已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第一学期六年级英语上册期末测试卷及答案学校 班级 姓名考核内容分数总成绩听力部分笔试部分听力部分(40分)一、听首,判断。与录首内容相符的在括号内打,与录首内容不符的在括号内 打X。10分1、 ()2、 ()3、 ()4、 ()5、()()6、Tim is my new pen palHe lives in Beijing、()7、My father is a coach()8、My cousin Jack likes playing football and swimming、()9、The woman is going tobuy a dictionary()10、 Turn left a

2、t the traffic lights、听音,选词。选择听到的单词或句子,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内10分()1、A、hikingB、swimmingC、singing()2、A、showB、snowC、now()3、A、pen palB、pencilC、plane()4、A、play sportsB、play footballC、play basketball()5、A、CanberraB、countryC、Chinese()6、A、hungryB、angryC、afraid()7、A、policemanB、policewomanC、police officer()8、A、coachB

3、、sports reporterC、P、E teacher()9、A、liveB、livesC、living()10、A、 No、57B、 No、75C、 No、 51三、听音,选句。根据听到的问句选择答句,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内10分B、He works in a school、B、 She likes riding a bike、B、 I m going by ship、B、 They are very happyB、 I go to school by bike、()1、 A、 He goes to work by caK()2、 A、 He likes diving、()3、

4、A、Im gong there tonight()4、 A、 He is worried、()5、 A、 You can go by No 18 bus、四、听音,排序。根据听到的句子顺序,将正确的序号写在题前括号内。10分()What are you going to do in your lesson?()What are you going to do?()Im going to have an art les son()Sounds great!()Have a good time!()We re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park()

5、Im goitogsee a film tomorrow、()You, too、 I have to do my homework now、()Bye、()OK、 Bye、笔试部分(60分)一、选一选。选出不同类的单词或词组,将序号写到括号里。10分()1、A、footB、trainC、planeD、subway()3、A、police officerB、fatherC、pilotD、worker()4、A、angryB、sadC、 happyD、 wear()5、 A、teachesB、 tomatoesC、watchesD、 reads()6、A、 afraidB、 angryC、 sad

6、D、 trip()7、A、singB、hikingC、fishingD、reading()8、 A、 wearB、 whereC、 whatD、 how()9、 A、 parkB、 grassC、 flowerD、 tree()10、A、tomorrowB、morningC、 afternoonD、 evening二、补一补。根据上下文或汉语意思,写出单词。 10分Cherry(live) in New Zealand She likes singing and word(H字游戏 卜 Her father is a W人)、 He(go)3 / 6to work by 酗铁)、Her mot

7、her is a 51 人)、 Shelikes(play) the violin、Cherry has a 福的)family、三、写一写。把下列单词连词成句。(注意书写格式、标点和大小写)10分1、does, what, he, do (?)2、don t, at, red, go, the, light (!)3、bookstore, left, turn, at, the ()4、he, see, doctor, this, morning, a, should、()5、going, Renmin Park, are, to, we, draw, pictures, some, in四

8、、配一配。请从B栏中选出与A栏相配的句子。将序号写在A栏的题前括号内 10分AB()1、 Where does Tom work?A、 He is angyR()2、 What are you going to do tomorrow? B、 Yes, she does()3、 How do you go to work?()4、 Does she like going hiking?()5、 What does your father do?()6、 How does he feel?()7、Whats your dacTs hobby?()8、 How can I get to the c

9、inema?()9、What should I do?()10、 Let s go to the nature park五、选一选。在对话框内选出匹配的句子,10分C、 He works at a seaD、 He likes fishing、E、 You should do more exerciseF、 Im going to see a filmG、 Hooray!H、 I go to work by bikeI、 He s a fish ma nJ、 Go straight, then turn left、将序号填在横线上,使对话意思完整。Mr lAGoDonmcwonry. mBs

10、Yo u should see a doctor. C. Wha s wrong?D. Where does he work? E. I ll visit Doctor Ma this afternoon. F. Great!3 / 6Mr Su: Good morning, Mr Li、 You look unhappy、Mr Li: I m ill I have a headacheMr Su: I m sorry to hear that Mr Li: Yes、Mr Su:Mr Li: He works in Peace HospitalMr Su: Thats good、 You wi

11、ll be better soon、Mr Li: Thank you、Bye!Mr Su: Bye!六、读一读。阅读短文,判断正误,在句子后面的括号里打上,或X。10分Hello, I m BobThere are 5 people in my family、 Im a coach I like playing sports、 I go to work by bike, becauseit good exercise My father is a police officer He goes to work by car; He likes singing、 My mother is a he

12、ad teacher She likes listening to musiu She often goes to work by subway But sometimes she goes to by taxk My sister Jenny likes dancing She is a factory worker; She goes to work by bus、 My brother Ben is a pilot、 He goes to work by subway He likes doing word puzzles、 Our family is big and happy、()1

13、、 There are 3 people in Bob s family)2、 Bob s father is a head teach er()3、Bods sister goes to work by b us()4、Bobs mother often goeto work bytaxi、()5、Bobs brother is a pilot附加分4分1、判断画线部分的发音是否相同:2分()pal pen ( )_like write( )think _this ()”t bread2、你知道这些英语谚语的意思吗?试着写出它们的中文意思吧!2分No pleasure without pai

14、n Better to ask the way than go astra y第一学期六年级上册期末测试卷听力材料及参考答案听力部分:一、听首,判断。与录首内容相符的在括号内打,与录首内容不符的在括号内 打X。10分1、 I often go to school by bus2、 Slow down and wait at the yellow light、3、 Amy is going to see a film this evenings4、 Sarah is ill、 She should go to the hospita l5、 Mr Jones is a businessma n6

15、、 Tim is my new pen pak He lives in Canberra7、 My father is a coach8、 My cousin Jack likes playing football and swimming、9、 The woman is going to buy a word book10、 Turn left at the traffic lights、二、听音,选词。选择听到的单词或句子,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内。10分1、Sarah likes swimmings3、I have a pen pal5、She studies Chines e7、

16、He is a police officer、9、He lives in Sydney、B A A B C B B C B A2、 1、 There is a kite show on the playground4、 I often play football、6、My mom is angry、8、 His brother is a P、E、 teacher10、 Take the No 57 bus三、听音,选句。根据听到的问句选择答句,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内。10分1、Where does he work?2、What s her hobby?3、 When are you g

17、oing there? 4、 How does he feel?5、 How do you go to school?BBAAB四、听音,排序。根据听到的句子顺序,将正确的序号写在题前括号内。10分Mike: What are you going to do?Sarah:I m going to have an art less onMike: What are you going to do in your lesson?Sarah:We re going to draw some pictures in Renmin ParkMike: Sounds great!I m going to

18、see a fitomorrow、Sarah: Have a good time!Mike: You, too、 I have to do my homework now、 Bye、Sarah: OK Bye3,1,2,5,7,4,6,8,9,10笔试部分(60分)一、选一选。选出不同类的单词或词组,将序号写到括号里。10分ABBDB DAAAA二、补一补。根据上下文或汉语意思,写出单词。 10分lives, doing puzzles, businessman,goes subway, factory worker, playing, happy三、写一写。把下列单词连词成句。(注意书写格式、标点和大小写)10分1、 What does he do?2、 Don! go at the red light、3、 Turn left at the bookstore、4、 He should see a doctor this morning 5、 We are going to draw some p


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