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1、? 人工智能 ?实验大作业实验题目: 五子棋 专业信息与计算科学 年级091001 姓名郭军伟 学号081001106 指导老师时华 日 期 2021-12-5 实验题目 人工智能之五子棋一、实验目的: 1学习并了解机器博弈相关技术; 2掌握机器博弈的分析方法。二、实验内容: 1实现五子棋游戏功能; 2插入棋盘图片作为自己的棋盘; 3显示战况的对话框; 三、实验原理: 假设电脑用白棋,人用黑棋。在前两步时由于不会有赢的趋势,所以白子在黑子的周围随机下棋。第三步以后,电脑要扫描整个棋局,构建博弈树,然后用深度优先算法分析并评估自己是否占优势。如果自己占优势,那么进攻,否那么,那么防守。当然在整个

2、下棋过程中,会检查是否已经五子连,即是否有人电脑获胜。4、 实验源程序: (一)import jv.wt.Grphics;import jv.wt.Point;import jv.util.Stck;import jvx.swing.ImgeIcon;/* * To chnge this templte, choose Tools | Templtes * nd open the templte in the editor. */* * guojunwei.jv * * Creted on 2021-12-05, 13:24:08 */* * * uthor dministrtor */pub

3、lic clss guojunwei extends jvx.swing.Jrme /* Cretes new orm guojunwei */ public guojunwei() initComponents(); initBord(); this.setResizble(lse); buttonGroup.dd(jRdioButton1); buttonGroup.dd(jRdioButton2); chessmn = new ImgeIconnew ImgeIcon(getClss().getResource("/resource/黑.PNG"), new Imge

4、Icon(getClss().getResource("/resource/白.PNG"); /* This method is clled rom within the constructor to * initilize the orm. * WRNING: Do NOT modiy this code. The content o this method is * lwys regenerted by the orm Editor. */ SuppressWrnings("unchecked") / <editor-old deultstte

5、="collpsed" desc="Generted Code">/GEN-BEGIN:initComponents privte void initComponents() buttonGroup = new jvx.swing.ButtonGroup(); jLbel1 = new jvx.swing.JLbel(); jPnel1 = new jvx.swing.JPnel(); jRdioButton1 = new jvx.swing.JRdioButton(); jRdioButton2 = new jvx.swing.JRdioButt

6、on(); jButton1 = new jvx.swing.JButton(); jButton2 = new jvx.swing.JButton(); jTextield1 = new jvx.swing.JTextield(); jButton3 = new jvx.swing.JButton(); setDeultCloseOpertion(jvx.swing.WindowConstnts.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jLbel1.setIcon(new jvx.swing.ImgeIcon(getClss().getResource("/resource/棋盘.PNG&

7、quot;); / NOI18N jLbel1.ddMouseListener(new jv.wt.event.Mousedpter() public void mouseClicked(jv.wt.event.MouseEvent evt) jLbel1MouseClicked(evt); ); jRdioButton1.setText("玩家执黑先下"); jRdioButton2.setText("电脑执黑先下"); jButton1.setText("开始游戏"); jButton1.ddctionListener(new j

8、v.wt.event.ctionListener() public void ctionPerormed(jv.wt.event.ctionEvent evt) jButton1ctionPerormed(evt); ); jButton2.setText("再来一局"); jButton2.ddctionListener(new jv.wt.event.ctionListener() public void ctionPerormed(jv.wt.event.ctionEvent evt) jButton2ctionPerormed(evt); ); jTextield1

9、.setont(new jv.wt.ont("宋体", 0, 18); jTextield1.setText("游戏未开始"); jButton3.setText("悔棋"); jButton3.ddctionListener(new jv.wt.event.ctionListener() public void ctionPerormed(jv.wt.event.ctionEvent evt) jButton3ctionPerormed(evt); ); jvx.swing.GroupLyout jPnel1Lyout = new

