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1、DMX512空制器说明及介绍产品概述: products description? AT3010D控制器是一款带LCD显示,无线遥控,音频输入,地址编辑 的DMX控制器。? AT3010D controller is a DMX controller with LCD display,wireless control,audio input,IP edition.主要特点:main features? 输入电压:AC110V 或 AC220V。input voltage:AC110V or AC220v? 输出 DMX 信号符合 DMX512/1990 标准。Input DMX signal

2、by DMX DMX512/1990 standard? 具有一个标准的DMX512输出通道,可以实现最多170个全彩点的控制。? With a standard DMX512 output channel,it can realize 170 full color dot control at most? 内部具有常亮七彩,一致跳变,一致渐变,流水,追逐,中分,堆积等 灯光模式。? Internal has normally on seven color,consistency flash,consistencystrobe,smooth,pursuit,halve,accumulate a

3、nd other lighting mode? 各种变化效果可分别设定16种不同的变化速度和颜色选择设定。? Each change effects can set 16 different change speed and color selection? 具有简易的编程功能,可以方便的定义输出灯光效果。? Simple program function,can easliy define input lighting effects? 编程可自由定义内部的各种变化模式为一个步骤。? Program can easily define all change mode inside to a

4、step.? 最多可定义8个独立的循环的步骤。? define8 separate independent loop steps? 具有四个操作按键,可以方便进行功能操作。? With four operation keys,can easily operate? 具有LCD输出指示,所有功能在LCD上均有操作提示。? With LCD output indication,all function is showed in the LCD.? 有无线遥控器可以远距离调试和更改操作。? Wireless controller can be used in operation of remote

5、debug and change? 有音频输入接口,内置有两种音频模式。? With audio input connector,two inside audio mode? 具有DMX地址编辑功能,方便地址的修改。? With DMX IP edition function,convienent to modify the ID应用范围:application? 小型变化效果的灯光系统的DMX接口输出控制。? DMX connector output control of small change effects产品标准规格表 :specification standard diagram产

6、品编号item no交流电压输入DC voltage input驱动能力drive power控制类型control way接线方式connecting wayAT3010D100 V-240V标准模组 (standard module)32PCSDMXRJ11典型性能参数 :typifcal feature parameters性能项目feature project测试条件test condition最小值min典型值 typical最大值max输出全彩节点 output full colornode一个RGB组为一节 点 a RGB group is anode1/170输出DMX通道数O

7、utput DMX channel QTY1输出DXM驱动能 力Output DMX drive power标准DMX模组standard DMX module1/32驱动距离drive instance无中继白罟no repeater0/300m最大无损范围 : max no-damage range参数项目parameter project代表符号represent sign最小值min最大值max备注remark输入电压(交流)Input voltage(DC)Vin_AC0AC260V工作温度范围 working temperatureTwork-20 C60 c实物照片:real o

8、bject photo机械尺寸:machine size项目 project规格说明 specification最小值min典型值 typical最大值max长度length160mm宽度width包拈天线 include antenna135mm厚度thickness32mm驱动输出接口 RJ11: drive output connector端了termin al线颜色 linecolor功能 function备注remark1NC12NCU1UM3DMX-4DMX+15GND6SOUT地址编辑时有用到ID is available whenedittingion instruction操

9、作说明:operatWELCOME USEAT TECFWLOGYSTATIC RED 1R1G0G0STATIC YELLOW ElR1G1B0STATIC GKEEN 1ROG1BOSTATIC CYAN 1R0G1B1STATIC BLUE 1ROGOB1STATIC PURFLM1R1GQB1STATIC WHITE 1R1G1B11CHANGE FLASH 2C:OO S:31这是开机画面,开机后显示,约两秒后自动进入到程序模式。按FUNTION键可以在下面的主功能间切换。Turn on picture,it is showed after turning on.Enter prog

10、ram mode automatically two seconds later.Press FUNTION to switch in the following main function常亮七色模式: normally on seven color mode1,红色 red2,黄色 yellow3,绿色 green4.青色cyan5,蓝色blue6,紫色 purple7,白色 whiteB,在常亮模式下,可以通过 UP, DOWN按键上来选取这七 种颜色之一。 Under this mode,select one of seven color by pressing UP,DOWN key

