已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、2019学年第二学期高三第二次教学质量调测英语试卷*域卷分第1卷(选择题和第11卷非选撵愿第I卷1垩7质,第H卷7页至8亘。4分150分,考域用时120分伸口情考生技规定用电将所有试髓的看案谕、写在善鳗上年第I卷注章亭取T1.黑第1卷前,考生务心将由己眄姓名、准考证号最写左琴题卡上,2-选出每小网零零后,用铅笔耙答摩卡上时庄理月的卷案标号涂黑,加需住动,用悔史 摧干净后再逸流其他答案柞号心本能答在本式卷上,否则无我口第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题叶,先将答案标在疏器上 聚青内喜站束后,你苛有两分钟的时间将试卷匕的露重 持涂到落题卡上心第一节供5小题;每小期L5分自分7s分)听下面5段

2、对话口每段对话后有一个小寇从剧中所给的AxBsC三个选项中选出最佳 选项,弁嶂在试卷的相应位修听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的附间来回答有关小星和同 读下一小遇。每段对话仅速一遍个1P Where did the man meet ShM。?A. At summer camp.B. in a writing M孤配C. In a mil/肘,2. U hai 运 the mo玳 expenaive dung that the wnnuui orders?A. Hf!rdnnk.R. Hptbread.C. Hervegdabif.3. Why isn't the Internet wo

3、rking?A. The power went outB, Th壮 wemon diMWJiered it.C. Tlie nuui tiidn' t pay the hilt4," hfll i the probable rlaiinn>4up brtw«*enA. Mother and 制m.H. Brother and wsler. C. Husband and wife.5、Whs!山“号 thft woman tell the man?A. Shoes ajT! 15% off-艮 He shoulrtl o«»e h*ck ne

4、xt month.C. Winter ure the only 加侬 4n 如已第二节供力5小题i每小题1.5分3分空5分)听下面5段对话或独白口每段对话或独自后有几个小题.从题中所给的A、"G三个醇 事中选出隹选项口听每段对话或独白前.体粒有时间网博各个小IS,诲小 5秒钟.听完 后.各小用椅给出5秒钟的作答时间中鼻段对话或独白读两逅*'所第6段材料.回答第6至第7骷“A * *Wn« «kwe. B. At« w«a i 7-111r11 *"小 Eian iwum?A一 TiwnoiTThw mnrnin,C Tonig

5、htC+ At the dfMinfir1 srB. Ihifi Aftrmnon.叱第7段材杵回瞽第8至第10题fi. Aomniing tn 网 article, whal 'u wm咐 with nmonUucH?A*. :n*(oo man).例& % mnn 占奸't. Thq Uikr too long todnnk”mkk hit pmjjfrfly.q Whui di4 Ihe man p,jt in h强斗两?A *邙侬&-B,5啊r.1 ° nAt & 小 3 imply in 小 end?A Hf U r(Rfiki 由尸

6、 lirtiefe.C. He s still即e M mrtktt自加腌,听第8段材料,回答第W至13题。IL What is the num doing?& GivingC. Asking forhdp.C. Milk.IL H(U flfop rlrinking 4nkMlhjea,B. Offering infomj*uj()n.l工邛hE dues the wQgn thini ofhftr fnther?A兔岫Me-B.UndsE咯H. flliaJ will the worrLttn probably do next?八 Quit the jtlfiy.C人廿 her f

7、ather to the show.C WFiirm-hearted.左心止 widi her father.所第9段材料回答第14至17 gD 14. KW do we know abnui 出伫 Are*? 儿 hghlning fitrikefi mostly in 证就向牧* £ Die mm is near #卅 Andes MnuntJtinfl 15. Whai did NASA call the area?B. 1 hfi people there worry about 物dng hit.儿'L >1ever-En<ling Storm of A

8、luminC TTte 小妙it of VenezucLiPH. The Ughlnin# Capital of the World.16, How mMJ)y jjeople are Htrnk 儿 One in three >nr yejtr.C. 80% of penpilc whr) Jive 加血坷Hing n皿the匚.加心班仃?凡 One in 12,000 p«r yrar>1'doea the man wuy in ihe end?A He % ScMl«d nf SitOHMMrj JJ ».c HeTd be carefu

