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1、1. There _ an eraser under the desk. Is it yours ? A. is B. has C. was D. had2. She _ ill so she _ able to go skating the next day. A. is; wont be B. is; wouldnt be C. was; won be D. was; wouldnt beAD选择填空。选择填空。 3. _ you _ that he _ his lost son one day ? A. Do; think; will find B. Do; thought; would

2、 find C. Did; think; will find D. Did; thought; would find 4. - What day _ it _ tomorrow ? - It _Tuesday. A. is; going to be; is B. will; be; will C. is; going to be; is going D. will; be; will be AD5. _ you _ me up at six, please ? A. Are; going to wake B. Are; waking C. Will; wake D. Do; wake6. I

3、_ to the cinema. I _ there every Sunday. A. go; go B. am going; go C. go; am going D. am going; am goingCB7. Mr Smith _ short stories, but he _ a TV play these days. A. is writing; is writing B. is writing; writes C. writes; is writing D. writes; writes 8. He _ to do his lessons at eight every eveni

4、ng. A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins CD9. Be careful. The train _. A. will come B. came C. comes D. is coming10. Look at those clouds. It _ soon, Im afraid. A. is going to rain B. is raining C. will rain D. wont rain11. The radio says it _ the day after tomorrow. A. is going to sno

5、w B. is snowing C. will snow D. snows DAC12. I will tell him as soon as he _ back. A. come B. comes C. will come D. came13. Look ! The boy students are _ football while the girls are _. A. playing; dance B. playing; dancing C. play; dancing D. play; dance BB1. We are sure that he _ (go) to school to

6、morrow. 2. Do you know who _ (be) the first man to walk on the moon? 3. Could you tell me where the post office _ (is)? 4. I hear that he _ (swim) in the sea yesterday. 5. There _ (be) a group of people around the fire when they _ (reach) there.用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。 will gowill beisswamwasreach

7、ed6. Lets _ (swim) in the pool now. 7. Lucy _ (not come) from the United States. 8. He _ (want) to be the first to school every day.9. -_ you _ (want) to see pandas? -Yes, I do. 10. He can _ (speak) a little English. swimdoesnt comewantsDowantspeak11. There _ (be) much rain last year. But this year,

8、 there _ (be) little rain. 12. He _(take) the train to England three days ago. 13. He _ (be) ill, so he _ (not come) to school yesterday. wasistookisdidnt come1. I have some pen pals in UK. (一般疑问句一般疑问句) _2. His sisters from Canada . (一般疑问句一般疑问句) _3. He speaks Chinese. (一般疑问句一般疑问句) _4. He exercises e

9、very day. (用用now改写改写) _5. Hes doing his homework . (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) _句型转换。句型转换。 Do you have any pen pals in UK?Is his sister from Canada?Does he speak Chinese?He is exercising now.Is he doing his homework?6. She has some brothers and sisters. (改为否改为否定句定句) _7. He is watching TV now. (用用often改写句子改写句子)

10、 _8. He went to the mountain. (改为否定句和一改为否定句和一般疑问句般疑问句) _. _?She doesnt have any brothers and sisters. He often watches TV.He didnt go to the mountain Did he go to the mountain9. We always go to school at seven. (用用yesterday 改写句子改写句子) _10. Are you often relaxed? (用用yesterday evening改写改写) _?11. We sai

11、d to her last night. ( 对划线部分提对划线部分提问问) _?12. I played tennis last weekend. (同同12) _?We went to school at seven yesterday. Were you relaxed yesterday When did you say to herWhat did you do last weekend13. Theyre reading Chinese. (同同12) _?14. He always goes to school at 7:00 oclock. (同同12) _?15. My si

12、ster works in a post office. (同同12) _?16. Tom and Jim visit the zoo on Sundays. (同同12) _?What are they doingWhen does he always go to school Who works in a post office Where do Tom and Jim visit on Sundays17. He wants to be a policeman when he is older. (同同12) _?18. It was rainy and humid last month

13、. (同同12) _?19. He spent 50 yuan buying the shirt . (同同12) _?20. My aunt arrived in Chongqing two days ago. (同同12) _?What does he want to be when he is olderHow was the weather last month / What was the weather like last month?How much did he spend buying the shirt When did your aunt arrive in Chongq

14、ing 1. I often _ English in the morning . I _ (read) English now2. They _ to the movies. Last week, they _ (go) to the movies. 3. Bill _ (see) some girls _ (play) in the room just now. 4. _ (be) you interested in science? _ (be) you interested in science last week? 时态辨析。时态辨析。 readam readinggowentsaw

15、playAreWere5. She sometimes _ (cry) in bed. Now, she _ (cry) in bed.6. Kate always _ (go) to school at seven oclock. But yesterday morning, she _ (go) to school at 8:00 oclock.7. How many people _ (be) there in the park yesterday ? 8. My sister _ not _ (like) _ (play) in the park. 9. Does he _ (enjo

16、y) _ (speak) English?cries is cryinggoeswentweredoeslikeplayingenjoyspeaking11. On weekdays, when do you begin _ (have) classes? 12. Monday _ (be) the second day of the week. 13. They _ (play) basketball. Lets go _ (play) with them. 14. Would you like _ (come) to my house tomorrow?15. I would like y

17、ou _ (meet) my parents tonight. having / to haveis are playingto playto come to meet16. At 8:00 he _ (begin) his classes. He _ (have) a class now.17. - _ you at home this morning? (be) -No, I _. (be not ) 18. My parents have much fun _ (clean) the room. 19. Listen! They _ (talk) about the movie.20.

18、My sister _ (do) her homework last night. began is having Were were not cleaning are talking did21. Tom _ (write) to his pen pal now. 22. Thank you a lot for _ (visit) my grandma. 23. Its time _ (play) football . 24. Miss Wang _ (want) to eat some rice and two eggs. 25. The brothers _ (not speak) Japanese. 26. What about _ (shop) in the supermarket? is writing visiting to play wants / wanted dont speak shopping27. My mother made me _ (wait) for her at the bus stop yesterday aftern


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