11、.C,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIOND,在常亮模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.Under this mode,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current situation next timeE,功能代号1。Fucction code1A.整体跳变功能,输出的颜色可以通过C:后面的参数修改. 默认为 00,即七彩跳变。Whole flash function,

12、output color can be modified by parameter after C:default 00,seven color flashB,短按CONFIRM键可以在颜色和时间上选择要修改项.C为 颜色,S为显示时间,口为当前被选取项.Press CONFIRM for a short time can modify color and time,C is color,S is time, is the current selected optionC.在时间参数被选取时,跳变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键加 或减。when time parameter selected,

13、Add or minus the flash time by UP,DOWN D.D.跳变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。Flash time has 16 grades,1is the fastestE,颜色参数用16进制表示,bit0:红色,bit1:黄,bit2:绿,bit3:青,bit4: 蓝,bit5:紫,bit6:白,bit7:黑.如果该位为1,相应位的颜色被选取,为 0,则该色不输出.如果为00,则默认七彩跳变.Color parameter adopts 16 system,bit0red,bit1yellow,bit2green,bit3 ,bit4 blue,bit5

14、purple,bit6 white,bit7 black.if it is 1,the corresponding color is selected.if it is 0,it doesn output the color.if it is 00,default 7 color flash.F,在颜色参数被选取时,按UP或DOWN可以加减该参数.When color parameter selected,pressUP or DOWN to add or reduce this parameter.G,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through

15、 FUNTION key.H,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode,press CONFIRM to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current situation next time.I,功能代号2。Function code 2CHAHGE FABEl 3C:00S:lCHANGE F疝E2 4C:00S:lA.整体渐变功能,输出的所有灯光按七色顺序渐变,颜色不可 更改。Whole flash function,all output lighting flash acco

16、rding to seven color rank.color is unchangeable.B. 短按 CONFIRM 无意义.press CONFIRM for a short time has no meaning.C.渐变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键选取。Select UP/down to control flash time.D.渐变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。Flash time has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONF,

17、在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确信, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current page next timeG,功能代号3。Function code 3A.整体渐明渐暗功能,输出的颜色可以通过C:后面的参数修改.默认为 00,即七彩色。Whole brightness function,modify output color through parameter after C:B.短按CONFIRM键可以

18、在颜色和时间上选择要修改项.C为 颜色,S为显示时间,口为当前被选取项.Press CONFIRM for a short time to select the color and time to b modified.C is color,S is time, is current selected optionC.在时间参数被选取时,跳变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键加或 减。When time parameter selected,control flash time through UP,DOWND.跳变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。STROBEhas 16 grades,in

19、which 1 is the fastestCHANGE MOVE 5C:00S:lCHANGE FLO6C:008:3E,颜色参数用16进制表示,bit0:红色,bit1:黄,bit2:绿,bit3:青,bit4: 蓝,bit5:紫,bit6:白,bit7:黑.如果该位为1,相应位的颜色被选取,为 0,则该色不输出.如果为00,则默认七彩色.Colorparameteradopts16system,bit0red,bit1yellow,bit2 green,bit3 cyan bit4blue,bit5 purple,bit6 white,bit7 black.if it is 1,the

20、correspond color is selected.if it is 0,it doesHt output the color.if it is 00,default 7 color flash.F,在颜色参数被选取时,按UP或DOWN可以加减该参数.When color parameter selected,press UP/DOWN to add or reduce this parameterG,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONH,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态

21、.In this mode,press CONFIRM to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current situation next timeI,功能代号4。 Function code4A.七彩追逐功能,输出的灯为七彩交替追逐变化,颜色不可更 改。Seven color pursuit,output light is seven color pursuit by turns,color is not changeable.B.短按CONFIRM无意义.Press CONFIRM for a short time has no meanin

22、g.C.渐变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键选取。Select flash time through UP,DOWND.渐变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。Flash time has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONI, F,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确 信,下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter pag

