



1、Module 11 检测题I .选择填空(15分)1. My mother bought a pen me on my birthday.A. for B. to C. at D. with2. - May I use your bike? -Certainly.A. Here are you B. Here you are C. You are here D. Are you here3. - Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy?-I will buy of them, so I can give one to my frie

2、nd.A. either B. neither C. all D. both4. My sister usually thinks her own language first. Then she turns her wordsinto English.A. by B. in C. with D. through5. She did the present, but she didn t it.A. accept; accept B. receive; receive C. accept; receive D. receive; accept 6. There is fruit in the

3、room.A. so little B. such little C. little so D. such a little7. She s shaking her husband the shoulder.A. at B. on C. by D. in8. Please look at the picture in Lesson .A. first; One B. one; First C. first; First D. one; One9. 一 Must I finish the exercise this afternoon?-Yes, you , but you finish it

4、now.A. must; mustn t B. must; don t have to C. may; needn t D. may; mustnt 10. Yours is different mine.A. at B. in C. from D. after11. We should return the books to the library time.A. about B. on C. by D. for12. Please be quiet. I hate the .A. sound B. voice C. noise D. noisy13. The boy is honest.

5、Don t shout him.A. at B. in C. towards D. on14. There are many trees on side of the road.A. all B. both C. each D. every15. The young man left his family ten and began to live a very hard life.A. at B. at the age of C. at age D. both A and B n .完形填空(10分)The Chinese NewYear is _1_ holiday for the Chi

6、nese people. The NewYear comes _2 _ the first day of the First Moon, _3_ January 21 and February 19. People get ready _4the holiday for about fifteen days._5_,at midnight it is the first day of the First Moon. People close the shopsand the streets are empty. Everyone _6at home.It is an important tim

7、e for the family. The younger people bow _7_ the older people. The Chinese call this “ Ke Tou” . This means “ _8_ the ground with the forehead ” . Then the younger people wish the older people a happy New Year. The older people give children money in red envelopes. The family then _9_.In the morning

8、, people _10_ their new clothes. Some people stay at home, others go out to play a NewYear call. They are very polite and do not use bad words. It s the most important day of a year.1. A. the most important B. most important C. the important D. more important2. A. at B. with C. in D. by3. A. in B. a

9、t C. between D. on4. A. for B. to C. about D. on5. A. Final B. Finally C. At the end D. By the end6. A. stay B. stayed C. stays D. staying7. A. to B. at C. in D. towards8. A. touch B. to touch C. touches D. touched9. A. go to sleep B. goes to sleep C. go to bed D. goes to bed 10. A. dress in B. dres

10、s up C. dressed in D. dressed up m .阅读理解(20分)ADear Sandy,Thanks for your email. Yes, I am having a great time on my exchange programme in France. It s even better than I thought. I was a little nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice. They try thei

11、r best to make me feel at home. And you wouldn t believe how fast my French has improved! Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn t bother( 困扰 ) me like it used to. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.As you can imagine ( 想象 ), things are really different from

12、 the way they are at home. For example, you should not eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit. Another thing is that it is very rude to say you are full.If you don twant any more food, you should just say “ It was delicious ” . Also, it s rude toput your hands on your lap. I have

13、to say that I find it difficult to remember everything but I am getting used to things.Hope you are having a good school year. Please write to me soon.Wei Hua1. Where is Wei Hua having a great time?A. England B. France C. America D. Japan 2. How did Wei Hua feel before he arrived there?A. A little w

14、orried. B. A little nervous C. very happy D. very bored3. What is his biggest challenge in France?A. Learning how to behave at the dinner table. B. Learning French.C. Eating habits.D. Asking the way.4. What should you eat with your hands?A. bread B. fruit C. meat D. A and B5. According to the articl

15、e, which is not rude?A. Put your hands on your lap. B. You say that you are full.C. You say that it was delicious. D. You eat meat with your hands. BIn Ameri ca, a friend has invited you to visit his family. You ve never beento his home before, what should you do? Here are some tips.It is important

16、to arrive on time for special dinners and parties. If you maybe late, call your friend to explain.It is not necessary to bring a present, unless(除斗£) it is a special occasion(场合)-a birthday or an important holiday, like Christmas. However, you may always politely ask your friend if there is som

17、ething you can bring or if there is something you may do to help in preparing the meal or cleaning up afterwards.Most Americans think it polite for guests to leave one or two hours after dinner unless they ask you to stay longer. It is a good idea to write a thank-you note expressing ( 表示)how much y