9、l if he lived in th亡皿3f*,咻"enmcbi听第1。段材料.回答第18至20题口1: % &加邺必打四.do at th. hinrung就此卬虫?% Stay indoors.n 居.l .out to ftnjoy 岷 ijeftiitiful 悔骨曲6r.皿mrdothee aw呼19. When 4i洞4the Mnm,、m*?H. By I riday 卬,向咯A. By T口岫产皿恪C. Ri- tipM M丽尚20fh 由 un曲加PP 1R tnlfl Scpihflr flnd 由ly Odnbrr?A. ThE * a 皿 of m城

10、.B. Pifi wrAthitr 吁 hz 加QC. H i«dwxy& quiir 加或第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10个小盘;银小题25分满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中.选出最佳选项1并在答题卡上 将该项波黑LKhaliffi jdned Ihe Hoots & Shools in 20G7, But her involvemni h(那时i niueh earii曰 *加口 she was inspired hy « video flhown in h sdiool cla«»

11、nK>m of Dr. Jane CoftLd doing rcfiearch in TrimzaniA.I Ihink R WHS the thin! gradti,“ shft MyB, *I whs like, ' Wow, I want to be like her.'"Tluil ilrive led her io p也licipHte i力 Roots & ShonLs and &vend other yoiMh progiwnA. Ar a member of the Hools & Shoots in hiph nnhoo

12、L she hrs involved in ninny service projects, to mjikc ihe world & heder place for people, aninwln and thn nnvimnniftnt She travelIrtfl to rnitjoruil y力uih to galherins with other studenln from around ihft wnddt and to lanxRnia when; she met youth leaders th种re nnd sn* Jane、wnrk in Gombe.Keflent

13、ing nn ihe many Root & Shoots projects bEe was involved in Klialifn sayT a favorite was Med flcatre Ihroui /Irt. During thft Iraq War, nhc Hnd her jtcem nurie and collecied art !icm in ihe United Eiatrrs and ncnt (hem to Ithcjis. "Ihe juTiject tapped intfi both her pas白沁n for expmwion throu

14、gh art and her conimitmmt tn helping otbem “Art ia very 叩ecial J sbq say4 “出 让血 art 1H kind of r unheEd Im削崂r. You du'l have lo rftdly speak the name,拉n那明e as someone 加 即t h mes阳管1 across/'Sh® hofKfi to he an inspiraiioii to wod»n, lo people (if cninr, and to otheni “have that litt

15、k wtmis ask queHiions 11cek 的州。吗 have an impact an Iheir (swnmunilics. "So people pull yaij up, right, but the itlea 运 ikal y<)u 南。uld pull uxneone up too/' Mhe says.my ct)nimunihT"The mniinbiin top. for 出 I丽k” Ah* hajs “in naking « positive impt in'he thjd Mt tilery willkn

16、owing Jhil 1 h«lpwl change nol nnly my !e but Hther people liVPftera 也回 Jane has dnn for 唧士motivate otherK Ulti口间向六 she w*, "1 wnnt lo dn the naine for。比Thfti'» the Iniig-lerm 即阻121, Why did Khiilifh join Roots & Shoot*?A,TYi eoltflcl an to help other psopL in【mq.H. To follow

17、Jaiir Owwiall to build a Mt彼r world.C. To travd to diflerenf studntfr unH youth l近矣凡0. To jw; an inttpimiioiiHl wimum toweak gmup叽22. Which nf the it>1 lowing bst describe KhilitH?A. Clever mid ci«tcmtined-B, Brave und outgoing蕉三英语卷3C. 1fli vf R力d Rtri,t, 23 件加旧巾wh Icae fmrn hh川ih worth in i

