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Unit 1LifestylesLesson2同步练测北师版必修1_第3页




1、Unit 1 LifestylesLesson 2 Relaxing建议用时满分实际用时得分错题档案45分钟60分I. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. Many people have experienced the s and strains of modern life.2. To make films, many s were set up in California.3. An e is a person with special knowledge, skill or training in a particular field.4. She is s from

2、loss of memory. 5. The p of the water caused the wall of the dam to crack.6. I know him through work, but not s .7. This shirt was greatly r in the sale.8. She o the class into four groups to discuss the problem.9. My nerves won't s the strain much longer.10. I p watching TV to playing outdoors.

3、II. 短语翻译(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1.忍受,遭受_ 2.发生,举行_ 3.减肥_4.向某人做演讲_ 5.不止一个_ 6.general knowledge_ 7. in groups of four_ 8. as long as_ 9. take turns to do sth. _ 10. think of_III. 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1.我不能容忍学生们在课堂上讲话。 I _ in class2. 昨天不止一个学生迟到了。 _student_ late yesterday3他宁愿死也不愿屈服。 He _rather than_.4我发觉学好英语

4、非常难。 I find_5请轮流谈论你们喜欢和不喜欢的活动。 Please_ activities you like and dont likeIV. 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times _. A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many2. The old lady _great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.

5、 A. took B. suffered C. suffered from D. stood3. Rather than_, he prefers _ for his motherland.A. surrender; die B. surrender; to die C. surrendering; die D. to surrender; dying 4. -Do you _ to be on duty? -Yes, I do it _.A. by turns; take turns B. in turn; to turns C. take turns; by turns D. get tu

6、rns; in turn5. The evening party was well _and everyone had a good time. A. organised B. set up C. put on D. managed 6. -The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets.-YesBut Im sure something will be done to _air pollution Areduce B. remove Ccollect D. warn7Almost nobody can stand _fun

7、 of before a crowd of people Ato be made Bto make Cbeing made D. making8Something as simple as drinking some cold water may clear your mind and relieve_.A. pressure B. stressfulC. stressed D. worried9Finally the farmer was reduced _his land. Ato sell Bto have sold Cto selling Dselling10No chocolate,

8、pleaseIm on a_. A. food B. dietC. restD. waterV. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)One of my fondest memories as a child is walking by a river,enjoying the peace and quiet. When feeling a bit tired,I would sit 1 on the bank,watching the bamboo trees bend under the 2 from the wind and watch them gracefully 3 st

9、anding upright after the wind had died down.When I think about the bamboo tree's 4 to bounce back,the word resilience (适应力) comes to mind. When used in reference to a person,it means the ability to readily 5 from shock,depression or any other 6 that stretches the limits of a person's 7.Have

10、you ever felt like you were at your _8_ pointYou were feeling emotionally worn out,mentally 9 and you were likely suffering unpleasant 10 symptoms?Luckily,you have 11 the experience to live to talk about it. You should be thankful now 12 you have learned something new,no matter whether you succeeded

11、 or not.Life is a 13 of good times and bad times. Some moments are really 14 and uncomfortable. Next time you are experiencing one of those 15,just follow the example of the bamboo trees:bend but 16 quit. Success is produced from the problems you face. Those who refuse to give in can 17 it.Remember,

12、an optimistic outlook helps you. Always having 18 will take you through the unpleasant ordeal (苦难的经历).19 the picture of a better tomorrow in your mind,things may not be as 20 as they seem to be.1. A. quickly B. carelessly C. lazily D. slowly2. A. blow B. pressureC. touch D.hit3. A. change into B. es

13、cape fromC. return to D. turn to4. A. ability B. attemptC. intention D. eagerness5. A. recover B. refreshC. regain D. remove6. A. content B. situationC. environment D. example7. A. emotions B. bodyC. health D. intelligence8. A. breaking B. startingC. sticking D. turning9. A. dull B. tiredC. peaceful

14、 D. excited10. A. healthy B. physicalC. psychological D. spiritual11. A. come across B. got throughC. passed by D.won over12. A. because B. onceC. till D. when13. A. connection B. matterC. mixture D. test14. A. doubtful B. harmfulC. painful D. shameful15. A. hardships B. momentsC. successes D. times

15、16. A. already B. everC. never D. only17. A. make B. doC. give D. take18. A. courage B. hopeC. friends D. wisdom19. A. By B. ThroughC. In D. With20. A. bad B. goodC. easy D. complex答案与解析I. 1.stresses2.studios 3.expert 4.suffering 5.pressure 6.socially 7.reduced 8.organised 9.stand 10.preferII. 1. su

16、ffer from 2.take place 3.lose weight4.give a talk to sb. 5.more than one 6.常识 7.四人一组8.只要 9.轮流做某事 10.思考,考虑,想出 III. 1.cant stand the students talking 2.More than one, was 3.preferred to die, give in 4.learning English well difficult 5.take turns to talk about IV. 1. A 空白处补充完整为as much as that one。2. B

17、suffer pain“遭受痛苦”;suffer from“受之苦”;stand“忍受”,通常不接情感类名词。3. B prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做某事也不干做某事”,本句中把rather than do提至句首。4. C 句意:“你们轮流值日吗?”“是的,轮到我值日了。”take turns“轮流,依次”;by turns“依次”。根据句意可知C项正确。5. A 句意:晚会被组织得很好,大家都玩得很高兴。organise“组织”;set up“建起,成立”;put on“上演”;manage“设法,经营”。6. A reduce“减少,降

18、低”;remove“去掉”;collect“收集”;warn“警告”,根据句意可知A项正确。7. C cant stand后面应该接动名词形式,表示“无法忍受”。从句意分析,不能忍受的是在一群人面前“受到嘲笑”,所以用动名词的被动式。8. A relieve pressure意为“释放压力”,只有pressure为名词,其余几个选项为形容词。9. C be reduced to doing sth.意为“沦落到做某事(的程度)”。10. B be on a diet意为“节食”。V. 1.C 根据上文的tired判断应该选C,即lazily。2. B 能使竹子弯曲的应该是风的压力。3. C 根据下文的“bounce back”,可知这里指竹子恢复原状。4. A 这里指竹子具备这种能力。5. A 这里指人在受到情感的打击后恢复正常。6. B 这里指“震惊、沮丧或其他情形”。7. A 震惊、沮丧应该属于情感方面的。8. A breaking point崩溃点。9. B 这里应选与worn out意思相近的词。10. B 这句话说明人在压力之下的各方面的症状,与情感、精神并列的,自然是身体。11. B 尽管你经历了许多的困难,幸运的是,你现在能描述这些经历,说明你已经顺利渡过了难关。12. A 这里为因果关系。13. C 既然生活中既有good times又有bad ti


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