1、1励志英语文章:Six Way to TurnDesires into Gold励志英语文章:Six Way to Turn Desires into GoldThe method by which desire for riches can be tran smuted into itsfinan cial equivale nt,con sists of six defi nite, practicalsteps, these:First: fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is notsufficie nt
2、 merely to say &qu ot;l want ple nty of money." Be definiteas to the amount. (There is a psychological reas on for defi nite nesswhich will be described in a subseque nt chapter.)Second: determineexactly what you intend to give inretur n for the money you desire. (There is no such reali
3、ty as"somethi ng for no thi ng.&qu ot;)Third: establish a defi nite date whe n you intend to possessthe money you desire.Forth: create a defi nite pla n for carry ing out your desire, and beg inat on ce, whether you are read or not, to put this pla n into acti on.Fifth: write out a clea
4、r, con cise stateme nt of the amount of moneyyou intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state whatyou intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan2through which you intend to accumulate it.Sixth: read your writte n stateme nt aloud, twice daily, once jus
5、tbefore retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As youread-see and feel and believe yourself already in possessi on of the money.It is importa nt that you follow the in structi ons described in these sixsteps. It is especially importa nt that you observe, and follow theinstructions
6、 in the sixth paragraph. You may compla in that it isimpossible for you to "see yourself i n possessi on of money&qu ot;before you actually have it. Here is where a burning desire will come toyou aid. If you truly desire money so kee nly that your desire is an obsession, you will have n
7、o difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it.The object is to want money, and to become so determ ined to have it thatyou convince yourself you will have it.参考译文:化渴望为财富的六大步骤化渴望为财富的方法,包含了如下的六大实际步骤:第一: 牢记你所渴望金钱的“确切”数目。 光是说:“我要很多 钱。 ”这样子是不够的。对其额度要非常肯定。(确定性之必要,有其 心理学上的缘由,随后的章节会加以说明。)第二:决
8、定一下,你要“付出”什么以求报偿。(天底下是没有“不劳而获”这种事的。3第三:设定你想“拥有”所渴望金钱的确切日期。第四:草拟实现渴望的确切计划,并且“立即”行动,不论你准 备妥当与否,都要将计划付诸实施。第五:简单明了地写下你想获得的金钱数目,及获得这笔 钱的 时限。说明你打算凭什么去取得这笔钱,并详加描述你累 聚这笔钱 的计划。第六:一天朗诵两遍你写好的告白,早晨起床时念一遍,晚上睡 觉前念一遍。念的时候,要有如亲见目睹一般,实际体会真正拥有这 笔钱时的感觉。遵行这六大步骤的指示是非常重要的。你有必要切实遵照这六个 段落的指示, 并奉行不渝。 你可能会嘀咕, 你又没有真正拥有这笔钱,要“目睹自己实际拥有这笔钱,”似乎不太可能。这就该是沸腾的渴 望
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