18、h仙玳 |叫旧监叫电杆?A 4iE>uld 炉 invotvcfi in *>cial HcMvilif,B prthpk ahonH tn th闽r twsi w rhiin即 thMr own I讦代C People should nwlfl . diflenpncfi to oihftMD .pie fJiodd 即verghp lip iheir (VHnift.Bf v t ul in line, y<i mipht just be u bad p<?rwnL The quem;(捕队)in a rcgul疝on vm the eatJ (ihc irr-cT

19、T'am Mand dining mnm/iirkri iiooth)而(am,W ihmu汕 jwitincie. Ychif chnirf; m H#rdd 由茜 hme-hunoreil process 冒迎 be bound Io draw ihe an职o' ih储e you by, drawing rtTOHA,like "Wluw there, Chief.” ihr pA«9ive-flgreerive(1Thftrp ,» b Kn栏,you know!” anri rtf ntmv th e inrnihk cQminort &

20、quot;1加,丁 Co 即 micim, why don'I y 例】gpideynuraeH Id I he back 谴 ibt- line?"EuL in th< moment in which you really cannol wait, for cinmp th仃 entire royal fkmity han prr产e! a dinner party upon圆I minule, then there in a a lo cut the line orurwily.Thsrti mp a fr'w diffrrt'ni wnys In

21、conoidand a 出1h dif市疗m 叩门仙h值 to employ,Thd ivgukrity f the silLdtiun 工a very important. If youT re wailing Lo use the photocopier Ai w仆rk. you might be more likei* kt maruigt' a fciiccfssfiil cul than if y4m wrv wailing W a li缶on the Tilfinir. Sum, that might be an eitreme example!. But the impo

22、rtance flf ihe evnl does nml 忸匚For ihwe rwjiiestH in nnrmd sitimtionft, emphasising either the urgency of your lask or the simplicity of your task proved to be effective: eijwriineiilers who naid “Eicuse ng | hae five |iages. May I use the phntocop讪r?” had u cul nde of 60 percent and experimentfrft

23、who 7直<1 "Mrty I use the photocopier betdiifie 】n*wd Lq make copies?" Siiw a success rak- nf 90 ptsr iient when cpietijn for the copy madiinEIf y(xi hive a couple of Eitm dollars lyin around, biibiiig (屿j 赂)members of the Une hrh proved to be 喷ectke. And mol of the lime. the 时 rbM>n

24、hbin bribed didn't end up ac«?阳 ng the money, Bp*wm? even the r>fier fihnwed that the briber ha/J a t«n% df dftspemtion,24 . Why does the Author uae the ren皿km about Chief and CapcEicim in par 晤mph 1?A. It> the reaction from menibprs in li触.B. To 5mruge th dm who want lo 心 ul in

25、li 优,C. T# praii$r the hehavhr of cutting rn lirifl, D. To 旬七词产展 tvhich hdpA cut in line.25, Which nf 山栏 Sih而咤运 NOT a 附im wn,t。cut in line?瓜 Gii向3 ik mfanhers in iin吧 money.B- 51at收 的厕c:y of thti 世v(mt.C+ Coosidenng t& regularity of the siluntinn.D. Defc呼“山卜 right of 而ting in line.26.ZiH0rh g?Qr

26、 Aecep./ q* 岫 01t in LintD. S产:讪 Hights under Emt煤叮高三英语卷4A. Be Pi F也C. E gmig 1n''Shinr in thr dHik" <l<dphinR in«x 8cBm 耻由out of a 750fcsi由泡 HoFTb th«l m pn?ci>ftly Nnwpnrt C(wUl Advh,Cop时n H刘 *1"/血同酬 tW 5 小 班叫卜仃 PWiC(niK' vilHr's'il. Me llry ril Q &

27、quot;"",'f,r,hir,j|lir ' hare been liitinff up ihn wiUoe *ff Smilhfm Ctdilhmm 弋口的 rificp mid-April,spotted the1W p&rincr sconnfid ihe ooftan for hwE and was reiumtng to when 小0%加湃PM Mfictric" dnlphiiw swimming throe# the bloom of shining phnk(on(浮酹生物)*pmved to who h«d

