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1、三年级英语上期期末考试卷 Listening(30分) 一Listen and check.(听音,判断正误,9分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二. Listen and check.(听音,判断正误,6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三Listen and match.(听音,连线,4分) 四. Listen and number(听音,排序,6分)。五. Listen and choose(听音,选择相应问句的答句,5分)( )1. A. Hes doing his homework. ( ) 2. A. They are all blue.B.

2、 He is Kens friend. B. Its blue.( ) 3. A. They are 12yuan in total. ( )4. A. They are Uncle Bookys. B. Its 12yuan. B. Its Uncle Bookys.( ) 5. A. Thank you very much. B. Sorry, I dont know.Writing(70分)六Read and choose.(读问句,选择答句,5分)A. Anns favorite subject is MusicB. They are 25yuan in total.C. Shes s

3、inging.D.I like noodles very much.E. Its Uncle Bookys.1. Whose television is this? ( )2. What is Ann doing? ( )3. How much are they altogether? ( )4. What is Anns favorite subject? ( )5. What food do you like? ( )七. Read and choose.(读一读,选择答案,5分)Thank these this Whose isntDanny: Hi, Ken .Is _your wat

4、ch?Ken: Let me see. No, it _.Danny: _watch is this?Ken: Sorry, I dont know.Danny: Are_ your pencils.Ken: Oh, yes, they are. Thank you.Danny: You are welcome. But whose watch is this?Ken: You can ask Ann. Maybe she knows.Danny: _you.八. 单项选择(11分) ( ) 1. _ food.A. NoB. DontC. Eat( ) 2. Are you John? _,

5、 _ Mike.A.Yes, Im.B. No, Im not C. No, Im ( ) 3. _ are these butterflies? Theyre all red. A. WhatB. What colorC. Whose( ) 4. What _ you like? A hamburger, please. A. do B. are C. would( ) 5. This is _ ice cream. A. a B. anC. /( ) 6. _ Alice. Shes _ friend. A. She; her B. Hes; my C. Shes; my( ) 7. Wh

6、ose books are these?Theyre _ .A.Uncle BookyB. Uncle BookysC. Uncle Bookys( ) 8. How much_these eggs? _20yuan in total.A. is; ItsB. are; ItsC. are; Theyre( ) 9. What _ you doing? Im watching TV. A. isB. are C. do( ) 10. What _ twenty-five and thirty? _ fifty-five. A. are; Its B. is; Theyre C. is; Its

7、( ) 11. What _ do you like? I like Math and English. A. subject B. subjects C. is九 句子排序(9分)A. Heres your money. B. Yes, I want a hamburger and a glass of milk.C. Its three yuan. D. Thank you. Heres your change. E. Is that all? F. How much is the ice cream? G. Can I help you?H. An ice cream, please.

8、I. Thats 30yuan in total.G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _十 将下列数字按从小到大排列,注意书写规范。(10分)seventeen twenty forty-three twelve thirty-three zero eighty one hundred ninety-five fifty十一 圈出下列发音不同的单词。(12分)1.Ann cake map 2.beans peach desk 3.leg melon see 4.orange sock tomatoes 5.five six bike 6.pencil tree three7.goat coat d

9、og 8.elephant bedroom see9.blue glue bus 10.bite insect crocodile11. baby snake ant 12. write fish five十二、在栏中找出与栏相应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。(8分) ( ) 1. Look, whose book is that? A. Theyre twenty-five yuan.( ) 2. Would you like an egg? B. Hes my father. He is fishing.( ) 3. Are you Liu Tao? C. Sorry, Prter. Im

10、 doing my homework.( ) 4. What colour is the apple? D. I have Art and Chinese today.( ) 5. What is he doing? E. No, Im not. Im Su Hai.( ) 6. Ann, Can I come and play with you? F. Yes, please.( ) 7. How much are these kites? G. Its green.( ) 8. What subjects do you have today? H. Sorry, I dont know.十

11、二 阅读Ken写的短文,判断正误(10分)This is a photo of my friend. There are five people in this photo. Look, this is Ma Li. She is reading. Her books are on the desk. Thats Lisa. Shes drawing. Her favorite subject is Art. Tom is drinking tea and Alice is having an ice cream. John is running. I love my friends very much.( ) 1. There are six people in this photo.( ) 2. Ma Lis books are under


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