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1、高三学法指导练习 ( 1)I. Grammar:1-5. ACBAA 6-10. BBBDD 11-15. CBBCB 16. DII. Vocabulary:CEBIJFHDAIII. Cloze:DBBAC ACBAB CCDBAIV: Reading comprehension:(A ) BCAD( B) BADBV. Translation:1. 还要过很长一段时间,普通人才能去太空旅行。( before )It will be a long time before common people can travel to space /can go travelling in spac

2、e.2. 正如今天报纸上所报道的那样,我们必须直面自己身上存在的问题。(As)As is reported in today's newspaper, we must face the shortcomings we have directly.Only byget)3. 只有通过实践,才能使你的驾驶技术有进步,并且最终通过考试。(Only by )practice can your driving skills be improved, and you will pass the test finally.4. 在访问其间无论我们走到哪里,都能遇到热心的人们。(wherever )W

3、herever we went during the visit, we were always able to meet warm-hearted people.5. 志愿者们急需做的事是为灾区培养更多合格的教师。(eager)What the volunteers are eager to do is to train more qualified teachers for the disaster area.6. 对于各国政府来说,如何能有效合作并尽快摆脱世界金融危机至今还是个难题。(For the governments of different countries, how to c

4、ooperate efficiently and get rid of the world financial crisis as soon as possible is still a problem so far.高三学法指导练习 (2)I. Grammar:1-5.ACACB 6-10. DCBCB 11-15. CD ABD16. BII. Vocabulary:IFDEGHACBIII. Cloze:CBDAA DCBAD ABCBAIV: Reading comprehension:(A) CDBA(B) ADAAV. Translation:1. 新的体育馆坐落在城市的东端。 (

5、situate)The new gymnasium is situated at the east end of the city.2. 没有人来帮助他们,他们很失望。 ( aid) Nobody came to their aid and they felt disappointed.3 你应该找一位有经验的医生给你看病。 (consult)You should consult an experienced doctor about your illness.4 在作决定之前,你必须预测所有的可能性。( calculate)You must calculate all the possibi

6、lities before coming to a decision.5 他无法忍受没有被提升为部门经理这一事实。(put up with; promote)He could no longer put up with the fact of not having been promoted to department manager./that he had not been promoted to department manager.6 毫无疑问,一条受过适当训练的狗可以从事很多高要求的工作。(take up; demanding) There isno doubt/It is doub

7、tless that a properly trained dog can take up much highly demanding work.高三学法指导练习 (3)I. Grammar:1-5. DCACB 6-10. CBDCB11-15. ACDBD 16. AII. Vocabulary:HAJDFCB EGIII. Cloze:DCBAC BDCAD ADBADIV: Reading comprehension:(A) CABD(B) DCDAV. Translation:1. 碰巧我的想法和你的很相似。 (happen)It (so) happened that my opin

8、ion is quite similar to yours.2. 现代科学的发展已经使宇宙探索成为可能。 (possible)The development of modem science has made space exploration possible/it possible to explore space.3. 直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。 (Not)Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate /thoughtful /understanding.4. 好几百个毕业正在大厅

9、外面等候面试。 (wait)Hundreds of graduates are waiting outside the hall to be interviewed.5. 如果被录用,你将在 2 月 8 日前会收到通知的。 (inform)If (you are) accepted ( for the post)/If you are offered this job, you will have been /be informed (of it) by February 8.6. 中央政府嘉奖了袁隆平教授,因为他为中国农业做出了巨大贡献。 (contribution)The Chinese

10、central government awarded Professor Yuan Longping for his great contributions to China5s agriculture/because he had made great contributions to Chinese agriculture.高三学法指导练习 (4)25-29 ACCCB 30-34 DAACD 35-40 CDBABC 41-45 FDBIG 46-49 CHAE50-54 BCDCD 55-59 BAACC 60-64 ABDBC65-68 CCCA 69-72 BABA1. There

11、 is no/little point (in) giving him so much money.2. It was the first time that our astronaut had walked in space./ It is the first time that ourastronaut has walked in space.3. We were walking when it rained heavily./ We were having a walk when it rained hard.4. We devoted ourselves to helping them

12、 without asking for anything in return.We devoted ourselves to helping them and asked for nothing in return.We devoted ourselves to helping them and didn't want them to pay back.5. People who don't get enough sleep become angry easily and have difficulty (in) controlling their emotions/feeli

13、ngs6. Psychologists think you can relieve stress/ release pressure by throwing plates against a wall as hard as you can because of the financial crisis.高三学法指导练习 (5)1. The police warned us (people) (the public) not to release any personal information to strangers.2. To our relief, many people have su