28、 iwft the phftnnnwnoii only once bafg in a N皿k *hnw,阳沙 cntrhinp 出肥;J wcre 诅 k a 加 hfinier lluui hfi hul 已工产眄1 "For lUartg ihe shining planktort Jw 缚幽细5uAbcfikow» up and thou fodm -鞫叼 so while on Ihfi MerJW impowibk Io 刊献京1d 忆,to ttwixncnndilinst have to be Abflolulely peded for the shining

29、 plankton k> »how 皿1 被皿1thrtRigh Ji so we eiui filin it+n: 席 心皆Thou曲 witnessing shining 约h life 依 ran*, the elncrlrifying blue ocean acm , cnmmnn 艮曲I Armind Soulhern (lirnntifl hN-pn Fhniffcry And Scpmhr. Hie phenoni01* ean he fittnbulcd tn the presence M milliuiw of planld恤 which lend to 跃t

30、h" mid rftpnxltice " qUAnthifi in ihc wunri cnasifil wntra during 出i* timr.Though a rruijarity of CilifomiH s nxi Iides hfh caused by pltinldnn spec% 皿1 加,川 prtwliire 心如 poison, flnme algal bloomB(蘸花)由i be dan髀dub for eea minud4 蚪)8讪,when they stay for king periods of time. In 2018, an. al

31、mn峨 year-long red tide" nJ力熊 Florins Gulf smi" criuf*ed by tW fxrpfwivf gmwth of micnjalHe Karpnia RiTis. killed hunfirfitlH of fish and othtr sc=a anima 底27. Xliat doe$ the ujiderlint-d吁心'Ln pomraph 2 (nean?A, A Sfifl pEnnLR. A lost world,C. A pedecl moment. D, A mk号ing camera.2K Urha

32、t is the main gtwri f()r dir 常吼 life "lining?A. Th. ab?牡 the i的i in the orean Hnd than rpflE kB. Th.,Hie Huiroujidw by millions of shining plHuklnn.C. TFiey sim through thg ocvim wilh rlftricity in 】即际 qrnm疝cs.D. Tliey benefit from thn warm wHh jr to power them祀ho*29 UTiai cmifrfW thr-而h# *

33、7;f noni产 ftnimals arTorciinp In the text?A. Red tidmB. Hurnan eAphnfttifln. C. Wurm wat栏nD, Algal Hooms30. In vhirh fificiion of a nrwpjjHper may this Lexi appear'A+Science.R. Fki山h.C. Enlcriainmcnt.D. EdUC4tjon第二节(共5小部每题2分,满分10分) 根据明文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为名余 选项口>“也haxming Kn曲心m&am

34、p; 2洞Lan即岬nr itre h nmivft目内小琳.似版的df writing, improving your En拆h mm网由甲必】卜辐very闻M小:;"”以"必曲口#<xni吟 tmd prm tietng wtll Jlnw vou W "山心一了 小时 is al find 垢阳 、口。恤叫 ynur皿5叫*小讪*_n一即E孙皿L基一Lx)k叩the defini加3间的1*%扁山wbich川"皿,的圆日!垣加 use buccL 曲妙小心,如f ycjull be m find tbp 训t 蜂 fOr 以 高三英借卷5Ws

35、kmore wonk youat hAndand iheless likdr ur writing uill 岫 #W口 由 flnf1冰如色A«k a 3nd with丽1 Enmh业的砧田加Ee1tm时卡由乌一” 的明 j-nvr pper。】硼"近能忖血"也卜"福山倏皿4k抽由'U«叩ur word卜2的£2的皿皿一即mmrf eM tmk to疝就网>%餐也.5弗吠 VO(1而的21 R2扁,叱il*由也eeM滥幽瑞丽/汨then晶m也对rHly, noting Ihe difiomccg fiwn hnw yn

36、u出侬由不w财印词词- 皿匕the.Think in English while 而ting if y向rC A 皿2 *N(山” of h 出§品M l阳鸵岬 Hflvin8 的 mw* in your hM rJows you 加即,md 的加由 1c3a lt) 已皿用 Shtdy E*i# wtumt if you are laving diffijcuM Look 叩 the rwM whoever you're having 岫闻3 or * granamn: book all 出产 way thmit卧-It may be Iwnirq buL if®

