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1、可行性研究附表附表附表1总投资估算表表A-1-1总投资估算表单位:万元序号时间费用名称合计2021 年2021 年2021 年2021 年2021 年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年1土地费用500050002前期费用120112013城建费用289128914建安总造价31517553955396244691972765管理费用12182731661661872082186预备费58655037468361045127314616.1根本预备费36834365715716437137496.2涨价预备费218267176265402560712建设投资小计4769298

2、68645265417476839989557投资利息48500762230合计48176986864526617766186238955附表2销售收入与销售税金及附加估算表时间2021 年2021 年2021 年序号合计工程上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年1销售收入665736013180381181716356143492销售税金及附加36623319926509007892.1营业税33293019025918187172.2城市维护建设税23321634157512.3教育费附加100927182522附表3资金筹措与使用方案表时间序号工程合计2021 年2021年2021 年上半



5、73914802663223707.1盈余公积金10%7.2未分配利润8089-9868-6452-6617-2220770217391480266322370附表5现金流量表全部投资表 A-1-4TlTt 人六 曰 二 / 人 寺17丄口单位:力兀现金流量表全部投资丿序号时间合计2021 年2021 年2021 年2021 年2021 年工程上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年1现金流入6657360131803811817163561044139081.1销售收入6657360131803811817163561044139082现金流出58000986864526541


7、02944935376所得税前累计净现金流量12557-9868-16320-22861-24895-16970-15231-429902012557基准部收益率5.83%税前税后税前税后附表6现金流量表自有资金表 A-1-5现金流量表自有资金单位:万元序号时间合计2021 年2021 年2021 年2021 年2021 年工程上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年1现金流入6657300060131803811817163561044139081.1销售收入6657300060131803811817163561044139082现金流出5848598686452168060


9、8借款还本付息计算表单位:万元时间2021 年2021年2021 年2021 年2021 年序号合计工程上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年下半年上半年1期初借款本息累计120944937715701.1本金11756486168951.2建设期利息485762232本期借款68954861203403本期应计利息48576223004归还贷款本金的资金来源4.1利润332457702173914802663223704.2归还本金7380738004.3归还本金后余额2586532217391480266322370借款归还期1.48附表8资金来源与运用表表A-1-7资金来源与运用表单


11、26632417224736544181562.3销售税金及附加36620003319926509005742152.3建设期利息4857622300002.4所得税39840000000281711672.5长期借款本金归还7380738000003盈余资金26088000054517391480266322370附表9销售收入、建设投资对部收益率双因素敏感性分析双因素敏感性分析销售收入变化幅度-15%建设投资变化幅度-15% -10%-5%5%10%15%IRR8.66% 6.51%4.49% 0.81% -0.87%-2.47%销售收入变化幅度-10%建设投资变化幅度-15%-10%-5

12、%5%10%15%IRR10.83% 8.66%6.62%2.90% 1.20%-0.41%销售收入变化幅度-5%建设投资变化幅度-15%-10%-5%5%10%15%IRR20.44%18.16%16.03%12.13%10.35% 8.66%双因素敏感性分析建设投资变化幅度-15%-10%-5%5%10%15%IRR16.82% 14.58% 12.48%8.66%6.90%5.24%销售收入变化幅度10%建设投资变化幅度-15%-10%-5%5%10%15%销售收入变化幅度15%建设投资变化幅度-15%-10%-5%5%10%15%附录E中文翻译房地产市场调查报告为了成功的完成云鼎家园工

13、程的可行性研究报告,对市铁西区的房地产现状及市民的 可接受程度与经济状况有初步了解,特进行了市的房地产调查。我于2021年12月14日一12月25日两周的时间,在本工程周围区域及市中心区域进 行问卷调查,共发放调查问卷 300多份,回收300份。回收调查问卷全部为有效问卷调查 结果如下:受访者的职业分布于各行各业,在受访的 300位市民中,男性市民188名,女性市民 112名,其中私营企业主60名,机关事业单位干部25名,企业管理人员30名,其他职业 的分布也较均衡。在受访者中,家庭月总收入在 3000-4000元的有147名,4000-5000元的有82人, 5000-10000元的有62名

14、,10000元以上的9人。相应的市民可接受的房屋单价分布为 1500-2000元/平方米的有136人,2000-2500元/平方米的为78人,2500-3000元/平方米 的为28人,3000-3500元/平方米的有34人,3500以上的仅有26人。由此可以知道,市 的消费水平与工资水平较低,房屋的单价不宜定高,否那么会给销售上带来难题。对住宅外墙调查一项显示:传统的白色和砖墙色仍占据人们的喜好。不过随着社会的 开展,在个性突出的新时期,其中蓝色、黄色、绿色等其他颜色放入住宅外墙也慢慢的得 到越来越多人的认可。对于住宅类型,调查结果显示高层住宅和小高层住宅快速的得到人 们的认可,看来,人们已经

15、在渐渐摆脱住 7层以下的观念。这也是现在房地产开发中,越 来越多的高层出现在人们面前的原因。停车位置大局部人希望停在地下室,一来可以节约 土地资源,二可以不影响小区的住宅环境。另外小区的功能设施,现在人们不再满足小区 仅仅是住宅的需求,现在各种功能设施如阅览室、室外健身设施、运动场等也要出现在小 区,提高生活的质量。影响人们购房的因素很多,其中小区配套、周围环境、价格、建筑 设计、小区规划、物业管理、工程质量、地段、公共交通条件等,被认为购房必须考虑的 因素。对户型和面积的调查中,在受访者中,预购两室两厅、三室一厅、三室两厅的人较多, 而愿购两室一厅的仅有35人,相应的方案购房面积在100-1

