已阅读5页,还剩37页未读 继续免费阅读




1、eegas tf Heliu u -rg . e ees- - a e esale eld 20 3 uk - 202 a eu- -cliac s -0. dvelsHee- a-o. wk ere irlse. - s ra-p.02 -I 2 we ae ae - glr - - ga esil-c eg -eesi tagadds -s ielr-lgee c-u u i vs - e srr -u- e es g ee s egeec ii sa-ed -Jr- - a g me-a- rsr-g-u- - c r a -ws - re -at we g ra-ae-. kW eu

2、ge - ea- c -35-r kW -c5-rkWre - ar - -.ar " ug - a - .9kW-1. uaeug-.-sNesr - ju.-e ej e j - d - u e -i -a- -s -i c se-v a-1.-.- eBss- d1-55 a.-0 - ue - a g 一.-.9-i a ares 6-r- ses - .-Eeg.e s . - d c r r-g -.5gkW -wlg/kW gae airs-a-.”. ins le-oilrnce glr l ul|ried - rs yer, crrbon g kWh, sj-ui

3、dix de 0.04 g 3 f UI g lk W|d - "-ovr e-iencyofore-rn 998Re- b - - nd> e qu en-r i » - in 137% iers - r ereE vr -ce-g a-e 0>E 06 e -e - se- yr-re- - isur d e-agees- rs-eggcrg esec - g-d r d c-e-s c - -kse -agees- vee Fc-g- c-g sy-e -rr-a-re- si- v - ges-v- agee yse rre - s- c Fu-eg-c

4、 ri -ese湖南科学技术出版社小学科学六年级下册教案第1单元 生物的进化1 生命的历程教学目标科学探究1 .通过查找资料,了解地球上生物的由来。2 .通过对四个时期化石的比较,分析地球上生物的变化。3 .模拟辩论,收集证据证明自己的观点。情感态度与价值观探究生物由来的过程中,使学生感受到科学的结论依靠事实证据进行证明。科学知识1 .知道化石是研究地球生物演变的重要证据。2 . 了解地球生物进化的四个时期中的代表生物。教学准备有关说明地球上生物来源的科普书籍。(有条件的可以在网络教室上课,课前可制作专题网页)化石形成过程短片。第1课时一.教学导入阅读思考:学生阅读单元页中的诗,师提出问题:“

5、通过阅读,你发现了哪些科学问题?”在对学生的问题进行归纳整理后,借助本课教材引入部分揭示要研究的问题:在漫漫的历史长河仲,生命经历了怎样的历程?(板书课题)二.交流讨论1 .教师讲述:在浩瀚的海洋里、广袤的陆地上、辽阔的天空中有众多的生命形式,它们是如何形成的?漫漫历史长河中,生命经历了怎样的历程?曾经有两种观点:“古时候人们认为地球上的一切生物都是神创造的。”“科学家们认为地球上的生物都是进化而来。”你们认为呢?(后者的观点是正确的)2 .讨论L-Ki-es co.lre hes rd -»|ing S-e-y Foudion.T-ui oo-g, .rrge.e n-.uhr ,

6、 give -u-1 -roe o- -ecnic sue ivson rd iirzi on o- -oubesoo-g .rn-e.en- ml- ovld | ioces .rnrgae - Ths yer c.|e- heboire r o e hh-de e-rge bo- ei piesue r !»i ii - .rnrgae- c.iren o- gier rss rd I Geer piob so-gonrcce Cc.pree chemi sey - cns- -on,-emr cn-or rid c.iree- he boiei se in-eg-ed mrnn

7、ge- hos-sh- ling vi br-n o- 10 uen-. rd -hnor.i c |i oUs s_h r s. Co.pee upeui- conrieuon ss deve I |len- rd i-li-ono- Ui -r- ng -e MC sdypowe -rn-i.r-n, -he -rn-.r-n I - de surui zrinw rse w-er -he ui -e U|. sys-o- c.l-ehens - ee-rnd discrge -re .oo - n o",” .1 5ky e.norgi c rnsoi.-ion lioUsh-

8、is .'Si-h l y iv-i-iS- - i-l-ji-li-1- i-il-l-.d.1- -i-wi-h-i - l i-i.-h- -I -hly - i 4-hil l-0I-"ll-low - - -iz-il-vl- i" j-. -hlyi . 610 W i-li-ii. -6-W.l-il-iy-sue u-c M W unis o- -u-i ne d-ve nboiei,1|u.| le-o-co. l-he n - -er.e- o- de-u-s DD-r ng ieseUieyone oi I and - id.Mnwhie ,-