23、e,confirm,enter current page next timeG,功能代号5。Function code5A.从小地址到大地址流水模式,输出的颜色可以通过 C:后面的参数修改.默认为00,即七彩色Smooth mode:from small ID to big ID,modify output color through parameter after C:B.短按CONFIRM键可以在颜色和时间上选择要修改项.C为 颜色,S为显示时间,为当前被选取项.Press CONFIRM for a short time can modify color and time,C is co

24、lor,S is time, is the current selected optionC.在时间参数被选取时,跳变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键加或 减。When time parameter selected,control strobe timethrough UP,DOWN.D.跳变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。strobe time has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,颜色参数用16进制表示,bit0:红色,bit1:黄,bit2:绿,bit3:青,bit4: 蓝,bit5:紫,bit6:白,bit7:黑.如果该位为1,相应位的颜

25、色被选取,为 0,则该色不输出.如果为00,则默认七彩色.Color parameter adopts 16 system,bit0red,bit1yellow,bit2 green,bit3 cyan bit4blue,bit5 purple,bit6 white,bit7 black.if it is 1,the correspond color is selected.if it is 0,it doesn't output the color.if it is 00,default 7 colorF,在颜色参数被选取时,按UP或DOWN可以加减该参数.When color pa

26、rameter selected,add or reduce this parameter through UP,DOWNG,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONH,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current page next timeI,功能代号6。 Function code6A.从大地址到小地址

27、流水模式,输出的颜色可以通过 C:后面的 参数修改.默认为00,即七彩色。CHANGE FL0W<-E7C:00S:3Smooth mode from big ID to small ID,modify output color through parameter after C: default 00,seven colorB.短按CONFIRM键可以在颜色和时间上选择要修改项.C为 颜色,S为显示时间,口为当前被选取项.Press CONFIRM for a short time to select color and time to be modified. C is color,

28、S is time, is the current selected optionC.在时间参数被选取时,跳变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键加或减。When time parameter selected,add or reduce this time through UP,DOWND.跳变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。strobe time has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,颜色参数用16进制表示,bit0:红色,bit1:黄,bit2:绿,bit3:青,bit4: 蓝,bit5:紫,bit6:白,bit7:黑.如果该位为1,相应位的颜色

29、被选取,为0,则该色不输出.如果为00,则默认七彩色.Color parameter adopts 16 system,bit0red,bit1yellow,bit2 green,bit3 cyan bit4blue,bit5 purple,bit6 white,bit7 black.if it is 1,the correspond color is selected.if it is 0,it doesn't output the color.if it is 00,default 7 colorF,在颜色参数被选取时,按UP或DOWN可以加减该参数.When color para

30、meter selected,add or reduce this parameter through UP,DOWNG,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONCHANGE WAVE->8|C:00 S:llC:00S:l IH,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next time

31、I,功能代号7。. Function code7A.渐变从小地址向大地址方向流水模式,颜色不可更改。Flash from small ID to big ID smooth mode, color is not changeableB.短按CONFIRM无意义.Press CONFIRM for a short time has no meaningC.渐变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键选取。Control flash time through UP,DOWND.渐变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。flash time has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fas

32、testE,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONF,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确信, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeG,功能代号8。Function code8A.渐变从大地址向水地址方向流水模式,颜色不可更改。Flash from big ID to small ID smooth mode,c

33、olor is not changeableB. 短按 CONFIRM 无意义.Press CONFIRM for a short time has no meaningC.渐变的时间可以由 UP, DOWN键选取。Control flash time through UP,DOWND.渐变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。flash time has16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONF,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下

34、次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeG,功能代号9。Function code9A.从小地址到大地址拖尾模式,输出的颜色可以通过C:后面的 参数修改.默认为00,即七彩色。From small ID to big ID trailing mode,modify output color though parameter after C: default 00,seven colorB.短按CONF

