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1、整理ppt1 整理ppt2第六章 资本成本一、资本成本概念剖析二、权益资本成本(Cost of Equity)三、债务资本成本(Cost of Debt)四、加权平均资本成本 (WACC)整理ppt3 资本成本是公司使用资本所付出的代价。 站在投资者的角度,资本成本是投资者投资于某一项目或企业的机会成本,可以用投资者要求的必要报酬率(Required rate of Return)来度量。 公司金融中的基本假设是,投资者向企业提供资金,他们期望有一定的投资回报,这种回报就构成了公司的融资成本。资本成本是投资与融资相沟通的桥梁。一、资本成本概念剖析整理ppt4 资本成本直接影响公司价值,公司价值

2、就是用资本成本折现的一系列现金流。对资本成本的研究形成公司股东价值最大化前提下公司金融学的基础内容:如何投资(资本预算)?如何融资(资本结构决策)?为投资者提供多少回报(股利政策决策)? 资本成本如何估算还是投资学的核心内容。在有效资本市场中,投资者期望的回报率,就是投资者的机会成本,即公司资本成本。 资本成本同时也是宏观金融学研究的基础。宏观金融运行的目的是促使有效金融市场的形成,使公司和投资者之间的资源配置有序化,宏观金融的目标归根到底是为了促使一个国家的资本成本最小化。资本成本是金融学理论的核心整理pptA Digest on Different Terminology We have

3、used different terminology such as required rate of return, the appropriate discount rate, the cost of capital and the opportunity cost of capital. They all mean essentially the same thing.整理ppt6 企业可以通过发行债券或股票为投资项目筹集资金,不同的资金来源具有不同的成本(Firms can raise capital for their projects either by issuing debt

4、or issuing equity. These different sources of capital (equity or debt) will have different opportunity costs associated.) 衡量企业资金成本的一个重要指标是加权平均资本成本-WACC(One of the most important measures of cost of capital is Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) which takes into account all the above.)权益与债务整理ppt7

5、二、权益资本成本(Cost of Equity) 权益成本的计算比债务成本的计算要更为困难(Calculating the cost of equity is more difficult than calculating the cost of debt.) 权益成本的估计有不同的方法(There is no way of directly observing the return that the firms equity investors (shareholders) require on their investment. Hence, it must be somehow esti

6、mated.)整理ppt8权益成本的估计方法Source: Graham and Harvey (2001), The theory and practice of corporate finance: evidence from the field, Journal of Financial Economics 60, 187-243.整理ppt9利用戈登增长模型计算权益成本 对于上市公司, 我们可以观察出其股票的市场价格和最近支付的股利; 需要估计其股利增长率; 有以下三种可采用的方法来估算股利增长率: 用历史增长率来估计未来增长率 利用分析师对股利增长率的预测数据 利用留存收益: g =

7、 留存收益率 ROE ( 利用历史ROE数据来计算ROE )整理ppt10利用戈登增长模型计算权益成本 戈登增长模型的优点: 容易理解,便于计算 比较简单 戈登增长模型的缺点: 大多用于支付股利的企业 假设股利增长率不变 对估计的增长率很敏感 没有明确地考虑风险(不允许估计增长率的不确定性)整理ppt11利用CAPM模型计算权益成本 上式中,RE 为股东持有股票所期望获得的收益即权益成本;Rf为无风险收益率; RM 为市场收益率,实践中一般取大盘指数的收益率;RM Rf为市场风险溢价;E(beta )表示股票相对于市场特有的风险。()EfEMfRRRR 资本资产定价模型(Capital Ass

8、et Pricing Model - CAPM)整理ppt12利用CAPM模型计算权益成本 假设出版PPT的Stansfield公司股票的贝塔值为2.5,该公司为100%权益融资。 假设无风险利率为5%,市场风险溢价为10%。 该公司投资项目决策时合理的折现率为多少?%105 . 2%5R%30R整理ppt13利用CAPM模型计算权益成本 接上例,假设Stansfield公司正在计算以下非相互排斥的项目,每个项目的成本为100美元,持续一年。则计算如下表:项目项目 项目下一年的预计现金流IRRNPV at 30%A2.5$15050%$15.38B2.5$13030%$0C2.5$11010%

9、-$15.38整理ppt14CAPM 方法的优缺点 CAPM方法的优点: 明确了风险的计算 不用假设固定的股利增长率 CAPM方法的缺点: 对市场风险溢价和贝塔值很敏感 用过去来预测未来整理ppt15贝塔的估计 按贝塔的定义计算如下:2,)(),(MMiMMiRVarRRCov 回归方法(Regression techniques ):贝塔-股票收益率对市场组合收益率的敏感性)(fMfERRRR整理ppt16利用GLS模型计算权益成本Gebhardt、Lee和Swaminathan于2003年提出了“剩余收益折现模型(Discounted Residual Income Model 以下简称G