9、i.r-n -eLnol ogy uheKme-s -he u.|rny s name d ,hi nr |oi -i.r-n -eLno-. benU.-k-ge-e-i-e s"Rer- rd .rnenancehr si.l-old-u- her Modiy-e -se Lin s-nd-ds r nd sr nd ds on r ieu bass s-nd d-Z ng wk |ioccdue s cleUi ng rd -s|e Lin |-jU-. eenig - he BFS >ys0, -di.l es .ri n-enrnce i n-.-in s_ d. o

10、i.ni zng R. "gU.rn, and esue -he ucce- o- -he R B Inovi I g -he mec i -o-.-n-ernce .rnre - .|1 e.e-id r |ioec-.rnge ss. S-uesul u.|-e- n o- - - ono.ous .rnenr nce, e-ri-y .|rvds>rd- yIml-me n-g o c eve .rne nance |i oeU - hharvs «7- rnd <SX, ieslu- y A cum |-s -woc - u- ng |u.|s iei

11、d o<e-hu1o-oui M-rs .ai-e nance e-s-o ge eeuis.Pr.oe -he woik o- enegy lKngduns.|-n iiduuiI g, u.l-ee-he uni- e negy unnu.|-nd-g noss, | - - wei b ce - es, 0 e negysV ng |-ju-sSecnd soul d dee -o 'hie" on-he euno.ubeneiso-.|iovig , ou-i UDegates, saf Hel! in t I e unuptot he Spring Fesva

12、, he d one s inof four staff r.esent - as ".ere 2013workshop, full ba ck .20,creu a nays, of rent . uatin, di s . ss 203 opme.t piai sHee on bebi,n kW, bby ond the a nnual budge mpllme ntain .pa dy of 315 mH on k W, a nicese of -,milon k W.Sa tt*. 74abiin |W, exce dig -as of 30 m*bn IW the anua

13、 Exe budget a iceae of 79 m*bn k ins pefrman 一 educd cmpaed t as yea, ,ronl0l9 g kW, suur dix de 0.04 g /W NOx 012 glk W.d - t rrmova elidency of more than 118%.Rea b - i: e quiaent avaaai » fictr i 93.7%, i nceaeis g ee i e.Ifi sa l,e-icai ta a g me -ai asr-giut m. icr a a st teida w* rie -g c

14、aid 9 H i iras .-M ses a g aEegye s y t d c a etg 32 IgkW ,l 0 g - W gae ailst01toi 52dw0".igth cag syte thaaiiiea tsea.it gestivfyigee yse eae - stsaty 一 -ute.ici tiese那么你们看待古时候人们认为一切生物都是神创造的这一说法?还知道哪些有关神创造生物的神话故事?(约 3分钟)引导学生交流并认识到, 人类自古就关注自己的来历,神话故事是古代人们解释自然现象的一种方式。3 .思考:科学家们认为地球上的生物都是进化而来的,那

15、么这样的结论是怎么得出来的呢?可以凭空得出吗?(需要证据)4 .我们怎样查找?5 .学生查找资料,并分析提取证据6 .交流小结 三.布置作业课后利用网络或其它资料继续查找生物进化的证据。第2课时.组织交流:又查到了哪些生物进化的证据?.了解地球上的生物是怎样变化的师:前面的证据让我们零碎的了解了一些动物由某一种进化到某一种,那地球 上的生物究竟是怎样变化过程?我们无法目睹在遥远的过去,地球上所发生的 事情,那么人们靠什么去研究去认识呢?(化石)活动2化石告诉我们什么1 .化石的形成(放映短片)2 .依据化石的形成过程思考化石为什么能告诉我们过去的事情?3 .组织学生阅读教材第 4页内容,师生共

16、同列出流程图:时间的顺序5亿多年前4. 08亿年前3. 60亿年1. 44亿年生物演化请比较4海洋生物陆生动植物两栖动物个时期的化石,石:讨论分析地球上的蛆物是怎样变化的?哺乳动物4 .引导学生归纳总结:地球上生物的变化规律是:由水生到陆生发展。由简单低级向复杂高级发展。ctvites compre heniv ad toping Saey Foundlion - Trulesoot I g, maagementmlcha , gve ulplly to roleof tejni suerVson adrralZaion of toubesootn* manaement, mprov| roc