16、30平方米的有80人,80-100 平方米的有105人,占潜在客户的比例为48.6、。因此在户型设计中,应以两室两厅、三室一厅、三室两厅,面积在 80-130平方米的为主。关于室外配套的调查,在受访者中,有 148名认为小区必须有室外健身设施,114名 选择室外儿童游乐设施,119名认为阅览室很有必要,因此对配套设施的选择应结合小区 面积和用户意愿选择。、为有效制定销售策略,我们做了关于付款方式和销售渠道的调查, 在428名受访者中, 有146名选择家庭存款,44名选择政府贷款,168名选择银行带快,借款或其他方式的有 84名,且对付款方式的选择有247人选择分期付款,86人选择按揭,101人

17、选在一次付清。 在销售渠道的调查中,电视、报纸、网络的宣传度占89.5、,因此可以这三种方式为主要宣传方式,辅以其他形式的宣传。综上所述,可以得出以下调查结论:1市的现有房地产市场中,开展商品住宅与经济适用房还有很大市场空间,但各 种周边设施还有待带动与开展。2市的消费水平与工资水平较低,房屋的单价不宜定高,否那么会给销售上带来难 题。3要充分做好因为销售期长而带来的风险准备,短期收回投资较难。4在规划方案中,户型设计应以两室两厅、三室一厅、三室两厅,面积在 80-130 平方米的为主。5可以电视、报纸、网络的宣传为主要宣传方式,辅以其他形式的宣传。销售策 略的制定应主要针对家庭存款和银行贷款

18、制定相应的销售策略,并对各种付款方式做相应 计算及规定。6因此对配套设施的选择应结合小区面积和用户意愿选择。外文原文Real Estate Market ReportTiexi real estate situatio n and the public acceptability andeconomic conditions in order to successfully complete ShenyangYun Ding homeproject feasibility study report, a preliminary understanding of special Shenyang

19、 City real estate surveyDecember 14, 2021 - December 25, two weeks, I con ducted a questi onn aire survey in the surrounding area of the project and the downtown area, were distributed over 300 questionnaires were recovered 300 copies. Recovery of the questi onn aire, all valid survey results are as

20、 followsThe occupational distributionof respondents in all walks of life,300 people surveyed, men 188 people, 112 wome n members of the public, in clud ing private en trepre neurs 60, 25 cadres, gover nment orga ni zati ons and in stituti ons,man ageme ntstaff 30, The distributi onof other occupatio

21、 ns are more bala need.The resp onden ts, mon thly household in come of 3000-4000 yua n 147 yuan ,4000-5000 ,5000-10000, 82 people are 62 yua n, 10,000 yua n more than the 9.The corresp onding price acceptable to the publicdistribution of hous ing 1500-2000 yuan / sq m 2000 to-2500, 136 yua n / squa

22、re meter for 78 ,2500-3000 yuan / square meter for 28 ,3000-3500 yuan / m are 34, only 26 of more than 3,500 people. This you can see, Shenyang City, the lower con sumptio n levels and wage levels, hous ing unit should not be high, otherwise the sales would bring problems.Survey of residential build

23、ings in a display: the traditionalwhiteand color still holds the brick people's prefere nces.But with thedevelopme nt of society, in the new era of outsta nding pers on ality, where the blue, yellow, green and other colors into the house wall to get more and more people are slowly recog ni zed.F

24、or the reside ntialtype, the survey showed that high-rise residential high-rise residential and small to quickly get people's approval, it appears that people have in getting rid of the concept of living below the 7th floor. This is now the real estate developme nt, more and more people appear i

25、n front of the top reas ons.Most people want to stop park ingspaces in the baseme nt, one to save land resources, the two can not affect the district's reside ntial en vir onment.Ano ther fun cti on ofdistrict facilities, it is nowno Ion ger meet the dema ndfor reside ntial housing only, and now

26、features facilities such as reading room, outdoor fitness facilities, sports grounds, also have to appear in the district, improve the quality of life.Many factors in flue nee people to buy ahouse, in which n eighborhoods, the en vir onment, price, architectural design, community planning, property

27、management, constructionquality,location, public transportation,etc., are considered the purchase tobe take n into acco unt.Size and area of i nv estigatio n, in the resp onden ts, futures Liangshiliangting, Sanshiyiting, Sanshiliangting more people, and would like to purchase Liangshiyitingonly 35

28、people, plans to purchasethe correspo ndingarea of 100-130 square meters with 80-80 105 100square meters, acco un ti ng for 48.6 perce ntage of pote ntial customers. Therefore, the desig n of the un its should beLiangshiliangting, Sanshiyiting, Sanshiliangting, the main area of80-130 square meters.C

29、omplete survey of outdoor, in the respondents, there are 148 that the district must have an outdoor fitness facilities, 114 select outdoor playground equipment, 119 that the readingroom is necessary,therefore, the choice of facilities should be combined with residential area and the user will select

30、.To effectively develop marketi ng strategies, we made payme ntmethods and sales cha nn els on the survey, 428 resp onden ts, 146 were selected household deposits, gover nment loa ns of 44 selected, select the bank with a fast 168, borrowings or otherThere are 84 ways, and the choice of payme nt opt

31、i ons hire 247 people, 86 people choose to mortgage, 101 can didates in one payme nt. Survey in the sales cha nn el, television,newspapers, accounting for 89.5 degrees publicity, so usethese as the primary form of publicity, suppleme nted by other forms of publicity.In summary, we can draw the following findings:First, Shenyang City, the exist i


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