10、jvx.swing.GroupLyout(jPnel1); jPnel1.setLyout(jPnel1Lyout); jPnel1Lyout.setHorizontlGroup( jPnel1Lyout.cretePrllelGroup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.LEDING) .ddGroup(jPnel1Lyout.creteSequentilGroup() .ddContinerGp() .ddGroup(jPnel1Lyout.cretePrllelGroup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.LEDING) .ddComp

11、onent(jTextield1, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, 145, Short.MX_VLUE) .ddGroup(jPnel1Lyout.cretePrllelGroup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.TRILING, lse) .ddComponent(jRdioButton2) .ddComponent(jRdioButton1) .ddComponent(jButton1, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, 89, Short.MX_VLUE) .ddComponent(jButt

12、on2, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, Short.MX_VLUE) .ddComponent(jButton3, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.PREERRED_SIZE, 92, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.PREERRED_SIZE) .ddContinerGp() ); jPnel1Lyout.setVerticlGroup( jPnel1Lyout.cretePrllelGroup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.LEDING)

13、.ddGroup(jPnel1Lyout.creteSequentilGroup() .ddGp(18, 18, 18) .ddComponent(jRdioButton1) .ddPreerredGp(jvx.swing.LyoutStyle ponentPlcement.RELTED) .ddComponent(jRdioButton2) .ddGp(18, 18, 18) .ddComponent(jButton1) .ddGp(18, 18, 18) .ddComponent(jButton2) .ddGp(69, 69, 69) .ddComponent(jTextield1, jv

14、x.swing.GroupLyout.PREERRED_SIZE, 72, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.PREERRED_SIZE) .ddGp(35, 35, 35) .ddComponent(jButton3) .ddContinerGp(228, Short.MX_VLUE) ); jvx.swing.GroupLyout lyout = new jvx.swing.GroupLyout(getContentPne(); getContentPne().setLyout(lyout); lyout.setHorizontlGroup( lyout.cretePrllelGr

15、oup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.LEDING) .ddGroup(lyout.creteSequentilGroup() .ddComponent(jLbel1) .ddPreerredGp(jvx.swing.LyoutStyle ponentPlcement.RELTED) .ddComponent(jPnel1, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, Short.MX_VLUE) ); lyout.setVerticlGroup( lyout.cretePrl

16、lelGroup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.LEDING) .ddGroup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.TRILING, lyout.creteSequentilGroup() .ddGroup(lyout.cretePrllelGroup(jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.TRILING) .ddComponent(jPnel1, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.lignment.LEDING, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, jvx.swing.Grou

17、pLyout.DEULT_SIZE, Short.MX_VLUE) .ddComponent(jLbel1, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, jvx.swing.GroupLyout.DEULT_SIZE, Short.MX_VLUE) .ddContinerGp() ); pck(); / </editor-old>/GEN-END:initComponents intelligence intel = new intelligence(); Stck<Point> bck = new Stck<Point>(); pri

18、vte void jLbel1MouseClicked(jv.wt.event.MouseEvent evt) /GEN-IRST:event_jLbel1MouseClicked i (gmeStrted = lse) return; /玩家下子 int r = (evt.getX() - 30) / 36; int c = (evt.getY() - 30) / 36; System.out.println(r + "," + c); bck.dd(new Point(r, c); lg = lse; i (bordrc = 0) i (irst = 1) turn +

19、= 1; else i (irst = 2) turn -= 1; chessmnturn.pintIcon(jLbel1, jLbel1.getGrphics(), r * 36 + 20, c * 36 + 30); bordrc = 2; count+; else return; /判断胜负 i (judgeWin(new Point(r, c) gmeStrted = lse; return; /计算机智能下子 Point p = intel pPly(); bck.dd(p); lg = true; i (irst = 1) turn -= 1; else i (irst = 2)

20、turn += 1; chessmnturn.pintIcon(jLbel1, jLbel1.getGrphics(), p.x * 36 + 20, p.y * 36 + 30); /判断胜负 i (judgeWin(p) gmeStrted = lse; return; /GEN-LST:event_jLbel1MouseClicked privte void initBord() or (int r = 0; r < BORD_SIZE; r+) or (int c = 0; c < BORD_SIZE; c+) bordrc = 0; /重新开始按钮 privte void

