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1、Pile Production Process Quality Control桩生产过程质量控制Pile Production Process Quality Control 中化岩土工程股份有限公司 China Zhonghua Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd. 二零一六年九月二十六日 Sep 26th,2016桩生产过程质量控制Pile Production Process Quality Control我们将安排专业质检人员驻厂监督管桩制造。从如下方面进行质量控制:We will arrange the quality specialist super

2、vise the piling quality during the processing, mainly work as following:1. 原材料控制 Materials quality control1)水泥Cement采用强度等级不低与42.5的硅酸盐水泥,水泥的细度,标准稠度用水量、凝结时间和安定性、强度。The strength grade of silicate cement is not less than 42.5 N/mm2, also control the cement fineness, consistence, congeal time and stabili

3、ty etc.2)细骨料Fine materials细骨料采用洁净的天然硬质中粗砂,含泥量1%且无其他异常情况。The fine materials will be used nature medium-grained sand, the soil content is less than 1%.3)粗骨料The coarse aggregate粗骨料采用碎石,颗粒级配符合规定要求,针片壮颗粒15%,还要求压碎指标值不大于10%,风化石等软弱颗粒的含量不大于3%。The coarse aggregate will be use broken stone, the grading rate co

4、mply with rules, the flat and elongated rate is less than 15%, also the crushed rate is less than 10%, the rotten stone rate is less than 3%.碎石应按粒级均匀堆放,使用时,宜用水冲洗且应筛分。The broken stone will be average packed, it will be used by washing and griddling.4)预应力钢筋The re-bar of pre-stress预应力钢筋应采用预应力混凝土用钢棒,其质量

5、除应符合YB/T111预应力混凝土用钢棒的规定外,还必须具有良好的蒸养适应性和可镦性,钢筋镦头强度不得低与本体材料标准强度的90%。The re-bar of pre-stress is used the pre-stressed concrete, the quality should be comply with the YB/T111, also has the well steam curing suitability and anchor ability, the strength of the end of re-bar is not less than the 30% norma

6、l strength.5)磨细砂Fine sand磨细砂的质量应符合以下标准:SiO2含量>90%,比表面积 >4200cm2/g,细度(0.08mm孔筛余量)<3.0%。The fine sand quality should comply with following rules, SiO2 content more than 90%, specific surface area is more than 4200cm2/g, fine rate is less than 3%.6)减水剂Water reducing agent减水剂采用高效减水剂,其质量应符合GB807

7、6中的规定,严禁使用氯盐类外加剂。Water reducing agent using the high performance agent, the quality comply with the GB8076, prohibited using the CL salt agent.7)端板组件The end plate module端头板材质能满足张拉力要求,端面平面度允许偏差小于0.5mm,裙圈焊缝无焊穿现象。The tension force of the end plate should be comply with the requirement of tension, the m

8、argin error is less than 0.5mm, no penetration for curtain welding.8)螺旋筋Spiral re-bar螺旋筋采用冷拔低碳钢丝,其冷拔拉丝用的母材用底碳钢热轧圆盘条,其质量要求应符合规范的规定,且表面不得有裂纹,机械损伤及油污存在。Spiral re-bar using the normal pulling low carbon materials, the re-bar of pulling threadlike using the circle parent metal, the quality should be comp

9、ly with the specification, no crack and contained oil contamination at surface.原材料的检查主要查验检验报告和质量保证书,现场检查原材料的外观质量。The materials inspection mainly works are the check list and quality warranty, visual inspection at site.2. 预应力主筋下料 Cutting off for pre-stress concrete有严重局部弯曲、锈蚀、夹皮、缺陷的钢筋不能使用,不同厂家,不同级别钢筋不

10、得混用。切割用的刀具和定长用的定位卡应安装牢固,不得左右摇摆和松动。Prohibited using the serious bent, corrosion, bark pocket and flaw materials, avoid using mixing different batch and different grade the re-bar, the cutting tools should be fixed and avoiding loosen and swing.同批量预应力筋下料长度相对误差植不应大于L/5000。The tolerance for re-bar lengt

