



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高中英语阅读训练及答案3 共2篇AHowever, the idea of cloning humans still remains. While many people feel that cloning human tissue, as for organs for transplant might be valuable, many others feel that cloning a whole human is unethical (不道德的)From a moral standpoint, much has to do with how some repr

2、oductive clones are made. Many believe that an embryo, even when simply fertilized sperm (精子) and egg is a human and thus should not be destroyed. Experimenta-tion of embryos to produce clones often results in embryo death. Further some feel that cloned embryos might be used specifically to harvest

3、body parts and then killed.Some further feel that the harvesting of stem cells from an embryo is also wrong, or that creating embryos for the purpose of harvesting stem cells is unethical. Others ar-gue that stem cell research may point the way toward cu-ring diseases for which there is currently no

4、 cure. It should be noted, however, that fewer people object to the idea of cloning a body part than cloning a human.Others are concerned about the cloning of extinct or endangered animals. In fact Michael Crichton's novel Ju-rassic Park dealt with this theme. Especially since actual dinosaur DN

5、A has been found recently, in enough abun-dance to clone, some scientists are concerned about the en-vironmental impact that could result from reproducing a long dead species.In some countries, stem cell research has been stopped, when it involves cloning human embryos. Other scientists research on

6、the possibility of finding stem cells elsewhere, as in the umbilical cord(脐带) blood of newbo-rns. It is suspected that some countries may be attempting to clone a whole human, but have not yet achieved this.Though cloning is much in the news, it is still an im-perfect science with more failures than

7、 successes at pres-ent. This suggests that scientists may not fully understand all the mechanisms(机制) involved in creating an exact copy of another organism. With further research, such mechanisms may be understood and clear the way toward making clones. Yet, doing so is likely to result in continue

8、d argument.1A suitable title for this passage would be _.AWays of CloningBCloning Yes or No?CAdvantages of CloningDDisadvantages of Cloning解析:选B。主旨大意题。由最后一句“Yet, doing so is likely to result in continued argument.”可推知B项最符合题意。2The second, third and fourth paragraph mainly deal with _.Aarguments about

9、 cloning Bhow to cloneCthe procedure of cloning Dwhy to clone解析:选A。推理判断题。由第二段第二句“Many be-lieve that .”、第三段第一句“Some further feel that .”和第四段第一句“Others are concerned about .”可推知。3The underlined word “extinct” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to _.Aexisting Bdying outCcurrent Dprotective解析

10、:选B。词义猜测题。通过or后的endangered可以猜出这个词的意思是“灭绝的”,即dying out。4The tone of the passage can be best described as _.Asupportive BcontradictoryCsubjective Dobjective解析:选D。推理判断题。作者在文中“客观地”列举了不同的人对克隆的不同看法,没有掺杂个人的感情,故选D项。5The above passage may appear on the _ section of a newspaper.Aentertainment BscienceCfashion

11、 Dnews解析:选B。推理判断题。这是一篇有关克隆的文章,故极有可能出现在报纸的“科学”版上。BIn the laboratory, when you are carrying an experi-ment out, you may get injured when some accident hap-pens, like chemical burns, gas poisoning, etc. So giving first aid treatment as soon as possible to the injured people may help.Now, I want to disc

12、uss some common injuries and their first treatment, so that you can have some ideas when an accident happens.Chemical Burns:1Use water only for the first aid in treating chemical burns.2Wash the injured area with running water for at least 10 minutes. This can prevent further damage to the burnt tis

13、sue.Cuts and Bleeding:1Remove the dirt or glass, wash under running water and apply clean, dry, sterile (消过毒的)dressing in minor cases.2In serious cases, let the patient lie down with the in-jured part. Apply pressure to the wound with a firm band-age. Remember, call the ambulance at once.Heat Burns

14、or Scalds:1To reduce the pain, cool the injured area with lots of cold water.2Do not apply any chemical.3Use dry, sterile gauze or lint dressing and then ap-ply a bandage to cover the area.4Smothers the fire with a blanket if clothes get fire.Eye Injury:1Spray the injured eye by water for several mi

15、nutes.2Seek medical treatment.Gas Poisoning:1Carry the patient into the fresh air.2If the poisoning is due to breathing in bromine or chlorine, let the patient breathe in fumes of dilute ammonia solution (稀氨水溶液) and drink milk.Solid or Liquid Poisoning:1Spit the poison out if the poison is still in

16、the mouth, and wash the mouth with plenty of water.2If the poison is swallowed, drink plenty of water or milk. Seek medical treatment at once.Anyway, if you carry experiments out carefully, the chance of getting accidents would lower.6What does this passage mainly talk about?AFirst aid.BFirst aid in

17、 the lab.CLab instructions. DBehavior in the lab.解析:选B。主旨大意题。全文主要说明当你在实验室做实验意外受伤时的急救处理方法,而A项太笼统,故选B项。7How many first aid methods of dealing with common in-juries are mentioned in the passage?A4 B5C6 D7解析:选C。细节理解题。综合全文内容,作者一共提供了6种意外伤害的急救措施“Chemical Burns”,“Cuts and Bleeding”,“Heat Burns or Scalds”,“E

18、ye Injury”,“Gas Poisoning”以及“Solid or Liquid Poisoning”。8What should NOT be done if a person gets burned?AWash the burned area with cold water.BCover the burned area with a bandage.CCover the burned area with chemicals.D. Deal with the burned area as soon as possible.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据“Heat Burns or Scalds”部分所提供的急救方法可得知C项符合题意。9The underlined word“chance”in the last paragraph has closest meaning to _.Apossibility BtimeCceremony Dtreatment解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据最后一段“不管怎么说,如果你做实验的时候小心翼翼,受伤的几率就会降低”可猜出该词的


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