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1、.Module 6 Around town补偿训练一用适宜的介词填空。10分 1. The blackboard is _the front _the classroom.2. My father goes to work _car every day.3 .Turn right _the first street.4. Dazhong cinema is _the left.5 .Wh

2、en you walk _the road, youd better look around.6. Opposite is the National Gallery, a museum_lots of famous paintings.7. It takes you 135 meters _the River Thames.8. You can see mo

3、st of London _ a clear day.9 .Turn left _Kings Street and go _a church.10.The bank is next _a supermarket.二单项选择。15分1It will _you one and a half hours to walk there.ApayBspend CcostDtake2She takes some medicine_ thre

4、e meals every day.AaboveBacross CbetweenDalong3Look at those teachers over there. Which is your new art teacher?The man _ curly hair. He is very funny.AwithBin ConDfor4Oh, my god! I've left my keys in the room. I'll have to get in_ the window.It's dangerous. You'd better wait for you

5、r mom to come back.Apast BoverCacross Dthrough5_Could you tell me which BRT I can take to get to Zaozhuang Railway Station?Take the No.15 bus and transfer换乘 to No. B1 BRT.AExcuse me BYesCSure DHello6Excuse me. Could you tell me the way_ the nearest supermarket?Go down the street and turn left. Then

6、you'll see it.Ato Bof Cin Dat7_ is the office building?About 30 meters high.AHow often BHow muchCHow many DHow high8.Look at the moon today!It is _ the trees. It looks very nice.Aabove Bof Cwith Dfor9From the tower,you can see _ London _ a clear day.Amost of; in Bmost of; on Cmany; in Dmany; on1

7、0Walk along the street,and you'll see the hospital _ your left. Ain Bpast Con Dover11Can you finish _ these books before 10 o'clock? Yes, I can.Ato read B read Creads Dreading12Could you tell me some information about the hotels in your city?Why not _ on the Internet?Alook for it Bto look fo

8、r itClook it up Dto look it up13Is there a _near here?I want to see a film.AbankBmuseumCsupermarketDcinema14Turn left at the Second Street. Walk about 20 meters and you can see the zoo on your right._Thank you. The same to you!AHave a nice day!BGoodbye.CDo you know the way?DYou can also take a bus.1

9、5Hainan _ its blue sky and fresh air. So it is. That's why more and more visitors spend their holidays here.Ais weak in Bis famous forCis used to Dis famous as三完形填空。每空1分Welcome_16the zoo, everyone! Here_17our tour plan. _18carefully. First we _19the Children's Zoo. After that, we walk_20the

10、Bird World. Next is the African Area._21are elephants and lions! Don't_22afraid: the cages are_23Then, we have_24lunch. Everybody brings_25lunch, right? Some of you don't have drinks. There_26many places_27 drinks.After lunch, we go to the Asian Area. Last, there is the Butterfly Park. It

11、9;s_28the Snake Park. Then we come back here and _29the bus. Rememberdon't feed the animals. OK, let's _30!16A.toBinCfromDat17A.beBamCisDare18A ListenBListen toCHearDHear of19A. seeBlookCvisitDwatch20A.in frontBacrossCoverDbetween21A. TheyBItCThereDWhere22A.amBisCareDbe23A. dangerBsafeCdange

12、rousDsafety24A. aBanCtheD/25A. theirBtheyCthemDits26A.amBisCareDbe27A. buyBbuysCto buyDbuying28A.toBoppositeConDfor29A. get inBget outCget onDget off30 A. have funBto have a nice dayChaving good timeDhaving fun四. 句型转换。每题2分,共20分1. Could you tell me the way to WangfujingDajie? 改为同义句 Could you tell me

13、_ _ get to Wangfujing Dajie?2. Id like to buy a guidebook about Beijing. 对划线部分提问 _ _ you like to buy?3. Is there a bookshop near here? 作肯定答复 _, _ _.4. You can take the underground to the Olympic Sports Centre. 对划线部分提问 _ _ you _ to the Olympic Sports Centre?5. How can I get to Dongfang Park, please?

14、同义句Which is _ _ _Dongfang Park, please?6. The bridge is very old. Its 300 years old. 同义句This is an old bridge _ 300 years _.7. Kate is on my left. 同义句Im _ _ _ _ Kate.8. -_ _will your mother come back? - In two days.9.Im going to make my weekend plan. 对划线部分提问_ _you _ _do?10.Why not ask the policeman

15、over there?同义句_ _ _ask the policeman over there?五、改错10分1. The post office is opposite of the cinema.2. Is there a bookshop near to here?3. Can you tell me how to getting to the post office?4. The best way to visit Beijing is by the plane.5. Turn left into Kings Street and go pass a church.6. Steven,

16、 we should get to the bus at the next stop.7. After visit the museum, we will go to the restaurant.8. There is a tree in the front of the house.9. You can buy some beautiful flowers on our way to home.10. Tom has a new way of learn English.六Writing.25分假设你校有几位来自美国的交换生,他们打算周末步行去翠湖公园。请根据提示为他们写出前往的道路,并简

17、介公园情况。要点提示:道路见图;公园环境优美、凉快,还可游泳、野餐等;提示词:turning拐弯处;straight笔直地,成直线。范文:Cuihu Park is not far from here. It's easy to get there. Just go straight and turn right at the first turning. Walk along the street and turn left when you find a hospital. Cuihu Park is down the street on your right. It is opposite a restaurant.The park is really a good place to have fun. It's beautiful with many trees and flowers. You can swim,play games or have a picnic there. It's very relaxing. You may also get a good chance to practice Chines


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