11、h of same batch is not more than L/5000,端面应平整,不得有飞边,毛刺。The surface should be flatting, no overlap and burr.下料后的钢筋,按品牌规格分堆存放,并作好标识,以免混淆,同时应防止油污和水锈。After cutting materials, it should be packed by size, model and identification. Also avoid corrosion and contamination.3. 预应力筋镦头 The pier head of pre-stre

12、ss re-bar预应力筋镦头每班工作前先用废短筋试镦,调节有关参数,使镦头外型圆整,不歪斜,不开裂,才正式镦头进入生产。预应力筋镦头后,按品牌规格分堆存放,并作好标识,以免混淆。Before the work, each group should be trying by using scrap re-bar, adjust the related parameter, be sure the head is integrity, vertical, no crack, then perform the normal work. After performance, it should be

13、 packed by batch and type, avoiding confusion.4. 骨架滚焊 Welding framework by rolling主筋滚焊前应进行等长编组,同一管桩的主筋的长度相对误差值不大于L/4000。螺旋筋预先在放线盘上缠好,盘丝时进行除油污处理。钢筋骨架(笼筋)应按照设计图纸及技术要求进行制作,不得随意变动。Main reinforcement should be packed by same length, the tolerance of length is not more than L/4000, and Spiral re-bar shoul

14、d be twined at the main reinforcement body, avoiding the contaminant at surface. During the welding, avoid crack and fracture, otherwise adjusting the power volume of welding instrument.预应力主筋及螺旋筋的焊接应有一定焊接强度要求,但不宜过烧。钢筋骨架成型后,各部分尺寸应符合以下要求:主筋间距偏差不得超过±5mm;螺旋筋间举偏差,不得超过±10mm;螺旋筋焊接时,应注意观察,如发生焊点开裂脆

15、断,则不得再用,并应及时调整电流,采取纠正措施。两端未焊的螺旋筋用细扎丝绑扎均匀,最后一圈螺旋筋距端头4-5cm,松散的焊点,也要补扎固定,如松散较多,不能再用,则拆掉重焊。Both of the head re-bar should be fixed by iron wire, the head of the last spiral re-bar should be keep the space 45cm to main body, avoid loosen re-bar.吊运钢筋骨架,要求轻吊轻放,平顺,避免变形,要求钩住主筋,不能钩螺旋筋。During lifting and movin

16、g the main reinforcement, keeping the work smoothly and avoiding the bent etc, lifting point should be fixed at main body.骨架堆放应应按不同规格分别整齐堆放,500骨架的堆方层数一般不宜超过2层。The main body should be packed by size and specification, the layer of main body for D500 packed not more than two layers.骨架严禁从高处抛下,以免损坏骨架,并不

17、得将骨架在地面拖拉,使骨架发生变形。Prohibiting throw the materials from elevation, avoiding pull the main body directly at ground.对钢筋骨架及原材料应采取有效防护措施,防止雨水侵袭产生锈蚀。Take the correct methods protect the re-bar corrosion.5. 砂石备料 Gravel and sand preparation石子按产地分仓堆放,不同产地的石子一般应混合使用。All gravel will be stored by different stor

18、ehouse, avoid mixing the different size gravel.骨料进仓入库前,必须通过洗石振动筛用高压喷水冲洗。Before moving to store, cleaning the gravel using the higher press water.砂按粗细程度进行分堆堆放并应据砂的粗细情况确定搭配比例,用装载机铲到旁边空地上进行搭配混合,再铲往上料仓,符合要求的砂可直接铲用。Packing and storing combined with different grain diameter by loading machine.砂通过皮带机运往振动筛上

19、,筛去贝壳,杂物和较大的卵石,再送往搅拌楼上贮料仓备用。The sand materials will be transported to the vibrate sieve by belt conveyor, avoiding use big diameter gravel.随时对筛网进行检查,发现筛网破损,要及时修补或更换。Inspect the vibrate sieve during the work, fixing any damage area.各输送机械应保持良好润滑状态,注意保养,维修。Keeping the transport machine working smoothly

20、, 6. 减水剂溶液配置 Water reducer configuration减水剂进货状态为粉剂时,应溶解配成水溶液在使用(若进货为水剂时,则可以直接使用)。If the water reducer is the powder type, it will be mixed with water for using, otherwise directly using it.7. 砼配料(送料) Concrete mixing严格按照搅拌机的安全操作规程作业,做好开机前准备工作。Preparation work as concrete specification.按照混凝土配料表用电子称计量投