14、rvived the earthquake.3. A black man (was) has been president of the United States, which (has) created (set) a new record in the American politics.4. Not until the 60s last century did people's dreams of the moon exploration come true.5. At present, the most important thing for all the governme

15、nts is to take effective measures to deal with the world-wide financial crisis.6. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games presented to people the splendid Chinese civilizations, which has left an unforgettable impression on the audience both home and abroad.高三学法指导练习 (6)I Grammar15 DCBCA 6

16、10 BDCAD 11 15DBCCA 16 BII 4145 IDGFA 46 49 BEHCIII 5054 BCACD 55 59 CAABA 60 64 CDDDAIV (A) 76 69 CBAD (B) 76 79 CDDB1. Walking half an hour every day does good to our health.2. Education plays a rather important role in the development of a country.3. When it comes to computer, he is an expert but

17、/while I'm just a beginner.4. Only by/through communication can the generation gap between parents and children be narrowed.5. While the Information Technology brings much convenient to people, it brings trouble as well.6. Although women's contribution to the society is obvious to all, discr

18、imination against women still exists and may last for a long time.高三学法指导练习 (7)I. Grammar:1. Monica's understanding of France is better than me as she has spent time traveling inthe country.A. far.much more B. very.many more C. quite.very more D. very.quite more2. It was her great love for her so

19、n _ finally helped the 33-year-old Osksana Chusovitina to win a precious silver medal in the 2008 Olympic Games. A. which B. what C. who D. that3. _ the current worsened financial state, the government of Iceland had to seek help from countries like Russia and China.A. To consider B, Considered C. H

20、aving been considered D. Considering4. In his blog, the Chinese basketball player Yi Jianlian said that he wanted most was to playin the 2009 NBA All-star Game in Phoenix.A. what B. which C. where D. that5. How can the parents who work outside all the time to enjoy close relationships with theirkids

21、? A. expects B. expect C. expecting D. expected6. As Christmas is coming, many department stores are using various methods to promote sales. A. hope B. hopes C. hoping D. hoped7. When they arrived in Las Vegas, they didn't know that the city you can see desert all the time is the city of enterta

22、inment in the U.S.A. whichB. whenC. whereD. why8. Never the possible consequences when she lent her passport to that new friend.A. she thought ofB. did think of herC. did she think ofD. think of did she9. The former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan warned the US government that the cur

23、rent financial crisis, if not _ , would develop into a big economic recession.A. carefully dealt withB. carefully dealing withC. having carefully dealt withD. carefully deals with10. Some plants are sensitive pollution, so the environmental protection is the urgent issue.D. onD. hadn't readingD.

24、 specializingA. of B. at C. to11. The sentence smoothly, so I turned to my deskmate for help.A. wasn't readB, didn't readC. wasn't reading12. This year college students in economics face a tight job market.A. are specializingB, to specializeC. specialize13. It was only under pressure _ t

25、o agree to resign his post.A. was the president reluctantB. that was the president reluctantC. that the president was reluctant D. was reluctant the president14. The higher the oil price is,to the global economy.A. the more damage it will causeB. the more it will cause damageC. the more damage will

26、it causeD. the more damages it will cause15.1 didn't expect that the photographer would object to the suggestion I put forward,?A. did I B. would beC. wouldn't be D. didn't I16. As for space exploration, we should take the fact into consideration many countries can'tafford the expens

27、es.A. what B, which C. / D. thatII. Vocabulary:III. Cloze:IV: Reading comprehension:V. Translation:1. 喝水有益健康吗?( good)2. 过去我们从没见过这么严重的食品问题。(Never. )3. 毫无疑问,这起事故是由于对公共安全的无知所造成的。(cause)4. 石油的燃烧污染环境,因此许多国家认为目前发展清洁能源是很重要的。(it )5. 你为地震灾民捐了那么多钱,真慷慨!( It)6. 没过多久,教练就让 Tom 替换那位受伤的球员。( before )高三学法指导练习 (7)I. G

28、rammar:1-16 addab cccac bdcab dII. Vocabulary:CJGAHBIFDIII. Cloze:ACDCB CACDA CACAAIV: Reading comprehension:(A) CADD (B)ABABV. Translation:1. 喝水有益健康吗? (good)Does drinking water do good to health?2. 过去我们从没见过这么严重的食品问题。(Never.)Never before have we seen such a serious food problem.3. 毫无疑问,这起事故是由于对公共安全的无知所造成的。 (cause) Without doubt, the accident was caused by the ignorance of th


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