氢气鱼雷管车气站紧急切断系统 H2 --新_第1页
氢气鱼雷管车气站紧急切断系统 H2 --新_第2页
氢气鱼雷管车气站紧急切断系统 H2 --新_第3页
氢气鱼雷管车气站紧急切断系统 H2 --新_第4页
氢气鱼雷管车气站紧急切断系统 H2 --新_第5页
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1、AL ChinaSPECIFICATIONReference: ALC-SP-IM-003Revision: 0Date: 2012-1-21Page: 12/12Owner: ALC IM氢气鱼雷管车气站紧急切断系统H2 TUBE TRAILER GAS STATION EMERGENCY SHUT OFF SYSTEM DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document has been prepared exclusively for internal use by AIR LIQUIDE (CHINA) HOLDING CO.,

2、LTD. and its affiliates ("AIR LIQUIDE CHINA"). Since this document is confidential and proprietary to AIR LIQUIDE CHINA, third parties are not entitled to rely on it in any way. With regard to third parties, AIR LIQUIDE CHINA does not hold itself out as recommending the use of the informat

3、ion contained herein or reliance thereon in any way without its prior approval and AIR LIQUIDE CHINA does not give any warranties on the information contained in this document and assumes no liability or responsibility in connection with the information or suggestions herein contained. AIR LIQUIDE C

4、HINA makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness of this document and disclaims all warranties, express or implied including, but not limited to, the warranty of merchantability and the warranty of fitness for a particular use or purpose. The present document has been issued in Chi

5、nese and in English.This document supersedes the following document(s): RevisionDatePrepared byChecked byApproved byChanges02012-02-28Zhu DanHe Feng; An Xiaofeng; Han XuequnBian Chunlong; Leng Renqiang; He ZhisongLiu LubingNew document1234Template : Nov 2 2011This document is proprietary to the AIR

6、LIQUIDE GROUP and must not be communicated to third parties.This is an uncontrolled copy The only controlled copy is kept in the Alexandria database.目录TABLE OF CONTENTS1.目的PURPOSE22.适用范围FIELD OF APPLICATION23.参考文件REFERENCE DOCUMENTS24.设计要求DESIGN REQUIREMENT24.1.现场氮气站供气源 ON SITE N2 GAS STATION FOR IN


8、,所有氢气tube trailer上必须安装紧急切断阀,此切断阀在失效情况下将关闭(Fail Close,下文以FC表示)。由于该紧急切断阀是气动阀门,所以需要配置仪表气源,为了保证仪表气源的可靠性,除了在Tube Trailer车上配置切断阀仪表气源外,在气站现场还需安装后备气源。According to AL group requirement, all H2 tube trailer should install emergency shut off valve, which will be shut off when in failure status (Fail Close, FC

9、in following text). Because this valve is pneumatic type, so instrument air is needed to drive actuator of it, considering reliability of this instrument air source, besides Instrument source for emergency shut off valve is available on tube trailer; back up instrument air source should also be inst

10、alled on site.2. 适用范围FIELD OF APPLICATION此文件适用于液空中国IM所有客户现场气站和充灌中心。This document applies to all AL IM customer gas stations and Filling centers.3. 参考文件REFERENCE DOCUMENTS此文件参考以下液空内部文件最新有效内容,除非另有规定。The documents quoted below are to be used according to the latest issue in valid, unless otherwise stat

11、ed.1GT-SP-CYL-124SPECIFICATIONS FOR HYDROGEN TUBE AND CYLINDER TRAILERS2GT-PR-COM-021SAFETY RULES FOR HYDROGEN INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT4. 设计要求DESIGN REQUIREMENT氢气tube trailer上配置的切断阀为FC阀门,安装在氢气tube trailer出口手动总阀的上游,所需气源正常工作压力为7barg,最高工作压力为9barg。若气源被切断且压力泄放后,紧急切断阀门将关闭,从而切断氢气供应。因此,当现场发生火灾等紧急情况时,可能的情

12、况下,操作人员可主动将气源切断并泄放,停止氢气输出。若无法靠近氢气站,气源供气软管被烧断后,也会切断氢气输出。现场配置的气源系统有两种形式:现场氮气站供气源和现场氮气钢瓶供气源。The emergency shut off valve installed on H2 tube trailer is FC type valve, which is installed on the upstream of tube trailer master outlet manual valve. Needed working pressure for instrument air source is 7ba

13、rg, while the highest working pressure is 9barg. If the instrument air source is cut down and pressure is released, the emergent shut off valve will be closed and then stop H2 gas supply. So when fire or other emergency occurs, if possible, operator will cut off instrument air source manually to sto

14、p H2 supply. If operator cannot get close to H2 station, H2 supply will also be stopped while instrument air supply hose is burned out. There are two kinds of instrument air source systems on gas station sites: on site N2 gas station and N2 cylinders.4.1. 现场氮气站供气源 ON SITE N2 GAS STATION FOR INSTUMAN

