



1、二级 计 算机 VB 考试代码第一 套1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim sum As Longn = Val(Text1.Text)sum = 0If n Mod 2 = 0 Then'm = ?Else 'm = ?End If'For i = 1 To m Step ?End Sub'sum = sum + ?NextLabel2.Caption = sumPrivate Function f(ByVal x As Integer) As Longy = 1'For i = 1 To ?y = y * iNext f

2、= y End Function2Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim days%, month%, year%, day1_1%, n%Static month_days As Variant month_days = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) For k = 0 To 6If Option1(k).Value = True Then day1_1 = kEnd IfNext kdays = 0month = Text2 year = Text1month_d

3、ays(2) = IIf(leap_year(year), 29, ? )'= 计算到要显示月历的月份之前共有多少天 = For k = ? To month - 1days = days + month_days(k) '= 计算要显示月历的月份的第 n = (days Mod 7 + day1_1) Mod 7 '= 输出月 历 Picture1.Cls Picture1.Print " SUNMON TUENext k1 天是星期几WED THU FRISAT"For k = 1 To month_days(month)Picture1.Pri

4、nt Tab(5 * n + 1); k;n = n + 1If n = 7 Then Picture1.Print n = ?End If Next kEnd Sub0)'= 判断闰 年 = 'Private Function leap_year( ? As Integer) As Boolean leap_year = (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0 Or year Mod 400 =End FunctionPrivate Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer)End Sub3Priva

5、te Type recname As String * 3Math As IntegerChinese As Integer English As Integer End Type Dim a(20) As rec, num As Integer, n As IntegerPrivate Sub readdata()Open App.Path & "in5.txt" For Input As #1k = 1Do While Not EOF(1)Input #1, a(k).name, a(k).Math, a(k).Chinese, a(k).Englishk =

6、k + 1 LoopClose #1'num = ?End SubEnd Subn = n + 1End SubEnd Subputdata nEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() n = 1 putdata nPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Private Sub Command3_Click() ' n = ? putdata nPrivate Sub Command4_Click() n = numputdata nPrivate Sub Form_Load()Readdata Command1_Click End

7、 Sub 'Private Sub putdata( ? As Integer)Label1.Caption = " 第" & k & " 条记录"Text3 = a(k).ChineseText1 = a(k).name Text2 = a(k).MathText4 = a(k).EnglishText5 = a(k).Math + a(k).Chinese + a(k).English ' SetEnabled ?End SubPrivate Sub SetEnabled(m As Integer) Command1.

8、Enabled = IIf(m = 1, False, True) Command2.Enabled = IIf(m = num, False, True) Command3.Enabled = IIf(m = 1, False, True)' Command4.Enabled = IIf( ? ) End Sub 第二 套Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Caption = " 开始 " Timer1.Interval = 100End SubCommand2.Caption = " 停止 "Timer1.Ena

9、bled = FalsePrivate Sub Command1_Click() 'Command1.Caption = ? 'Command1.Enabled = ?End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Timer1.Enabled = False 'Command1.Enabled = ?End SubTimer1.Enabled = TrueCommand2.Enabled = TrueCommand2.Enabled = FalsePrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()If HScroll1.Value <

10、HScroll1.Max Then 'HScroll1.Value = ?Else 'HScroll1.Value = ?End IfEnd Sub2Private Sub Command1_Click()'st1 = Trim( ? )n = 1st2 = UCase(Left(st1, 1)Do While n <= Len(st1)If Mid(st1, n, 1) <> " " Then'st2 = ? & Mid(st1, n + 1, 1)n = n + 1End IfIf Mid(st1, n, 1)

11、= " " Thenst2 = st2 & UCase(Mid(st1, n + 1, 1) n = n + 1End IfLoop'Text2.Text = ? End SubFunction prime(ByVal n As Integer) As Boolean> *考生编写 *> *End FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Click()> *考生编写 *> *Open App.Path & "out5.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, Text1.Tex

