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1、2019年娄底市初中毕业与升学考试英语试题变底市,2019隼)初中华址学业考试试题卷考生注意;女不叱J崎号手:靠月丞;:仔:事"T,不4M汾嘛、娓能,强g清:*,林於或毫力争黑.中植时座依依*.冬后.福通松加巩期卷井刑丈同摹勒总楼. 士 5包善的听力甘科均圈备露_琳力叫枇,掂1餐班每限共计删分) *fr7J«W (共能节,20小应:每小第1分.计如分, 弟,:"卜面 E殳对话.根据所所到的内容,选抨炸的图, 时阍阅或各个小息.每小同5秒帆蜥J画各小题将给出5秒作的中就,X蕊镰八、n ,卜墨帕”讯A Atnwt MwM f M Mn«t44“W hjr &

2、#171;rr Zy JHuq abow?A AphwUiuf.mck&AphmoofoM明卜曲的可5月将第9小.Q Uhro did tfw Ore ui Xvtfr berae(£» uktfV<MA<inl I Sth©April I4ih、卜曲T10 小.° 胃ihc pvuteblc rrhomthiji M,eoi (hf two ire'A IKinr imd paueM.骑下面的对iA-K»mn *I! How miKh次 thepbt"A 13 yuftxklloB. ISyuiflakA

3、o.12 WMt Ax> Alan think of the sppks yMwaWia.A. DcIkmmis and thaip骑F的电明语.旧答5”9 13the “oman?H AckjmefQrf 2 Lmmhui River ckwi md bemmM no*,A The nw> X tfrown 5* Cwy*B The woman hat proc«ted polkbo11nmment 3 uUn tow nwmureFlM的对3,网/IU3 */,尔C. AwTitcr用, jB 52”匕rm * M - bou。B X"匕'乂B R&

4、#171;m任2 不 a,ai *18 X佃BQfmE'asLi" A.C mbknortcnwidiYiinerxk一h*每小.i分,计1。分)二嚣警的比:“大然盛从修神的A、B. C三个级”也选出一个包钟外m my garden. One day. two birds came to the tree anH、75 W T 8"8 Md H巾 . bouse &nvbom hnbic事 morning. 1 w« getting 叩 when 1 22 the sound of 曲面能帅and fixd n*o 心 “南堡 food on ,h

5、e 即的而 in (he 23. Un 0tM my%:hox R I 4皿 W hem i get back to fhe,r h* Al =';"; 命日 and the giber bird came back They brought tome food for 吹加M h .;城2山皿 1Mg To get Ihe food. % x 心 n;E "&26. 6c s afraid of getting out of the house io eat h Tn mu 4 A,,hfMj 此 waiftoodthen and did nochiqg.

6、' 11ct im* jusiAfter about ton 28, the ihird baby bird didn't have any otherto the border 龙缘)of the house and began to 29._ sx n<w阪 wentshe Imdcd safely on the ground and found the food soon.1tle 1KMMc HnaMy.These birds taught us a lesson: if we want our food, thrcc21. A. two2X Accord23.

7、garden24. A. sister25. A. beside24 A. lull27. A. joy28. A. days29. 430. ATZurMilvesB. smeltB. houseB. brotherB. next to 眇 ungry R/surpnseB. weeksB. eatB. yourselveswe will lave to learn io fty 的?qC. fiveC. sawC bedroomC. thirstv .Jar away fromC. excitemcniJ minutesC. runC. themselves三、聂理解(共三节,25小18,

8、每小02分,计SO分)第,间课下面的短文判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写(A).不将合 的弓(B).Kupic dfuayt call tirctightcrs (消防员)for help when there is a big fire. Do you think they '' J;6am i n faa. they need to do many other kinds of strange thin(p.countries u""°f«cn billed t0 save people or animals that arc

9、 trapped (困住).In manyexample, several fCf°k,1,1°,saving animals trapped in strange places Forfirefighter often l:谓;“11gbM W"* 叼刈 in a wheekhair (轮椅)last winter. Also, American gpped “】i J: 5Hpp VCfy unusual places. Once “me firefighters saved an adultSonrtig fire'"'"

10、3 叩,hc nw:hinc and helped him out in the end.do mg something u-mnn""vc «ny person m danger even when the person is鹏屋牒黑比尸法机b«ocs in our heartsP 明师及由,Kcd cvc» the risk of their own li心 They areB ". McgtE ooh c ""AA 33 ANEeWiB y* or animals chai««trappe