21、料,原料称量允许误差砂石为±3%;水泥,掺和料为±1%;水,减水剂为±1%。According to the check list of concrete mixing, the tolerance of gravel weight is 3%, the cement and accessory is 1%.砂石电子称一般一个月校核一次;减水剂和水泥电子称一般1-2周校核一次。The digital weight instrument should be checked one time each month, the digital instrument of

22、water reducer and cement should be checked by weekly.上料时先让砂子走在最前面使砂子可以先入搅拌机,砂子全部加完后立即关闭砂石下料门,立即加入水泥干拌15S后,加入约90%的设顶水量,搅拌20-30秒,然后加入石子搅拌45秒缓慢加入10%水和减水剂,在根据骨料含水率状况,补充水量(骨料含水率情况由实验室提供数据),搅拌均匀后出料,一般总搅拌时间控制在100秒120秒。The sequence of feeding: to feed sand first, then add cement mixing about 15 minutes (no

23、water), second add the water to the 90% total water volume, mixing about 20-30 seconds, last add the gravel to the stirring machine mixing about 45 seconds while add the 10% water reducer, as actual situation adjusting the water rate, total stirring time is 100120 seconds.拌和料的坍落度一般为3-5cm,夏季和冬季有所区别,应

24、及时了解实验室坍落度抽检情况,经常观察布料制作的难易状况,到离心处了解管桩离心后余浆的多与少,清与浊和成型质量,区别水分的多与少,并及时作出相应的结论或予以调整,如遇天气,材料有变化应及时对用水量做调整。The concrete slump is 35cm, the rate is different in summer and winter. Quality work proceed spot check, observing the concrete actual situation. Special for the additional the cement thick liquid a

25、t the central of piling, adjust the water rate and make correct decision.因机器故障或停电超过40min,则此槽砼料作废,不能用于管桩生产。If the concrete mixing machine shut down more than 40min, immediately stopped piling production.8. 砼布料 Pouring concrete布料工序要求整体配合默契,布料均匀,合模正确,缩短制作时间。在未布料前应作如下检查,发现问题及时处理:Pouring concrete work sh

26、ould match to the time and form, if have some following items, site worker should adjust it.a)笼筋平直,与钢模平行不扭曲,螺旋筋无松散。The cage of re-bar is not in line, the re-bar fixing the loosen.b)两端螺钉是否齐全上紧,抱箍板有无凹陷,与钢模是否紧贴。Both of the head stirrup is not fasten, the fixed form has defect.c)管模螺栓齐全,模内无杂物,模边清理干净。The

27、anchor bolt of form all in readiness, no any sundries in piling.d)管模温度不宜过高。The suitable temperature for the form of piling.布料时应尽量减少混凝土掉落到地上,管桩规格必须与搅拌投料量匹配,做到及拌及布料。布料时,操作螺旋喂料机和布料车要平稳,落料时要按“先中间后两端在中间”的程序,使料均匀布在管模内。如遇需布二槽料的管桩规格,则第一槽料一定要均匀布在管模内,第二槽料加在上面以使两槽料能够混合均匀。布料均匀,指定专人负责两端头的插料,要求整堆撬入较饱满,不得过分插实,注意不得

28、将螺旋筋撬散。合盖模时,要对准轻放,注意不要碰撞抱箍板,如有撞凹必须修好,并检查轮缘模端,有无错口,合缝止口上如有小石子及其他物,要用小铁铲等工具清除。During the pouring concrete, avoid dropping the concrete debris on the ground, all the piling size should be matched the concrete volume, keeping the machine of feeding and pouring stability, pouring the concrete sequence is

29、 middle to both of end then back to the middle, be sure the first and second batches mixing rate is average.During the pouring concrete, one worker will be focus point, special for manage the vibrate machine insert position and frequency are correct.9. 预应力张拉 Pre-stress tension移动千斤顶,并上下调节,使张拉杆对准管模中心,