12、tClose 1End Sub 第三 套 1 Private Sub Dir1_Change() ' = ?End SubPrivate Sub Drive1_Change() ' Dir1.Path = ?End SubPrivate Sub () Label2.Caption =End SubPrivate Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer) ' If ? = 0 ThenDrive1.Drive = "c:"一叶*nElse' = ?End IfEnd Sub2Dim a(5, 5) As Strin

13、gPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim s As StringRandomizeFor i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5a(i, j) = Chr(Rnd * (90 - 65) + 65)iiNext s = s & Chr(13) & Chr(10)Next' Text1 = ?End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()MaxI = 1MaxJ = 1Max = Asc(a(1, 1)For i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5' If ? > Max ThenMax =

14、 Asc(a(i, j)MaxI = iMaxJ = jEnd IfNextNext' Text2 = Chr( ? ) & Str(MaxI) & Str(MaxJ)End Sub3Dim a(5, 5) As LongDim b(5, 5) As LongPrivate Sub Command1_Click()'Open App.Path & "in5.txt" For? As #1For i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5'Input #1, ?s = s + Str(a(i, j)Nexts = s +

15、Chr(13) + Chr(10)NextText1 = s' ?End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'= 以下由考生编写 = '= 考生 编写程序结束 = End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()'= 以 下由 考生 编写 ='= 考 生编写程序结束 = Open App.Path & "out5.txt" For Output As #1 Print #1, Label2.CaptionClose #1End Sub 第四 套 1 Private Sub Co

16、mmand1_Click()RandomizeText2.Locked = FalseText1 = "": Text2 = "": text3 = ""For i = 1 To 20 s = Chr$(Int(Rnd * 26) + 97) 'Text1 = Text1 + ?NextEnd SubPrivate Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)Dim m As Integer, n As IntegerIf Len(Text2) = 20 Then ' Text2.Lo

17、cked = ?m = 0: n = 0 For i = 1 To 20'If Mid(Text2, i, 1) = ? Then'm = ?Else'n = ?End If Nexttext3 = m / (m + n) * 100 & "%" End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd Sub2Option Base 1Dim stu(1 To 50) As StudTypeDim n%Private Sub Cmd1_Click(Index As Integer)' Selec

18、t Case ?Case 0If n < 50 Then' n = ?人"stu(n).Num = Text1 stu(n).Name = Text2 stu(n).Total = Text3 Text1 = "": Text2 = "": Text3 = ""Label4.Caption = " 已输入 " & Space(1) & n & Space(1) & " ElseMsgBox " 输入人数已超过 50!"End If

19、Case 1'Max = ?maxi = 1For j = 2 To n' If stu(j).Total > ? ThenMax = stu(j).Total'maxi = ?End IfNextText1 = stu(maxi).NumText2 = stu(maxi).NameText3 = stu(maxi).TotalLabel4.Caption = " 位置: " & Space(2) & maxi & "/" & n Case 2EndEnd SelectEnd SubOptio

20、n Base 1Dim a(20, 6) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "in5.dat" For Input As #1 For i = 1 To 20For j = 1 To 6 Input #1, a(i, j)Text1 = Text1 + Str(a(i, j) + Space(1) Next jText1 = Text1 + Chr(13) + Chr(10)Next iClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'= 以下由考

21、生编写 = '= 考生编写程序结束 = End SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Open App.Path & "out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Text2.TextClose #1End Sub 第五 套1Private Sub Command1_Click()Randomize'For k = ? To 9'? = Int(Rnd * 90 + 10)Next kEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'

22、For k = 0 To ?temp = Label1(k).CaptionLabel1(k).Caption = Label1(9 - k).Caption'? = tempNext kEnd Sub2Dim r%, x0%, y0, aPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()r = Shape1.Width / 2' x0 = ? + ry0 = Shape1.Top + r'Image1.Left = x0 - ?Image1.Top = y0 -

23、 r - Image1.Height / 2 a = 90End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Dim x, ya = a - 3x = x0 + r * Cos(a * 3.14159 / 180)y = y0 - r * Sin(a * 3.14159 / 180)'Image1.Left = ? - Image1.Width / 2'Image1.Top = ? - Image1.Height / 2End Sub3Private Sub Command1_Click() Open "in5.dat" For Input A