10、LS模型)”,该模型也是基于市场价格和公司财务数据的折现模型。公司的权益资本成本 可以由下式确定:变形为:其中:er11t11()()P(1)(1)tt iet itt iet ittiiiieeE NIr BE ROEr BBBrr 1231223(1)(1)(1)tetetettttteeeFROErFROErFROErPBBBBTVrrr111211114(1)(1)t ietet iiirieeFROErFROErTVBBrrr 整理ppt17权益资本成本的影响因素 商业周期(Business Cycle) 收入的周期性(Cyclicity of Revenues) 经营风险(Busi

11、ness Risk) 经营杠杆(Operating Leverage) 财务风险(Financial Risk) 财务杠杆(Financial Leverage)整理ppt18收入的周期性 有些企业的收入具有明显的周期性,即这些企业在商业周期的扩张阶段经营得很好,而在商业周期的紧缩阶段经营得很差。 经验证据表明零售企业和汽车企业随商业周期的波动大(Empirical evidence suggests that retailers and automotive firms fluctuate with the business cycle.) 交通运输及公用事业类企业与商业周期相关性不大(Tr

12、ansportation firms and utilities are less dependent upon the business cycle.) 由于贝塔是股票收益率与市场收益率的标准协方差,所以周期性强的股票必然具有较高的贝塔系数。整理ppt19经营杠杆(Operating Leverage) 企业收入的周期性对贝塔起决定性作用,而经营杠杆又将这种作用进一步放大。经营杠杆是公司EBIT对销售收入波动的反映程度。 经营杠杆的度量由以下式子给出: 例如,Piece Grain 固定成本为10万元,当销售收入由30万元增加到36万元时(增加20%),变动成本由18万元增加到21.6万元,

13、则: EBIT由2万元增加到4.4万元(增加120%) 公司经营杠杆:DOL=120%/20%=6(倍)/EBITEBIT EBITDOLSales Sales变化的百分比销售额变化的百分比整理ppt20经营杠杆与固定成本 当产品价格保持不变时,经营杠杆可以写成:TFCQAVCPQAVCPDOL)()( 因此,只要TFC0,DOL就大于1;TFC越大,DOL就越大,表明企业经营风险越大。整理ppt21销售收入变化对EBIT的影响Volume$固定成本总成本 EBIT Volume当固定成本增加,可变成本下降时经营杠杆增加。固定成本整理ppt22财务杠杆(Financial Leverage)

14、经营杠杆与企业固定成本有关,而财务杠杆与企业筹集资金所产生的利息费用有关。 财务杠杆是每股收益(EPS)相对于EBIT变动的反映程度,用公式表示为:EBITEBITEPSEPSEBITDFL/变化的百分比每股收益变化的百分比.IntEBITEBIT其中,Int.为利息支出。若公司没有负债,则Int. =0,财务杠杆就等于1;一般情况下,公司有负债, Int. 为正,所以财务杠杆大于1。整理ppt23财务杠杆与贝塔 公司有负债的情况下财务杠杆大于1,表明EBIT100%的变化被放大为每股收益高于100%的变化,从而使股东面临了更大风险(财务风险)。 由于债务的使用增加了股东遭受的风险,因此股东需

15、要有更高的回报,意味着权益成本增加。整理ppt24资产贝塔与权益贝塔 有负债情况下,公司资产贝塔可以表示为债务贝塔与权益贝塔的加权平均,即: 一般情况下债务的贝塔很小,假定Debt 等于0,则权益贝塔可以写成:Asset = Debt + EquityDebt Debt+ Debt + EquityEquity EquityAssetEquityEquityDebt)1 ( 因此,债务的使用使得权益贝塔大于资产贝塔。整理ppt25财务杠杆与贝塔假设Grand Sport 公司为100%权益融资的公司,其贝塔值为0.90公司现决定将资本结构提高到债务与权益比值为1:1因为公司仍在同一行业,其资产

16、贝塔仍为0.9假设其债务贝塔为0, 其权益贝塔将增加一倍,计算如下:Asset = 0.90 = 1 + 11 EquityEquity = 2 0.90 = 1.80整理ppt26行业贝塔的运用(行业贝塔的运用(Using an Industry Beta) 根据企业自身历史数据估算贝塔系数是一种常用的方法,也可以运用整个行业的贝塔系数估算企业的贝塔系数(有人认为这种方法更好)。 运用行业贝塔的基本原则: 如果企业经营特点与所在行业其他企业的经营十分类似,可以考虑运用行业贝塔; 如果企业的经营特点与所在行业内其他企业的经营有根本性差异,则应该根据企业自身历史数据估算企业贝塔; 还要注意运用财

