1、国际工程项目施工分包合同(中英文)CONTRACT OF SUBPROJECT EXECUTION本合同系中译英翻译:云军Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune.签署日期:Date ofSignature :总包商: General Contractor分包商: Subcontractor电气机械承包公司(以下简称总包商),和工程施工公司(以下简称分包 商),于订立本分包合同。鉴于总包商已同利比亚国大型电气项目管理局(以下简称业主),就电气机械承包工程项目的设计,运输和施工签订了合同;鉴于分包商愿按该合同实施土建和安装工
2、程而报了价;鉴于总包商已接受分包商的报价,并依据分包商所附的报价表,现双方达 成协议如下:This con tract is made and en tered into on , between Electrical Mach ine Con tract ing Compa ny (here in after referred to as gen eral con tractor) and Engin eeri ng Compa ny (here in after referred to as subco ntractor).WHEREAge neral con tractor has co
3、n cluded con tract, with Libya n Nati onal Authority of Large Electrical Project (here in after referred to as employer ), of the design, transportationand execution of the contractedproject of electrical machine installation;WHEREAS subc on tractor is willi ng to execute the project of civil engin
4、eeri ng and in stallati on and made quotati on there on;WHEREAS gen eral con tractor has accepted subc on tractor' s quotati on;NOWHEREFORiarties hereto, as per subc on tractor ' s quotati on, hereby cove nant and agree as follows:(一) 下列文件应是本分包协议的组成部分:Follow ing docume nts is the in tegral p
5、arts of this subc on tract ing con tract.1 电气、机械及技术操作的合同通用条款(1980年第一版);Gen eral Provisi ons on Electrical / Mach ine and Tech ni cal Operati on(First versio n 1980);2.合同的特殊条款;Particular Provisio ns of Con tract;3 电气机械工程项目的技术规;Tech ni cal Norms of Project of Electrical / Mach ine;4.工作围和技术要求; Contents
6、 and Tech ni cal Requireme nts for Project;5 .土建和安装工程分包合同的报价表。Quotati on for Subc on tract of Civil Engin eeri ng and In stallati on.(二)工作围 Project Contents本建设电气机械工程项目位于利比亚国境,业主的技术规定如图所示。分 包商的工作围包括如下容:The project of Electrical Machine which technical requirements as shown in drawings, is located in
7、the territory of Republic of Libya. The Working contents of subcontractor include the following:1提供所有工程的监督人员,熟练和非熟练工人,提供运输、测绘工具 及设备,挖掘及钻孔机械,吊车,以承担塔架安装和导线挂垂和拉直等工作。Dispatching the personnel, for all projects, of supervision, skilled and unskilled workers, providing transportation, mapping tools / equi
8、pment, machines of digging & drilling and crane, which for the purpose of the executions of tower i nstallation, electrical line's hanging /straightening, and so on.2 .提供混凝土材料、水泥、砂、石子、灰浆材料、钢筋,并运送到工地Provision of and transportation of concrete materials, cement, sand, gravel, mortar materials
9、and steel bar.3 .为所有工人及管理人员提供住宿、膳食、供水、卫生设备、交通费用 和社会保险。Provision of, for all workers and administrators, accommodation, meals, water, sanitation, transport costs and social insurance.4.运送由总包商提供的库房中的塔架、导线、绝缘材料、五金构件、接 地材料,包括从总包商库房到施工现场的运输,并负责卸车和保管。Transportation, from warehouse, provided by general con
10、tractor, of tower, electrical line, hardware components, grounding materials, which including the responsibilities of transportation from general contractor 's warehouse to Work site in addition to unloading and storage thereof.5 .分包商应按总包商提供的纵断面图和测绘图确定塔架的位置。凡是已 由总包商定出的塔架位置,分包商应测量检验,以保证塔架的位置和线位方向
11、 符合合同技术规的要求,并在取得总包商批准后,应对测绘图作相应的更改或 修正。Subcontractor should, as per the profile view and mapping diagram, provided by general contractor, determine the location of tower on which, general contractor has terminated, subcontractor should makemeasure and inspection so as to ensure tower ' s locatio
