1、THE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONCopyright 1998-2013, Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Global Studies & Geography, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, 11549 USA.Jean-Paul.RYou may use the figures within for educational purposes only. No modification or redistribution p
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5、his document should be referred as: Rodrigue, J-P et al. (2013) The Geography of Transport Systems, Hofstra University, Department of Global Studies & Geography, http:/.编辑pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONConcept 1编辑pptMain Involvement Sectors for Public PolicySectorCategoriesReg
6、ulatory PolicyFinancial regulation; Antitrust laws and regulations; Effective legal enforcement; Product liability laws; Tort law; Ease of doing businessInfrastructure PolicyWater; Transportation; Electric; PPP; Broad investment supportLabor PolicyWages; Benefits; Labor unions; Workplace safety; Dis
7、crimination; Severance; Worker rightsScience & TechnologyIntellectual property; Information security; Technology transfers; Investment & supportEconomic DevelopmentExport-import bank; Export incentives/restrictions; Strategic industries; Small & medium-sized enterprises; Special economic
8、 zonesEnergy & Environmental PolicyConventional energy; Alternative energy; Energy efficiency; Energy security; Environmental regulation and complianceTax PolicyCorporate taxes; Individual taxes; Dividend and capital gains taxes; Tax incentives; Value-added taxes; Offshore taxesTrade PolicyTrade
9、 agreements; Tariffs, taxes, quotas & duties, Single window trade systemEducation, Talent & InnovationInvestment/support for science; Visas and immigration; Labor retention; Training; Certification编辑pptTransport RegulationsEconomic RegulationsInvestments in transportation infrastructure (mod
10、al and intermodal).Control of routes, ports of entry, pricing, scheduling.Level of ownership and competition.Social and Safety RegulationsSafety and operation regulations (speed and design).Labor regulations (work hours).Transportation of hazardous materials (HAZMAT).Environmental emissions.Security
11、 (passengers and cargo).编辑pptThe Interstate Highway System编辑pptI80I90I70I40I76I8I10I29I15I44I94I65I75I5I35I20I25I49I16I57I30I84I27I82I95I85I69I55I43I39I37I64I81I72I135I74I24I45I59I88I71I77I380I17I68I390I19I196I91I86I87I79I840 FI73I335I495I540I35EI476I4I35WI83I96I185I505I295I155I395I575I215I270I680I1
12、80I99I684I195I275I280I205I164I255I469I490I190I405I220I470I475I181I459I265I240I235I664I210I440I526I225I410I279I229I480I610I787I110I481I581I705I105I515I244I29 LI894I516I44 SI678I296I129I535I115I26 NI3151,00001,000500KilometersSome Legislations in the Deregulation of Transport in the United States and
13、CanadaYearCountryLegislation1967CanadaNational Transportation Act1977USAAir Cargo Deregulation Act1978USAAviation Deregulation Act1980USAStaggers Act; Motor Carrier Act1982USABus Regulatory Reform Act1984USAOcean Shipping Act1987CanadaNational Transportation Act; Shipping Conference Exemption Act; M
14、otor Vehicle Transport Act1991USAIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act1995USAInterstate Commerce Commission Termination Act1996CanadaCanada Transportation Act1998USAOcean Shipping Reform Act1998CanadaCanada Marine Act2001CanadaCanada Shipping Act编辑pptMain Transport Policy InstrumentsInstr
15、umentNatureExamplesPublic ownershipSubsidiesRegulatory controlResearch and developmentLabor regulationsSafety and operating standards编辑pptThe Jones Act and International Maritime MarketsIssueJones Act MarketInternational MarketVessel ownershipUS nationalityAny (large shipping companies)Vessel regist
16、rationUSAAny (flags of convenience)ShipyardUS locatedAny (mainly Asia)Vessel crewUS citizensAny (developing countries)Vessel typeMostly coastal and riverMostly deepseaVessel trading privilegeCabotage within USAInternational shipmentsLegal jurisdictionUS federal courtsCountry of registryTaxationUS co
17、rporate taxation systemMostly offshoreBarriers to entryVery highLowCompetitionStatutory protection against foreign playersIntensive / Oligopolistic编辑pptShift in Public Transport Policy PerspectiveIssueConventionalEmergingModesIndependent ModesIntermodal SystemsScaleLocal EconomiesRegional / Global E
18、conomiesJurisdictionIndependent Jurisdictions (“turf wars”)Coalitions / ConsensusProvisionBuild (infrastructure provision)Manage (optimization of existing resources)FundingPublicly FundedPublic / Private partnershipsRevenueUsers (public subsidy)Customers (revenue generation)Regulatory frameworkPlan
