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1、8Learning Domains or Bloom's TaxonomyThe Three Types of LearningThere is more than one type of learning. A committee of colleges, led by Benjamin Bloom, identified three domains of educational activities:Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitu

2、de)Psychomotor : manual or physical skills ( Skills)Since the work was produced by higher education, the words tend to be a little bigger than we normally use. Domains can be thought of as categories. Trainers often refer to these three domains as KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude). This taxonomy

3、 of learning behaviors can be thought of as "the goals of the training process." That is, after the training session, the learner should have acquired new skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes.The committee also produced an elaborate compilation for the cognitive and affective domains, but n

4、one for the psychomotor domain. Their explanation for this oversight was that they have little experience in teaching manual skills within the college level (I guess they never thought to check with their sports or drama department).This compilation divides the three domains into subdivisions, start

5、ing from the simplest behavior to the most complex. The divisions outlined are not absolutes and there are other systems or hierarchies that have been devised in the educational and training world. However, Bloom's taxonomy is easily understood and is probably the most widely applied one in use

6、today.CognitiveThe cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. There are six major categories, which ar

7、e listed in order below, starting from the simplest behavior to the most complex. The categories can be thought of as degrees of difficulties. That is, the first one must be mastered before the next one can take place.KnowledgeRecall data or information.UsefulVerbsSample Question StemsPotential acti

8、vities and productstell listWhat happened after.?How many.?Make a list of the main events.Make a timeline of events.describeWho was it that.?Make a facts chart.relateCan you name the.?Write a list of any pieces of information you canlocateDescribe what happened at.?remember.writeWho spoke to.?List a

9、ll the . in the story.findCan you tell why.?Make a chart showing.stateFind the meaning of.?Make an What is.?Which is true or false.?Recite a poem.ComprehensionUsefulVerbsSample Question StemsPotential activities and productsexplain interpretoutline discussdistinguish predict restatetran

10、slate compare describeCan you write in your own words.?Can you write a brief outline.?What do you think could of happened next.?Who do you think.?What was the main idea.?Who was the key character.?Can you distinguish between.?What differences exist between.?Can you provide an example of what you mea

11、n.?Can you provide a definition for.?Cut out or draw pictures to show a particular event.Illustrate what you think the main idea was. Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events.Write and perform a play based on the story.Retell the story in your words.Paint a picture of some aspect you like

12、.Write a summary report of an event.Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events.Make a colouring book.Understand the meaning, translation, interpolation,and interpretationofinstructions and problems. State a problem in one's own words.ApplicationUse a concept in a new situation or

13、unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies what was learned in the classroom into novel situations in the work place.UsefulVerbsSample Question StemsPotential activities and productssolve showuse illustrate constructDo you know another instance where.?Could this have happened in.?Can you group by cha

14、racteristics such as.?What factors would you change if.?Construct a model to demonstrate how it will work.Make a diorama to illustrate an important event.Make a scrapbook about the areas of studycomplete examine classifyCan you apply the method used to some experience of your own.?What questions wou

15、ld you ask of.?From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about.?Would this information be useful if you had a .?Make a paper-mache map to include relevant information about an event.Take a collection of photographs to demonstrate a particular point.Make up a puzzle game suing

16、 the ideas from the study area.Make a clay model of an item in the material.Design a market strategy for your product using a known strategy as a model.Dress a doll in national costume.Paint a mural using the same materials.Write a textbook about. for others.AnalysisSeparates material or concepts in

17、to component parts so that its organizationalstructure may be understood. Distinguishes between facts and inferences.UsefulVerbsSample Question StemsPotential activities and productsanalyse distinguish examinecompare contrastinvestigate categorise identify explain separate advertiseWhich events coul

18、d have happened.?I . happened, what might the ending have been?How was this similar to.?What was the underlying theme of.?What do you see as other possible outcomes?Why did . changes occur?Can you compare your . with that presented in.?Can you explain what must have happened when.?How is . similar t

