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1、 反意疑问句的一般构成规则,大家比较熟悉,也较容易掌握,不需赘述。但是,任何规则都有例外。因此,笔者拟将在教学过程中接触到的关于反意疑问句的种种特殊情况归纳如下,以期对广大读者有所帮助。一、如果陈述部分是something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词作句子主语时,疑问部分的主语用“it”代替;如果陈述部分的主语是someone (somebody), anyone (anybody), no one(nobody),everyone (everybody)等不定代词时,疑问部分的主语用“they”代替。例如:Everything goes very

2、well, doesnt it?Something is wrong with that TV set, isnt it?Someone stole my watch, didnt they?Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday, didnt they?Nobody is late for school, are they?注:nothing在陈述部分中若做主语时,疑问部分用肯定形式,若做宾语或表语时,疑问部分用肯定形式或否定形式均可。例如:Nothing happens, does it? (nothing 做主语)The manager knew not

3、hing about that project, did/didnt he? (nothing做宾语)She is nothing to me, is/isnt she? (nothing做表语)二、若陈述部分的主语是this, that时,疑问部分的主语用“it”代替;若陈述部分的主是these, those时,则疑问部分的主语用“they”代替。例如:This is an interesting story, isnt it?Those are your classmates, arent they?三、若陈述部分的主语是动词不定式、动名词及从句时,疑问部分的主语用“it”代替。例如:To

4、 learn English well is very important, isnt it?Seeing is believing, isnt it?What we need most now is more money, isnt it?四、若陈述部分的主语是one时,疑问部分的主语常用“one”代替,偶尔用“you”代替。例如:One cant know what will happen in the future, can one? /can you?One should learn more knowledge now, shouldnt one? /shouldnt you?五、若

5、陈述部分是“There be” 句型结构时,疑问部分的主语用“there”; 若“there”是和其他成分构成倒装句型时,疑问部分则根据主语的人称和数的一致原则而定。例如:There are some foreign teachers in their school, arent there?There will be a football match, wont there?There goes the bell, doesnt it?There comes the bus, doesnt it?There stand/lie several tall buildings at the fo

6、ot of the mountain, dont they?六、若陈述部分是由neithernor, eitheror, bothand, not onlybut also等连词连接的两个名词或代词做句子主语时,疑问部分的主语用复数代词代替。例如:Both Lucy and Lily came to this party, didnt they?Not only Kate but also Jane likes dancing, dont they?Either you or Li Ping is going to the meeting, arent you?七、若陈述部分的主语是“the

7、+形容词”表一类人时,疑问部分的主语用they代替;若是表某一抽象概念时,疑问部分的主语用“it”代替。例如:The rich are not always very happy, are they?The young should respect the old, shouldnt they?The beautiful isnt always good, is it?八、有时,陈述部分的主语是单数还是复数,较难判断,判断清楚以后,疑问部分的主语在人称和数方面要与陈述部分的主语保持一致。例如:One of the policewomen is standing over there, isnt

8、 she?The actress and director decides to sing us a song, doesnt she?The writer and the teacher will come to give us a talk next week, wont they?Her brothers name is Li Ming, isnt it?九、当陈述部分是由“Im sure that; Im afraid that; We are sure that; We are afraid that; I feel sure that; I hope that; We feel s

9、ure that; It seems that”等句型构成时,因主要意思在从句,故疑问部分的主语要与从句的主语保持一致。例如:Im sure that you know him well, dont you?Im afraid that he hasnt finished that work, has he?I hope you dont mind my speaking frankly, do you?It seems that you are an expert, arent you? 十、若陈述部分以第一人称主语“I/We dont think (expect, believe, gue

10、ss, imagine, suppose等+that-clause”时,反意疑问句要与从句保持一致;若陈述部分是由其他人称代词做主语,反意疑问句则仍与主句保持一致。例如:I dont think that she can come, can she?We dont think that it will rain tomorrow, will it?They dont think she knew anything about it, do they?He doesnt suppose that you are a great success, does he?You dont think th

11、at I can swim, do you?十一、有时,虽然陈述部分用第一人称代词做句子主语,但反意疑问句的疑问部分是表示征求别人的意见,此时,反意疑问句的疑问部分实际上相当于另一个句子,含义相当于WhatHow about you?或者What do you think?.注意仔细体会。例如:I find this lesson is too difficult, dont you? (=What /How about you?)I believe he is right, dont you? (=What about you?)I think she is very friendly to