37、 citrfinwly helpful.力函出* 卡riling _35Evrry Mill rwpiirfis ggngr rrpNilioti 30. h讯#产 m心tery, whp小桁p】Win£ a musical inBlnirntiril* flyiEg 也 jd or wlitinMgiwxi 上门或1#tivse.A. The niocr v<hi >tiIp,. ihe betier wnwr ywdU becomeR. Bmaden your vocibiiliiry by rctuljug H3 much ns postihlfl.S. modem

38、 Wrh hmwsera 向川 include speU-checking took.T. Knowing whril yftu're doing vmng M nccf*siuy before you ran impniv 民中m more hwute you are nf yfxir MTitin为 收 better your handriGr will MlU. To thieve ihig yotfll nerd 忖 ntftft nnort ask friends for hdph tuid rnnlmiialJy wri忤,C. Phi the fijmbnU on flm

39、hearth mid memun琏 ihem, ihfln writf thm Jtgflin and iigrtin.第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完簿填空共20个小题,每小题1.5分,送分30分)阅读下面短文r从短文后答题所蛤的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项并在瞽题卡上再谖项漂黑,You may have heard of Osceola McCarty vho wnrkid fnr 75 years ha a wither woman. Ar di£ nrtiredT aHr wrail (a tha hflrik and 翡 

40、7; to her surprise, that her sjiiaII monthly savin苧hud3? _ _如 fjvcr i 15OJXM), Shfl donated $150,000 io rhe ( SM for a 3chelaryhip fund far students wjih HnAJiciAl 38.Whal you hnv« nol hard 讪 hrrw 0眈coin'* gift hns_3。_,.Ey Ijfft, J 狠即 84Qsludeni mul I h«i my htari g cjn g&hg to USM

41、, Bm I 41 a 中* *hnlureldp by one point un my entrant e皿耳 皿j ft Hi'hohnship was the only way I 皿山1 毗加nd. One Sundfli); 1 -ihr 削“ ry jMtut 讣hcmIm mui her gpnF.TOuH 43_in ihe 山,亚町例收,unci ent lo M H-naiwia aid 成Gs and、:ar桢 thp 6nrt 44 of an Schahn+hip45【命期.45 OmmiIh at a pre&a conference一如如舒嗜wn&

42、#187; Hk巳 Griding lunily. Otfwola 46married and lived 也附加 my family has Bint* M:tHue h茴,gmndnrn ,?b hhl-l:h ''' "n Ilir |d:i r;l. jr I <L;. II- j- Lm"尸L L, 'if.【I jBiL,ir;由虱13 g cydu right bj a 4g皿S W心喃向*15Eiylbins ”,捕的小 z there, hu”由&, t know讯一如一加卜.削也加T51°0

43、6;U阴汁叫much mom tfw a双版如南通She恒域t的小皿欢能”_She worked herlife 而d m 毗,wbieh 2同 dMP 如也就叫瞅H fueled 曰一&高三英语卷6_M 邯yg Kick whr5111mM.止十5夕 41。、计 ' '吧"lutdly | plan In ftdd tn her sehnhTship fiind. vrqnt tn givr。身E返from USMh 岛Wl he 朝而:“附眄'1 Vr 叫呼hH 卜噫 unnlJirr gmndreui And when I 炉川立谕式 自(严印h

44、产 55 力K 巾 Ilir aiirh皿*54 my moitwr 4tnd my fmndmoihkF加36, A. believed日,出口vwred37. A. gmvmR. arrivef)3S. A. uitercBiM support31?. A. nwjAntM. starved40. A. curiouaH, worried41.人 nusjwdB. Infit42. A.即油 aeros总H. eauM HciTHiG43. A. (HnntinnR. money44. A, userhelper45. A. fcHiitdH, knrw46- A+ «vcrB.

