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1、Unit One一、 Fill in the blanks.1. br_th_r 2.s_st_r 3._ _ nt 4._ _ cle 5. h_ _ gry 6. sl _ _ py 7. b_ r_ d 8. _ ng_ y二、选择正确的答案。( )brother 1. 姐妹( )sister 2. 兄弟( )aunt 3. 叔叔( )uncle 4.阿姨( )hungry 5.困倦的( )sleep 6.饥饿的( )bored 7. 生气的( )angry 8.无聊的三、 组织单词。1. r, b, h, t, o, e, r _ 2. s, e, i, s, r, t _3. n,

2、u, t, a _ 4. n, c, e, l, u _5. g, u, h, n, y, r _ 6. p, y, e, e, s, l _7. o, e, r, d, b _ 8. n, a, g, y, r _四、 看图写单词,完成句子。1. This is my _ . 2. This is my _ . 3. Are you _ ? 4. Are you _ ? Dialogs:五、 英汉互译。1. Im Jessie. Im from Denver. _2. This is my friend, Kim. _3. Hello, Jessie. Welcome. _4. This i

3、s my brother. _5. How are you ? Fine, thanks. _6. Are you hungry? _7. Uhhuh, and Im sleep, too. _六、连线。Im Jessie. Im from Denver. Fine, thanks.How are you ? Hello, Jessie. Welcome.Do you like to sing? Are you hungry? Hi, Kim. Uhhuh. And Im sleepy, too.Hello, Jessie. Yes, I do.七、 选择。( )1. I like to _

4、the guitar.A. play B. plays( )2. We _ to swim.A. is like B. like( )3. I like to _A. run B. runs( )4. We like _ play the piano.A. in B. to( )5. _ you like to sing? Yes, I do.A. Do B. Does( )6. Do _ like to skate?A. she B. you( )7. Do you like to rollerblade? A. Yes, you are . B. No, we dont.( )8. Do

5、you like to _ TV? A. watch B. watches八、完成句子。1. I _(喜欢唱歌)2. We _(喜欢弹钢琴)3. I _(喜欢游泳)4. _(我们喜欢弹吉他)5.Do you _?(喜欢单排轮滑吗?)No,_(我不喜欢)6._ sing? (你们喜欢歌唱吗?)Yes, _ .(我喜欢)8. Do you _? (喜欢滑冰吗?)No, _. (我们不喜欢)九、按要求完成句子。1. I like to run. (变一般疑问句)_2. We like to swim. (变一般疑问句)、3. I like to play the guitar. (变一般疑问句)_4

6、. We like to play the piano. (变一般疑问句)5. Do you like to sing ? (肯定回答)6. Do you like to watch TV ? (否定回答)7. Are you sleepy? (肯定回答)_8.Are you bored? (否定回答)十、找出不同类的单词。、1. goat, rabbit, mouse, hat ( )2. lion, zebra, kangaroo, fat ( )3. frog, dog, cat, notebook ( )4. snake, panda, turtle, jacket ( )5. all

7、igator, elephant, iguana, question ( )6. fan, top, pin, fox ( )十一、写出下列单词中划线字母的读音。1. question ( / / ) 2. goat ( / / )3.rabbit ( / / ) 4. mouse ( / / )5. turtle ( / / ) 6.zebra ( / / )7. window ( / / ) 8. lion ( / / )9. jacket (/ / ) 10. kangaroo ( / / )11. frog ( / / ) 12. dog ( / / )13. cat ( / / )

8、14. van ( / / )15. fox ( / / ) 16. notebook ( / / )17. panda (/ / ) 18. yo-yo ( / / )19. butterfly ( / / ) 20. snake ( / / )21. hat ( / / ) 22. sun ( / / )23. alligator ( / / ) 24. pin ( / / )25. octopus ( / / ) 26. fan ( / / )27. top ( / / ) 28. pet ( / / )29. elephant ( / / ) 30. iguana ( / / )31.

