已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 初中英语写作强化训练第一课 “读与“写表达的关系 如何增加积极信息: 通过大量阅读加强记忆深度,并进行大量实践练习。第一局部 词汇语法题1.) 词汇题考察学生对常用词汇的掌握程度考点:词汇拼写;词汇的活用。 写作的根底;最根底的语言测验常见题型包含:a. 根据英语或中文提示补全句子。b. 根据英语或中文提示选词补全短文。a. 根据英语或中文提示补全句子。例:September is the n_ month of the year after August and before October. 2007杭州市中考题解法: 1. 先通读题干。2.再揣测大意。3.结合提示作答答案:ninth

2、第九 句意通畅;语法正确;复合提示注意:词汇题常考看似容易却容易拼写错误的词字母拼写 nineth ninth b. 根据英语或中文提示选词补全短文。例: know they way two luckyReading is the bridge to language learning success, but its hard for us to read as much as we need. _66_, both teachers and students are thinking more about reading now. it is well _67_ that reading

3、is one of the most important _68_ of information input(输入), especially for the students who learn English as the _69_ or a foreign language2007哈尔滨市中考题题:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。每词限用一次解法:1.先通读全文。2.掌握大意。3.再逐空作答66. _, both teachers and students are thinking more about reading now.一个完整的简单句前,用逗号隔开的局部经

4、常由副词作状语,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等。lucky luckily67. it作形式主语的主系表结构。It is well known that 什么是家喻户晓的;众所周知的 know known68. one of 后面接名词的复数。 题目根据逻辑理解填 ways69. or (或者) 表前后两者的并列关系。foreign language second language (two second)总结: 此类题型作题诀窍先读题,要理解,选词靠逻辑,变形靠语法。2.) 句法题考察学生在英语写作中正确使用句子的能力。常见题型包含:a.句式转换题考点:活用多种句型表达同一思想内容的能力。例:

5、 我每周花五小时观看电视。lI spent five hours watching TV every week.It takes sb. sometime to do sth.lIt takes me five hours to watch TV every week.lI take five hours to watch TV every week.lIt takes five hours for me to watch TV every week.lTo watch TV takes me five hours every week.不仅要知其然且知其所以然,去体会英语的复杂多变,活学活用

6、的掌握语法。句型转化题大多会以填空的形式出现。例 1.Read more books, and you will get more knowledge.(改写句子,句意不变)The_ you read, the _ you will get. 2005年济南市课改区中考试题考察语法点: the more the more 两个比较级叠加,表两者间的因果关系。答案:more books; more knowledge例 2.I dont think he can finish it on time. 改为反义疑问句I dont think he can finish it on time. _?

7、 2007年兰州市中考试题 答案:can he主句是包含宾语从句的否认句。I作主语,think作谓语,he can finish it on time 为宾语从句局部。我们的添加语应当用肯定句的倒装形态 can he。 “否认前置b.) 补全对话根据语境,用适当的语言完成对话A: Alice! A nice day, isnt it?B: Yes. Spring is coming. _?A: Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not a good day for plating trees!B: _?A: I listened to the weather report. It s

8、ays its going to be rainy and windy.B: _! If it rains, we have to stay at home and do some reading. (2005年黄冈市中考试题)考察能力:1. 口语会话中语法的正确性; 2. 在一定语境中顺畅展开会话的能力。作题方法:1. 阅读整段对话;2. 了解其大意、根本情景、对话者之间的关系;3. 每空的填写都要观察上下文,尤其是前后两句。1.Shall we plant trees tomorrow?/how about planting trees tomorrow?2.Why/How do you

9、know that?注意标点符号,通过标点符号确定句型。What a pity!第二局部 短文写作写作“盖房子不是摩天大楼,而是小巧、实用、简洁的小屋子建造必须复合“科学的要求语法规那么材料选择 架构搭建材料词汇和句法词汇泥沙砖瓦句法木头,钢架材料储藏越多越好,语法结构要准确无误。书面表达题第一局部正是考察我们对于文章写作的前期准备状况。短文写作分类应用文 与 非应用文根据提示信息的种类,文章可以分为:1文字信息题;2图画信息题看图说话;3既包含文字信息又给出图画信息的题。1看图说话题“看图说话成为各类英语考试写作题型的潮流。看图说话的优点:给出的是间接的语言信息没给出既定的句子或句型;可以考

