1、THE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONCopyright 1998-2013, Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Global Studies & Geography, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, 11549 USA.Jean-Paul.RYou may use the figures within for educational purposes only. No modification or redistribution p
2、ermitted.For more information: /geotrans APPLICATIONSUsage Conditions DO NOT COPY, TRANSLATE OR REDISTRIBUTE THIS DOCUMENT. The contents of this document can be freely used for personal or classroom use ONLY. Although the material contained in this document is freely availabl
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5、om this document should be referred as: Rodrigue, J-P et al. (2013) The Geography of Transport Systems, Hofstra University, Department of Global Studies & Geography, http:/.编辑pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 1编辑pptLocks of the Montreal Lake Ontario Section of the Sea
6、way prior to 1901编辑pptMontrealLachineLake St. LouisCascadesCedarsCoteauLake St. FrancisLong SaultFarran PointRapide PlatIroquoisCardinalPrescottLachine CanalBeauharnois CanalSoulanges CanalWilliamsburg CanalsCornwall120 x20 x5120 x20 x5100 x20 x5All 200 x45x9270 x45x14All 200 x45x9All 270 x45x141201
7、10105978170392590226212200140520Lake OntarioSt. LawrenceRapidLakeCanalTechnical Characteristics of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes System编辑pptDuluthSault St. MarieWelland CanalKingstonMontrealQuebecLes EscouminsAtlantic Ocean1645 km300 km484 km1271 km18415288321600ElevationDepth 1510 15
8、15 15Width 300 300 30060240300 300Capacity150,000 and more150,00060,00025,00030,000144in metersin metersin metersIn deadweight tonsTonnage Transiting Through the St. Lawrence Seaway, 1960-201101020304050601960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996
9、1998200020022004200620082010百万UpboundDownbound编辑pptComposition of the Traffic Transiting Through the St. Lawrence Seaway, 1978-20110102030405060708019781988199920082011百万百万BulkCoalGrainsGeneral CargoOther编辑pptTransit Time on Sections of the St. Lawrence SeawayAverage Transit (hours)90% of Transits w
10、ithin (hours)95% of Transits within (hours)Welland Canal119-137-15Montreal / Lake OntarioInland Up2422-2620-28Inland Down2220-2418-26Ocean Up2321-2519-27Ocean Down2220-2418-26编辑pptThe St. Lawrence Seaway编辑pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 2编辑pptActors in Transport Finance
11、编辑pptCapital FlowIndirect RelationshipProvidersRecipientsThe Prediction of Future Outcomes编辑pptPredictabilityUncertaintyTimeForecastingScenariosSpeculations5 years10 yearsNew ProjectValue Propositions behind the Interest of Equity Firms in Transport Terminals编辑pptDiversification(Risk mitigation valu
12、e)Source of income(Operational value)Asset (Intrinsic value) Terminals occupy premium locations (waterfront).Globalization made terminal assets more valuable.Traffic growth linked with valuation.Same amount of land generates a higher income.Terminals as fairly liquid assets.Income (rent) linked with
13、 the traffic volume.Constant revenue stream with limited, or predictable, seasonality.Traffic growth expectations result in income growth expectations.Sectoral and geographical asset diversification.Mitigate risks linked with a specific regional or national market.Public / Private Partnership Option
14、s编辑pptPRIVATE RESPONSIBILITYPUBLIC RESPONSIBILITYDesignBidBuildPrivateContractFee ServiceDesignBuildBuildOperateTransfer(BOT)DesignBuildFinanceOperate(DBFO)BuildOwnOperate(BOO)CONVENTIONALEMERGINGRisk Transfer and Private Sector Involvement in Public-Private Partnerships编辑pptDesign - BuildDegree of
15、Private Sector InvolvementDegree of Private Sector RiskOperation & MaintenanceBuild-FinanceDesign-Build-Finance-MaintainD-B-F-M-OperateConcessionPrivatizationPPP ModelsExamples of Highway Public / Private Partnerships in the United StatesChicago SkywayIndiana Toll RoadYear20052006Infrastructure7
16、.8 miles (12.5 km) of toll urban highway with a bridge156.9 mi (252.5 km) of toll intercity highwayLeaserCity of ChicagoState of IndianaLesseeSkyway Concession CompanyCintra and Macquarie consortiumLease duration99 years75 yearsAmount$1.85 billion$3.85 billion编辑pptPort and Maritime Industry Finance编
17、辑pptBrokersFinancial MarketsInvestorsCommercial BanksMortgage BanksMerchant BanksFinance HousesLeasing CompaniesMoney MarketsCapital MarketsEquity MarketsPrivate PlacementCorporationsPrivate InvestorsInvestments ManagersInsurance CompaniesPension FundsBanksTrust FundsFinance HousesShipping Companies
18、Port OperatorsEarningsCapitalTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 3编辑pptInternational Tourists Arrivals and Receipts, 1950-201101002003004005006007008009001000195019531956195919621965196819711974197719801983198619891992199519982001200420072010Arrivals (millions)Receipts (billio
19、ns of $US)编辑pptMonthly International Tourist Arrivals, 2011020406080100120140JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember December编辑pptShare of International Tourist Arrivals by Region, 1950-2010677173746869656562605855513026242125232120201918171611123481012141619220%10%20%30%4