30、保证与张拉头对正扣好成一水平线才能张拉,不准成角度张拉。上模盖未拧紧前,不得张拉。Moving lifting jack and adjust it, adjust the pole of stretch-draw and centre of form is alignment, make sure the head of stretching alignment. Do not stretch it until the form cover is fixed.严格按规定对各种规格管模及规格配筋量所设定的表值进行张拉,不准弄虚作假。Make sure the formwork technica

31、l reference data and re-bar volume are matched.张拉时应控制油阀,使之运动平稳、缓慢进行,并应断续进行,至少停顿3次,降压时也应平稳无冲击。Control the valve volume while proceed the stretch-draw work, also it make sure the work is stability and slowly, it cant work continue, the related work will be stopped 3 times.张拉达到规定数值后,一定要旋紧锚固螺母,并保持稳定压力不少

32、于10s,才能卸荷,尽力减少应力损失。如遇特殊情况用垫块锚固,不应少于三点,要求垫块厚度一致,分布均匀,稳固确保安全。When the strength of stretching reached the requirement, fixed the anchor bolts and keeping the stress stability to 10 s. avoid the strength losing, if it use the cushion block for anchoring, there are 3 points must be used. Also the cushion

33、 block should keep the same thickness and stability.每条桩张拉完毕应及时做好相关记录,每班抽检510条桩伸长情况,并记录伸长值。Recording and documentation all stretch data, each group should check 510 the piling stretch data. 10. 离心成型 Centrifugal shaping启动离心机前检查管模跑轮是否正确放在离心机托轮上。启动时,先开风机,后启动主马达。Before start the centrifugal machine, be s

34、ure the form machine is stacked on the support wheels. First start to ventilator then motors.离心工程中,低速和低中速阶段如发现螺栓松脱或严重漏浆时,可停机将螺栓上紧后在进行二次离心,进入中速后严禁停机处理进行二次离心。During the centrifuge working, if we find the anchor bolts loosen or leak the cement slurry at the phase of low speed and mid-speed, stop it and

35、 fasten, prohibited stop and centrifuged during the machine reach to the mid-speed phase.布料至离心开始时间如超过30min或料太干时,可适当延长低速时间:如高速跳动严重,可稍为降速并适当延长高速时间。If the concrete pouring time more than 30min or it is too dry, it can be extension the low speed operation time, if the machine reached the higher speed wi

36、th vibrating seriously, it should be low the machine speed and extend the operation time.离心完毕,拔掉胶塞,倾倒余浆,并用电筒光检查桩内表面质量,起吊时注意轻起轻放,严禁碰撞。The plastic plug will be pulled off and the cement slurry dumped off after finish the centrifuge work, while inspection with torch for the inner and outer quality of p

37、iling, prohibiting impacted each other, make sure the lifting work smoothly.11. 常压养护 Normal curing蒸养池使用前要检查汽阀是否漏汽,池底是否平整,如有冷凝水要用水泵抽干净。Inspect the steam valve before the curing, include the steam pool bottom, pump off the condensate water.管模入池时轻吊轻放,严禁碰撞,并尽量做到下大上小、下长上短,管桩尾端内孔避免直接对着喷汽嘴以免被高速气流冲坏内壁砼。The

38、form of pipe pile prohibit impacted during the curing, be keeping the head bigger, shorter and tail Small, longer. To avoid damaging the concrete inter face no setting the tail of pile directly faced the steam nozzle.蒸汽养护过程一般分升温、恒温和降温三个阶段。The steam curing process is separated three phases, heating,

39、constant temperate and cooling.升温速度不要过快,一般约为35/小时,尽量减少恒温阶段温度波动范围,每隔15min检查一次温度,调整好进汽量。Control the heating speed, normal is 35C/hour, decrease the change wave of constant temperate, check the temperate about one time each 15 minutes, also control the steam volume.池盖要用水密封,池内上下温度要基本一致。The pool cap shou

40、ld be covered by water, keeping the same temperate at top and bottom.温度表要定期校验,发现误差超标要及时更换。Routine checking the temperate meter, replace it if has any tolerance.12. 脱模 Demould work脱模前核对蒸养时间、温度是否足够。Before the Demould work, make sure the concrete curing has enough temperate and time.拆模时先用气扳机卸下张拉尾板螺钉,卸下