10、察观察力、想象力、构思能力2文字命题作文实例: 随着阳光体育运动在全国的开展,“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子。的理念深入人心,校园里出现了可喜的变化: 运动的时间延长了,运开工程增加了,学生体质增强了,校园生活丰富了。请以Sports in Our School 为题给校刊写一篇报道。内容要点提示:1.time for sports2.kinds of sports3.change of students health and study4.change of school life要求: 1. 80词左右,可适当发挥 2. 文中不能出现自己的和所在学校的名称相关的信息。 S

11、ports in Our School中考作文主题 “注重实践,“与生活紧密相关最具实用性的文体3.) 应用文 应用文包括:日记、书信、通知、便条,等 新兴应用文类型: 电子邮件、网络回帖等应用文考察的重点: 1. 对关键信息的传达;2. 格式应用文实例 A) 请用所提供的词语写一那么3040词的失物招领启事。5分a red pencil-box, big, pencil, ruler, in the reading-room, telephone number, 83345691大多数应用文文体可以按照通知的格式写。主要是关键信息的完整。I lost a (big) red pencil-b

12、ox. 关键词必须出现Last Wednesday I lost a (big) red pencil-box in the reading room. If somebody has picked it up, remember to call me by telephone. My telephone number is 83345691表达清晰,信息不遗漏,即可获得高分 B) 你的美国笔友Tony想学汉语来到了北京,请给他写一封信,告诉他如何学习汉语。10分要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整 2可用所给提示词语,也可适当发挥。 3词数:60-80。提示词语:go to Chinese cla

13、sses, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read Chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a Chinese teacher for help2. 信件的结构格和式信件包含的5个局部1Heading 信头 发件人地址 Class 11 junior 2 排列顺序:由小到大 Rendafuzhong Middle School Haidian District Beijing, 100081 China Sept. 19, 2006Newsweek Internatio

14、nal 323 Madison Avenue 收件人地址New York, NY 10022U.S.ADear Mr. Lee: 2称呼语. 3正文 4. 结束语 Yours ever 5. 签 名 Wang Wei短文写作时间安排: 2025分钟 审题 23分钟 主题与细节 正文写作 1015分钟 先打草稿抄写与检查 5分钟13 中考英语写作根底应试技巧介绍a. 书写标准;字迹清楚。U-V i t b. 移行规那么 单词写到句末用-隔开并移行China Chi-na ; hated hat-ed 按音节拆开。c. 字母大写 l句首的第一个字母要大写。l标题中的实义词的首字母要大写。 My V

15、isit/Trip to Changsha What a Gloomy Day The Bird on the Roof of My House 实义词大写;虚词不用大写 实义词包括:名词;动词;形容词;副词 虚词包括:定冠词;介词l正文中的大小写:专有名词需要大写 a normal university; a famous university; Peking University; Renmin University; a large lake; Qinghai Lake; Childrens Day; Marxism; Confucian l 直接引语需要大写Jim said, “He

16、was eighteen. He said, “My trip to Changsha was interesting but tiring.“My trip to changsha, he said, “was interesting but tiring.“My trip to Changsha was interesting but tiring. said he.Jim answered, “At weekends.在直接引语当中,引用局部的首字母是需要大写的,整句的主谓局部只有在句首时,首字母大写。 d. 标点符号 l句号 “. 一个完整的句子后用句号,包括省略的句子。省略词后用句号

17、Ms. Mr. Dr. l 省略号“省略 There are many people in the classroom, such as reader, writer, teacher, professor.停顿 “I mean that is I was a teacher.l逗号 “,1并列句中用逗号隔开两个简单句They were tired, and they decided go home.Get up early, or youll miss the worm.2主语前的短语/从句用逗号将其与主句隔开When the phone rang, he opened the pocket

18、 to answer it.When the sun sets, the mouse is starting to find the food.On the table, there is a vase.To see Jays life show, he spent a lot of money.3作用和意义相同的词排列在一起时用逗号隔开In the bag, there is some apples, pears, bananas, and pineapples.The little boy likes to sing, to dance, to act, to read, and to p