12、n and orientation conform the technical requirements hereof, and should, be subject to approval of general contractor, process corresponding alteration or amendment thereof.(三)符合技术规要求 Conformity With Requirements of Technical Norms分包商应熟悉技术规,应按照业主的要求和合同规定,承担属于分包工程 围的与分包商有关的全部责任。Subcontractor should,
13、be familiar with the technical norms and as per employer 's requirements and contract 's stipulation, assume all responsibilities which within subcontract 's works and relevant tosubcontractor.(四)劳工 Labor分包商应: Subcontractor should1.提供足够数量的工人,以满足总包商工程师在工程进度方面的要求。Send a sufficient of numbe
14、r of workers to meet the necessity of project progress schedule by engineer of general contractor.2 .支付雇员工资并自费为其雇员提供保险,为其雇员提供住宿及膳食。Make payment, at its own expenses, of wages / salary and insurance for its employers, and provide employers with accommodation and meals.五) 遵守法律 Comply with Laws分包商应对下列事
15、项承担法律责任:Subcontractor should assume legal liability for following items1遵守利比亚国关于所得税的规定。如果其雇员中有人对雇主给他们的 报酬不付个人所得税,分包商也应对此负责。Comply with the provisions of income tax in Libya laws, if any employer fail to pay such tax against the payment of remuneration which paid by employer, subcontractor shall bear
16、 responsibility therewith.2 分包商应服从所有适用于本分包工程围的利比亚国的法律、地方法及 规定。Subcontractor should obey all laws, local regulations and rules, which apply to this sub-project, of Libya.(六)与业主的关系 Relationship with Employer除总包商的工程师授权外,分包商任何时候均不能与业主接触或谈判。Subcontractor should not, at any time, take contact to and negot
17、iation with employer except with the authorization of general contractor' sengineer.(七)维修保证期 Warranty Period 分包商将从颁发验收证书之日起12个月所分包施工的工程的质量保修责任。Subcontractor shall, within 12 months on and from the date of Acceptance certificate issued, take the liability of quality warranty for its subcontractin
18、g project.八)保险 Insurance1.工程保险:总包商应按合同一般条款的规定,自费对永久和临时性工 程、施工机械及设备进行保险,这应包括分包工程在。Project Insurance: General contractor should, as per the stipulations of general provisions hereof, at its own expense, effect the insurance, which include sub-contract, covering the permanent and temporary works, const
19、ruction machinery / equipment.2 .第三方保险:包括分包商在的第三方保险,将由总包商承担,而分包 商不付任何费用。分包商应自费负责其工人的保险,包括与分包工程有关的各 种性质的索赔。Insurance for the third party: The third party insurance which include subcontractor shall be effected by general contractor, for which no expense on subcontractor. Provided that subcontractor s
20、hould at its own expense effect the insurance for its workers, include the claims of various kinds which relevant to subcontracted project.(九)工具及设备 Tool and Equipment该分包工程施工和维修所需的全部工具,包括拉力设备、拨具、紧装置、 操作线、传动滑车等、分包商应自费提供。分包商应遵守利比亚国有关各种工具、设备、机械及运输工具方面的所有 法律和海关规定,并支付由此产生的全部费用。一俟该分包工程竣工,分包商 就应负责把上述全部设备和工具
21、撤出利比亚国。Subcontractor should, at its ownexpense, provide any and all tools which necessary for execution and maintenance of project including pulling device, dial tool, tensioning device, operating line, driving pulley, and other tools.Subcontractor should comply with all laws and customs regulations
22、 inLibya on a variety of tools, equipments, machinery and transport vehicle and pay all expense which arising thererom. Subcontractor should, upon the completion of subcontracted works, withdraw all equipments and tools referred above out of Libyan country.(十)总包商材料的交付 Delivery of Ge neral Con tracto
23、r ' s Materials总包商应负责交付工程施工所需材料,包括塔架、塔架附件、导线、绝缘 装置、绝缘体及导线配件、接地棒及接地线等。分包商应在总包商的仓库提取 材料,将材料 装车,运送到施工现场并卸车,费用自行承担。按工程进度计划, 对分包商各项工作所需要的材料,总包商至少要在该项工作开始前一周为分包 商备妥。如果总包商 未能按上述要求把材料交付给分包商,总包商应准许分包商相应的延长期。Gen eral con tractor should be resp on sible for the delivery of con struct ion materials n eeded