41、张拉尾板,然后松开合模螺栓,再松开张拉螺杆锚固螺母,卸下张拉挡板,起吊上模盖后,在用风扳机卸下张拉头板螺钉,卸出张拉头板,起吊管桩。拆卸端头螺钉时,应采用对称相互交错的放张方法,以免在放张过程中产生过大的偏心应力,使桩发生弯曲、裂纹。To dismantle the anchor bolts of tail plate by steam trigger before the mould release, putting off the tension tail plate, then release the form which fixed by anchor bolts, last loos

42、e the nuts for pole of anchor bolts, dismantle the tension board, take away the upper the form board, disboard the tension anchor bolts used by trigger, pull off the tension board, lifting the pipe pile. Using the symmetrical and crossing the methods for releasing to avoid the extra stress of eccent

43、ric shaft, the pile body will be bent and crack if not using these methods.一般情况下,管桩脱模采用两头钩吊法直接吊桩、出模、起吊时先微升约3-5cm,注意观察,当管桩两头完全脱出模后才能起吊。如发现卡模、粘模,可将管桩放下,再试着轻微起升,使其脱出。如经反复几次仍不能脱出,可绷紧钢丝绳,用重物轻轻敲打模边使模脱下。否则,要采取翻模措施倒桩出来。Normally using the double hook directly raised the pile body and released the pile form,

44、first step is raise the pile height about 3-5mm,then lifting the full pile body when the both of side released. It will be stopped if have any locking or sticking, then raised it again till Demould. If above mentioned fail, tense the steel wire rope, knocked the pile body release the form, otherwise

45、 turnover the form body release the pipe pile body.吊上模和吊桩出模时,应缓慢进行,不得强行起吊。Avoid using the brute force lifting the pile body and upper form, be sure the lifting speed stability and slowly.管桩在车间内临时堆放不准超过4层,如地面不平,则应设置垫木支承点,并采取措施防止滚动。The packed layer in not more than 4, make sure the packing area is fla

46、t, it can be add the supports avoid the pile roll out of the area.13. 压蒸养护 Steam curing管桩脱模经质检和印标记后,吊桩到蒸压釜车上,用卷扬机钢丝绳拉到蒸压釜内进行二次养护。Lifting the pipe pile to the steam carrier after the qualified confirmed, return the pile to steam kettle for second curing by using the winch.装车前,要逐车检查蒸压车及托架是否有断裂、脱焊变形等异常

47、情况,要确保安全,并给每个车轮加注润滑油。Inspect the package support and kettle carrier if have any crack, bent and fracture before the loading; make sure the carrier wheel lubricated.蒸压养护过程分四个阶段:The steam curing has four phases:a)升压阶段,按规定要求升压前,排除釜内空气,每0.5h记录一次压力;第一个半小时不宜超过0.3Mpa 。Raised press, Before the raise press,

48、discharge the gas of kettle, record the one time press each half hour, not more than 0.3 Mpa at first half hour.b)恒压阶段,需保持表压1.00±0.05MPa(温度约180)的温度高压状态并每1h记录一次压力。Constant press, keeping the press meter 1.00±0.05MPa (temperate about 180 ) higher temperate, record the press data each hour.c)

49、降压阶段,不要太快,每0.5h小时记录一次压力。Low press, control low press speed, record the press data each 0.5 hour.d)开门降温阶段。当釜内压力降至零时,打开两端釜门使管桩通风降温,当桩温基本下降后,方可拉桩出釜。如到出釜时,遇到天气骤然变化,下雨、刮大风,则应要求适当延长釜内的降温时间。出釜后如果下雨,应及时盖好油布,避免降温过快,砼收缩不均匀形成裂纹。Low temperate phase when opened the door. When the press of kettle reached zero, op

50、en the both of side door for low the temperate, take away the pile from kettle until the pile body temperate lower, stop the mentioned work if has any upheaval for site condition (heavy rain, high wind etc.), extend the low temperate time as site situation. Take cover the kettle using the tarpaulin if has heavy rain, avoid temperature lower quickly and result uneven crack.管桩出釜应在降温至与室外温度相差不太大的情况下才能进行吊运卸车,按规定堆放。Lifting the pipe pile and packing


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