9、 umbrella ( / / )十二、 找朋友。1. iguana ( ) 2. van ( ) 3. sun ( )4.pet ( ) 5. octopus ( )6.umbrella ( )7.yo-yo ( ) 8. kangaroo ( ) 9.butterfly( )A. B. C. D E. F. G H. I. 综合练习Unit 1一、按要求填空。1. Im _ (完全形式) 2. dont _(完全形式)3. I _ (复数形式)4. you _ (复数形式)5. brother _ (对应词) 6. aunt _ (对应词)7. sleep _ ( 形容词)8. thank

10、 you _ ( 同义词 )二、选择填空:( )1. 当介绍别人时应说: A. This is . B. Hes /Shes ( )2. Are you angry? A. Yes, I am not. B. No, Im not. ( ) 3. Im _ Denver. A. from B. on ( ) 4. How are you? _ , thanks. A. Yes. B. Fine. ( ) 5. Do you like _ sing ? A. to B. / ( ) 6. 下面哪个单词含有读音 / kw / A. question B. goat C. rabbit ( ) 7.

11、 单词 fan 中 a 的读音是: A. / æ / B. / ei /( ) 8. _ you like to play the guitar?A. Does B. Do ( ) 9. I like to play _ soccer. A. / B. the ( ) 10. We like to play _ soccer. A. / B. the ( ) 11. Do you like to skate ? Yes, _ . A. we are. B. you are. ( ) 12. 与too 读音相同的单词。 A. two B. toy ( ) 13. 当你想询问别人身体状况

12、时,可以问: A. How are you ? B. Whats your name ?三、 情景造句。(书3页)1. _2. _3. _4. _四、 按要求完成句子。1. _ 你喜欢看电视吗? Yes, I do.2. Do you _喜欢滑冰吗? _ (否定回答)3. We _ 喜欢唱歌。4. I like to play the guitar. (变一般疑问句) _5. We like to play games. (变一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _6. You like _ skate.7. This is my _ (叔叔)8. Are you _ (饿了)? Yes, _ .Un

13、it Two一、 补全单词。1. _ ngl _ sh 2. m _ s _ c3.sc _ _ nc _ 4. S _ nd _ y5. m _ th 6.M _ _ d _ y7. T _ _ sday 8. W _ dn _ sd _y9. Th_ _sd_y 10. Fr_d_y二、组织单词,并写出意思。1. g,E,n,s,I,h,l _ ( )2. c, s, i, m, u _( )3. t, a, m, h _ ( )4. c, e, s, c, i, n, e _ ( )5. d, y, S, u,a, n _ ( )6. n, o, d, M, a, n _ ( )7. r

14、, F, d, I, y, a _ ( )8. s, e, T, d, y, u, a _ ( )三、写短语和单词。1. 在周三 _2.在周四 _3.在周日 _4. Thu. = _5. Sat. = _6. Monday = _7. Friday = _8.these _(单数)四、完成句子。1. I like _ . 2. I like _ . 3. We like _ . 4. We like _ . 五、找出不同类的单词。1. Sunday science Saturday Tuesday ( )2. math science Monday English ( )3. Friday m

15、usic Wednesday Thursday ( )Dialogs:一、 英译汉。1. These are my friends. _2. Hi, everybody. _3. Nice to meet you. _4. Whats your favorite class? _5. I like English. _6. See you on Monday. _7. Me, too. _8. See ya! _二、 搭配。( )1. These are my friends, Chip and Sandy.( ) 2. Nice to meet you.( ) 3. Whats your f

16、avorite class? ( ) 4. See you on Monday.( ) 5. How are you?A. Fine , thanks. B. See ya!C. I like science. D. Nice to meet you, too.E. Hi, everyone.三、选择。( )1. She _ to piano class on Monday.A. goes B. go C. going( ) 2. He _ volleyball on Tuesday.A. plays B. play C. playing( ) 3. We _ to cram school o

17、n Wednesday.A. goes B. go C. going( ) 4. Don _ baseball on Monday. A. plays B. play C. playing( ) 5. My brother _ on Thursday. A. swim B. swims C. swimming( ) 6. _ she play soccer on Sunday ? A. Does B. Do C. Is( ) 7. Does he _ judo on Friday? A. do B. does C. to do( ) 8. Does she play ping-pong on

18、Saturday? Yes, _. A. she does. B. She doesnt.( ) 9. _ you play basketball on Monday?A. Do B. Does C. Are( ) 10. _ Chip play soccer on Sunday?A. Is B. Does C. Do二、 按要求完成句子。1. She goes to cram school on Monday.(一般疑问句)2. He plays baseball on Sunday. (一般疑问句)3. I play soccer on Tuesday. (一般疑问句)4. We go t

