1、Module 8My future life课题Unit 1 Here s to our friendship!教学分析1 .课型分析:听、说课2 .教材分析:本课是本模块的第一课时,在本模块中起主导 作用,侧重训练学生的听说能力。主要内容为运用宾语从句 和定语从句来描述毕业生晚会上的对话。从全书来看,本模 块是对以前宾语从句和定语从句的总结和运用, 着重引导词 的使用,让同学们通过课堂学习活动来掌握其用法。3 .学生分析:九年级的学生经过长时间的英语学习,积累了 一些基础的词汇和句型,另外,本模块的谛言点对学生来说 不是很难,话题接近生活,大多数学生能够积极参与到学习 活动中来。教学 目 标
2、语 言 知 识 目 标功能能够表达感谢等情感;能够为未来制订规划。语法复习宾语从句和定语从句。词汇基准目标:Handbag,beat,pardon,intend,fetch,pancake,rose,laugh at,kindness,give up, try one' s best, disappointed,note, whom选择目标:bedside语音能够在使用从句时用正确的语音语调来达意语言听能够听菌有关分别的谈话,能够转述具体信息并判断说话人的思想 感情。技能目标说能够谈论自己的感受,发表感言;能够介绍自己的未来计划。读能够读懂读懂毕业聚会上的发言写能够完成分别聚会发言稿的
3、写作,说出自己的感受,表达谢意,并 畅想未来。学习策略自f略能够反思自己的学习,制订下一步的学习计划合作学习策略能够与他人合作,互相检查语言的掌握情况文化意识通过学习,了解不同国家的人在分别时的不同表现情感态度培养感恩之心,学会表达对他人的谢意。教学重点Key vocabulary- Handbag, beat, pardon, intend, fetch, pancakeKey structures-structuresof object clauses andattributive clauses.教学难点The use of intend to do sth:'教学媒体多媒体课件
4、单机版网络教学光盘教学方法interactive approach教学过 程方法设计意图用图片导入话题,易于学生 理解,看图回答问题,也给 学生指明了答案的方向,让 课堂更丰富。Stepl Warming upSs look at the pictures and answer the questions?-1-c-n-j1y How will you feel at the school-leavers ' party?for your classmates?What are you going to showWf5you wear beautiful clothes to take
5、 part in the party?at the school-leaversparty?Step? vocabularyShow some pictures to teach new words: handbagn.女用小提包 beat n.节拍,拍子 pardon请再说一遍intend v.计划,打算fetch v.取来,拿来pancaken.薄烤饼,薄煎饼Ss try to say out the words. Then play the tape, Ss listen and repeat.Step 3 Look and sayLook at the pictures and ans
6、wer the questions.出示图片让学生说单词, 既检查了学生的预习情 况,又教学了新词的含义, 扫清本单元学习的词汇障 碍,促使学生更好地进入 学习状态。1. What is the special event?2. What is everybody doing?Step4 Listening1. Listen and answer the questions.Where is Betty going tonight?What are Betty and Tony going to do?Why does Betty refuse to eat before she leaves
7、?让学生初步感知课文内容。2. Listen to Part 3 and answer the questions.Is Lingling enjoying the party?Who hang international flags on the wall?3、Play the tape.Check their answersStep5Reading1. Read the dialogue and complete the notes.Their feelingsThe hallThe music本活动旨在训练学生的听力,让学生进行分层次听说,以训练学生掌握良好的听说方式。通过让学生带着问题
8、去听对话内容,培养学生听力中获取细节信息的能力Their plansThe food and drink2. Read the passage again and answer the questions1 Why is Lingling sad?2 What makes the hall look wonderful?3 What do they think of the music?4 What are Tony ' s plans?5 What is on the menu?6 What do they wish for when they raise their glass?S
9、tep 6 Complete the questions with the words in the box.1. Read the questions carefully.让学生带着问题去默读 对话,进一步理解对话 内容,为课文的深入学 习奠定基础。锻炼阅读 的能力。2. Complete the questions with the words in the box.future intend pancake pardon1 If you say, does it mean “ Pleaseay that again " or “I'm sorry ” ?2 Do you
10、 think a(n)is something to eat or something to drink?3 If you to do something, do you want to通过小组合作,让学生 主体参与,根据所设计 的内容进行对话交流, 学生的思维处于积极兴 奋的状态,有利于提高 课堂学习效率。do it or not?4 Do you think the will be better than thepast?3. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. asses?Step 7 Everyday EnglishLet Ss say the
11、 everyday English that they have learnt in the passage.?Pardon?对不起,请原谅(用于礼貌请求别人重复自己没听清或不理解的话)? I hope so.在简略句中,表示希望某事发生? Good for you!(称赞某人)真行,真棒?Here' s to (祝酒词)为的健康(或胜学生通过对现实生活中 的任务思索与完成,进 一步运用所学的知识, 发散性的操练,锻炼学 生自由运用英语的能 力,增加课堂的趣味性, 并将活动延伸到课外。利)干杯? Cheers!用作祝酒语,意为千杯”Step 8 Listening1. Listen a
12、nd mark the pauses.I ' finish my high school education here, but Iwant to go back to my hometown one day. What are your plans, Daming?2. Listen again and repeat.Step 9 Read and listen1. Read and mark the pauses.Let ' raise our glasses. Here' to our friendship, everyone and to the future!
13、2. Listen and check.Step 10Ask and answerAsk and answer the questions in Part 8 in pairs.1 What are your plans and hopes for the future?2 Are you going to have a schooleavers ' party3 What will you do on your holiday?4 Will you miss your friends and classmates?Why or why not?StepllHomework仿照课文中的对话,用
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