15、T AIR SOURCE如果在氢气站附近有液空氮气供气站,且现场储罐或管道气的压力可以维持在9barg或更高,推荐使用此气源作为紧急切断阀气源,流程如图LIN station supply gas-V0:It is suggested to take N2 gas station as emergency shut off instrument air source while two conditions are satisfied: there is a LIN station or N2 pipeline station nearby; the pressure of tank or N

16、2 pipeline is 9barg of higher. P&ID is attached asLIN station supply gas-V0:请注意以下几点:Please pay attention to the following points:l 图纸以三车位Tube Trailer为例Taking three positions tube trailer station as an example in the drawingsl 若氢气tube trailer气站附近为液氮供气站,气源从汽化器与氮气站调压阀之间直接取出 If there is a LIN statio

17、n nearby, instrument air source is coming from the pipeline between vaporizer and pressure regulator.l 若氢气tube trailer气站附近为管道氮气或其他气源,可根据具体情况从合适的地方取出.If there is a N2 pipeline station or other N2 source nearby, the instrument air source can be taken from the appropriate place according to specific ci

18、rcumstance.l 现场氮气站气源,需保证能够提供9barg或者大于9barg的压力,且能够持续为Tube Trailer提供仪表气源.For LIN station, the source pressure should be 9barg or higher, and continuously.l 若取出的氮气源压力高于切断阀所需压力,需配置双路调压阀,保证供气的可靠性.If the pressure is higher than which the valve needs, two-way pressure regulator valves should be deployed to

19、 guarantee the reliability of instrument air supply.l 气源需有压力变送器监控,且监控信号接入teleflo系统或其他监控系统.The instrument air source should be monitored by pressure transmitter, and the pilot signal is transferred to teleflo system or other monitoring system.l VNG1304三通阀(见图LIN station supply gas-V0)安装在氢气站入口处,便于紧急情况下

20、操作人员操作.VNG1304 three way valve (shown in LIN station supply gas-V0) is installed at the entrance of H2 station in order that operator can handle it conveniently under emergency condition.l 整个阀门组可集成在一个面板上All the valves can be integrated in a same panel.4.2. 现场氮气钢瓶供气源 ON SITE N2 CYLINDER FOR INSTRUMEN

21、T AIR SOURCE氢气站周围无法提供氮气站供气源时,需在现场配备氮气钢瓶及配套管路来为紧急切断阀提供气源,流程如图Cylinder station supply gas-V0:If there is no N2 gas station around the H2 station, it is necessary to configure N2 cylinders and its relevant pipeline to offer instrument air source for emergency shut off valve, P&ID is attached inCyli

22、nder station supply gas-V0请注意以下几点:Please pay attention to the following points:l 图纸以三车位tube trailer为例Taking three tube trailer positions station as an example in the drawingsl 为了提高气源的可靠性,系统配置两用两备氮气钢瓶供气,且配置Autoswitch装置To improve the reliability of instrument air supply, instrument air source system i

23、s equipped with 4 N2 cylinders (two in use and two as backup), and 1 Autoswitch.l Autoswitch两侧及下游分别安装压力变送器,且压力信号接入teleflo系统或其他监控系统 .Pressure transmitters are installed at both sides and downstream position of Autoswitch, and pressure signals are transferred to teleflo system or other monitoring syst

24、em.l VNG1302三通阀(见图Cylinder station supply gas-V0)安装在氢气站入口处,便于紧急情况下操作人员操作.VNG1304 three way valve (shown in LIN station supply gas-V0) is installed at the entrance of H2 station in order that operator can handle it conveniently under emergency condition.l Autoswitch下游的阀门组可集成在一个面板上.All the valves afte

25、r Autoswich can be integrated in a same panel.4.3. 设备、阀门、管道及配件材料EQUIPMENT, VALVE, PIPELINE AND FITTING MERERIAL主要设备清单及资料请见附件。Main equipment list are shown in the attachment请注意以下几点:Please pay attention to the following issues:l 设备清单以三车位Tube Trailer为例Taking three tube trailer positions station as an e

26、xample in the drawingsl 设备清单中已详细列出了主要材料的型号及供应商,另外还附有主要设备的资料。接头数量需根据情况配备Model and supplier of main materials are listed in the equipment list in detail, the same with catalog of main equipment. The number of joints is based on specific circumstance.l 为了保证供气装置运行的稳定性和可靠性,需严格按照规定要求来选择材料It should be stri