24、for executi on, which in clude tower a nd its accessories, electrical li ne, in sulat ing device, in sulators, wire accessories, grounding rods and grounding lin es, and so on.Subc on tractor should on its own expe nse, obta in from gen eral con tractor ' s warehouse, and load and tran sport the
25、 materials to work site and unioading. With respect to the materials which necessary to the various works of subc on tractor, gen eral con tractor should, as per project schedule, complete material preparati on for subc on tractor within one week prior to the comme nceme nt of work, provided that if
26、 gen eral con tractor fail to do so, corresp onding exte nsion of work period shall be allowed to subc on tractor.(一)分包工程量与分包总价Subcontracted Quantity and Total Cost在该分包工程价格表中所列的工程量仅是估算数量,如果增减围在土_% 之,则单价不作任何变化。如果增减围超过土_%,应按总包合同一般条款中第条规定办理。The qua ntity specified in Subproject Price List is only estim
27、ate, if,in crease or decrease range with in± _%, no adjustme nt shall be ma deto unit price.Provide that if in crease or decrease range bey ond ± _%, shall process as per Article in commercial con diti on of Gen eral Con tract.本工程项目的分包总价是在分包商给总包商的报价中予以确定的,而分包商的 报价及报价条件已被总包商接受,且是本分包合同的组成部分。
28、Subject total cost has been affirmedin subcontractor ' s quotation togeneral contractor, and the quotation and conditions thereof have been accepted by general contractor and constitute the part hereof.(十二)总包商的监督 Supervision of General Contractor.总包商将指定一位或几位工程师监督该项分包工程的施工,分包商的人员 应对现场监督承担协助义务。One
29、or more than one engineers whoare appointed by general contractor shall makesupervision and inspection on the execution of subproject and the staff of subproject should assumethe assistance liability for site supervision.(十三)许可证和执照 Permission and License总包商应帮助分包商获得分包商雇员所需的入境签证、居住证和劳动证、 该分包工程所需的施工材料和
30、设备进口许可证,以及生活用房。办理这些函件 所花的费用以及由此产生的一切开支均应由分包商承担。General contractor should assist subcontractor available for entry visas, Permissions of residence and work, which are necessary for subcontractor 's employees, in addition to the import permission of materials / equipments needed by subject, as wel
31、l as living house. All cost and expense arising therefrom shall be for subcontractor'saccount.(十四)竣工及违约延误 Completion and Delay due to Breach根据双方同意的施工日程表,在分包商能及时得到材料的条件下,分包商 应按下列规定日期完成各分项工程的施工。(各分项工程的竣工日期略)如果由于分包商的错误或疏忽,未能按上述日期完成该分包工程,分包商 同意每延误一天,就向总包商支付拖延分项工程的分包合同价的,作为罚 金或违约罚款金,罚金或违约罚款金最高限额不得超过分
32、包合同总价的。Subcontractor should, subject to Execution Schedule which agreed by parties hereto, at the circumstances under which subcontractor isavailable to theprovision of materials in time, make completion of theexecuti ons of each sub-project as the follow ing stipulated date.(十五)进度报告 Progress Report
33、分包商应按总包商同意的格式,呈送每周和每月的进度报表Subc on tractor should, as per the format which agreed by general con tractor prese nt weekly and mon thly progress report.(十六)厂商证明书和试验报告Manufacturer ' s Certificate and TestReport分包商应呈送用于该分包工程的水泥、钢筋、砂、砾石以及任何其他材料 的厂商证明及试验报告,并取得总包商对此批准。混凝土试块的报告单应同地 基工程付款申请单一起呈送。所有试验及试验报告
34、书应符合有关标准规的要求。Subc on tractor should provide gen eral con tractor with manu facturer' scertificate and test report of ceme nt, re inforcing steel bar, sand,gravel and any other materials which shall be used in subproject and with the permissi on of gen eral con tractor. Report of con crete block