35、IRM键可以在颜色和时间上选择要修改项.C为 颜色,S为显示时间,口为当前被选取项.Press CONFIRM for a short time to select color and time to beCHANGE DRAG EkC:00S:lCHANGE SPLIT BC:00S:lmodified. C is color,S is time, 口 is the current selected optionC.在时间参数被选取时,跳变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键加或 减。When time parameter selected,add or reduce this time thro

36、ugh UP,DOWND.跳变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。strobe time has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,颜色参数用16进制表示,bit0:红色,bit1:黄,bit2:绿,bit3:青,bit4: 蓝,bit5:紫,bit6:白,bit7:黑.如果该位为1,相应位的颜色被选取,为 0,则该色不输出.如果为00,则默认七彩色.Color parameter adopts 16 system,bit0red,bit1yellow,bit2 green,bit3 cyan bit4blue,bit5 purple,bit6 whit

37、e,bit7 black.if it is 1,the correspond color is selected.if it is 0,it doesn't output the color.if it is 00,default 7 colorF,在颜色参数被选取时,按UP或DOWN可以加减该参数.When color parameter selected,add or reduce this parameter through UP,DOWNG,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONH,在此模式下,长按CONFIR

38、M键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeI,功能代号A o . Function codeAA.从中间向两边分开模式,输出的颜色可以通过C:后面的参数 修改.默认为00,即七彩色。Halve mode from middle to sides, modify output color though parameter after C: default 00,seven

39、colorB.短按CONFIRM键可以在颜色和时间上选择要修改项.C为 颜色,S为显示时间,口为当前被选取项.Press CONFIRM for a short time to select color and time to be modified. C is color,S is time, is the current selected optionC.在时间参数被选取时,跳变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键加或减。When time parameter selected,add or reduce this time throughUP,DOWND.跳变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快

40、。strobe time has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,颜色参数用16进制表示,bit0:红色,bit1:黄,bit2:绿,bit3:青,bit4: 蓝,bit5:紫,bit6:白,bit7:黑.如果该位为1,相应位的颜色被选取,为 0,则该色不输出.如果为00,则默认七彩色.Color parameter adopts 16 system,bit0red,bit1yellow,bit2 green,bit3 cyan bit4blue,bit5 purple,bit6 white,bit7 black.if it is 1,the corr

41、espond color is selected.if it is 0,it doesn't output the color.if it is 00,default 7 colorF,在颜色参数被选取时,按UP或DOWN 可以加减该参数.CHANGE PILE CC:00LS:11CHANGE SOOTTd)H:12K fklK 1: 83When color parameter selected,add or reduce this parameter through UP,DOWNG,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FU

42、NTIONH,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeI,功能代号B。 Function codeBA.堆积模式,输出的颜色可以通过C:后面的参数修改.默认为 00,即白色。 Accumulate mode, modify output color though parameter after C: default 00,whiteB.短按C

43、ONFIRM键可以在颜色和时间上选择要修改项.C为 颜色,S为显示时间,为当前被选取项.Press CONFIRM for a short time to select color and time to be modified. C is color,S is time, is the current selected optionC.在时间参数被选取时,跳变的时间可以由UP, DOWN键加或 减。When time parameter selected,add or reduce this time throuc UP,DOWND.跳变时间共有16级,其中速度1速度最快。strobe ti

44、me has 16 grades,in which 1 is the fastestE,颜色参数用16进制表示,bit0:红色,bit1:黄,bit2:绿,bit3:青,bit4: 蓝,bit5:紫,bit6:白,bit7:黑.如果该位为1,相应位的颜色被选取,为 0,则该色不输出.如果为00,则默认白色.Color parameter adopts 16 system,bit0red,bit1yellow,bit2 green,bit3 cyan bit4blue,bit5 purple,bit6 white,bit7 black.if it is 1,the correspond colo

45、r is selected.if it is 0,it doesn t output the color.if it is 00,default 7 colorF,在颜色参数被选取时,按UP或DOWN可以加减该参数.When color parameter selected,add or reduce this parameter through UP,DOWNG,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONH,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press C