19、lay computer.4非限定性定语从句Mr. Green, who is the best dancer in our class, will teach us how to dance.The general, shouting and waving his hand, asked the soldiers to move on.5插入语,用逗号隔开in fact; that isThat teacher, in fact, has done little work.Your work, I am sorry to say, is almost a failure.6在直接引语中被引用

20、时。Yes, it is. No, it isnt.7日期 July 20th, 2007I was born on Oct. 20th, 1982. I was born on 20th Oct. 1982. 8. 数字 3位之间用逗号隔开9, 080 千; 百万; 十亿l分号 两个并列的从句用分号隔开,替代并列连词No one is with born with knowledge; knowledge must be taught and learned.l疑问号;疑问句后一定要加疑问号l感慨号。一篇文章中,不能多用主题中心思想 围绕主题展开细节提纲打草稿 草稿分为两部: 1 提纲 2

21、根据提纲展开书写提纲例: 全篇要求长度68句话 1. 23句话长度 2. 同上 3. 同上不能遗漏提示语及关键词 思想价值明晰单词拼写及语法运用准确无误常用短句/简单句;慎用长句/复杂句熟练掌握六种句型好的句子:1. 完整 2. 连贯、通畅 3. 简洁 4. 多样性 例: Im teaching in the classroom. In the classroom, Im teaching.统一的时态单复数;定冠词文风自然,用“简单朴素的单词用小词逻辑紧密写作步骤:1审题2列大纲3草稿书写4检查,并抄写 第二课 题型分类指导1词法句法题 连词成句;句型转化;补全对话等2补全短文3短文写作1词法

22、句法题 连词成句;句型转化;补全对话等1.) 根据英语提示补全句子。lHe is a worker. He makes machines in a _.答案:factorylIn autumn, we often climb hills. Its good for our _.Be good for; be bad for答案:healthlNinety-nine and one is a _.加法 sth and sth is sth答案:hundredlIm _. I cant eat any more.一方面考词汇;一方面考逻辑答案:fulllMy _ is not far from s

23、chool. I go to school on foot every day.2.)根据英、汉提示补全句子a)躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。_ in bed _ _ _ your eyes.关键作题技巧:连续的假设干空格考察关键词组的掌握。答案: lying, is, bad, forb)你最好尽早完成这项工程。Youd better _ the work _ _ _ you can.答案: finish, as, soon, asc)中国的气候与美国的气候大不相同。The weather in China _ _ _ _ _ in U.S.A. 答案:is, quite, different,

24、from, that 3.)根据文字提示写句子a)他太粗心了,不能干这种工作。so that_.too to 太。以至于不能。so that 太。以至于。 that后接从句答案:He is so careless that he can not do the work.b)我哥哥喜欢游泳,我也喜欢。_.答案:My brother likes swimming. I like it, too. (either) My brother likes swimming, and I like it, too. My brother likes swimming; I like it, too.c)be

25、st wishes, Christmas, New Year, and, for_.答案:Best wishes to you for Christmas and New Year.d)visit London, Mr. Smith, in 1990, twice._.答案:Mr. Smith visited London twice in 1990.4.)根据文字提示和图画写句子作题技巧:先看明图画,再看文字提示。例题: (1.)an old man, read, in an armchair, with a dog beside him_答案:An old man was reading

26、a newspaper in an armchair with a dog beside him.(2.)wake up the dog, let it get, the shoes, for him._答案:He woke up the dog and let it get the shoes for him.(3.)the dog, dont move, bark to the cat, to his surprise._答案:To the old mans surprise, the dog didnt move, and (only) barked to the cat.(4.)a m

27、oment later, came, with the old mans shoes. _ 答案:A moment later, the cat came with the old mans shoes. 5.)补全对话考察上下文逻辑联系。先通读全文,再根据每空上下文尤其是前后句填空。例题一:A: Excuse me, sir. Weve already arrived in Beijing.B: Yes, I know.A: _1_B: The book is so interesting! Its about Sherlock Holmes trip to China, you know.