19、o piano class on Friday. (一般疑问句)5. Sandy does judo on Saturday. (一般疑问句)三、完成句子。1. She_(在周一上钢琴课)2. He_(在周日玩排球)3. _on Sunday. (她上夜校)4. _ on Tuesday. (他玩棒球)5. _ on Friday? (她在周五玩篮球吗?)6._on Wednesday?(他在周三练柔道吗?)7. Does she play ping-pong on Thursday? (否定回答)9. Does he play soccer on Monday? (肯定回答)Phonics一

20、、 写出画线字母的读音。1. cap _ 2. cape _ 3. pet _4. Pete_ 5. fin _ 6. fine _7. cake _ 8. name _ 9. tape _10. time _ 11. kite _ 12. not _13. note _ 14. home _ 15. rope _16. cut _ 17. cute _二、 找朋友。( )1. cap ( ) 2. cape ( ) 3. pet ( ) 4. fine ( ) 5. fin ( ) 6. cake( ) 7. name ( ) 8. tape ( ) 9. time( )10. kite (

21、 )11. not ( )12. note( )13.cut ( )14. cute ( )15. home( ) 16. ropeA.绳子 B. 可爱的 C. 切 D. 便条 E. 家F. 不(否定) G.风筝 H.时间 I.名字 J.带子K美的 M. 鱼翅 N. 宠物 O. 斗篷 P. 帽子综合练习一、 按要求填空。1. whats _(完全形式) 2. these_(单数)2. does not_(缩写) 4. dont _(完全形式)5.Yes_(对应词) 6. she_(对应词)7.go_(单三形式) 8. do_(单三形式)9. play_(单三形式)二、选择。1. 当别人对你说:

22、“Nice to meet you.”时,你应说( )ANice to meet you, too B. How are you?2. 和See you on Monday.意思相同的是( )A . See ya! B. Hello.3. 当别人问你:“Whats your favorite class?”时你应说( )A. Im 9. B. I like English.4. 当你把Chip, Sandy and Don 介绍给别人时应说( )A. These are Chip, Sandy and Don.B. They are Chip, Sandy and Don.5. cape, c

23、ake, name, tape 含有的相同音素是( ) A. /æ/ B. /ei /6. fine, time, kite含有的相同音素是( ) A. / I / B. / a/7. note, home, rope含有的相同音素是( ) A. / / B. / /8. She goes to piano class _ Monday. A. on B. in9. I play _ baseball on Sunday.A. / B. the10. He plays _ guitar on Sunday. A. / B. the11. _ she do judo on Friday

24、 ? A. Does B. Do12. Does Pam _ to cram school on Saturday? A. goes B. go13. I like _ . A. music B. to music14. I like _ the piano. A. play B. to play15. friend的复数形式是( ) A. friends B.friendes三、看图写句子。 _? _ _? _ _ ? _ ? 四、完成句子。1. 他在周三上钢琴课。2._ping-pong on Sunday?(她在周日玩乒乓球吗?) _(肯定回答)3. Do you like _?(数学)

25、_ . (肯定回答)4.She does judo on Friday. (变一遍疑问句)_5.你在周四玩棒球吗?_. (肯定回答) 6. 他在周二打排球吗?_ (否定回答)Unit 3一、 填空。1. h_ndr_d 2. _ _ghty 3. s_v_nt_4.s_xt_ 5.f_ _ty 6.f_ _ _teen7.th_ _ty 8. tw_ _ty 9.n_n_teen10.n_n_t_ 11._ _gh_ _en 12.s_v_ _t_ _n13.s_xt_ _n 14.f_ft_ _n 15.th_ _t_ _n16.tw_ _v_ 17._l_v_n 18.t_n19.p_p_

26、o_n 20.p_t_to ch_ps 21.p_ _n_ts22.pr_tz_ls组织单词1. h,d,e,r,n,u _ 2. f,t,o,y,r _2. e,e,t,f,i,f,n _ 4. x,t,i,s,y _5.t,s,v,e,e,e,e,n,n_ 6. t,y,t,m,w,e _7.n,e,t,e,i,t,h,r _ 8. n,e,v,e,e,l _9.o,n,o,r,c,p,p _ 10.u,t,s,e,n,a,p _11. z,t,l,s,e,r,p,e _12. c,h,s,p,i,o,t,a,t,o,p _三、填单词。1. I have _(四十) pens.2. I h