46、ONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeI,功能代号C。Function codeCA.声控模式1,红色的亮度对应12KHZ的频率分量,绿色的 亮度值对应1KHZ的频率分量,蓝色对应63HZ的频率分量。Sound control mode1,recfs brightness is 12KHZ,green is 1KHZ,blue is 63KHZ.B. 短按 CONFIRM 无意义.press CONFIRM for a short time has no me

47、aningC.按 UP, DOWN 键无意义。Press UP,DOWN has no meanin D,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONE,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeF,无功能代号。No function codeA.声控模式2,地址在总地址中的百分比小

48、于12KHz的频率 分量亮红色,否则红色不亮,小于1KHZ的频率分量亮绿色,否则 绿色不亮,小于63HZ的频率分量亮蓝色,否则蓝色不亮。CHANGE S0UNT)(2)H:12K I:1K L:63CHANGE JOIN -DMX- 23E7Z9BCSound control mode2,the percentage of ID is less than color is red,otherwise,it doesn t work.less than 1KHZ,color is green,otherwise it doesn't work.less than 63KHZ,the co

49、lor is blue,otherwise it doesH t work,B. 短按 CONFIRM 无意义.press CONFIRM for a short time has no meaningC,按 UP, DOWN 键无意义。Press UP,DOWN has no meanin D,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONE,在此模式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter sav

50、e parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeF,无功能代号。No function codeA .程序灯光模式,此模式按编辑的程序执行灯光效果。Program lighting mode,this mode excutes lighting effects according to edition program.B.此模式下内的内容为8个程序步骤的灯光效果代号。In this mode,the context in is 8 program lighting effects codeC.目前灯效代号从1到C。含义见前面的说明。Cur

51、rent lighting effects code is 1 to C.See the above instructionD.灯效包含速度均各模式中定义。Lighting effects containsdefinition in speed.E.短按CONFIRM 键可以移动内的光标,按UP或DOWN 键可以修改对应的值.press CONFIRM to move cursor in ,press UP,DOWN to modify corresponding valueE,可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONF.在此模

52、式下,长按CONFIRM键进入保存参数页面,确定, 下次上电进入当前状态.In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeA.设定灯数目。可设定灯数目从1到170from 1 to 170.B. 一个灯代表一个 RGB 下点。One lighting represents one RGB dot.C.可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIOND.在此模式卜,长按 C

53、ONFIRM 键进入保存参数贝闻,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态。In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeA.遥控器快捷键设置。 Remote shortcut key set.B .短按CONFIRM,可以更改要修改哪个参数。Press CONFIRM,modify the parameter to be changed.C.按UP或DOWN可以更改选取的值.modify selected value pressing

54、UP,DOWND.可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONE.在此模式卜,长按CONFIRM 键进入保存参数贝闻,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态。In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long time to enter save parameter page,confirm,enter current pag next timeF.F1是遥控器上的按键,可以在F1F7之间更改,M是控制器的 变化模式,S是在M变化模式时的时间值,保存后,当按下遥控器 Fn键,就会进入M模式,以S时间工作.F1 is

55、the key in remote controller,you can change from F1 to F7.M is the change mode of controller.S is the time value of M change mode,saved,when you press remoter Fn,then enter M mode with 3 time working.A.遥控器的ID设置。为了实现一个遥控器对应一个控制器,所 以遥控器内肩一个8位ID可以设定,每位可设定成0,1,F三个 值.只有遥控器内的ID与这个ID值T时,这个遥控器才1时空 制这个控制器.re

56、mote controller s ID set.To realize one remote controller corresponding to one controller.All remote controller have a 8 digital ID,each digital can set 0,1,F.Remote controller ca control controller only when ID in remote controller is in accordance with this ID.B.短按CONFIRM,可以更改要修改哪个ID。Press CONFIRM to change the ID to be changedC.按UP或DOWN 可以更改选取的值 .Press UP,Down to change selected value.D.可以通过FUNTION按键选取进入下一模式。Enter next mode through FUNTIONE.在此模式卜,长按CONFIRM 键进入保存参数贝闻,确认, 下次上电进入当前状态。In this mode ,press CONFIRM for a long


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