24、s #1 n = LOF(1)'ch$ = Input(n, ? )Close #1Text1.Text = chEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Dim IsSpace As Boolean ch1$ = Text1.Text' n = Len( ? ) IsSpace = True For k = 1 To n'双引号中是一个空格符' c = Mid(ch1, k, ? )If c = " " Then IsSpace = TrueElseIf IsSpace Then c = UCase(c) Is

25、Space = FalseEnd IfEnd If' ch2$ = ch2$ & ?Next kText1.Text = ch2End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Open "out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Text1.TextClose #1End Sub第六 套1Private Sub Command1_Click()str1 = Text1.Textstr2 = Text2.Text'n = Len(?)'For i = 1 To Len(?)If Mid(str

26、1, i, n) = RTrim(str2) Then'MsgBox str2 & " 的起始位置是: " & ?Exit ForEnd IfNext' If i > ? Then MsgBox " 没有找到 !"End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Text1.Text = "Last week I went to the theatre. I had a good seat. The play is very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A y

27、oung man and a young woman were seating behind me. They were talking loudly."End Sub2Private Sub showPic_Click()Picture1.Visible = TrueText1.Visible = False'If ? = " 显示图片 " ThenPicture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "pic4.bmp") showPic.Caption = " 清空图片 "

28、Else'Picture1.Picture = ?showPic.Caption = " 显示图片 "End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub showText_Click()' Picture1.Visible = ?Text1.Visible = True'Open App.Path & "data4.dat" ? As #1Input #1, s ' Text1.Text = ?Close #1 End Sub 3 Private Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path &

29、amp; "data5.dat" For Input As #1Input #1, x ' Label1.Caption = ? ' Close ? End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'= 以 下考 生编 写 = '= 考 生编 写程 序结 束 =Open App.Path & "out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Label2.CaptionClose #1 End SubPrivate Function p(n As Integer) As

30、 Booleanflag = TrueFor i = 2 To Sqr(n) If n Mod i = 0 Then flag = False Exit For End IfNext i p = flag End Function 第七 套 1 Private Sub Command1_Click()For i = 0 To 6 ' k = ? 'For j = i + 1 To ?' If Val(Text1(j).Text) > ? Then k = jEnd If Next j j = Text1(i).Text Text1(i).Text = Text1(

31、k).Text'Text1(k).Text = ?Next i End Sub 2 Private Sub Command1_Click()For k = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1 'If Combo1.Text = ? ThenExit For End IfNext kIf k >= Combo1.ListCount Then ' Combo1.AddItem ?Else MsgBox (" 此项目已存在! ")End If End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If Combo1.L

32、istIndex >= 0 Then 'Combo1.RemoveItem ?End If End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click() 'Text1.Text = Text1.Text & " " & ?End SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click() '? = ""End Sub3 Option Base 1 Dim s As StringPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "in5.da

33、t" For Input As #1 s = Input(LOF(1), #1)Close #1Text1.Text = s End SubPrivate Function GetWords(s As String, words() As String) As IntegerDim m%, ch$ch = ""For k = 1 To Len(s)c = Mid(s, k, 1)If c <> " " Thench = ch + cElsem = m + 1words(m) = ch ch = ""End IfN

34、ext k'GetWords = ?End FunctionPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim ch(800) As String, n As IntegerIf Len(s) = 0 ThenMsgBox " 请先使用“读数据”功能!"Else'm = GetWords( ? , ch )' 考生编写的程序代码从这里开始' 考生编写的程序代码到这里结束End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Open App.Path & "o

35、ut5.dat" For Output As #1 Print #1, Label1.CaptionClose #1End Sub第八 套Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s As LongDim i As Integeri = 0: s = 0'While i <?' ?s = s + jc(i)WendText1.Text = sEnd SubFunction jc(n As Integer) As LongDim i As IntegerDim t As Long' ?'For i = 1 To ?t = t