17、es managgmet Ths yea cmpetd the boile lo r hhade eaa|ge boi er presue a mjrri- managgmet cmpletd of grea rss ad3 Geel prob sof govenace Ccmplee chemi sy cnst-ton, thema cntol aid cmpleethe boier scae ie* d manng-et,host shatng Vbatonof 10 icentlc ad tchnolgicl pro|eJs such as.Compee lupec 'onlin

18、esmuaton sstm deveI pment ad aplcat onof Ur -at ng wae MC" staddy powe tanfrmaton, the tanfmain of desiluizlion wase w r te ui wle luppy systmof cmprehens - teetand disjage moilicaton of coal mil 5iky ecnolgi cl tansormlton projecshlh is m - Sit h ly ivtiftiStth thh ti t f itlijilli th tliyf it

19、lili yDvlt1l tit wihti t ttitil itfwi V tht lvl f lt Iivttiit h l - t it h l yj t4 thil jt ttlttf th ttllt t t f 02"Lll " pow ltfliztiftilt vltlitif ky thli"jtw t h ti l it hl yi z 63i0Witlitztl ttit630-"sue citcl UM W unis of urine drven boierled lump let of com prhe nniv telmet

20、of defcs Data ng tchnology respctV* one or tw land tid.Mlnwhie , ifrmatin ttcnology ,» te cmpany s name d "C,' na por infrmaton tecnolgy bencmakingeerrs." Rear ad mnte nance ha s improved futher Modiylte isecin slndads a nd sa nda ds on a reubass slndariz ng wk procoue s cIu ng ad

21、 inspe cin prl>t Deee ning t he FS lystm, ad imp es mainenance infmainsae d. or.ni Zng O l I gic .an, and esue te luca of te R B Inovat I g te mecai of mlntea n ma naggmet impl emeto a proect mange sstm. Succesul cmpeion of tw auonomous mlnenan, elailty imprvdstadl y Imp entng tw o c lve mane nan

22、ce pr ojec t hoielvs «7% a nd 1S.3%, respctiey A ccm pls two 三阅读:关于生物进化的辩论1 学生阅读教材第5 页内容2组织交流阅读收获:化石的形成非常偶然,人们通过化石所获取的信息是跳跃的、不连续的;人们探索生物进化历程的过程中出现了不同的学说;认识到科学上光有观点是不够的,由证据证明观点;了解到辩论是一种科学研究的方法。四:机动部分:补充讲解乔 治居维 叶、拉马克的故事 课后反思:2 物竞天择教学目标科学探究1 通过资料分析,了解马的进化与生活环境变化之间的关系。2通过模拟实验,使学生感受到适者生存,不适则被淘汰。3通过资

23、料分析,探究动植物适应环境的构造特征。情感态度与价值观树立适者生存的科学进化论观点。科学知识知道生物进化是环境的变化、自然选择的结果。教学准备生物进化过程影像资料分组材料:鲫鱼、 小玻璃缸;绿色的桌布,同样多的绿、白、红、黑四种短细线。课时安排:2 课时第 1 课时谈话引入eegas tf Heliuu-rg.eees-aeesale eld 20 3uk-202a eu-cliacs-0.dvelsHee-a-o.wkere irlse.-s ra-p.02 -I 2 we aeae- glr - - ga esil-ceg -eesi tagadds -s ielr-lgee c-u u

24、i vs - e srr -u- e esgee s egeec ii saa-e-Jr- - a g me -a- rsr-g -u- - - - c r a - s - -e-.at e g ra-ae-. kW euge-ea-c-35-rkW-c5-rkWre-ar-.arEc-iv ug- a - .-9-kWc-sesuaeug-.-sNesr - ju.-e ej ej-d - u e -i r-c-d s - . -ecse-v a-1.-.-eBss- a .-55 a.-0-ue - a g ca-. 9-i a ares 6-r- ses a .Eeg.e s . -d

25、c r r-g -25 gkW .wo./kW gae air s-a-5.w«6 ins lefournce glr l ulpried-rsyer, carbon g kWh, sjfui d-l- de 0.04 g 3 f UI g lk W|d - "-ovr effic-encyofmore-rn998Re-b-一: e - -»flc-r - ILT%, i ers - r ereE vr fce-g a-e 0>E 06 e -e- se- yr-re-)-s- .i-agees-rs-eggcrg esec - g-d r d c-e-sc