12、 us, dont you? (= What do you think?)I dont suppose he will win this game, do you?(=What do you think?)十二、若陈述部分是“ I am”时,疑问部分用“arent I”?若陈述部分是“ Im not”时,则疑问部分用“am I?”.例如:I am foolish, arent I?Im not careful enough, am I?十三、若陈述部分为“I/We wish”时,反意疑问句的疑问部分用“may I/we?”;但若句子主语是第二、三人称代词时,反意疑问句的疑问部分则根据人称代词选

13、择适当的助动词。例如:I wish to visit the Great Wall, may I?I wish I could fly to the moon one day, may I?Tom wishes to go abroad, doesnt he?You wish to make friends with us, do you?十四、若陈述部分含有否定意义的词如“no, never, seldom, hardly, none, few, little, rarely, scarcely, neither, neithernor,tooto”等时,反意疑问句的疑问部分则用肯定形式。例

14、如:He has never been to Beijing, has he?There is little rain this year, is there?He is too young to look after himself, is he?She is seldom late for school, is she?注1:在”tooto”句型中若用形容词”glad, pleased, ready, eager”等时, 不适用这一原则, 因为此时并非表示“否定“含义,对于这点要特别注意。例如:He is too eager to join the army, isnt he?She is

15、 too glad to receive a doctors degree, isnt she?注2:若否定含义是通过使用前缀(如:un-, in-, im-, dis-,)和后缀(如-less,)等构成时,其反意疑问句的疑问部分仍用否定形式。例如:You are unfair, arent you?He dislikes these ways, doesnt he?十五、若陈述部分”have”表“所有”含义时,疑问部分可用“have”或“do”的相应形式;若表示“经历、遭受、得到、吃”等含义时,疑问部分只能用“do”的相应形式。例如He has a new car, hasnt/doesnt

16、 he?They have a meeting every week, dont they?She had his bike mended yesterday, didnt she?You all had a good time at the party, didnt you?十六、若陈述部分含有“got”表“have got”之意是,疑问部分既可用“havent”, 也可用“didnt”.例如:He got (=has got) a chance to go abroad, didnt he? / hasnt he?I got (=have got) a right to know this

17、 thing, havent I? /didnt I?十七、若陈述部分含有“have to”这一句型结构时, 其疑问部分要根据句意用助动词do 的适当形式。例如:Its dark, we have to walk home, dont we?She has to look after her sister at home, doesnt she?He had to make a living by himself, didnt he?十八、在陈述部分中,Lets 引导的祈使句若是肯定句,疑问部分用“shall we?”; Lets 引导的祈使句若是否定句,疑问部分用“OK?”或“all rig

18、ht?”. 例如:Lets go to school, shall we?Lets not go to see the film, OK? /all right?注:Lets 引导的祈使句若是肯定句,疑问部分间或可用“shant we?”, 但含义和”shall we”有区别。试比较:Lets go dancing, shall we?咱们去跳舞,好吗?(征求意见,读时用升调。)Lets go dancing, shant we?咱们该去跳舞了吧?(提醒对方,读时用降调。)十九、陈述部分若为let或其他动词开头的肯定祈使句,表“请求”时,疑问部分用will you? 若表示“邀请”、“劝告”等

19、时,则疑问部分用wont you?(间或用may/can you?);陈述部分若为否定祈使句时,疑问句部分用will you?.例如:Let me help you, will you? (表“请求”.)Please open the door, will you? (表"请求”.)Have a cup of tea, wont you? (表“邀请”)Dont be late for school next, will you?Dont read in the sun, will you?二十、若陈述部分含有表“推测”意义的情态动词“can”时,其反意疑问句的疑问部分要根据情态动词

20、之后的实义动词的人称、时态而定。例如:Jack cant be in the reading room, is he? (cant be“表一般现在时。”)He cant have gone home, has he? (cant have gone home 表“现在完成时”)She cant have gone to the party last night, did he? (cant have gone to the party last night 表“对过去情况的猜测”。)二十一、若陈述部分有情态动词“must”时,要根据具体情况而定。分述如下:A、 must作“应当”解时,疑问部

