五年级下册英语教案Unit 5Helping our parents (Period 2)译林版(三起)_第1页
五年级下册英语教案Unit 5Helping our parents (Period 2)译林版(三起)_第2页
五年级下册英语教案Unit 5Helping our parents (Period 2)译林版(三起)_第3页




1、.Unit 5 Helping our parents Period 2 一、教学内容 : Fun time & Cartoon time二、教学目的:1.掌握单词grow , garden ,sweet ,pest ,ladybird , go away2.理解短文大意,大致理解昆虫的知识。3.能有感情的表演故事,语音语调正确、自然。4.能续编故事。5.能通过情景交流能纯熟运用如今进展时来描绘正在发生的动作。三、教学重点:1.掌握单词grow , garden ,sweet ,pest ,ladybird , go away2.理解短文大意,大致理解昆虫的知识。四、教学难点:1.能通

2、过情景交流能纯熟运用如今进展时来描绘正在发生的动作。2.能续编故事。3. 能有感情的表演故事,语音语调正确、自然。五、课前准备1.教具准备:多媒体课件2.板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 5 六教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting2.Review Story time 1 Retell the story 2 Lets actStep2: Fun timeTask1: Listen and talkT: In Story time, it is Saturday. On Friday evening, there was a call from Toms aunt.

3、 Lets see what happened.1. Listen and match(1) Do the exercise(2) Check the answers2. Read and talkTips: 1 选择一幅图片。 2 用屏幕上的句型进展问答。What is he/she doing? He/ She is.What is she doing? She is washing clothes.What is he doing? He is making the bed.What are they doing? They areWhat are they doing? They ar

4、e cleaning the kitchen.Task 2: Do and guessRules: 抽取老师盒子中的小纸条,并作出相应的动作,让其他同学能快速的猜出。 游戏过程中使用:A:What is he/she doing?B:He/ She is -ing.Task 3: Lets play1. T-ST gives an example for how to play the game in Fun time.2. Have a competition between groups以小组为单位,3次全对,该小组过关.Step 3 Cartoon time 1. Watch and a

5、nswer(1) Who are they in the cartoon? Bobby, Teach: pest; ladybird(2) Where are they?2. Read and find(1) What is Bobby doing?(2) What are the pests doing?(3) What are the ladybirds doing?They are eating grapes. The grapes are so big and sweet.3. Read and think(1) Whose grapes are these?Picture1:T: L

6、ook,What is Bobby doing?S: He is eating grapes.T: Bobby grows grapes in his garden. 教授grows grapes, garden.用grow组词。 T: How are his grapes? S:T: His grapes are big and sweet. So he is happy.what is he saying?S: Listen and read(2) What happened between Bobby and the pests? Picture2: T: The pests are e

7、ating grapes .How about Bobby now?S: He is angry.S: What are you doing here?T: Who wants to be the pests?S: We are eating grapes . They are so sweet .Listen and read (3) What happened between Bobby and the ladybirds? Picture 3: T: The pests are eating the grapes in Bobbys garden. Who can help him? S

8、; Ladybirds. T: The ladybirds says: S: We can help you. T: How is Bobby now? S: He happy again. T: He says:. S: Thank you.Picture 4: T: Look, the pests go away. 教授go awayT: the pests go away. But the ladybirds do not. What are they doing in the garden? T: They are eating grapes, too. How is Bobby no

9、w? S: Angry and confused. T: Who wants to be Bobby/ ladybirds? S:4. The change of bobbys feelingshappyangryhappyangry S: Thank you.5.Imitate pay attention the emotion6. Lets readChoose one way(1) Read in roles(2) Read after one(3) Read together7. Lets actT: Bobby is angry ,But the story isnt finishe

10、d.To be continued Can you imagine what will happened then? T: Its your turn to make your ending. discuss in groups. (1) Act with your books(2) Act without your booksStep4 Homework1.Continue writing the story. .2. Helping your parents do some housework课后反思:本节课是五下Unit5 Helping our parents 的第二课时,教学内容为

11、Fun time &Cartoon time.本节课以“纯熟运用如今进展时来描绘正在发生的动作为主线,分为三个板块:Review Story time; Fun time; Cartoon time. Revision板块,设计了两个任务:retell和act. 把主动权交给学生,表达自主与提升,尤其是对教材陈述文体进展对话创编及表演,有效激发学生的兴趣,让学生在情景表演中有效复习和稳固所学知识,效果较好。Fun time 板块,以任务链的形式增强兴趣性,同时进展如今进展时句型的稳固操练。总体来说,学生在此环节的参与积极性较高,课堂气氛比较活泼。但在任务的设计方面,形式不够丰富,不够精简有效,如:Do and guess 环节,有些费时,同时操练的效果也不是非常理想,可以省略写纸条的环节,以学生的及时生成为游戏形式,并且可适当扩大句型:“Are you.-ing? 其次,Lets play环节,对规那么的解释不明晰到位,可以先让学生自主理解游戏规那么,在此根底上,老师进展提炼归纳,保证游戏顺利有效的进展。Cartoon time板块,在带着学生理解故事的根底上,训


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