21、 jButton2ctionPerormed(jv.wt.event.ctionEvent evt) /GEN-IRST:event_jButton2ctionPerormed initBord(); repint(); gmeStrted = lse; jButton1.setEnbled(true); intel.initTble(); turn = 1; irst = 0; /GEN-LST:event_jButton2ctionPerormed /开始按钮 privte void jButton1ctionPerormed(jv.wt.event.ctionEvent evt) /GE

22、N-IRST:event_jButton1ctionPerormed count = 0; this.initBord(); i (jRdioButton1.isSelected() = true) irst = 2; gmeStrted = true; jTextield1.setText("游戏已开始!"); jButton1.setEnbled(lse); else i (jRdioButton2.isSelected() = true) irst = 1; gmeStrted = true; jTextield1.setText("游戏已开始!"

23、); jButton1.setEnbled(lse); Point p = intel.onirst(); bck.dd(p); turn -= 1; chessmnturn.pintIcon(jLbel1, jLbel1.getGrphics(), p.x * 36 + 20, p.y * 36 + 30); else return; /GEN-LST:event_jButton1ctionPerormed /悔棋 privte void jButton3ctionPerormed(jv.wt.event.ctionEvent evt) /GEN-IRST:event_jButton3cti

24、onPerormed i (lg = true&&!bck.empty() Point p = bck.pop(); Point p2 = bck.pop(); bordp.xp.y = 0; bordp2.xp2.y = 0; gmeStrted = true; jTextield1.setText("游戏已开始!"); repint(); /GEN-LST:event_jButton3ctionPerormed /* * prm rgs the commnd line rguments */ public sttic void min(String rg

25、s) jv.wt.EventQueue.invokeLter(new Runnble() public void run() new gobngDlg().setVisible(true); ); Override public void pint(Grphics g) super.pint(g); pintChessmn(); Override public void updte(Grphics g) repint(); public void pintChessmn() i (gmeStrted = true) or (int r = 0; r < BORD_SIZE; r+) or

26、 (int c = 0; c < BORD_SIZE; c+) i (irst = 2) i (bordrc = 2) chessmn0.pintIcon(jLbel1, jLbel1.getGrphics(), r * 36 + 20, c * 36 + 30); else i (bordrc = 1) chessmn1.pintIcon(jLbel1, jLbel1.getGrphics(), r * 36 + 20, c * 36 + 30); else i (irst = 1) i (bordrc = 2) chessmn1.pintIcon(jLbel1, jLbel1.get

27、Grphics(), r * 36 + 20, c * 36 + 30); else i (bordrc = 1) chessmn0.pintIcon(jLbel1, jLbel1.getGrphics(), r * 36 + 20, c * 36 + 30); boolen lg = lse; /判断是否可以悔棋 int irst = 0; int turn = 1; int count = 0; boolen gmeStrted = lse; ImgeIcon chessmn; sttic int BORD_SIZE = 15; sttic int bord = new intBORD_S

28、IZEBORD_SIZE; / Vribles declrtion - do not modiy/GEN-BEGIN:vribles privte jvx.swing.ButtonGroup buttonGroup; privte jvx.swing.JButton jButton1; privte jvx.swing.JButton jButton2; privte jvx.swing.JButton jButton3; privte jvx.swing.JLbel jLbel1; privte jvx.swing.JPnel jPnel1; privte jvx.swing.JRdioBu

29、tton jRdioButton1; privte jvx.swing.JRdioButton jRdioButton2; privte jvx.swing.JTextield jTextield1; / End o vribles declrtion/GEN-END:vribles /胜负判断 privte boolen judgeWin(Point p) /判断是否平局 boolen dogll = true; or (int r = 0; r < 15; r+) or (int c = 0; c < 15; c+) i (bordrc = 0) dogll = lse; i