18、ou enjoyed the evening. This is a very formal way to express thanks. You may also call your friend or say something when you meet again. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F):6. You may arrive at your American friend ' s home earlier when he invites you to his home.()7. You shouldbring a gift to your friend if it is

19、 his birthday.()8. You can 't stay in your friend ' s home for over two hoursafter the dinner.()9. You shouldphone your friend in order to express thanks.()10. You can' t ask your friends if thereissomethingyou can help.()IV .请根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。(10分)1. It is well known that s is bad for o

20、ur health.2. I was very l to know a good friend like you.3. I'm going to take part in my sister ' s w tomorrow.4. Don ' t throw the l everywhere. It is not polite.5. Tom w his new book in a brown paper just now.6. There are different c in different countries.7. Tom always r a lot of gift

21、s on his birthdays.8. A he is very young, he knows a lot.9. You must be careful with fire when you have a picnicin the forest. It ' s tood.10. We can' t eat too much c. It ' s bad for our health.V .请根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. My brother enjoys(chat) with friends on the Internet.2. John(

22、hang) his clothes on the wall and went out of the room.3. I prefer western food like(sandwich) to Chinese food.4. It ' s so(noise) that I can ' t hear what you say on the bus.5. My sister often help my mother do some(clean) at home at the weekend.6. The boy fell off the bike and hurt himself

23、 badly. We must send him to hospital (immediate).7. Mid Autumn Festival is a(traditionally) festival in China.8. It ' s time for class. You must stop(sleep).9.I heard two girls(speak ) English in the next room.10. We will go to Mount Tai if it(not snow) this weekend.VI.句型转换:根据题后括号内的要求改写句子,每空一词。(

24、共15分)1. Tom put some food on the plate.( 对划线部分提问) food Tom put on the plate?2. Listen to the teacher carefully.(改为否定句)to the teacher carefully.3. We don ' t have to clean the windows.(改为同义句)We the windows.4. The twins watch TV twice a week. ( 对划线部分提问) do the twins watch TV?5. The customs in Chin

25、a aren ' t th e same as those in England.(改为同义句 )The customs in China those in England.VII .请根据所给汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 (15分)1 .我收到了汤姆送的礼物,但是我不能接受。I have a present from Tom, but I can ' t it.2 .史密斯小姐上个月结的婚。Miss Smith last month.3 .不要到处扔垃圾,你应该把它放在垃圾箱里。Don' t everywhere and you must put it in

26、the waste bin.4 .詹姆斯老师对我们大声喊道:“不要在街上踢足球!”Mr. James us,"Don' t play football in the street!”5 .在周末,我经常帮妈妈洗餐具。I often help my mother at the weekend.V III.根据对话内容从方框中选择单词并用其适当形式补全对话。(10)dress, lucky, mean, custom, manyJim: There are so many people and cars over there. What are they doing?Li Hua

27、: It ' s a wedding. A young man 1 a young woman.Jim: Why 2 the girl 2 in red?Li Hua: Because red 3"Good 4: in China.Jim: Oh, it ' s quite different from our country.Li Hua: What must girls wear when they get married in your country?Jim: They must wear a white wedding dress, not a red on

28、e.Li Hua: Really? Different countries have different 5. Where do people in your country usually hold the wedding ceremony?Jim: We often hold it in a church. How about you?Li Hua: We often hold it in a restaurant.IX (15分)写作:假如你是王洪,你的英国朋友迈克计划来一个中国家庭做客。他想了解一下中国的餐桌礼仪。请你给他发个电子邮件,向他介绍一下,70词以上。Dear Mike,I

29、was very glad to receive your letter. Here is some advice for you to a Chinese family.Yours,Wang Hong答案I. 1-5 ABDBD 6-10 ACABC 11-15BCACBII. 1-5 ABCAB 6-10 CABBAm . 1-5 BBADC 610 FTTFFIV. I.smoking 2.lucky 3.wedding 4.litter 5.wrapped 6.customs 7.receives 8.Although 9. dangerous 10.chocolateV . I.chatting 2.hung 3.sandwiches 4.noisy5.cleaning 6.immediately 7.traditional8.sleeping 9.speaking 10.doesn t snowVI. I.How much; did2. Don ' t listen 3.needn ' t clean 4. Ho


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