36、* iNext' ?End Function2Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim arr(50) As IntegerDim i As Integer, j As IntegerDim x As Integer, max As Integer, pos As IntegerRandomizemax = 0: pos = 1i = 1Dox = Int(Rnd * 101)' ?Do While j < iIf x <> arr(j) Then'j = j + ?ElseExit DoEnd IfLo

37、opIf j = i Then'arr(j) = ?Print arr(j);i = i + 1If (i - 1) Mod 10 = 0 Then PrintIf max < x Thenmax = x ' pos = ? End IfEnd IfLoop Until i > 50Text1.Text = maxText2.Text = posEnd Sub3Dim a(100) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim k As IntegerOpen App.Path & "in5.dat"

38、 For Input As #1For k = 1 To 100Input #1, a(k)Next kClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerDim b(100) As Integerj = 0For i = 1 To 100If prime(a(i) Thenj = j + 1b(j) = a(i)End IfNextFor i = 1 To jText1 = Text1 + Str(b(i)NextEnd Sub'以 下 Function 过程用于判断某数是否为质数 Func

39、tion prime(p As Integer) As Boolean'考生编写End FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Open App.Path & "out5.dat" For Output As #1 Print #1, Text1.TextClose #1End Sub 第九 套Dim n As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Click() ' Timer1.Enabled = ? End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()' Ti

40、mer1.Interval = ?Timer1.Enabled = FalseText1.ForeColor = 0n = 0End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()'n = ?If n Mod 5 = 0 Then Text1.Text = Time()End IfIf n Mod 8 = 0 Then'If Text1.ForeColor = ? ThenText1.ForeColor = &HFFElseText1.ForeColor = 0End IfEnd IfEnd Sub2Dim a%(1 To 10)Private Sub Co

41、mmand1_Click()RandomizeFor k = 1 To 10 a(k) = Int(Rnd * 90 + 10) Picture1.Print a(k);Next kPicture1.PrintPicture1.Print "End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() m% = Val(Text1)' MoveArray a(), ?For k = 1 To 10Picture1.Print a(k);Next kPicture1.PrintEnd SubSub MoveArray(a() As Integer, m As Inte

42、ger) n% = UBound(a)' For k = 1 To ?x = a(1) For j = 1 To n - 1'a(j) = a( ? )Next j'a(n) = ?Next kEnd Sub3Private Type rec name As String * 3 Math As Integer Chinese As Integer English As IntegerEnd TypeDim a(30) As rec, num As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "

43、in5.txt" For Input As #1 k = 1'Do While Not EOF( ? )Input #1, a(k).name, a(k).Math, a(k).Chinese, a(k).English k = k + 1Loop Close #1 ' num = ? End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'=考 生编写 =End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Open App.Path & "out5.dat" For Output As #1For

44、 k = 1 To numPrint #1, a(k).nameNext kClose #1End SubPrivate Function sum(k As Integer) As Integer sum = a(k).Math + a(k).Chinese + a(k).EnglishEnd Function第十 套Private Sub Command1_Click()' If ? Or = - 1 Then= 0ElseIf >= 0 Then' = ?End IfEnd IfShowInforEnd SubPrivate Sub ()Call ShowInforE

45、nd SubPrivate Sub ShowInfor()' Label1.Caption = App.Path + "" + ?Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Label1.Caption)End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()= App.Path' File1. ?End Sub2Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim fstr As String, ostr As StringDim times As Integer, pos As IntegerDim ans As Intege

46、rfstr = InputBox(" 输入待查内容 ", " 查找 ") If fstr = "" ThenExit SubEnd Iftimes = 0ostr = Text1.Textpos = InStr(1, ostr, fstr)Do While pos <> 0' Text1.SelStart = ?' Text1.SelLength = ?' times = ? Text2.Text = timesans = MsgBox(" 找到了,是否继续查找?", vbYes

47、No)If ans = vbYes Thenpos = pos + Len(fstr) ' pos = ? ElseExit DoEnd IfLoopEnd Sub3Option ExplicitOption Base 1Dim a(10) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerList1.ClearOpen App.Path & "in5.dat" For Input As #1For i = 1 To 10Input #1, a(i)List1.AddItem (a(i)Next iC