28、A: You mean Holmes, the world-known detective(侦探)? _2_B: Yes, he did. According to this book, he came to China for business when he was old.A: Im afraid weve no time to discuss Sherlock Holmes, sir. _3_B: So they have. _4_ Oh, where is my bag?A: Its right in your hand, sir.B: No! This is my handbag.

29、 Its the traveling-bag that is missing.A: Is this brown one yours?B: No. Mine is a dark brown one, and a bit smaller than this.A: _5_ Come with me, please!ABut you dont seem to be ready to get off.BAll the passengers have got off except you.CSomeone must have taken yours by mistake.DBut I wont leave

30、 until they have.EBut as far as I know, he never came to China.FIts not my bag in my hand.GWell, someone has to be the last to leave. 答案:1. A 2. E 3. B 4. G 5. C 时态一致;标记选完的选项;不要陷入一个空的困境中,跳过看后文。例题二:A: Winter holiday will _1_. What are you going to do?B: Im going to _2_ some places of great interest.A

31、: _3_ are you going then?B: I _4_ to go to Xian, Beijing and Changchun.A: Are you going to Suzhou, too?B: Id like to, _5_ I dont have _6_ time.A: I think you will _7_ yourself.B: Im sure I will. Will you go with me?A: Im _8_ not. Sorry I will go back to London with my parents.B: I hope you have a ve

32、ry happy _9_ in the holidays.A: The _10_ to you.答案: 1. approach/come 2. visit 3. where 4. plan/decide/intend 5. but 6. enough 7. enjoy 8. afraid 9. time 10. same2.补全短文(完型填空)“三遍法:第一遍了解大意;第二遍作题;第三遍检查确认 例题: Alex _1_ in a factory in a big town. He liked _2_ very much, and was very good at it. Whenever h

33、e was free, he went down to the small _3_ behind the factory and tried to catch some fish, but there were very _4_ there, because the water of the river was dirty. then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and _5_ at a small, cheap hotel. “Ive never fished in the sea _6_, he thought

34、. “It will be rather different from fishing in our river. On the first day he _7_ a lot of fish and was very _8_. He gave them to he hotel, and they _9_ them for all the persons at the hotel, and they enjoyed them very much. After that, he did this every day. But when he got his bill at the _10_ of

35、his holidays, he saw on it “For oil to fry fish (7days): 14 dollars.答案:1. worked 2. fishing 3. river 4. few 5.stayed 6. before 7. caught 8.happy/pleased/glad 9. cooked 10. end3短文写作短文写作评分标准评分标准:第一档:15分13分符合题目要求,整篇表达清楚,语法无误,词汇拼写正确,卷面整洁。第二档:12分10分符合题目要求,整篇表达清楚,语法有少量错误,少量拼写错误,卷面欠整洁。第三档:9分6分根本符合题目要求,漏掉假设

36、干关键词,超出了题目限制,整篇表达根本清楚,语言有局部错误。第四档:(3分5分) 只能写出题目要求的一两个要点;只有个别句子能看懂,语法、词汇错误很多。第五档:1分2分只写出了符合题意的假设干单词。写作要求: 符合题意;逻辑通畅;语法单词正确;卷面清洁。写作的难题写作的步骤篇段句词1“篇 明确主题 2“段 构建结构 运用“提纲提纲案例?我最喜爱的老师?篇 主题: 段 提纲: 1. 老师根本信息介绍 a. 年龄 b. 相貌 c. 所授科目 d. 2令我感动的小故事 描写与叙事相结合 a. 时间 b. 地点 c. 事情的经过 d. 关键词 shy; encourage 3我对老师的评价 关键词:e

37、njoy his class; like3. “句 填充内容多用短句简单句,慎用长句并列句/复合句/并列复合句 文中参杂假设干语法正确的长句能够成为亮点并得到加分。 短句为主,辅之于长句。 句子的完整、时态、人称、单复数、以及动词的变形。 修辞 比喻 像be like The house is like a tank. He is like a panda.as as I am as hungry as a wolf. The teacher is as busy as a bee.He is as strong as a horse. 夸张 I am the luckiest boy in