19、o .?What are some of the problems of.?Can you distinguish between.?What were some of the motives behind.?What was the turning point in the game?Design a questionnaire to gather information.Write a commercial to sell a new product.Conduct an investigation to produce information to support a view.Make

20、 a flow chart to show the critical stages.Construct a graph to illustrate selected information.Make a jigsaw puzzle.Make a family tree showing relationships.Put on a play about the study area.Write a biography of the study person.Prepare a report about the area of study.Arrange a party. Make all the

21、 arrangements and record the steps needed.Review a work of art in terms of form, colour and texture.was the problem with.SynthesisBuilds a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure.UsefulVerbsSample Question S

22、temsPotential activities and productscreate inventcompose predictplan constructdesign imagine proposedevise formulateCan you design a . to .?Why not compose a song about.?Can you see a possible solution to.?If you had access to all resources how would you deal with.?Why don't you devise your own

23、 way to deal with.?What would happen if.?How many ways can you.?Can you create new and unusual uses for.?Can you write a new recipe for a tasty dish?can you develop a proposal which would.Invent a machine to do a specific task.Design a building to house your study.Create a new product. Give it a nam

24、e and plan a marketing campaign.Write about your feelings in relation to.Write a TV show, play, puppet show, role play, song or pantomime about.?Design a record, book, or magazine cover for.?Make up a new language code and write material suing it.Sell an idea.Devise a way to.Compose a rhythm or put

25、new words to a known melody.EvaluationMake judgments about the value of ideas or materials.Useful VerbsSample Question StemsPotential activities and productsjudge selectchoose decide justify debate verify argue recommendassessdiscuss rateprioritise determineIs there a better solution to.Judge the va

26、lue of.Can you defend your position about.?Do you think . is a good or a bad thing?How would you have handled.?What changes to . would you recommend?Do you believe?Are you a . person?How would you feel if.?How effective are.?Prepare a list of criteria to judge a . show Indicate priority and ratings.

27、Conduct a debate about an issue of specia interest.Make a booklet about 5 rules you see as important. Convince others.Form a panel to discuss views, eg "Learning at School."Write a letter to . advising on changes needed at.Write a half yearly report.Prepare a case to present your view abou

28、t.What do you think about.AffectiveThis domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. The five major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to the most complex:CategoryReceiving Phenomen

29、a: Awareness, willingness to hear, selected attention.Examples: Listen to others with respect. Listen for and remember the name of newly introduced people.Key Words: asks, chooses, describes, follows, gives, holds, identifies, locates, names, points to, selects, sits, erects, replies, uses.Respondin

30、g to Phenomena: Active participation on the part of the learners. Attends and reacts to a particular phenomenon. Learning outcomes may emphasize compliance in responding, willingness to respond, or satisfaction in responding (motivation).Examples: Participates in class discussions. Gives a presentat

31、ion. Questions new ideals, concepts, models, etc. in order to fully understand them. Know the safety rules and practices them.Key Words: answers, assists, aids, complies, conforms, discusses, greets, helps, labels, performs, practices, presents, reads, recites, reports, selects, tells, writes.Valuin

32、g : The worth or value a person attaches to a particular object, phenomenon, or behavior.This ranges from simple acceptance to the more complex state of commitment. Valuing is based on the internalization of a set of specified values, while clues to these values are expressed in the learner ' s

33、overt behavior and are often identifiable.Examples: Demonstrates belief in the democratic process. Is sensitive towards individual and cultural differences (value diversity). Shows the ability to solve problems. Proposes a plan to social improvement and follows through with commitment. Informs manag

34、ement on matters that one feels strongly about.Key Words: completes, demonstrates, differentiates, explains, follows, forms, initiates, invites, joins, justifies, proposes, reads, reports, selects, shares, studies, works.Organization : Organizes values into priorities by contrasting different values

35、, resolving conflicts between them, and creating an unique value system. The emphasis is on comparing, relating, and synthesizing values.Examples: Recognizes the need for balance between freedom and responsible behavior. Accepts responsibility for one' behavior. Explains the role of systematic p