27、ave _(十三) books.3. How many apples do you have? I have _(十八).4. I like _ . 5. Do you like _? 6We like _. 7. I like _ .8. I have _ (一百) pencils.9. I dont have _ (十二) botebooks.Dialogs 一、 英汉互译。1. Lets get some fruit. _2. Good idea. _3. What kind of snakes do you like? _4. I like popcorn. _5. Grab a ba

28、g. _6. How many apples do we have? _7. 10. Is that enough? _二、搭配。( )1. Lets get some fruit. ( ) 2. What kind of snakes do you like? ( ) 3. How many apples do we have? ( ) 4. Wheres the cheese? ( ) 5. Does she play soccer on Monday ? ( ) 6. Do you like potato chips? a. Yes, I do. b. No, she doesnt. c

29、. Its in the cart. d. 10. Is that enough? e. I like popcorn. f. Good idea.Grammar一、 选择。1. The turkey _ behind the chicken.A. is B. are2. The fish is _ the meat. A. in front of B. next3. The pen is in _ . A. book B. the book4. The cake is _ the bread. A. under B. behind5. Wheres the cheese? _ in the

30、cart. A. Its B. The cheese 6. _ the honey? Its behind the jelly. A. Wheres B. Whats 7.Wheres _? A. the peanut butter B. the potato chips8. 和behind意思相对应的介词短语是( ) A. in front of B. under9. 花生油的正确写法是( ) A. peanut butter B. peanuts butter10. Wheres the jelly? Its on _ . A. the cart B. cart三、句型转换1. The t

31、urkey is next to the chicken.(对画线部分提问)_2. Its in the cart. (对画线部分提问)_3. The cheese is behind the honey. (对画线部分提问)_4. The peanut butter is in front of the jelly. (对画线部分提问)_5. She goes to cram school on Tuesday. (一般疑问句)_6. I like to play the piano. (一般疑问句)_三、补充句子。1The chicken _(在肉后面)2. _the turckey. (

32、鱼在火鸡前面)3. The turckey _ (紧挨鱼)4. _ the chicken. (肉在鸡肉后面)5. _?(奶酪在哪里?) Its _.(在购物车里面)6. Wheres the peanut butter?_(在购物车下面)7._?(果酱在哪?) _the cart. (在购物车上)Phonics一、 写出画线部分的读音1. cherry _ 2. chest_ 3. lunch_4. ship _ 5. fish_ 6. dish_7. phone_ 8. photo_ 9. graph_10. whisker_ 11. white_ 12. whale_二、英译汉。1. a

33、 cheery on a chest_2. a fish of dish on a ship _3. a photo on a phone _4. whiskers of a white whale _三、 找朋友( ) 1. cherry ( ) 2. ship ( ) 3. phone( ) 4. whisker ( ) 5. chest ( ) 6. fish( ) 7. photo ( ) 8. white ( )9. lunch( )10. dish ( )11. graph ( )12. whaleA.鲸 B. 图表 C. 午饭 D. 白色 E. 盘子 F. 照片 G . 鱼 H

34、. 箱子 I . 胡须 J . 电话 L . 樱桃综合练习一、 按要求填空。1. lets _(完全形式) 2. yep _(同义词)3. peanut_(复数) 4. 一百_5.eight _(八十) 6. four_(四十)7. five _(五十) 8. nine_(十九)9. two _(十二) 10. that _(对应词)11. 三十支铅笔_12. wheres _(完全形式)13. it is _(缩写) 14. that _ (对应词)二、 选择。( )1. Lets _ some fruit. A. get B. to get ( ) 2. What kind _do you like? I like popcorn. A. of snacks B. in snacks ( )3. The turkey is behind _ . A. chicken B. the chicken ( ) 4. How many _ do you have? ( )5. We have _ . A. eleven teacher B. eleven teachers( ) 6. The jelly is behind _ honey. A. the B. /( ) 7. cherry,


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