11、d_尸.rw 5Mby 的3g in England.A 乜Jpcncm m danger <»« brwlung ”c M'f imey 6ft6加小,。证 111aown lives to help people in danger.仇 C工阿璃下面乐E. c三黄村料并根房廿内内容你后面的&IL从各题所给的A、 1思.中雄出个触河裤析舞同或先成辉给句子的或佳答案.' y<Xi waat .、.八1 r*e日少1place? Join u$ jnd vukmteer together!IP!antin( treesMinting (rc

12、esuagreat way to make the air fresher and make our cif)greener. If you're over 12 years old. come and help US to plant move trees in Zhushaii Rsuk. Let's meet at ihc cast gate of the M at 8:S0 am this Saturday YbtTd better wear sports shoesRepainting wallsThe buildings covered with graffiti

13、(涂鸦)are terrible. This Sunday, we arc going to repaint the walk of Lianbin Street and make them clean again Anyone who is over ten can join us Please >nivc at No.18, Lianbin Street it 9:30 a.m You nccdn'l bring any tool乐 Jusi remember to wewr old clothes!Collecting rubbishYou can hang out wit

14、h your in the park and clean up our city &t the same time! We ire going to collect rubbish M Lousing Squurv from 5彳0 a m. to 11:30 a.m next Saturday. No inauer bow old you arc. wme and join us' Anyone who collects the most mbbuh can gel a giR tor funB rday nvoniing. She said she had a fcding

15、 E Amy told he. gM 业 w:wE E$hc X黑MEG M ”皿S many 所杵5? X u.1Amy 0a1" X *k her 'MP0。 . eke sW what sas wrong wnhg 如 M,加289, abetter gga “电)”黑案三震常曹:三喘胃需温也"The d*w . WWs troubling meThe 3k M 26# siKigl °*r 川卯 ZM Z:黑 rttewtay mocning?41.Wbif 6 0aligo" -» She hid a儿 SheW rood之.

16、n the gE wairinf 3? wge 1nmA. One hour q Whichof&folNOyF优二X吃鬻:皿wanted io ask Amy刖旧刈*尚加皿出映45 a3>2由(掠好 from 故 doctor was mre that Amy was quite sickJhc didn't feel well, c. By taxi.didnvt really undcrsUnd the duclors question.Am> s bnxhcr a ilwa« breaking her toys and sometimes beat

17、 herChina and Western countries have something diAcrcnt in cultures about certain ammab. but uhen it comes 2 pigs.电c hnvc the same idea - pigs ugly, lazy and stupid.Just look at *nx Chmcic payings such as "Boiling a dead pig" and "A pig looking in the minew is still a pg" And in

18、English, there are some expressionsI - '- . b*a. 33JWHIG 3"M2like - fc>iins hke a pig , and “Pi* might ftyr Noie of them arc mHEmUn '""CD, pip h>、c wmc good qualities (品质卜 They are even as sm»H as AM g 2people 2 Mm well or not二:一嚣B:1nX%;然F* 23 1n the 网 family teach

19、azM诙4M旧McMI. k.£uXT三3" Of 反而M And a Chinese j "E works hard tow. 必 dream ;WWM Me Dull.I-want quick succcf 3由5.and not afraid of failing again and again.Me DuB « Sg " : 小 以川| pg next tune, we #mild think of thei* good qualities. 快忧2have桁 cultures according to the passage.46.

20、Chin* »dWwarcfe pi即B 击配同;wWBf all the animalsC . 的 8 武M worxi -complimentary- mean in Chinch 0n0费费的c.负面的A 周执箱初 c«n learn that _赧From "日 .AP,0-t knowtreats them wellB Pi好 3, CT w 8gg and elephants史修;二 M 吩 examples of cartoons m the page to show49TVp*ha'cgoodqu,lilic$然加 zigknomc bod

21、, Chinese and *汕 children like 卬郃50. Wh心 the ber title ofth« 4犷A/Opimcos on P3B Ofnniuns on /VninulsC Opinions on Cartoons用三节阉读版文,报据短文内容,从短文后的A. B. C、D、E五个选谟中亳出能填 入空白处的最佳选项年个选项只能用一次Hou do you often go lo school? Do you lake a bus or a car? These ways mean you have to stay the ground Bur have yo

22、u ever dreamed of flying to school? 5 L£ N。* k* melu ume ts Speeder and its made in the USA. Speeder has no wheels, but there is a screen oc ” _ D卜 030 Uy 仙 10 to 22 minutes each time. 53. Ahj、iaut4doe the ffsi flying motorcycle in the world to you.2 5" than a c8f hM fly more than 4f500 me

