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1、教版六年级下册英语知识点 UNI T2冀教版六年级下册英语知识点 Unit2每个人都想保持健康又强壮。Unit2 Good Health to You!Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast!1. Words 单词everyone 每个人healthy 健康的strong强壮的first首先,第一once一次twice两次three times 三次should应该height身高weight重量2. Phrases 短语have breakfast 吃早餐how often多久一次on Tuesday morning 在周二早上last week上周good work

2、做得好want to be healthy 想要保持健康be good for对有好处3. Sentences 句子1) Everyone wants to be healthy and strong.2) How can we be healthy and strong?我们怎样才能保持健康又强壮呢?3) Its good for you! 这对你有好处!4) How often did Danny have breakfast last week?上星期丹尼多长时间吃一次早餐?5) Danny had breakfast once last week.丹尼上星期吃了一次早餐。6) When

3、 did he have breakfast?他什么时候吃的早餐?At about 7:30 on Tuesday morning.在周二早上大约七点半。7) Kim had breakfast six times last week.金上星期吃了六次早餐。8) Do you always have breakfast?你一直吃早餐吗?9) You should have breakfast every day.你应该每天吃早餐。10) How often do you eat fruit?你多久吃一次水果?11) Vegetables are good for you.蔬菜对你有好处。12)

4、 Fruit is good for you. 水果对你有好处。Lesson8 Always Brush Your Teeth!work hard努力学习 /努力工作1. Words 单词bush 刷,刷子teeth 牙齿 (单数tooth)wash 洗before 在 之前after 在之后dinner 正餐,晚餐first 首先next 紧接着,下一个的then 然后different 不同的because 因为why为什么bad坏的2. Phrases 短语before breakfast 早餐前after dinner 晚餐后before music class 音乐课前after m

5、ath class 数学课后be bad for对有害from Monday to Friday 从星期一到星期五on those days 在那些天3. Sentences 句子1) Li Ming has breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. 李明早上七点吃早餐。2) Before breakfast, he washes his hands and brushes his teeth.早餐前,他洗手刷牙。3) After breakfast, he goes to school.早餐后,他去上学。4) Danny never brushes his teet

6、h after dinner.丹尼晚饭后从来不刷牙。5) Jenny goes to school five times a week.珍妮每星期去上学五次。6) She works hard at school.她在学校努力学习。7) Jenny doesn t go to school on those days.珍妮在那些天不去上学。8) After math class, Steven has Chinese class.数学课之后,史蒂文上语文课。9) Before music class, Steven has English class.音乐课之前,史蒂文上英语课。Lesson

7、9 Eat More Vegetables and Fruit!1. Words 单词more更多 (many / much的 比较级)get up起床tomatotomatoes 西红柿potatopotatoes 土豆about大约twice两次donut甜甜圈noodles面条keep保持away离开2. Phrases 短语一天一个苹果, 医生远离我。7) What do you like to eat?你喜欢吃什么?8) What s your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?Lesson10 Exercise1. words 单词rideriding ( 动名词

8、 )runrunning (动名词 )exercise 锻炼how often 多久一次need to do sth. 需要做某事make使得keepaway 使保持远离,不靠近body身体hour 小时3. Sentences句子 minute 分钟1) How often does Danny eat vegetables and fruit?丹尼多久吃一次蔬菜和水果?2. phrases 短语2) I eat potatoes and tomatoes about twice a week.make your body healthy 使你的身体健康我大约一星期吃两次土豆和西红柿。twi

9、ce a day 一天两次3) How often do you eat fruit?an hour of exercise 一小时的锻炼你多久吃一次水果?two hours of exercise 两小时的锻炼Three times a week. 一星期三次。watch more sports on TV 在电视上看更多的运动4) You need to eat more vegetables and fruit.节目你需要多吃蔬菜和水果。how many minutes 多少分钟5) They re good for you! 它们对你有好处。run for 20 minutes 跑步

10、20分钟6) An apple a day keeps the doctor away.an hour and a half 一个半小时我每星期打两次篮球。have to 必须,不得不 (加动词原形)have to play sports for exercised须通过运动来锻 12) How many minutes do I exercise a week?炼 我一星期锻炼多少分钟?how about怎么样? 呢?Lesson11 Work Hard!3.Sentences 句子1. Words单词1) Riding a bike is exercise. 骑自行车是锻炼。importa

11、nt重要的2) Walking is exercise. 步行是锻炼。else别的,其他的3) Playing ping-pong is exercise. 打乒乓球是锻reach达到;伸出手炼。high高4) Running is exercise.跑步是锻炼。low低5) Exercise helps make your body healthy andtouch接触,触摸strong.sky天空锻炼帮助使你身体健康又强壮。ground地面6) How often do you exercise?你多长时间做一次锻炼?bend弯曲7) How many minutes do you wal

12、k?toe 脚趾,足尖你步行多少分钟?2. Phrases 短语8) I think you need about an hour of exercise a day.work hard at school在学校努力学习 我认为你一天需要锻炼一个小时。work hard at home 在家努力9) I m going to watch more sports on TV!work hard at sports 在运动方面努力我打算在电视上看更多的电视节目。on time 按时,准时10) You have to play sports for exercise.do exercise 做锻炼

13、你必须通过运动来锻炼。dry the dishes 擦盘子11) I play basketball twice a week.water the flowers 浇花what else其他的什么,还有什么reach up抬起(手,足等)bend down蹲下;弯腰turn around转身3. Sentences 句子1) I think it s important to work hard.我认为努力学习很重要。2) I work hard at school, at home and at sports.我在学校、在家还有在运动方面都很努力。3) I always go to scho

14、ol on time.我总是按时去上学。4) I have fun with my friends.我和我的朋友们玩得很开心。5) I do exercise every day!month月ill生病的become 成为,变得 (过 became)deaf聋的blind盲的hear听见speak说话get变成(过 got)angry生气的meetmet遇见word单词;话语hard困难的;努力地taketookwritewrotefallfellback 后面;背部我每天都锻炼。6) Do you help your family?你帮助你的家人吗?7) I always dry the d

15、ishes after dinner.我总是在晚饭后擦盘子。8) I clean my bedroom on Saturdays.在周六我打扫我的卧室。Lesson 12 Helen Kellerbeginbegan 开始study学习university大学later后来great伟大的writer作家life生活hope希望1. Words 单词2. Phrases 短语was born in+地点出生于某地5) One day, Anne took Helen s hand and let herin 1880 在 1880年fall ill生病become deaf and blind

16、 变得又聋又哑not- at all 根本不,一点也不get angry 变得生气take Helen s hand 牵海伦的手on the back of Helens hand在海伦的手背上from that day on从那天起begin to study开始学习learn new words学生词go to university上大学one of her famous books她的著作中的一本give everyone hope 带给每个人希望3. Sentences 句子1) When she was 18 months old, she fell ill and became deaf and blind.当她 18 个月的时候,她生病了,变得又聋又哑。2) They did not know how to help her.他们不知道如何帮助她。3) She couldn t see anything. 她看不见任何东西。4) She couldn t speak at all. 她根本不能说话。feel the


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