (1 min)The teacher

25、 writes down some phrases on the ppt and asks the students to guess what they mean. LinChunhua0574-8739299317885# Sangtian Rd,NingbolixiaohongClass 4 Grade1(设计意图:呈现与听力内容相关的短语,让学生对参加俱乐部需提供的信息有清晰的印象。此处提供的信息最好是班上一位同学的真实信息,一来激发同学的兴趣,二来利于同学模仿。) 2. Activity 8. Listen and tick.3. Activity 9. Read and under

26、line. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following tasks.(1) What is included in the dialogue?(2) Underline the sentences about asking ones personal information.(3) What can Wang Yang do? What kind of club would he like to join? Can he join this club?(4) Please help Wang Yang fill in the applic

27、ation form.Application FormNameGenderAgeClass & GradeAbilitiesClub to join(设计意图: 训练学生的听力以及提取关键信息的能力,表格的设置既为下一课时做铺垫,也利于学生清楚申请加入俱乐部所需提供的基本信息。)4Activity 10. Listen and repeat. (设计意图: 训练学生有表情地朗读表演对话。)5. Actibity 11. Act and practice. Ask- answer practice with your partner, using the given informatio

28、n.(设计意图: 训练学生重组信息能力。)6. Make a similar dialogue with your partner and suppose one of you would like to join one of the school clubs.(设计意图: 将所学内容生活化、交际化、情景化,让学生熟悉学校社团,鼓励学生积极参加各级各类社团。)Step Three Language in use (14min)1. Change the following sentences.eg: Teacher: I can drive a car. Ss: Can you drive

29、a car? T: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.They can swim.He can use the computer.We can play basketball.She can serve visitors.You can speak English.(设计意图:通过集体活动让学生快速掌握单元语法目标,同时以能力描述的句型呈现,可以将语法教学与交际功能很好地结合起来。)2. Ask-answer practice with your partner, using the similar questions.(设计意图:由于有以上环节的铺垫,此环节学生可以相对轻松地完

30、成,主要训练学生的口头表达能力,通过说的环节来巩固所学内容。)3. Activity 16.Look and complete. Look at these pictures and complete each sentence.(设计意图:训练学生看图说话的能力以及词汇拼写能力。)4. Activity 17. Choose and guess. Guess who I am. Think of a job in your mind and then ask your partner to guess who you are. He can only use the sentence pat

31、tern “can you ?” and you can only answer it with “yes, I can.” Or “no, I cant.”(设计意图:获知学生对职业的了解程度,训练学生的职业描述能力,让学生学会归纳,学会倾听。)5. Activity 18. Think and write. Write what you may be able to do in three years.(设计意图:让学生预测三年后他可以掌握哪些能力,可以促使学生冷静思考自己的学习目标。鼓励学生写出尽可能多的能力。)Step Four Homework (1m)1. Make a simil

32、ar dialogue as in dialogue B.2. Suppose you want to join one of the school clubs. Design an application form for yourself. Write down at least five things that you can do.3. Collect as many job words as possible.四、板书设计Application formNameGenderAgeClass & GradeAbilitiesClub to joinInterviewer:Wha

33、ts your name?How old are you?Which class are you in?Can you use the computer?Interviewee:Excuse me. Id like to join the Computer Club.Yes, I can send e-mails, and I can play computer games.Book 1 Unit 2 I can do it! (第三课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第二单元的第三课时,包括reading & writing部分,具体内容为:求

34、职申请表的内容、填写、阅读等,并能根据求职申请表为应聘者安排合适的工作岗位。2教学重点、难点教学重点求职申请表的内容、填写与阅读理解。教学难点描述与应聘岗位相关的职业能力。二、教学目标1. 知识目标掌握求职表中的各栏目名称:name, age, ability, phone number, e-mail, address, parents, family, position applied看懂求职表各项内容。2. 能力目标(1)学生能掌握求职表中的各栏目名称学生能看懂求职表各项内容:3. 情感目标学生能形成初步的就业意识,了解自己的职业潜能,并能根据他人的职业能力描述选择合适的工作岗位。四、教