30、(dogll = true) jTextield1.setText("平局! 共" + count + "轮"); /lg表示是否可以断定赢/输 boolen lg = lse; /joinEle:将每一个横/竖/左斜/右斜行中的元素连接起来得到的一个字符串 String joinEle = "" int x = p.x; int y = p.y; /进行横行扫描 or (int i = 0; i < BORD_SIZE; i+) joinEle += bordiy; i (joinEle.contins("22222

31、2") jTextield1.setText("长连禁手!你输了 共" + count + "轮"); else i (joinEle.contins("22222") jTextield1.setText("您赢啦! 共" + count + "轮"); lg = true; return lg; else i (joinEle.contins("11111") jTextield1.setText("您输啦! 共" + count + &qu

32、ot;轮"); lg = true; return lg; /进行竖行扫描 joinEle = "" or (int j = 0; j < BORD_SIZE; j+) joinEle += bordxj; i (joinEle.contins("222222") jTextield1.setText("长连禁手!你输了 共" + count + "轮"); i (joinEle.contins("22222") jTextield1.setText("您赢啦! 共&q

33、uot; + count + "轮"); lg = true; return lg; else i (joinEle.contins("11111") jTextield1.setText("您输啦! 共" + count + "轮"); lg = true; return lg; /进行左斜行扫描 joinEle = "" i (x + y) <= 14) int j = x + y; or (int i = 0; j >= 0 && i < BORD_SIZ

34、E; i+, j-) joinEle += bordij; else int i = x + y - 14; or (int j = 14; j >= 0 && i < BORD_SIZE; i+, j-) joinEle += bordij; i (joinEle.contins("222222") jTextield1.setText("长连禁手!你输了 共" + count + "轮"); i (joinEle.contins("22222") jTextield1.setText

35、("您赢啦! 共" + count + "轮"); lg = true; return lg; else i (joinEle.contins("11111") jTextield1.setText("您输啦! 共" + count + "轮"); lg = true; return lg; /进行右斜行扫描 joinEle = "" i (y >= x) int j = y - x; or (int i = 0; j < BORD_SIZE &&

36、 i < BORD_SIZE; i+, j+) joinEle += bordij; else int i = x - y; or (int j = 0; i < BORD_SIZE && j < BORD_SIZE; i+, j+) joinEle += bordij; i (joinEle.contins("222222") jTextield1.setText("长连禁手!你输了 共" + count + "轮"); i (joinEle.contins("22222") j

37、Textield1.setText("您赢啦! 共" + count + "轮"); lg = true; return lg; else i (joinEle.contins("11111") jTextield1.setText("您输啦! 共" + count + "轮"); lg = true; /最后这个return可省略 /确保该方法有返回值如果上面条件都不满足时 return lg; 二import jv.wt.Point;import jv.util.Enumertion;imp

38、ort jv.util.Hshtble;import jv.util.Stck;/* * To chnge this templte, choose Tools | Templtes * nd open the templte in the editor. */* * * uthor dministrtor */public clss intelligence intelligence() setMyTypeTble(); setEnemyTypeTble(); void initTble() or (int r = 0; r < 15; r+) or (int c = 0; c <

39、; 15; c+) computerrc = 0; plyerrc = 0; /搜索算法 /构造棋型表,每种棋型对应的分数 /int左边空白格左边己方子数右边己方子数右边空白格 MyTble int MyTble = new int2552;/己方棋型表 int EnemyTble = new int2552;/己方棋型表/先手,后手L,冲C,活H,死S/S1=S2=S3=S4=4/C1=LC1<H1=LH1<C2=H2<C2<H2<H2<C3<C4<H3<H4 /己方放子后,即后手 void setMyTypeTble() or (int m = 0; m < 2; m+) or (int i = 0; i < 5; i+) or (int j = 0; j < 5; j+) or (int n = 0; n < 2; n+) /死子,两边都无空格且无己方子 i (m + n = 0 && i + j = 0) MyTblemij


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