21、分用mustnt .例如:I must start at once, mustnt I?B、 must 作“必须”解时,疑问部分用neednt .例如:We must start earlier tomorrow, neednt we?C 、Must表“推测”,作“想必、一定”解时,疑问部分则根据must 之后的实义动词的时态来确定。例如:She must be a new teacher, isnt she? (must be 表“一般现在是”)They must be playing basketball, arent they? (must be playing表“现在正在进行时”)Yo

22、u must have finished you homework now, havent you? (must have finished 表“现在完成时”)He must have come back last week, didnt he? (must have come back表“一般过去时态”)The classroom must have been cleaned yesterday, wasnt it? (must have been cleaned表“一般过去时的被动语态”)D、“must not /mustnt”作“不许、禁止”解时,疑问部分用may或者must. 例如:Y

23、ou mustnt walk in the tomato field, may/must you?You mustnt play with fire, may/must you?注:“may/might have+过去分词”也可表示对过去事物的推测,其反意疑问句的疑问部分形式同“must +have+过去分词”。例如:She might have been a farmers daughter, wasnt she?二十二、若陈述部分有“used to”这一句型结构时,其反意疑问句的疑问部分用”usednt”或“didnt?”.例如:His faster used to smoke a lot

24、, usednt /didnt he?You used to get up early, usednt/didnt?注:当“used to”后有联系动词“be”时,疑问部分既可用“usednt,也可用wasnt/werent. 例如:There used to be a school there, usednt/wasnt there?That river used to be clean, usednt/wasnt it?There used to be many tall building over there, usednt/werent there?二十三、若陈述部分是“ought t

25、o”这一句型结构时,其反意疑问句的疑问部分用“oughtnt”或“shouldnt”.例如:You ought to obey the school rules, shouldnt/oughtnt you?We ought to begin to work at once, shouldnt/oughtt we?二十四、陈述部分中若“need”用作实义动词时,则疑问部分用助动词do的适当形式;若用作情态动词(在否定句中)时,则疑问部分用need, 偶尔用must. 例如:The flowers need watering, dont they?You need to practice spea

26、king more English, dont you?You neednt tell him this thing, need/must you?Tom neednt go there, need/must he?二十五、陈述部分中”dare” 若用作实义动词时,其疑问部分用助动词do的适当形式;若用作情态动词(在否定句中),其疑问部分则用dare.例如:He dares to swim across the river, doesnt he?She darent go out alone at right, dare she?He darent jump the tall tree, da

27、re he?二十六、陈述部分有“had better”这一结构时,其反意疑问句的疑问部分用“hadnt:,偶尔用“shouldnt”.例如:You had better put on more clothes today, hadnt/shouldnt you?Youd better go and ask your teacher, hadnt/shouldnt you?Youd better clean your own room, hadnt you?二十七、当陈述部分的主语有缩写形式 d时,要分清是would, could, should还是had的缩写形式; 若有缩写形式 s时,要分清

28、是is 还是has 的缩写。例如:Youd like to go with her, wouldnt you?(Youd=you would)Hed rather die than give in, wouldnt he?(Hed=he would)Marys coming tomorrow, isnt she?(Marys=Mary is)Peters heard the news, hasnt she?(Peters=Peter has)Shes used to living in the country, isnt she (Shes=She is)二十八、若陈述部分含有由连词”but,

29、 and, or, for”等构成的并列句时,则反意疑问句的疑问部分要根据第二个分句的主谓语来决定。例如:He failed many times, but he succeeded at last, didnt he?He is a doctor, but his wife is a teacher, isnt she?I speak Chinese, but he speaks English, doesnt he?We must hurry, or we will be late for class, wont we?She studies hard, for it is the thi

30、rd time that she has been praised, isnt it?二十九、若陈述部分是主从复合句,则疑问部分的主语要根据主句的主语而定。例如:She was cooking when I came home, wasnt she?It wont matter if Im late for supper, will it?You know that not everyone can operate the machine, dont you?He said that he had been to New York, didnt he?三十、当陈述部分有“It is/was the first(second, third, etc)time +that从句”这一结构时,其反意疑问句的疑问部分要与“It is/was ”保持一致。例如:It is high time that you went to school, isnt it?It was the second time that he had been in love that year, wasnt it?三十一、当陈述部分有“It is said(told,


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