35、学步骤Step One Lead-in (10m)1. Vocabulary memory: the teacher shows a group of pictures about abilities on ppt and asks the students to describe each picture.(设计意图:复习词汇,锻炼学生的短时记忆能力,看图说话能力。)2. Do a survey: the teacher asks some students some questions about “Can you write in English?/ Can he play basket

36、ball?/ Can she play chess?/ Can they sing an English song?/ Can you repair the computer?” and so on.(设计意图:此课堂随机调查问题的设置很重要,要尽可能地询问学生的实际能力,这可以树立教师在学生心目中的威信。这里也不留痕迹地呈现了can在陈述句,一般疑问句,以及简短问答中的用法.)3. Do you know these school clubs: the teacher shows many school club activities on the ppt, and asks the stu

37、dents to guess the names of these school clubs. After that, the teacher may ask the students two more questions: Do you want to join these clubs? Can you ?(设计意图:以真实校社团活动图片呈现,让学生猜测这些社团的名称,让学生学会关注校园生活,激励学生加入这些社团, 培养学生的主人翁意识,同时将教学内容生活化、真实化,利于学生吸收。)Step Two Listening and speaking (20 min)1. Whats this?

38、(1 min)The teacher writes down some phrases on the ppt and asks the students to guess what they mean. LinChunhua0574-8739299317885# Sangtian Rd,NingbolixiaohongClass 4 Grade1(设计意图:呈现与听力内容相关的短语,让学生对参加俱乐部需提供的信息有清晰的印象。此处提供的信息最好是班上一位同学的真实信息,一来激发同学的兴趣,二来利于同学模仿。) 2. Activity 8. Listen and tick.3. Activity

39、 9. Read and underline. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following tasks.(1) What is included in the dialogue?(2) Underline the sentences about asking ones personal information.(3) What can Wang Yang do? What kind of club would he like to join? Can he join this club?(4) Please help Wang Yang

40、fill in the application form.Application FormNameGenderAgeClass & GradeAbilitiesClub to join(设计意图: 训练学生的听力以及提取关键信息的能力,表格的设置既为下一课时做铺垫,也利于学生清楚申请加入俱乐部所需提供的基本信息。)4Activity 10. Listen and repeat. (设计意图: 训练学生有表情地朗读表演对话。)5. Actibity 11. Act and practice. Ask- answer practice with your partner, using th

41、e given information.(设计意图: 训练学生重组信息能力。)6. Make a similar dialogue with your partner and suppose one of you would like to join one of the school clubs.(设计意图: 将所学内容生活化、交际化、情景化,让学生熟悉学校社团,鼓励学生积极参加各级各类社团。)Step Three Language in use (14min)1. Change the following sentences.eg: Teacher: I can drive a car.

42、Ss: Can you drive a car? T: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.They can swim.He can use the computer.We can play basketball.She can serve visitors.You can speak English.(设计意图:通过集体活动让学生快速掌握单元语法目标,同时以能力描述的句型呈现,可以将语法教学与交际功能很好地结合起来。)2. Ask-answer practice with your partner, using the similar questions.(设计意图:由于有以上环

43、节的铺垫,此环节学生可以相对轻松地完成,主要训练学生的口头表达能力,通过说的环节来巩固所学内容。)3. Activity 16.Look and complete. Look at these pictures and complete each sentence.(设计意图:训练学生看图说话的能力以及词汇拼写能力。)4. Activity 17. Choose and guess. Guess who I am. Think of a job in your mind and then ask your partner to guess who you are. He can only us