23、ters high."5 '.誓,Speeder can move things or people more easily than a helicopterG一一 :丁 Mve one and fly hio sd|po| right now. Bui if you want to ndc Speeder, you tor 闭2 55 B |f you're loo heavy, it wiU be too hardJ:%*矶.加即23亡方"砂i"皿叽A财加也的?四、语法搐空(共10小如年小1分,士鹭;或雄入林” 'W),I g阅逢下面

24、。.布空臼处入一个妙的Mi156.一吧beTV空学不超过三个单调).uh them AR0 . " which曲cW°JdA king had two urn and asked famous 10 心 11stM的"喧用''4心【,C kln« 'di badly ill. So he wanted to choonc one of*°nS A1 皿 h。皿&力-外 n«ht perron? He thought it over 57 1 whok n,gn.dc|y (完所、'0ns. ni

25、l the roomcomp ; fnrOne day, hegave.room to each of 59M):C left .,加'"1 均)“讪 an)nhing you wish. But there should 60.(3、ice fh,m anyone!”was completely 翅“The next day the king 61.(visK) his elder wn's 3m J "oom, but it W3S cU>3d He“"h grass The king felt sorry about it. Then

26、he wen! to 62.0 a 1 黑k everywhere, bO ihc65(>,oung) son a>kcd him to get in and closed the <kx " * andlc and the roomking shouted at him M.(angry). But suddenly the second son hghtc n 'arc easy to get.was full of light. The king felt very excited and hugged him proMyHe realized: Wi

27、sdom (W 9) is more important than simple answers 65.五、补全对话(共5小庭;每小闻2分.计10分) 通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容. (A: Mr. Wu B: Sally)A: Hit Sally. 66.?B; Not bad. Mr. Wu. 67.?A: Pm translating an English passage into Chinese for Loudi Association of Translators Interpreters (娄底市时洋协会).一B: Oh. Kve never heard of it.

28、 6K?A: It was set upon May 30. 2019.B: Have you joined it?A: 69. 1 joined it two weeks ago.C: Greif! I also want to be a member ofil when 1 grow up. What should I do?A: 70.D: Thanks for your advice六、阅读衰达(共5小期,加小M2分,il 10分)!阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面各个小!Mr. Green brought his hmily to China and vuiled Zhn3相»

29、; 0n、(“ 4|h 邓the magic mountains there. They had a grwt time They took luiofpiMM 1Kl g enjoys had a picnic under a big tree 74. fiKtobJLhW 设的收n theyWhen they got there, they coddn'Mind ilicir expensive emcra Tkey wanted u> “but there wasn't enough time because Hwy had u> ortch ihc pkne

30、 al 20 30 that nigh|,t°Jok 命r g have dinner in the hotel because g all felt lorry To nuke hm family happy, Mr. Ge;1nll 一 ,一7wTbuMgOM&yMfeNI I怜 m u 200-mctcr >乃在幽驷强二MM曲型密A吧鲁;西dewn frari! it by accident but K山* liurt h,rlt>' 产F "加出miracle (奇潴沙,同心曲由距小匕1n Re皿d ."杼ocauw he li

31、ved on the tlrst fig。”|iccrnan with a tfa,ncra LThq 川 bepiin io lnu(>h loudly. M al ,nvc l0 nnd out rtw own".Chinese hoy fi>vod ii under 4 big live 81Kl '、u bey """"Itk really n miracle:" the Greens “id happily,根据触女内容用筒要答语回答下面三个问题71. Did the Ciwcn5 enjoy ihcms

32、elvcs inZhliifipajic'_ . _ 72 Where did the Greens lew their camera?73. Iyou were ilic Chinrsc ixiy, u>l)at would you dM将短文中划线的用个句f隔译成中走或英文. 74.75.七、 鬻黑渭睨嬴研学旅行现仆主吗亶鬻嚣;U集黑号 生和家长的欢迎,假如你们学校的英文椒肝学旅行中需奏注意的事项发帖,征集建议.你根据以下要点弓一篇短文,进行现站同亚.1.要 J”21 文中不睡出现真实的校名和姓名等;(2)福音要通城,表达要正晌;鼻嗓求包含所行要点提示,为了行文需要,可适当拓展和增加要西(4)回数不少F 60个英语单词开头已给出不计人总词数支茅溪嘉1皿danger报警call the policeNow 制dy 呼 are becoming 7 m:。产* 哂m p- and scents. What 山,uld we payanenuon towtien


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