35、should be sent together with Application of payment for foundation project. All test and report thereof should conform to the requireme nt of releva nt sta ndard or norm.(十七)支付条款 Payme nt总包商应按如下规定向分包商付款:Gen eral con tractor should as per followi ng provisi on make payme nt to subc on tractor:1 预付款,其
36、金额为分包合同价总额的_%,自分包商提交由银行开具 的等值银行预付款保函之日起15天,付给分包商;保函有效期为个月。Adva nee payme nt, which equal to % of subc on tract ' s total value shall be paid to subc on tractor withi n 15 days on and from issue of BankGuara ntee, by subc on tractor, for Adva nee Payme nt which has equal valve with the samevalue
37、of advanee payment. The validity period of Guarantee shall be months.2 每月完成的并经业主验收的工程的占分包合同价的In accordance with monthly completion which have been accepted by employer, the payment shall be of subcontract total cost.3 分段工程占分包合同价的_%;凭暂时验收证书。Payment of subsection shall account of subcontract cost agai
38、nsttemporary acceptance certificate.4分包价的_%;凭最终验收证书支付。按总包合同规定,只有工程经 业主在四周验收后,自收到分包商发票之日起五周,才能付给分包商。% of total subcontract cost shall, against Certificate of FinalAcceptance , be made payment. In accordance with the provisions of general contract the payment can not be madeunless and until within fiv
39、e weeks in which employer make acceptance and within four weeks in which receipt of subcontractor' s invoices.(十八)验收工程 Acceptance工程竣工后,分包商应通知总包商验收,总包商自接到验收通知3 个工作日组织验收,并办理验收、移交手续。如总包商在规定时间未能组织验收,需 及时通知分包商,另行确定验收日期。Upon completion of project, Subcontractor should inform General contractor to proc
40、ess completion acceptance; General contractor shall arrange inspection and acceptance within 3 working days after receiving the notification, and shall handle the inspection and hand-over processes. In the event of General contractor could NOT arrange the inspection and acceptance within the require
41、d period, General contractor should inform Subcontractor and reschedule the date for acceptance on a timely manner.分包商在向总包商提交竣工验收申请的同时,应提交相关的竣工资料和竣 工图。Subc on tractor shall submit releva nt as-built submittals and as-built drawing whensubmitting the request for completion acceptanee to General con t
42、ractor.竣工验收后,分包商必须在7天,完成场地清退工作,并向总包商做好各 项交接工作包括文件、设备和工具等。After the completi on accepta nee, Subc on tractor must fin ish the vacation of the project site within 7 days and complete all hand-over processes in clud ing docume nts, equipme nt, and ute nsils(十九)履约保函 Guara ntee for Performa nee在分包合同签订后15
43、天,分包商应根据所附的保函格式,提交一份银行 开具的无条件履约保函,额度相当于分包合同价的,有效期为个月,自 本分包合同签订之日起。Subc on tractor should, with in 15 days on and after sig nature of subproject as per the guara ntee format, submit an Uncon diti onal Perform Guara ntee by a bank, of which the amount shall be equal to % of subject con tract total cos
44、t and validity is mon ths on and after the date of sig nature of this con tract.(二十)文件和图纸 Docume nts and Draw ings在收到最终付款之时,分包商应向总包商退还所有总包商向其提供的文件、 图纸和技术规。由总包商提供的任何文件分包商都不能用于除本协议目的以外 的其他任何目的;同时分包商亦不能泄露由总包商或业主所提供的文件中的任 何资料。但是涉及本协议目的的除外。Subc on tractor should, upon receipt of final payme nt, retur n a
45、ll docume nts, draw ings and tech ni cal no rms, which provided by gen eral con tractor. Any docume nt from gen eral con tractor can not be used by subc on tractor to any other purpose bey ond the executi on hereof, and subc on tractor shall in no case disclose any in formati on in the docume nts provided by gen eral con tractor or employer, except for the purpose hereof.(二十一)总包商
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