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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上人教版七年级下Unit 4Dont eat in class.Section A 1a-2c【课型】听说课学习目标1.能熟练掌握本课重点词汇:rule, arrive ,hall, listen, sorry, outside, fight ,wear。能初步口头掌握祈使句 Dont run in the hallways.2.能基本听懂含有本课重点词汇和目标语言的听力材料。初步了解听前预测的技巧,并在听的过程中做到有目的地获取有效信息。3.能理解遵守规则是每个学生的义务,并掌握Dont eat in the classroom./We cant eat in the

2、 classroom. Dont listen to music in class./We cant listen to music in class.并能运用目标语言谈论校规。学习过程【自主学习】请在课前会拼读下面的单词,并熟记。rule, arrive, hall ,listen ,sorry ,outside, fight, wear【新课导入】Step 1:Free talkT: How to be a good student?What can we do at school or in the classroom?What cant we do?.S: We cant.S: We

3、can.【新知呈现】Step 2:Presentation 1.根据图片提示,学习本课新词汇和句型。 Dont eat in the classroom.Dont arrive late for class.Dont run in the hallways.Dont play sports in the classroom.Dont fight.2.看1a中的图片,将数字写到图中学生旁边。【新知学习】Step 3: Listening 1bBefore listeningWhere are the school rules? 看课本图片中方框里的校规。While listening1

4、. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.2. Play the recording again. Listen and find out what rules these students are breaking?Write the numbers after the names.3. Check the answers.4. Listen again and repeat.Step 4: Pair work:1cA: What are the rules?B: Well,we cant arrive lat

5、e for class. We must be on time.Step 5:Listening 2a & 2bBefore listening看图预测听力对话中所谈及的规则,畅所欲言,进行大胆的听前预测。While listening1. Listen and check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about in 2a.2. Listen again and find out that can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” above.3. Check

6、 the answers in 2b like this:A: What are the rules?B: We can/cant.4.再听录音,把听到的句子的字母填在横线上:5.Listen and repeat.Pair work结对活动,同桌进行角色对话,一个扮演Alan,另一个扮演Cindy,谈论2a中提到的规则。A:Can we listen to music,Cindy?B:We cant listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.【拓展提升】小组活动小组成员合作写一下校规,比一比哪个小组写得又快

7、又多。每个小组选代表搜集全组的校规并作为汇报者发言读出校规,大家一起评出明星小组。Report like this:There are manyin our school. Dont .Dont  .We cant,but we can.  We can follow these rules and make our school better.(使我们的学校更好).观察与思考Come in,please!Sit down,please.Dont eat in class.Dont fight.观察以上句子,祈使句是表示命令、叮嘱、号召等的句子,通常省略主语you


9、60;          否定形式如:                                         

10、                 【课堂练习】自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions: _Sentences: _ 2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行 _3.我的易错点: _【自主学习】Unit 4Dont eat in class.Period 2Section A 2d-3c【课型】语法课学习目标1.掌握本课重点词汇:important,bring,p

11、layer,quiet.2.能熟练地口笔头运用祈使句、情态动词can、must及have to陈述规章要求。3.能学会正确使用目标语言谈论并描述各种规则,遵守校园规则,意识到No rules,no beautiful school。学习过程【自主学习】1.请在课前会拼读下面的单词,并熟记:important,bring,player,quiet.2.Revise some school rules by chanting a song.【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in1.看老师展示的关于规则的图片,回答老师的问题,看谁的反应快。T:What is this school rule?S:

12、Dont run in the classroom.S:Dont sleep in class.2.根据图片提示,进行Pair work。A:What are the rules?B:Well,dont.We cant.,but we can.We must.We have to.【新知呈现】Step 2:Presentation 1.Alice 班里来了一位新同学John,他们正在谈论他们的班规。阅读2d,回答下面问题:How many rules do they talk about?_2.再次阅读,小组解决疑难问题,并画出描述校规的句子及重要短语。Step 3:Role-play the

13、 conversationPair work:2d 两人分角色朗读对话,看看哪组最出色。Presentation the text of 2d观察与思考观察句子中have to 的使用,可知have to是由于客观需要而必须、不得不做某事。结构:主语+have to+动词原形+其他。1)一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用has to。2)否定形式:主语+dont have to+其他; 一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用doesnt have to。Nick wear a uniform.尼克不必穿制服。 【新知学习】Step 4:Grammar Focus大声朗读Gr