17、务杠杆对行业贝塔进行调整。整理ppt27贝塔的稳定性(Stability of Beta) 如果企业改变业务,贝塔系数一般随之改变。但如果企业不改变行业,贝塔系数会不会改变? 大多数研究结果表明:一般情况下,当企业不改变业务时,其贝塔系数保持稳定。 但在一些特定情况下,即使企业不改变行业,其贝塔系数也会改变,如: 企业生产的产品系列发生了大的变化; 企业所采用的技术发生很大变迁; 政府的管制放松:如解除对航空业的管制会使航空公司贝塔系数变大; 财务杠杆的变化; 等等。整理ppt股票流动性与权益成本 The idea that the expected return on a stock and

18、 the firms cost of capital are positively related to risk is fundamental. Recently a number of academics have argued that the expected return on a stock and the firms cost of capital are negatively related to the liquidity of the firms shares as well.整理pptLiquidity and the Cost of CapitalCost of Cap

19、italLiquidityAn increase in liquidity, i.e. a reduction in trading costs, lowers a firms cost of capital.整理pptWhat the Corporation Can Do The corporation has an incentive to lower trading costs since this would result in a lower cost of capital. A stock split would increase the liquidity of the shar

20、es, but it would also reduce the adverse selection costs thereby lowering bid-ask spreads. Companies can also facilitate stock purchases through the Internet. Direct stock purchase plans and dividend reinvestment plans handles on-line allow small investors the opportunity to buy securities cheaply.

21、The companies can also disclose more information. Especially to security analysts, to narrow the gap between informed and uninformed traders. This should reduce spreads. This idea is a new one and empirical evidence is not yet in.整理ppt31三、债务成本 债务成本可以定义为债权人所要求的收益率。 我们可以通过以债券市场价格计算出来的YTM来作为税前债务成本R RD

22、D整理ppt32税前成本与税后成本 把税收算进债务成本,由于利息减税, 税后债务成本为: RD= RD(1Tc) 例如,投资者认购公司发行利率为10%的债券,公司所得税为33%,则债务税前成本为10%,税后成本为10% (1-33%)=6.7%。投资者获得了10%的收益率,但公司资本成本只有6.7%。整理ppt33债务成本与权益成本的讨论 会计方法上的处理会计利润的核算扣除利息费用(EBITDA、EBIT、NOI、NI),但是没有考虑权益成本;经济增加值:EVA= EBIT(1-Tc)-WACC总资本 在金融学中的差异债务成本高还是权益成本高?选择债务融资还是股权融资?增加债务融资对权益成本的

23、影响整理ppt34四、加权平均资本成本 (WACC) 加权平均资本成本是所有资本成本的加权平均值,其计算公式如下:WACC(1)EDCEDRRTVVD 为债务的市场价值E 权益的市场价值V 公司的总价值(=D + E)TC 公司的边际税率整理pptWACC - Example Technology Spying Systems (TSS) is a company that monitors communications between suspected individuals for the government. It is currently considering developin

24、g a new advanced system to monitor email exchanges more efficiently. The additional details about the firm are as follows: The common stock of the firm has a beta of 1.2. The marginal tax rates for the firm are 30%. The market risk premium and the risk free rate are 8% and 6%, respectively.整理pptWACC

25、 - Example It currently has the following capital structure. 3,000 outstanding 8 percent semiannual-coupon bonds with par value of $1,000 and 20 years to maturity which sells for 103 percent of par. $2,000,000 in 9% APR bank loans with semiannual payments. 90,000 outstanding common shares of stock w

26、hich sells for $45 per share. 13,000 shares of 7 percent preferred stock outstanding with a face value of $100 which currently sells for $108 per share. Should the firm accept the project if the IRR of the project is 10%?整理pptStep 1a: Find The Costs of Debt The after tax YTM on the bond is the requi

27、red rate of return on the debt of the firm from the issuance of this debenture. YTM = 7.703%(APR) Required Rate of Return = 7.85% (EAR) x (1-0.3) = 5.50% The after tax EAR on the bank loan is the required rate of return on the bank loan of the firm. EAR = 9.200% Required Rate of Return = 9.200% x (1

28、-0.3) = 6.442%整理pptStep 1b: Find The Costs of Equity The required rate of return on the common stock of the firm can be found using CAPM:()6%1.208%15.600%EfMfERRRRR The required rate of return on the common stock of the firm is 15.600%. The required return on the preferred stock of the firm can be f

29、ound as follows:0/$7 / $1086.481%PRDP整理pptStep 2a: Market Values of Debt The market value of bonds can be found by multiplying the number of debentures outstanding by the price per bond. 3,000 x $1,030 = $3.090M The market value of the bank loan is given in the question. $2.000M整理pptStep 2b: Market

30、Values of Equity The market value of common stocks can be found by multiplying the number of common stocks outstanding by the price per share. 90,000 x $45 = $4.050M The market value of preferred stocks can be found by multiplying the number of preferred stocks outstanding by the price per share. 13,000 x $108 = $1.404M整理pptStep 2c: The Capital Structure Weights Total market value of the firm $3.090M + $2.000M + $4.050M + $1.404M = $10.544M The capital structure weights can be found by dividing the market value of each source of financing by the total market va


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