26、- -kse -magees-f-mveeFc-g-c-g sy-e -rr-a-re -sfer v - ges-v yagee yse rr e - s- - c Fu-eg-cri-esfes v- ge-k r - r.iess-i- svsa -gee r-r -r-se-e- . .-s -sr- s-a -s-s- s- -s- s-er e -sr- aOr直接入题:上节课我们知道了地球上曾出现过众多的生物,这些生物中的绝大多数在进化过程中灭绝了,又不断有新的生物出现。这是怎么发生的呢?让我们以马的进化为例,研究自然环境的变化对马进化的影响吧。2 .研究讨论:活动1马的进化与自

27、然环境的变化1 .学生阅读教材提供的信息,绘制流程图。找出两条主线:生活环境的变化:原始森林一森林减少一现代草原马的体态的变化:体形小,多脚趾一侧趾退化一体形大,单趾。2 .对流程图进行分析,小组讨论:自然环境在马的进化中是怎样起作用的?3 .生活在原始森林中的原始马,有充足的食物,小巧的体形有利于躲避天敌。 随着森林面积减少,原始马失去森林的庇护,只有快速地奔跑才能躲避天敌,于是体 形变大,更加有力,脚趾的中趾变得更为粗壮。森林完全消失,体形更大、奔跑速度 更块的马才能得以生存,因此不能适应环境变化的马遭到自然的淘汰。在自然的选择中能适应新环境的马生存了下来。4 .让学生思维进一步迁移,理解

28、:在漫长的地球历史中,环境不断地发生变化, 形成了生物的进化。5 .播放生物进化过程影像资料,帮助学生进一步理解环境对生物进化起到的作 用。3 .活动体会活动2自然的选择1 .师介绍活动方法及要求2 .学生活动3 .完成数据的统计,填写在第8页表格中4 .组织学生对现象进行分析:当四中颜色的短细线散落在绿色的桌布上时,与 背景色反差越大的短细线越容易被我们发现。这个实验说明,在自然界中当 一种生物容易暴露给天敌,它的数量就会减少,长此以往就会有灭绝的可能。反之,色差接近的生物也有被天敌发现的可能,但是总会保存下足够的数量 进行繁殖,这样整个物种就不会灭绝。这正说明了:适者生存、不适者被淘 汰。

29、 L-ivi-es co.lre hes rd -oping S-e-y Foun-ion - Trul oo-g, .rre.e n-.lchr , give fu-plly-roe 0-i-sue ivson rd iir-z-i on of -oubesoo-g .rnne.en- ml- ovld | ioces .rnrgBe - Thsyerc.ie- he boi-e l o e hh-de e-rge bo- ei piesue r .- .rnrgBe- c.l-en of gier rss rd I Geer p-ob sof gonrcceCc.p-ee chemi se

30、y - cns- -on,-emr cn-o- rid ul|-ee - he boiei se -eg-ed mrnnge- hos-shr-g v br-n of 10 uie n-L rd -hno-gi c |i otecs s_h r s.Co.peeiuleui- conlineu - on ss deve Ilmen- rd ri-cc- onof Ui ng re MC sdypo e -r irn, -he -r-.r-n of de su-uizr-n rse -er -he ui re luiiy sys-of ulpiehens - >-11- and discr

31、re -re .oo - n ofcorlm 5ky ecno-gi c - rnsoi.l-on liotecsh-h is .v S i-h l y iv-if-iS-h -hh -i - f i-l-jili -h -l-yf i-il -l-D-l-"-h-i -i-il i- i v-h-lvlfl-Iiv-ii-hly - i- h l y j - 4-hil j - -l-f-h-ll-f0I-"Lll-lo l - -iz-il-vl-li-i-y-hli" j- h -i l i- hl yi z 6Ii0W,-l-iz-l -i -6HW-su

32、e ci-c UM WW unis of u-i ne dive n boieiled lu.l Ie-of co. 11rhe nnie - er.e- of cs ID-r ng - hnol ogy-,* one oi - land - id.Mn hie ,-r.r-n - ecnol o. uhiev.e-s -he c.lany snamed ",' nr |o- -r.r-n - ecno-. benc.k-geer-ie s." Rer d mn-e nance hr s i.l-o - d fu- her. Modiylhe -se cion sr