14、ammar Focus 中的句子,小组探究,完成下面内容。情态动词can表示能力“会,能”。Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?I can dance and sing.我能跳舞又能唱歌。结构:主语+can+。 have to意思是“必须、不得不”,它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威。结构:主语+have to+。 【拓展提升】  拓展提高 1任务一:你是否喜欢现在的校规呢?畅所欲言说出自己理想中的校规。任务二:小组之间互相交流彼此的理想校规,选出小组代表整理写下自己小组成员的校规愿望并上台发言。由全班同学评出最佳发言人。语言提示:At m

15、y dream school,we dont have to come to school every day.We. 拓展提高 2任务:假如你是学校的校长,你如何制定你们学校的校规才能使校园环境更加美好,比一比哪个小组制定的规则又多又好。语言提示:Dear students,In order to have a good environment(环境),we should have some rules in our school.Here are some suggestions;we hope that all of us can have a look at them.1.Dont s

16、leep in class.2.Clean the classroom every day.3. _4.  _5.  _6.  _.Yours,跟踪训练 自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions:                           

17、60;                Sentences:                                

18、0;        2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行                                    3.我的易错点:   

19、60;                                    Unit 4Dont eat in class.Period 3Section B 1a-1d 【课型】听说课学习目标1.学生能掌握本课重点词汇:out,go o

20、ut,dish,do the dishes,practice,bring,important,night,before。并能初步口头运用以下句型:I cant go out on school nights.I must practice the guitar.I have to help my mom make breakfast every morning.并能运用目标语言谈论家规校规。2.学生能基本听懂含有本课重点词汇和目标语言的听力材料。初步了解听前预测的技巧,并在听的过程中做到有目的地获取有效信息。3.学生提高遵守家庭规则、学校规则的意识。If we keep the rules,w

21、e will live in a peaceful world.通过语言练习提高语言交际能力和生活交往能力。学习过程【自主学习】请在课前学会拼读下面的单词,并熟记。out,go out,dish,do the dishes,practice,bring,important,night,before【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in1.谈谈你的校规。A:What can we do at school?B:.A:What cant we do?B:.A:And what do we have to do?B:.2.Free talk:Are there any rules at home?

22、What can you do?What cant you do?And what do you have to do?【新知呈现】Step 2:Presentation 观察幻灯片展示的图片,学习新的词汇短语practice the guitar,do the dishes,watch TV before dinner,go out,help Mother make dinner。【新知学习】Step 3:Listening 1bBefore listeningLook at the rules of Daves family.While listening1.Listen for the

23、first time.2.Listen for the second time and finish 1b.Check the answers like this:Dave can.3.再听,完成对话:把代表句子的字母填入横线上。Emily:Hi,Dave.Do you want to watch the basketball game in the park this evening?Dave:Id love to,but  Emily:Oh,thats too bad.Dave:Yeah,I have so many rules.Emily:Really?Dave:Yeah,I

24、cant see my friends on school days and  Emily:What other rules do you have?Dave:Mmm.I must practice the guitar before dinner and then And I cant watch TV in the evening. Emily:Oh,Well, Dave:Me,too.And I must clean my room every Saturday. Emily:Wow,you do have a lot of rules!A.I h

25、ave to do the dishes after dinner.B.I have to do my homework after school.C.I cant go out on school nights.D.I have to help my mom make dinner sometimes.E.I have to help my mom make breakfast every morning.4.Listen again and repeat.注意模仿语音与语调观察与思考观察以下有关时间的词组on school nightson Saturdayin the eveningon

26、 school daysin the summerat 6 oclock在具体某一天用介词。 在某个季节、某年、某月都用介词。 当 morning,afternoon,evening有前置定语或限定词时,就不用in而用on。在具体的时间点前面用介词。  Step 4:Pair work:1c 任务一:根据1b的表格的信息,两人一组讨论Dave 的家规。A:Can Dave go out on school nights?B:No,he cant.任务二:组句成文,描述Dave 的家规。巩固训练请用can,cant,have to,must 来谈谈你的家规吧。不少于

27、4条。(口头或笔头)My family rules1. _2.  _3.  _4.  _【拓展提升】小组合作你和你的同学在家里不能做及必须做哪些呢,小组调查,并汇报结果。小组比赛,看哪组说出更多的家规。你可以使用下面的句子,完成调查表。What do you have to do?Can you.?  NameHave(Has)toCantI  Jim  .  然后汇报:At home,I have to.I cant.Jim has to.He cant._ _跟

28、踪训练【课堂练习】自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions: _Sentences: _2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行 _3.我的易错点: _Unit 4Dont eat in class.Period 4Section B 2a-2c 【课型】读说课学习目标1.能够认识、熟记并正确使用下列单词:dirty,kitchen,more,noisy,relax,read,terrible,feel,strict,remember,follow,luck。学生能够在语言的输出过程中正确地使用这些词汇。能够达到在用中学,在学中用