44、e the sentence pattern “can you ?” and you can only answer it with “yes, I can.” Or “no, I cant.”(设计意图:获知学生对职业的了解程度,训练学生的职业描述能力,让学生学会归纳,学会倾听。)5. Activity 18. Think and write. Write what you may be able to do in three years.(设计意图:让学生预测三年后他可以掌握哪些能力,可以促使学生冷静思考自己的学习目标。鼓励学生写出尽可能多的能力。)Step Four Homework (

45、1m)1. Make a similar dialogue as in dialogue B.2. Suppose you want to join one of the school clubs. Design an application form for yourself. Write down at least five things that you can do.3. Collect as many job words as possible.四、板书设计Application formNameGenderAgeClass & GradeAbilitiesClub to j

46、oinInterviewer:Whats your name?How old are you?Which class are you in?Can you use the computer?Interviewee:Excuse me. Id like to join the Computer Club.Yes, I can send e-mails, and I can play computer games.Book 1 Unit 2 I can do it! (第四课时 教学设计) 一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第二单元的第四课时,包括vocabulary c

47、onsolidation, pronunciation practice & unit task. 具体内容为:能力描述,词汇归类,对未来的职业设想,6个音标,以及单元小结。2教学重点、难点教学重点能力描述, 词汇归类, 职业设想, 6个音标教学难点能力描述,音标 二、教学目标1. 知识目标词汇按三大主题归类:job, animal, personal information动物和职业能力描述,如A teacher can speak English/use the computer/read and write/swim/run.A fish can swim.(3)想像未来的职业与

48、能力,并填写求职表(4)掌握六个音标的正确发音2. 能力目标学生能归纳词汇,并养成按主题记忆词汇的好习惯。学生能畅想自己的未来,并为之付出不懈努力。(3)学生能大声说英语,不怕出错。3. 情感目标学生能正确评价自我,合理规划自己的人生,并对自己的单元所学做出理性评价。 三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (10m)1. The teacher makes a comment on the students homework. Read aloud some good writing about self-introduction. The teacher may also type

49、these good articles and ask each group to read these articles loudly.(设计意图:教师对学生的作业进行及时反馈,在全班面前朗读优秀文章,既鼓舞了被选中者,也能激励更多学生用心写作。同时,这也是教师展示个人基本功的良好时机,教师应有表情地朗读这些文章,达到言传身教的目的。将优秀习作及时打印,这不仅利于全班共享,还方便累积教学素材,还可以在期末结集成册,在全校推广,向家长展示。 请各小组彼此大声朗读范文,既锻炼了语音语调,又可以汲取他人精华,快速提高自己的写作能力。)2. Guess who he is. The teacher

50、types something selected from the students self-introduction on ppt and asks the students to guess who he is. Ask the students to read these sentences together and take notes of some excellent sentences.(设计意图:用PPT呈现学生作业中的有关内容,请学生根据描述猜测同学名字,这可以激发学生的学习参与度,让学生尽可能多地掌握有关能力和个人信息的表达方式,同时也鼓励了被展示者。) Step Two

51、 Vocabulary consolidation (10 min)1. Activity 19. Read and match. . Ask the students to make more sentences with can.(设计意图: 激发学生思维,让学生自由灵活组句。)2. Activity 20. Read and group. Classify the given words into correct columns.(设计意图: 训练学生的词汇归类能力,引导学生通过归类来积累词汇量。) Step Three Pronunciation practice (13min)1.

52、Teach the pronunciation rules of the given eight phonetics.ei 是双元音,发音时由e音滑向i音,口型随之变化。前长后短,前重后轻。Eg. afraid rain wait day play break great eight neighbour theyai 是双元音,发音时由a 音滑向i,口型随之变化。前长后短,前重后轻。Eg. find child light high eye lie tie cry fry fly sky slide下面让我们来读一下这些句子。注意,朗读速度一定要慢,并仔细体会两个音标之间的区别。 A snake cant fly. (设计意图:明确发音规则,让学生快速掌握发音要点,从已知导入未知,克服学生的畏难情绪。)2. Listen and repeat. Read the following sentences after the tape and the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunci


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