20、0%50%60%70%80%90%100%1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010EuropeAmericasAsiaAfricaMiddle EastSouth Asia编辑pptVisa Restrictions Index, 2011020406080100120140160180DenmarkGermanyUnited KingdomFranceJapanUnited StatesSwitzerlandAustraliaCanadaSingaporeSouth KoreaMalaysiaHong K
21、ongIsraelBrazilSouth AfricaRussiaUAEThailandIndiaVietnamEgyptChinaIranPakistanAfghanistan编辑pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 4编辑pptGlobal Cruise Passengers Carried, 1990-201202468101214161820221990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
22、 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012百万编辑pptMarket Share of Main Cruise Lines, 2011Carnival Cruise Lines (49.2%)Carnival (21.1%)Costa Cruises (7.2%)Princess (6.4%)AIDA (4.4%)Holland America (3.7%)Other (6.4%)Royal Caribbean Lines (23.8%)Royal Caribbean (17.0%)Celebrity (4.7%)Other (2.1%)Others (27.0%)
23、Norwegian (7.1%)MSC Cruises (5.8%)Disney (2.9%)Star Cruises (1.8%)Other (9.4%)编辑pptThe Three Fundamentals of Cruise ShippingItineraries Attractiveness (seasonality) Customers availability and preferencesCapacity Deployment Type of ship DurationPorts of Call Sequence and schedule Choice of turn portK
24、ey Cruise Itinerary Design VariablesCustomer-related considerations (demand) Optimal length of cruise, shore time/sail time balance Must see destinations, guest satisfaction Seasonality Synchronization with air transfers Spending behavior and budgetOperational considerations (supply) Number and orde
25、r of port calls Determination of turn ports (+ synchronization with air transfers) Vessel speed and vessel size Berth capacity, accessibility of ports Distances between ports of callStrategic considerations Demographics of customer base Itineraries of competing cruise operators Anticipation of growt
26、h markets Supply push to create new cruise markets Revenue-generating potential of daytrips, onboard facilities, etc.Types of Cruise Itineraries编辑pptPerennialSeasonalMay to SeptemberTurn portPort of callRepositioningDeployment of the Global Cruise Fleet, 201142.723.0051015202530354
27、045CaribbeanMediterraneanEurope/ScandinaviaAlaskaMexico Pacific/HawaiiSouth AmericaTransatlanticOceania / South PacificCapacity in million bed-days编辑pptOccupancy Level of North American Cruises, 2004-201102,0004,0006,0008,00010,00012,00014,000Less than 70%0.80.9More than 140%Number of Crui
28、sesOccupancy Level编辑pptMonthly Deployment of the Cruise Capacity, c2004 (in % of bed-days)63.2%62.5%64.2%57.5%32.1%29.3%29.1%26.3%32.8%42.7%61.1%66.5%4.6%5.0%7.7%18.9%36.9%39.2%40.7%40.2%34.9%32.4%16.0%6.9%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNov
29、emberDecemberCaribbean/North AmericaMediterranean/EuropeAlaska/NE AtlanticOtherIdle编辑pptShare of Monthly Cruise Passengers by Region of Embarkation, 20120%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember DecemberAlaskaAustralia - New ZealandCaribbean/
30、BahamasMexico & Central AmericaEurope - NorthernEurope - SouthernNorth America - ex. Alaska & MexicoSouth AmericaOther编辑pptShare of Monthly Cruise Passengers by Region of Destination, 2012 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember Dec
31、emberAlaskaAustralia - New ZealandCaribbean/BahamasMexico & Central AmericaEurope - NorthernEurope - SouthernNorth America - ex. Alaska & MexicoSouth AmericaOther编辑pptCumulative Number of Monthly North American Cruise Passengers by Destination, 2004-2011012345678JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJ
32、uneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember百万Western CaribbeanEastern CaribbeanBahamasSouthern CaribbeanMexico (Pacific)HawaiiAlaskaBermudaCanada/New EnglandOther编辑pptNumber of Monthly North American Cruise Passengers by Destination, 20111.1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay
33、JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember百万Western CaribbeanBahamasEastern CaribbeanSouthern CaribbeanMexico (Pacific)HawaiiAlaskaBermudaCanada/New EnglandOther编辑pptCruise Source Markets, 201010.7813.4091.5600.9840.8900.3700.195024681012North AmericaContinental EuropeUKLatin AmericaAsia (w/o Ja
34、pan)AustraliaJapanMillions of customers编辑pptRevenue and Expenses per Average Cruiser, 2011$1,286$208$76$38$57Revenue ($1,663)TicketCasino & BarExcursionsSpaOther$295$217$213$193$183$160$100$73$51Expenses ($1,485)OtherAgent commissionShip fuel costsCorporate operating costsPayrollAmortizationFood
35、 & BeveragesOnboard servicesInterest编辑pptDuration of North American Cruises (in nights), 201102004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6001,8002,0002 or less3456789101112131415 and moreCruisesNumber of Nights编辑pptTypology of Cruise PortsCriteriaElementsMarket regionRegional marketsSizeHuge (More than 1 mill
36、ion visits); Very Large (500,000 to 1 million visits); Large (250,000 to 500,000 visits); Medium (100,000 to 250,000 visits); Small (Less than 100,000 visits)SeasonalityLow (perennial port; 4 peak months less than 40% of visits); Average (4 peak months 40 to 60% of visits); High (4 peak months 60 to 80% of visits); Very high (4 peak months more than 80% of visits)Function in itineraryTurn port; Call portAccessibilityAir hub port; Drive / Train to portAttractivenessMarquee (“must see”) port; “Discovery port”Cruise TerminalDedicate
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