19、(regulations; compliance)Market (deregulations; price signals)编辑pptCommon Problems Linked with Government InterventionBureaucracyRegulatory reflex. Heavy administrative burden. Slow to respond, adapt and change.IrresponsibilityLimited accountability for wrong policies. The blaming game.Misallocation
20、sAccumulation (diversion) of scarce capital in non-productive assets. “Pork barrel” politics. Parasitical stance on the productive economy.CorruptionUsing public power to regulate, coerce and confiscate. Privileging politically connected firms.“Magic wand” syndromeBelief that any problem can be fixe
21、d by an appropriate government policy and intervention.THE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONConcept 2编辑pptGeneric Planning Process1 Problem Statement, Vision and Goals Safety, health, mobility, equity, economic development2 Objectives Improve safety, improve roadway and trail facilities, i
22、ncrease non-motorized travel3 Evaluation Criteria Accident / injury rates, Bicycle Compatibility Index, non-motorized travel rate4 Program Evaluation Did program achieve its stated objectives? What is the programs acceptance? What are its costs and benefits?编辑pptMarket Distortions Impacting the Auto
23、mobileNatureDescriptionPotential ReformConsumer Options and InformationMarkets often offer limited alternatives to automobile transportation and automobile-oriented location.Recognize the value of alternative modes and more accessible development in planning decisions.UnderpricingMany motor vehicle
24、costs are fixed or external.As much as feasible, convert fixed costs to variable charges and charge motorists directly for the costs they impose.Transport Planning PracticesTransportation planning and investment practices favor automobile oriented improvements, even when other solutions are more cos
25、t effective.Apply least-cost planning so alternative modes and management strategies are funded if they are the most cost effective way to improve transport.Land Use PoliciesCurrent land use planning policies encourage lower-density, automobile-oriented development.Apply smart growth policy reforms
26、that support more multi-modal, accessible land use development.编辑pptTransport Planning (under construction)编辑pptIntegration of Urban Transportation Modes编辑pptInner-citypedestrian areaParking areaMain transit lineSecondary ring roadPrimary ring roadHighwaySuburbandevelopmentcorridorPassenger terminal
27、U.S. Traffic Fatalities, 1960-2010012345619601965197019751980198519901995200020052010Fatalities Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles编辑pptRegulation of Freight Transportation in the United States编辑pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONConcept 3编辑pptClassification of Dangerous GoodsClassSubclass1
28、 (Explosives)1.1 - Explosives with a mass explosion hazard (nitroglycerin, dynamite)1.2 - Explosives with a blast/projection hazard1.3 - Explosives with a minor blast hazard (rocket propellant, display fireworks)1.4 - Explosives with a major fire hazard (consumer fireworks, ammunition)1.5 - Blasting
29、 agents1.6 - Extremely insensitive explosives2 (Gases)2.1 - Flammable gas (acetylene, hydrogen).2.2 - Non-flammable gases (nitrogen, neon).2.3 - Poisonous gases (fluorine, chlorine) 3 (Flammable liquids)(fuel oil, gasoline)4 (Flammable solids)4.1 - Flammable solids (nitrocellulose, magnesium)4.2 - S
30、pontaneously combustible solids (aluminum alkyls, white phosphorus)4.3 - Dangerous when wet (sodium, calcium, potassium)5 (Oxidizing agents and organic Peroxides)5.1 - Oxidizing agent (calcium hypochlorite, ammonium nitrate, hydrogen peroxide)5.2 - Organic peroxide oxidizing agent (benzoyl peroxides
31、, cumene hydroperoxide)6 (Toxic and infectious substances)6.1 - Poison (potassium cyanide, pesticides)6.2 - Biohazard (virus cultures, used intravenous needles)7 (Radioactive)(uranium, plutonium)8 (Corrosive)8.1 - Acids (sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid)8.2 - Alkalis (potassium hydroxide, sodium hyd
32、roxide)编辑pptProbability of Pedestrian Fatality by Impact Speed0102030405060708090100020406080100120Impact speed (km/hr)编辑pptTransport Fatalities by Mode, United States, 1970-2009010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,000197019801990200020052009Air CarriersHighwayRailroadWaterborne编辑pptRoad Fatalities per
33、 100,000 People, Selected Countries0510152025303540AustraliaBelgiumCanadaFranceGermanyItalyJapanKoreaMalaysiaSouth AfricaSwedenUKUnited States20112000199019801970编辑pptNumber of Yearly Fatalities due to Air Transport Crashes, 1918-201201,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,00019181921192419271930193319361939194
34、219451948195119541957196019631966196919721975197819811984198719901993199619992002200520082011DeathsBillions of passengers-km编辑pptThefts by Type of Cargo and Location, United States, 20103%6%9%8%4%23%20%10%11%5%1%Thefts (899 Incidents)AlcoholAuto / PartsBuilding / IndustrialClothing / ShoesConsumer C
