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1、定语从句试题及答案I .选择题(40 X 2)1.1've read all the booksA. whichB.them you gave me.C.whatD.that2. There isn't muchI ca n do.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.how3. He keeps a record of everyth ing he had see n there.A. heB.thatC.whichD.what4. Tell us about the people and the places arediffere nt from ours.A.that

2、B.whoC.whichD.whom5. Mr Joh n said that Suzhou was the first city he hadvisited in Chi na.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.what6. The TV play I watched last night is the best one I havewatched this year.A.whichB.whatC.whoseD.that a conference was toD.where7. Last Sun day they reached Qin gdao, be held.A.whichB

3、.thatC.when8.Is this the museum ou visited the other day?A.thatB.whereC.i n whichD.the one9.1 bega n to work in Beiji ng in the year New Ch ina wasfoun ded.A.whe nB.thatC.whichD.where10.This is the very filmrve long wished to see.A.whichB.thatC.whoD.whom11.There isno difficultyB.whichcan't be ov

4、ercome in the worldA.thatC.whoD.what12.Who is the pers on Tourism Tower?A.whoB.that is sta nding at the gate of Beiji ngC.whichD.whom13.This was the supermarketA.whereB.that I bought this kind of tin. C.whoD.which14.The house nu rsery.A.that the capitalist used to live in is now aB.whereC.whatD.whe

5、n15.This is the last timeA.thatB.which I shall come here to help you.C.whe nD.what16.The house we live is not big.A.in thatB.whichC.in whichD.that17.My n eighburs used to give me a hand in time of trouble, was very kind of them.A.whoB.thatC.whichD.whom18.AII glitters is n ot gold.A.thatB.whichC. /D.

6、what19.1 now know why Mao impresses every one who meets him the way he does.A.whichB.whatC. /D.now2O.Beiji ng, A.thatB.itis the capitalC.whichof China,is a beautifulD. /city.21.She was no Ion ger the woma n she was.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.who22. That's the hotel last year.A.which we stayedB.at that

7、 we stayedC.Where we stayed atD.where we stayed23. The doctor did all to save the woun ded boy.A. what he couldB. he couldC. everyth ing which he couldD. for which he could do24. A nyone this opi nion may speak out.A.that aga in stsB.that aga instC.who is aga instD.who are aga inst25. The place you

8、are sta nding used to be an old church.A.whichB.whereC.thatD.whe n26. You've made the same mistake ou made last time.A.asB.likeC.whichD.that27.lt is not such an in terest ing magaz ine I thought.A.asB.thatC.whichD. /28. you kno w,he is a famous musicia n.A.AsB.whichC.ThatD. /29. Mr Zhou, n ative

9、 Ian guage was Chin ese,could read andwrite several foreig n Ian guages.A.whoseB.hisC.whichD.that30. Do you know the actor you saw playi ng Hamlet is nowdoing King Lear?A.whoB.whomC.whoseD.which31.I took myfriend to the SummePalace, wehad somephotostake n.A.whereB.whichC.thatD. /32. Do you remember

10、the day your sister was graduated asa Master of Arts?A.whichB.on whichC.about whichD. /33. The bus, was already full,was surro un ded by an angrycrowd.A.which of mostB.most of whichC.which of the most D.most of that34.Weall rememberthe days A.whichB.that westudied together at school.35.Do you know t

11、he reas onA.thatB.which he did n't come?C.forD.why36.I showed the doctor the place A.thatB.whichC.whereI felt the pain.D.whe nC.whenD. /37.He is the only one of the threeA.who haveB.whom haveC.who hasD.whose hadgot the new idea.38.1'm one of the stude ntswell in En glish in my class.A.who do

12、esB.who doC.which doesD.who did39.This is the babytomorrow.A. after whom I shall lookB. whom I shall look afterC. whose I shall look afterD. after whom I shall look afterC.whereis going to Nanjing. D. /4O.This is the fastest trainA.thatB.whatn .从A B、C D中找出错误的一项.(5 X 2)1.It ' ll be dark by the ti

13、me(A) you get to(B) the river, so I ' mafraid you ' ll have to(C) go back the same way that(D) you came.2. When I first came(A) to the supermarket, I worked in(B) the _ departme nt where(C) sold cooked or prepared(D) food.3.I have read(A) the novel twice(B) which(C) you are talking about 妙).

14、4.I'd like to buy(A) that new model recorder but which(B) is too expe nsive for(C) me at presen t(D).5.Marco Poio,who(A) was a great Italiantraveller,travelled all theway(B) to Chin a,where(C) was then(D) called Cathay.川.用定语从句连接下列每对句子.(5 X 2)I.She was talk ing with a lady.Her son was ill.2. You

15、sent my sister a prese nt.Tha nk you very much for it.3. The clothes have bee n clea ned.l'm weari ng them.4. He is sitti ng in a chair .It is broke n.AA AA AA5she is a person.Everyone -天es fo make32B 2.C 3.B 7D 8.A 9.A13.A 14.A19.C 20.C25B 26.A4.A 5.A 6.DkpB 11.Ak2B2k.A 22D 23B27.A 28.A 29.A33B 34.C 35D 36.C37.C 38B39B 40.A18.A24.C30B 3.AAAAAAA <<<<<< 精品资料n. 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 川.I.She was talking with a lady whose son was ill.2.Thank you very much


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