



1、Module 1 Language use一、人称代词和物主代词的分类主格人称代词宾格人称代词物主代词形容词性名词性Imemymineyouyouyouryourshehimhishissheherherhersitititsitsweusouroursyouyouyouryourstheythemtheirtheirs二、人称代词和物主代词的用法1、主格:在陈述句中位于动词前面,在疑问句中位于be、can、助动词和实义动词之间。在句子中做主语。如:I am a student. She can dance . They like running.2、宾格:位于动词、介词之后,做宾语如:I l

2、ike him. They often teach her English. She often gives new cake to me.3、形容词性物主物代词:起形容词的作用,位于名词之前,作定语如:My mum is a teacher. Their books are new. I cant find my bike. 4、名词性物主代词:起名词的作用,后面不跟名词,位于句首做主语、动词或介词之后作宾语、be动词之后做表语。如:I dont like your pen .I like yours. Is this your book or mine ? 注意:口诀 有“名”则“形“,无

3、“名”则“名” 意思是:后面是名词的话,前面就要用形容词性物主代词。后面没有名词的话,就用名词性物主代词。Its my book. = Its mine. Its your hat. = Its yours.Its his jacket. = Its his. Its her ruler. = Its hers.Its our football. = Its ours. Its their notebook. = Its theirs.三名词所有格的用法:英语中的名词所有格表示一种所属关系, s所有格多用于有生命的名词。 构成: 在单数名词的末尾加s构成名词的所有格,表示“的”。Tonys m

4、other 托尼的妈妈 Toms pen 汤姆的钢笔 在以-s 或-es结尾的复数名词后只需加。the girls bags 女孩们的书包在不以-s 或-es 结尾的复数名词后,加s 构成所有格。 Womens Day 妇女节表示时间、距离的名词所有格与有生命的名词所有格构成方法相同。 todays class 今天的课 注意:如果并列名词各自所拥有某物,每个名词后都加s; 若表示两人共同拥有的物品, 在最后一个名词后加s。Lindas and Jims mothers 琳达和吉姆的妈妈Lucy and Lilys room 露西和莉莉的房间 练习选择括号中所给的代词填空。1. _ (My,

5、Mine, I) pen is red, and _ ( hers, her, she) is blue.2. We love _ (ours, our, we) country.3. Are you looking for _ (him, he, his)?4. They help _ (we, our, us) and _ (we, our, us) often help _ (their, theirs, them).5. _ (It, Its) is a new book. _ (It, Its) cover(封面) is red.6. I will show _ (your, you

6、, yours) some new books.7. _ (He, His) pen is in _ (I, my, mine) pencil-box.8. _ (You, Yours, Your) shoes are under the bed.9. Are these trousers _ (you, your, yours)? No, they arent _ (we, our, ours).10. Is this your pen? No, its not _ (me, mine). My pen is blue.二、单项选择1. This is my book, that one i

7、s _. A. she B. her C. his2. _ pen is this? A. Whose B. Who C. Whos3. This is not _bag. A. mine B. my C. he4. _ pencil is here, and _ is there. A. My, he B. Mine, his C. My, his5. That is not _ jacket. A. yours B. hers C. his6. _ school is big, but _ is much bigger than _. A. Yours, our, your B. Your

8、, our, your C. Your, ours, yours 7. A friend of _ has gone to another school. A. me B. mine C. my8. Whose bike is it? It might be my_. A. neighbours(邻居) B. neighbours C. neighbours9. Ive got a cold. I had to stay(不得不待在) _ yesterday(昨天). A. at the doctors B. at the doctors C. at the doctor his10. My

9、watch keeps good time. What about _? Mine? Oh, two minutes slow. A. Your B. hers C. yours11. My uncle gave a new bike to _.       A. theirs    B. they   C. me       D. I12. This is a photo of _family. May I have one of _? A.

10、yours; my      B. my; yours     C. your; my     D. yours; mine13. Heres a postcard for you, Jim!  Oh, _is from Mary.       A. he        B. it 

11、60;        C. she        D. its14. They asked _some questions _ English. A. me; about     B. I; about       C. I; with       D. me; with15. Help_ answer the questions. A. I       B. my        C. me        D. mine16. Thes


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