33、nd rs a nd sr nd ds on a ieu bass snd Uz ng ik l-occdue s chick ng d isle cin l-U- ee ning - he BFS, d i.l - es .rinenancein-mn se d. orrni zig O l I gic >gn, and esue -he luce-of-heRB Inovi I g -he .ec i -of .n-er nce .a nagae - mll e.e-ld a l-oec-. nge ss S_ccesful c.lre-n of - ruono.ous.n-ena

34、nce, e-ri-y imlrovdsm- y I., e n-g - o c eve .n-e nance l- oec - hhmlervs «7 a nd <SH,-e -y A cc. l-s -ocicur- ng lu.ls iei d M-s .r-e nance e-s-o ge eeciPr.oe-e-oikofenegy-vngrdcn- l- n -id . iI g, c.l-le-he uni- e ne. cnnu.l-nd、 noss, l - -e-b ce -es, 0 e negysv ng l-jc-LSecndsoulddee -o &

35、quot;hie" on-e ecno.cbeneisof.l-ov-g , ou-i cDelegates,staff:Hello!in the run-uptot heSpri ngFestival,we hel d onesessionoffourstaff representatives Conference 2013-workshop,fullba ck in2012,carefula nalysis ofthecurrent situation,di scuss 2013developmentpla ns.Here,on be halfofmycompany2013 wo

36、rk reportst othe Ge neralAssembl y,for consi deration.Pillar I,2012 backi n 2012,XXpower companies adhere to t he party's 17great spiritfor guidance, compre hensivelyimpleme ntthescientific conceptofdevel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus onim plementation,lea n man

37、agement, conti nuously im prove,sm ooth prese ntsafetysituation ofenterprise manag ement,busi nessma nagementa nd control scie ntificand standardiz ed, a ndthe de dicationofstaff, managea harmonious anddem ocraticatmosphereofthe good situati on.M ain indicat orsare asfoll ows:-the battery indi cator

38、:power ge neration t otaled 7.815billion kWh, bey ond thea nnualbudgetimpleme ntation capa cityof315milli on k Wh, a nincreaseof757 millionk Wh.Sales totaled 7.425 billionkWh,excee ding sales of330million kWh theannualExe cutive budget, an increase of729 million kWh.-Se curity measures:unplannedouta

39、ges2.5times.Nopersonalinjuryaccidentoccurred,nomajor a cci dentand a bove, nomajor fireacci dent s withoutenvir onmental pollution accide nts,safety forthreeconsecutiveyears to mai ntainstabilitytogood posture.Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators:totalprofitsof255million Yuan, beyond t heannual budget

40、of 207 millionYuan,bey ond theData ng companyindex41.89 millionYuan,an increaseof1.76 milli onYua n,FCM a ssessment at gradefour.-Energy:pow ersupply sta ndar d coalcom pleting 312.25g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /k Wh;i ntegrated auxili arypow er consumption ratioin 5.12%,down0.26%;pollutantemissions performa

41、ncegreatlyreducedcomparedtolastyear, carbon0.09g /kWh,sulfur dioxi de 0.104g /kWh NOx 0.512g /k Wh;dust removal efficiencyofmore than 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex:e quivale nt availabi lity factor in93.47%,i ncrease d 7.95% from ayearearlier.Equivalentforced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduction overthesam

42、e perioda yearearlier.Majorachieveme nts:first, weshoulda dheretothe tw o"managementsystem" basis, strengt heningtechnologi calresearch, stre ngthe nhidde n hazar ds controla nd intrinsi c safetyEnterpri se constr uction tooknew steps.-Thetw o"managementsystem" for improvement.Fo

43、cuson promotingthe pow er ofthecompany managementsystem and theappli catio n and impleme ntation ofthesafetyloopfive-star managementsystem,improvet hesafety managementsystem,realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol. Furtherregulatese curityroutines,safetysupe rvisionand management network r ole to playt o

44、achievecl osed-l oop.Strengthe ning thesupervi sion and managementof habitualviolation of,strengtheni ng thesafety supervisionofoutsour cingcontra ctors. Carried outin spring anda utum n ofsecurityinspe ctions,floodcontrol andinspecti on,safety producti onm onth, daysupervisi on ofproducti on safety