29、的目标。2.通过教师阅读任务的引导读懂2b有关规则的短文,能准确快速地找到完成阅读任务所需的语言信息,并能通过小组讨论的方式解决阅读中存在的问题。3.能够借鉴并运用阅读中获取的目标信息,读懂含有规章制度的文章,并能和朋友谈论自己的家规。4.通过本课学习,养成良好的生活习惯,并学会体谅、理解父母。学习过程【自主学习】1.请在课前拼读下面的单词,并熟记。dirty,kitchen,more,noisy,relax,read,terrible,feel,strict,remember,follow,luck2.思考你的家规校规,并列举一下。【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in 1.Greetin

30、gsUse “Good morning/Good afternoon/Hello/Hi.” to greet each other.2.Pair workT:What are the rules at school or at your home?S:Well,we cant arrive late for class.We must be on time.S:Dont watch TV after school.【新知呈现】Step 2:PresentationBefore readingFree talkT:Do you like your family rules?Why? W

31、hen you are unhappy about something,who do you like to talk to?_【新知学习】Step 3:Reading 2bWhile reading任务一:Skimming:快速阅读2b中第一封信,并回答问题:Are there many rules in Mollys home?_How does Molly feel about the rules?_任务二:Scanning:1.Read the first letter in 2b carefully,then find out the sentences about Mollys f

32、amily rules,then fill in the chart on the left using have to/must,can or cant.2.Students discuss the answers in groups and then check the answers with the teacher.Mollys family rules(have to/must,can or cant)FeelingDr.Knows adviceAt home1.She has to get up at 6:00 and make her bedIts terrible!We hav

33、e to .2.At school1.2.3.Afterschool1.阅读2b中的第二封信,找出Dr.Know的建议,并填入表格的右侧。4.朗读2b,注意语音、语调。任务三:Read the passage again and find out the topic sentence of the passage.英文书信格式,开头句:结尾句: 竞赛活动根据表格,复述这两封信的内容。小组分工进行,评出表现最佳的小组。观察与思考After dinner,I cant relax either.观察本句话,总结either的用法。副词 either 在此处表示“也”,

34、用于。 Step 4:Group work1.List the rules of your family and tell the feelings._What rules do you think are fair(公平的)?_What rules do you think are unfair(不公平的)?_2.任务一:小组内讨论自己的家规;任务二:选代表把小组内的情况进行汇总,口头向Dr.Know进行电话求助。参考句型:Hi,Dr.Know,We have too many rules.I have to.Tom has to.Lily must.What can we do?

35、任务三:其他小组学生给电话求助者以帮助。跟踪训练【课堂练习】 自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions: _Sentences: _2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行 _3.我的易错点: _ Unit 4Dont eat in class.Period 5Section B 3a-Self Check 【课型】练习课学习目标1.学生能口笔头掌握本课重点词汇:keep,hair,learn.复习梳理以下有关规则的句型:I have to./I must./I cant./Dont.2.通过学习,学生能熟练运

36、用目标知识讨论班规和家规,能够熟练运用祈使句描述规则。能以书信的形式写出自己的班规或家规。3.通过学习增强学生遵守班规校规的自觉性。学习过程【自主学习】请在课前写一写你的家规或校规。参考句型:I have to./I must./I cant./Dont.【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-inFree talk任务一:Lets review the rules in your family!参考句型:I have to./I must./I cant./Dont.任务二:观察幻灯片上老师所给的图片,复习以下关于规则的句型。Dont be noisy.Dont leave the dirty

37、dishes in the kitchen.Do your homework after school.Practice the guitar every day.Dont watch TV after school.T:Do you think the rules in your family are right?Why or why not?(你认为这些家庭规则合理吗,为什么,说说你的理由。)_【新知呈现】Step 2:Presentation任务一:Complete Zhao Peis letter to Dr.Know using have to/must,can or cant.(阅

38、读3a,用have to/must,can/can进行填空)任务二:根据课文,回答问题1.Is ZhaoPei happy?Why or why not?_ 2.When does she have to get up every morning?_3.Can she play with her friends after school?Why?_4.Can she watch TV on school nights?_5.What does she have to do on weekends?_6.Does she have any fun?_【新知学习】Step 3:Readi

39、ng activity课堂探究一任务一:Can you list the rules of Zhao Peis family and school?(你能罗列出Zhao Pei家里和学校的规则吗?)1.2. 3.4. 5.6. 任务二:T:If you are ZhaoPei,will you be happy?Why or why not?(如果你是Zhao Pei,你会开心吗,为什么?)课堂探究二Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school.Put an × for the rules you think are unfair.Thi


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