35、are ProductsElectronicsFood / BeveragesHome / GardenMiscellaneousPharmaceuticalsTobacco29%7%5%21%25%5%1%7%Locations (497)Truck StopsPublic Access ParkingRoasidesUnsecured Terminals / LotsSecured ParkingFictitious PickupDriver TheftOther编辑pptSupply Chain Security DimensionsCargo contentsContents are
36、what is stated on the bill of lading.May involve direct (opening the container) or remote (scanning or probing) inspection.Cross-referencing.Cargo integrityContents remain unchanged from origin to destination.Detect unauthorized access to the cargo.Any change monitored and recorded (locks, alarms or
37、 probes).Route integrityNo deviation from the scheduled route.Cargo remains within secure modes and locations (terminals and distribution centers).Information integrityAuthenticated and verifiable information about cargo.编辑pptSupply Chain Security MeasuresProcedural security measuresIntroduction and
38、 removal of goods in the supply chain (recorded and verifiable).Requirements to insure security along the transport chain (monitoring and inspections).Physical security measuresFacilities (terminals, distribution centers) and conveyances (modes) used for security.Secure premises.Identification for a
39、ccess.Employee security measuresPeople dealing with the supply chain subject to screening and background checks.Information systems security measuresProtection of the information integrity.Tiers for information access.Secure transactions.编辑pptPost-9/11 Legislations Relevant to Maritime Transportatio
40、n System SecurityLegislationPurposeAviation and Transportation Security Act (2001)Gave the federal government broad authority in transportation security for all modes.Maritime Transportation Security Act (2002)Required the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to create the National Maritime Security
41、 Plan. Outlines the coordinated action and incident-response plans between federal, state, and local governments to respond to security incidents involving maritime assets and infrastructure. Establishment of transportation worker identification cards, maritime safety and security teams, port securi
42、ty grants, and enhancements to maritime intelligence and matters dealing with foreign ports and international cooperation. Critical Infrastructure Information Act (2002)Created the framework that allows private-sector entities and others to voluntarily submit information regarding critical infrastru
43、cture/key resources in their possession to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, with the assurance that this information will not be publicly available.The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (2004)Required the development of the National Strategy for Transportation Security. This
44、strategy is a classified document, but it is known that this document provides the framework for the federal government, working with state, local, and tribal governments and private industry, to secure the national transportation system and to prepare to respond to terrorist threats or attacks to t
45、ransportation infrastructure.Security and Accountability for Every Port Act (2006)Required the secretary of homeland security, in coordination with relevant federal, state, local, and tribal government authorities and the private sector and international community, to develop and implement a strateg
46、ic plan to “enhance the security of the international supply chain.”编辑pptMaritime Security Initiatives Implemented by The United States or the European UnionInitiativeTypeYearDescriptionAutomated Targeting System (ATS)Cargo screening1999Weighted model applied to inbound cargo manifests to assign ris
47、k factors.Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)Certification2001Transferring some of the Customs responsibilities to importers and exporters to reinforce overall security levels. Benefits include reduced likelihood that containers of participating firms will be examined.Container Secu
48、rity Initiative (CSI)Cargo tracking and screening2002Increasing security related to ocean going containers by targeting and screening high risk containers bound for the US before they are loaded.Megaports initiativeCargo tracking and screening2003Installation of radiation detection equipment in key foreign ports. Reducing the illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radiological materials.24 hour ruleAdvance cargo information2003Implementing the cargo-related information at least 24 hours before a container is loaded aboard the vessel at the last foreign port.S
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