36、lanning in solving problems. Accepts professional ethical standards. Creates a life plan in harmony with abilities, interests, and beliefs. Prioritizes time effectively to meet the needs of the organization, family, and self.Key Words: adheres, alters, arranges, combines, compares, completes, defend

37、s, explains, formulates, generalizes, identifies, integrates, modifies, orders, organizes, prepares, relates, synthesizes.Internalizing values (characterization): Has a value system that controls their behavior. The behavior is pervasive, consistent, predictable, and most importantly, characteristic

38、 of the learner. Instructional objectives are concerned with the student's general patterns of adjustment (personal, social, emotional).Examples: Shows self-reliance when working independently. Cooperates in group activities (displays teamwork). Uses an objective approach in problem solving. Dis

39、plays a professional commitment to ethical practice on a daily basis. Revises judgments and changes behavior in light of new evidence. Values people for what they are, not how they look.Key Words: acts, discriminates, displays, influences, listens, modifies, performs, practices, proposes, qualifies,

40、 questions, revises, serves, solves, verifies.PsychomotorThe psychomotor domain includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution. Th

41、e seven major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to the most complex:CategoryPerception: The ability to use sensory cues to guide motor activity. This ranges from sensory stimulation, through cue selection, to translation.Examples: Detects non-verbal communication cues. Estimate where

42、a ball will land after it is thrown and then moving to the correct location to catch the ball. Adjusts heat of stove to correct temperature by smell and taste of food. Adjusts the height of the forks on a forklift by comparing where the forks are in relation to the pallet.Key Words: chooses, describ

43、es, detects, differentiates, distinguishes, identifies, isolates, relates, selects.Set: Readiness to act. It includes mental, physical, and emotional sets. These three sets are dispositions that predetermine a person ressponse to different situations (sometimes called mindsets).Examples: Knows and a

44、cts upon a sequence of steps in a manufacturing process. Recognize one s abilities and limitations. Shows desire to learn a new process (motivation). NOTE: This subdivision of Psychomotor is closely related with the "Responding to phenomena" subdivision of the Affective domain.Key Words: b

45、egins, displays, explains, moves, proceeds, reacts, shows, states, volunteers.Guided Response : The early stages in learning a complex skill that includes imitation and trial and error. Adequacy of performance is achieved by practicing.Examples: Performs a mathematical equation as demonstrated. Foll

46、ows instructions to build a model. Responds hand-signals of instructor while learning to operate a forklift.Key Words: copies, traces, follows, react, reproduce, respondsMechanism : This is the intermediate stage in learning a complex skill. Learned responses have become habitual and the movements c

47、an be performed with some confidence and proficiency. Examples: Use a personal computer. Repair a leaking faucet. Drive a car.Key Words: assembles, calibrates, constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds, heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes, sketches.Complex Overt Resp

48、onse: The skillful performance of motor acts that involve complex movement patterns. Proficiency is indicated by a quick, accurate, and highly coordinated performance, requiring a minimum of energy. This category includes performing without hesitation, and automatic performance. For example, players

49、 are often utter sounds of satisfaction or expletives as soon as they hit a tennis ball or throw a football, because they can tell by the feel of the act what the result will produce.Examples: Maneuvers a car into a tight parallel parking spot. Operates a computer quickly and accurately. Displays co

50、mpetence while playing the piano.Key Words: assembles, builds, calibrates, constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds, heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes, sketches.NOTE: The Key Words are the same as Mechanism, but will have adverbs or adjectives that indicate that t

51、he performance is quicker, better, more accurate, etc.Adaptation : Skills are well developed and the individual can modify movement patterns to fit special requirements.Examples: Responds effectively to unexpected experiences. Modifies instruction to meet the needs of the learners. Perform a task wi

52、th a machine that it was not originally intended to do (machine is not damaged and there is no danger in performing the new task).Key Words: adapts, alters, changes, rearranges, reorganizes, revises, varies.Origination : Creating new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or specific problem. Learning outcomes emphasize creativity based upon highly developed skills.Examples: Constructs a new theory. Develops a new and comp


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