45、 andthe Olympi c Games a nd other5补充案例分析:案例重现:英国有黑、白两色的胡椒蛾,它们喜欢在树干上停留。工业革命前,白胡椒蛾的数量要远远高于黑色胡椒蛾的数量。随着工业革命开始,工厂中排放的废气污染了环境,树杆也因此变为黑色,这时,黑胡椒蛾的数量就远远地高于白色胡椒蛾的数量。请学生分析:工业革命前后的环境变化对胡椒蛾的生存、繁殖会造成哪些影响?这个影响又说明了什么?第 2 课时一、观察引入,了解动物适应环境1 观察水中的鱼,分别从上面和下面看,有什么发现?从上面看鱼的身体颜色与水面颜色相似,从下面看身体颜色与天空颜色相似。2 提出问题:这样的颜色对于鱼有什么意

46、义?3 教师讲述:不错,鱼的身体颜色能更好的保护自己,那么其它动物在自然进化的过程中,适应新环境的生物都具有一定的构造特征,请大家分析教材第9 页中的图片,小组展开讨论,说一说这些动物用怎样的方式适应周围的环境。4拓展:介绍你知道的动物适应环境的知识植物适应环境1 观察骆驼刺的图片,分析骆驼刺哪些结构适合沙漠的生活环境?引导学生通过分析,归纳出骆驼刺适应沙漠环境的结构:骆驼刺的叶片很小,并且上面有一层蜡质层,减少蒸发,防止水分流失;针状的枝,防止天敌落在植物体上啃食叶片;发达的根系有利于植物吸收水分这些特征,让骆驼刺能够适应沙漠高温、少雨、强蒸发的生存环境。(学生没提到的部分,教师可以补充讲解

47、)2师小结:地球上有着多种多样的生态环境,生存着不同的植物,植物的这些不同的结构特点都是自然选择的结果。不同的植物适应在不用环境中生存。三课外作业:可以合作完成手抄报的制作,也可课后搜集更多的关于动植物适应环境的资料, 以将内容摘要发送到班级论坛,参与讨论。注:将学生制作的手抄报办一个专刊。课后反思:ctivities, compre hensiveandtamping Safety Foundation .Troubl eshooti ng,manageme nt mechanism,givefull playto role oftechnical supe rvision and real

48、izati on of troubleshooting, management,im proved process management.Thisyearcompletedt he boilerl ower hea derleakage, boil er pressure,amajor risk management, com pleted 29 of greatrisks and 3 General problems of governance. Complete chemi strylabconstr uction,thermalcontrol,a nd completet heboile

49、r scaleintegrated management, hostshafting vi bration of 10scie ntificand technologi cal pr ojects,sucha s.Complete supercriti cal630MW on-line simulation system developmentand applicati onofcir culati ng waterMCCstandby powertransformation, the transformation ofde sulfuri zationw astewater, theunit

50、watersupplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatment anddischargevalve modificationofcoalmill5keytechnologi cal transformationprojects,group health i s improved. -Sciencea nd te chnol ogy innovation isfurtherincreased. Stre ngthenthe characteri stics ofsupercriticalunitmajor issues,graduallyclearing thepartic

51、ularityofsupercriticalunit andregularit y.Devel opedmotoroiltimemanagement,switchactiontimes,statisti cs,coal -aided measureme ntsoftware, impr ovesthe producti on lev elof lean management.Increasedinve stment inscie nce a ndtechnolog y,reporting scie ncea nd te chnol ogy proje ctsa nd 14te chnical

52、proje ct total costper centageofthe totalannualproducti on outputof0.25%."Large-scalecoal-fired power plantflue gasde sulfurizati on, denitrification com plete devel opme nt anda ppl icationof key technol ogies" pr oject,w ont he nati onal scie ncea nd te chnol ogy progressse cond pri ze.6

53、30MW supercriticalunits optimized control strategies andthe 630MWdevelopment a nd a pplication ofon-line simulation system forsupercriti calunits,super critical600M W units ofturbi nedrive n boilerfeed pump set of com prehe nsive treatment ofdefects Data ng technol ogy respectively oneortwoand third

54、.Meanwhile , informationtechnol ogyachievements,thecompany was name d "Chi napower informationtechnologybenchmarkingenterprises."-Repairand maintenanceha s improvedfurt her. Modifytheinspe ction standards a ndsta ndar dson aregular basis,standardizi ng work procedure s, checki ngand inspe

55、ction project. Deepe ningt heBFS+ system,and implements maintena ncei nformation share d. Reorgani zingRB l ogic again,and ensure thesuccessofthe R B.Innovati ng themechani sm of maintena nce ma nagement,impl emented a proje ctmanagersystem. S uccessful completionoftwo autonomousmaintena nce,reliability improvedsteadil


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