27、ctly in accordance with requirements in selecting materials to guarantee the stability and reliability of instrument air supply.5. 系统操作SYSTEM OPREATION以三车位Tube Trailer气站为例,假设现场车位为车位A,车位B和车位C。车位A和B上分别停放一辆Tube Trailer,车位C为空。A车位上 Tube Trailer出口手动总阀打开,正在使用,B车位上Tube Trailer作为备用。以下以现场氮气站供气源为例,介绍其操作:Taking

28、 three tube trailer positions station as an example, assuming on-site parking positions for vehicle A, B and C. Both parking positions A and B are parked with tube trailers, parking space C is empty. The outlet manual valve of tube trailer on tube trailer A is open and in using, tube trailer B is fo

29、r backup. The following is, taking LIN station N2 as instrument air source as an example, to introduce the operation.(1) A车位和B车位上都停放了Tube Trailer,如流程图LIN station supply gas-V0中,connection hose分别与两辆Tube Trailer连接,且调整三通阀VNG1304A和VNG1304B阀柄,使三通阀a-c向畅通,b-c向关闭;Two tube trailers are parked in position A a

30、nd B, as inLIN station supply gas-V0, two connection hoses are connected to each tube trailer separately, adjusting valve handle of three-way valve VNG1304A and VNG1304B to a-c way open, and b-c way closed;(2) C车位为空,对应的connection hose未与Tube Trailer连接,调整三通阀VNG1304C阀柄,保持三通阀b-c向畅通,a-c向关闭;Parking space

31、C is empty, corresponding connection hose is not connected to tube trailer, adjust handle of three way valve VNG1304C to keep b-c way open, a-c closed;(3) A车用完,B车使用时,现场的紧急切断气源系统无需任何操作,按照原有操作流程即可;When tube trailer A is used up, and B is in use, the on-site emergency shut off instrument air supply sys

32、tem doesnt need any operation, just in accordance with the former operation process.(4) 当新来一辆Tube Trailer停放在C车位上后,将对应的connection hose与车上的气源连接点相连。When a new tube trailer is parked on position C, connect the corresponding connection hose to tube trailer C.(5) 检查车载钢瓶,确认钢瓶出口阀门已关闭;Check the truck cylinde

33、r, ensure cylinder outlet valve is closed.(6) 调整三通阀VNG1304C阀柄,使其a-c向畅通,b-c向关闭;Adjust the handle of three way valve VNG1304C to keep a-c way open, and b-c closed;(7) 检查三通阀与Tube Trailer之间的所有连接处,确保无泄漏;Check all the connections between three way valve and tube trailer to ensure no leakage;(8) 检查紧急切断阀,确认

34、阀门已经处于打开状态;Check emergency shut off valve, ensure the valve is already open;(9) A车位上的Tube Trailer需要拖走,先调整VNG1304A阀柄,使b-c向畅通,a-c向关闭,此时不但关闭了现场仪表气对A车位Tube Trailer的供气,而且将VNG1304A的与Tube Trailer紧急切断阀之间的仪表气放空;The tube trailer on position A needs to be towed away, firstly adjusting handle of VNG1304A to mak

35、e b-c way open, a-c closed. This action will close the instrument air supply of on-site instrument air to tube trailer, at the same time the instrument air between VNG1304 and Tube Trailer emergency shut off valve is vented;(10) 断开A车位的connection hose;Disconnection the hose of vehicle A(11) 检查A车位Tube

36、 Trailer紧急切断阀,确认此阀门已经关闭;Check the emergency shut off valve of tube trailer A to ensure the valve is closed;(12) 按照流程将A车位的Tube Trailer拖走。Tow away the tube trailer on position A in accordance with existing process.请注意以下几点:Please pay attention to the following points:l 操作流程以三车位Tube Trailer为例Taking thre

37、e tube trailer positions station as an example in the operational processl 操作流程以现场氮气站供气源为例Operational process is based on LIN gas station for instrument air source.正常情况下,现场氮气站或者现场氮气钢瓶作为切断阀气源主供气系统,而Tube Trailer车上自带的钢瓶气源作为备用,车载钢瓶出口阀关闭。当现场气源无法供气时,操作人员需手动打开车载钢瓶出口阀门,提供备用气源Normally, on site N2 station or

38、N2 cylinders is the main gas supply system of instrument air source for emergency shut off valve, and the tube trailers own truck cylinder is as reserve, which is always closed. When the on site instrument air source can not work, the operator should open the outlet valve of truck cylinder, supplyin

39、g instrument air as backup source. 新增加了现场仪表气供气系统,不影响原有气站的操作。操作上的基本原则是:车辆到达现场后,先连接仪表气源,确保现场的车辆无论是否使用,气源都在为紧急切断阀供气,Tube Trailer上的紧急切断阀都处于开启状态。将Tube Trailer拖离现场时,先切气源,确保紧急切断阀关闭后,再进行气站操作The instrument air source new added in the site does not influence the former operation of H2 gas station. The basic operational principle: After the tube trailer arrives, connecting the instrument


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