38、the world to have such a nice teacher. 拟人 The sky is smiling with beautiful sunshine. 4“词 可分为 “一般词汇 和 “具体词汇 一般词汇 He is a good man. good 具体词汇 honest; diligent; hardworking; kind; nice; warmhearted; brave; selfless. “一般描写 和 “具体描写 一般描写 She is very beautiful. 具体描写 She is very beautiful. She has dark hai

39、r, big shining eyes, and pretty face. 文章分类应用文与非应用文写人景、物;叙事;说理描写文;记叙文;议论文;说明文;应用文。描写文写人;写景;状物记叙文是培养叙事讲故事能力;描写文是培养观察和描述的能力。写人1模板经典的提纲2范文3句;词高分模板: 1开篇句/段:介绍他/她和我的关系,以及根本相关信息介绍、年龄、身份、根本关系、或外貌特征。2以人物的某方面的特征为中心展开描写。可以描写与叙事相结合;抓住特点,切忌面面俱到;描写要讲究顺序:由上到下;由表及里3总结 一两句话简要概括对其映象或评价,再抒发一句“情感句升华文章范文:My Best Friend

40、Jay is my best friend. He is 15 years old. He is a lovely boy with a round face and two big small eyes. He always has a smile on his face. He is a little taller than I. Every morning, we go school together. He studies quite well and hes a top student in our class. He is modest in his behavior. When

41、I have difficulty in English, I always ask him for help. We are both interested in music. At weekends, we join same hobby group and play the pianotogether. We like each other very much. 语言描写 间接引语;直接引语。直接引语例: She often says to me, “Work while you work; play while you play. If you do not work, you wil

42、l be lazy and of no use to the society. What a piece of good advice this is! I must value it and always keep it in my mind. 由于考试中词数的限制,文章可分为假设干段落,也可写成一段。经典句例结尾升华句:例:1. We like each other very much. /I love my teacher very much.2. He is the hero in my mind3. She is such a naughty and clever girl.4. W

43、hat a good teacher she is!5. With her help, I made great progress.6. She teaches us so well that we all enjoy her classes.7. We still keep in touch with each other, and I believe our friendship will last forever.8. I feel lucky to have such a nice friend.9. She/he has left a good impression in my mi

44、nd.10. We have made up our minds to study harder, and win still greater success in our studies.经典句型:lOf all my friends/teachers, I love/like _ most.lHe/she taught me/us math/English when I was in primary school/ junior middle school.lWith his/her help/encouragement, I made great/rapid progress at _

45、(and caught up with others).lHe/she is able to make her class lively.lShe is a English Teacher. She comes from Canada. She is a English Teacher from Canada.lHe is a lovely boy. He has a round face. He has a pair of big eyes. He is a lovely boy with a friendly look/a round/long and narrow face and bi

46、g eyes. He/she is a handsome/pretty/beautiful/nice boy/girl/teacher with round face/dark/short/long hair/big eyes/high nose bridge (with a son/two daughters/ Shanghai dialect)lHe is energetic. You can often see him on the playground, either playing basketball or volleyball.lBe born in lHas been to h

47、as gone tolWork very hard without complaint lShe is kind and always smiles, and she gets on well with us. lI met sb. on the internet. We often chat on the internet. I usually play games with him on the internet.lShe is very responsible to her work and strict with her students.lSb. is hard-working/di

48、ligent/industrious. Sb. often works/studies late into the night. Sb. gets up early and sleeps very late every day. la girl of beauty; a boy of perseverance; a friend of devotion; a boy of fifteen.lSb. looks beautiful/younger常用词汇Tall and thin; short and stout; wear long and short (black/white/golden/

49、fair/grey/hair)hair; good-looking; ordinary-looking; kind; friendly; kind-hearted; tired; nice; naughty; clever; smart; careful/careless; gentle; graceful; wrinkle; enter(school); be fond of(doing); be good at; be ready to (help); be born in; get/win the prize in competition; (my hobby) include(in spare time); (my friend) pay visit to (my school); physical exercise; now and then; in ones mind物品描写 景物描写经典模板: 经典模板:第一局部 物品的外表特征、形状、功能。 第一局部 先按空间顺序进行描写第二局部 对物品的印象和态度。 第二局部 抒发自己对景色的感受。范文: My BedroomI have a bedroom. It is in the middle of my house.Opening the door, you can se


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