45、 never47. A, randninl)H. nuently48. A. JainbH- allojKls49. A. rpsfauraniB. hniM50. A. flppearwiB. bearned51. R- dniigB. working52. A. concluHionB- prpainlian53. A. pnKitinnB. fundS4, A. turnjndB. bHween55, A. belongsB, livftsC.checkedD. 5ktedC+ ndded0.即由小阳C. mlD. limitCr afTficteflD. infriclfdC ofln

46、remedD. rkvniodC. ignoredD- wastedC. wtbnl flrnwD. tonkod AC fourC. reptiUiLLUfLD- masjigeC, lanifTD. rrcFiv产rC. HHWD- gotC.(HXWD. juslC. Aiiddfinly. regularlyC_ enntar出D. toucheC. libraryD.AbnpC. occurrtslD. happenedC助捕他D. helpingC. HttniionD, jmsHtonCr familyD. jobC.址MJVHD. underC. expertsDJlk 佛第I

47、I卷注意其冬聚写在答题卡上口写在本就卷上无效口第二节(10个小题;每小噩1 5分鬲分褥分)Graffiti 缶 writtngA, dmMn笋 or nwks rrmdc on walk in puhlic plaiw* In e*4 cas心,it 适 附5 56 _ mixlurs of wriliivg and picLures, uaiully 570) with * 喝 which ia unique58 an ariist or a group, Cndfili 诵 now popular all over the h<hM.Crufbli 诵 bcJied tn becw

48、popular in ihc Sutes in 山朴 1960s, Young wldtf;山将心 Like New YoHt wutiJd usw* pajul lt> frPy 出.,鹏"就乩 39. New Yorlccra ubc41 30graffiti as HomHhing _(disturh), Up m the 1 守期,nyiflt people HM闯 graffiti tind 函.通graffiti wasand graffiti urtia也(puninh by fin.Liter Jhe 加心骅 MHnd 即丽li tulnth chungf-fi

49、 a hi 心让 graffiti m时 no Innr only fix1nd in th fiubway3 or 收 j«xirof 府山献 but aku m the 忠 Oydhry) of ManWuin art wcdd+In ihti He 19«(h the p>p«brity of hip-bnp musJc: h叫闻 to spread the。山um 成 拆Mti.后电 时高三英语卷7w,而加l疝闻Strt,eft的d*_61_何皿而皿Jhvrr"-即曲”(gnin) the n:pi1fltkwi M %ir中I nil&q

50、uot;H him hwocnf* A movenntttkptning 山上"rwt cultuna rif y>nng 训七 You vm nvwn findm planM _65_wowcprt't 皤 x "-In 闻vurti"ntnnn帆 on dodgjm tnjdfid even in newBpopfim,疆四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节应用文写作(满分15分)假E产Y林英文报编辑李隼,近期收到一蝴名为Anxiety的求助信,在信中俵同学衰 豕由于考试麻近风”喇增。请用英文给读同学网信,内容要点如下;1 .表示安慰彳工提出

51、建设:3,表达祝愿。注意:1万数8。左右;z可以适当增加细节,以便行文连贯c':丁;:广 第二节:版要写作(满分25分邮读下面短文,垠据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容撷要“"f f 止廿 pmMj证 Mtari地 jwwne peo业 wre wondering if the internet could Ktand up ta the & in demand. The md 福 n(H only a clear "忡T h«t this whole period made il even Rimg.How "Mid our world s

52、urvive 聃讪oul Internet in pamiemic 汕uatinn? E 丽知田运面p* dif- *rtn由 bui belter or 料。g We big 由制版 internet uvdhhf> is changing h 仪 J thi呻, 11小心 to iU曲加山 keep g wmi% fmm ihetr home, others Ke abk tn Lmp 811t始with their led ones 小 and moat found Ihrir 而iMainn1Mt 崛i® 汜 Had k 3 ever 时见 people would *vp stayed 或 home 3 enjojed iheir *办“皿时川 e since they .仪雨 Lng h*i mcit lime on their hfinds.Hui in today 噎桢日& the intemd has become the one Jinl thm u&g 朋4L It i


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