48、lose #1End Sub强化 31Private Sub Command2_Click()'= 考生编写的程序 =IEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Dim i As IntegerOpen App.Path & "out5.dat" For Output As #1For i = 0 To 9Print #1, List2.List(i)Next iClose #1 End Sub Private Sub C1_Click()Dim k As Integer 'Form2. ?Form2.Print Form

49、1.L1.Caption; Form1.Text1Form2.Print Form1.L2.Caption; Form1.Text2Form2.Print Form1.L3.Caption; Form1.Text3 'Form2.Print Form1.Frame1. ? ; " : "For k = 0 To 1' If Form1.Op1( ? ).Value Then Form2.Print Form1.Op1(k).CaptionEnd IfNext k End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() ' Text2. ? =

50、"*" End Sub 2Private Sub C1_Click() ' If ? = "123456" ThenText1.Text = " 口令 正 确 "' Text1.? = ""ElseText2.Text = Text2.Text - 1 ' If Text2.Text > ? Then输入MsgBox " 第 " & (3 - Text2.Text) & " 次口令错误,请重新IIElseMsgBox "3 次输入

51、错误,请退出 "' Text1.Enabled = ?End IfEnd IfEnd Sub 强化 32 Private Sub Form_load()HScroll1.Min = Shape2.Left ' HScroll1.Max = Shape2.Width + Shape2.Left - Shape1. ?VScroll1.Min = Shape2.Top' VScroll1.Max = Shape2.Height + ? - Shape1.HeightHScroll1.Value = 1000VScroll1.Value = 1000 End Sub

52、Private Sub HScroll1_Change()' ? = HScroll1.Value End SubPrivate Sub VScroll1_Change()'Shape1.Top = ?End Sub2Dim a, t, dPrivate Sub Command1_Click()' Timer1.? = Trued = Image1.Top End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Open App.Path & "out4.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, Label1

53、, Label2Close #1 End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()a = 1t = 0 End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Image1.Top = Image1.Top - a * 50If Image1.Top + Image1.Height <= Image2.Top + Image2.Height - 200 Then'? = False'd = ? - Image1.TopLabel1 = d Label2 = t * Timer1.Interval / 1000End Ifa = a + 0.1 

54、9;t = ?End Sub3Dim a(30) As Integer, b(30) As Integer, c(60) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim k As IntegerOpen App.Path & "in5.dat" For Input As #1For k = 1 To 30Input #1, a(k)Text1 = Text1 + Str(a(k) + Space(2)Next kFor k = 1 To 30Input #1, b(k)Text2 = Text2 + Str(b(k) + Spac

55、e(2)Next kClose #1End Sub'考 生编写程 序Private Sub Command2_Click()For k = 1 To 60 Text3 = Text3 + Str(c(k) + Space(2)Next kEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Open App.Path & "out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Text3.TextClose #1End Sub 强化 33Private Sub Command1_Click()Di

56、m n As IntegerCls' ? = InputBox(" 请输入一个整数 ")Print " 因子数 =" fun(n)End SubFunction fun(m As Integer)Dim s As Integers = 0For k = 1 To Abs(m) / 2 'If m Mod k = ? Thens = s + 1 Print kEnd IfNext k' ?End Function2Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim k%'For k = List1.ListCou

57、nt - 1 To 0 ?If List1.Selected(k) = True Then 'List2.AddItem ?'List1.RemoveItem ?End IfNext kEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim k%Text1 = " 已经选中的城市有: "For k = 0 To List2.ListCount - 1 Step 1 'Text1 = ? & " " & List2.List(k)Next kEnd Sub3Dim stepy As Intege

58、r' 纵向移动增量Dim stepx As Integer' 横向移动增量Const LEFT_BUTTON = 1Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x AsSingle, y As Single)'圆的半径'圆 心的 x 坐标' 圆心的 y 坐 标Dim x0 As Integer, y0 As Integer, a As Single, radius As Integerradius = Shape1.Width / 2If Button = LEFT_BUTTON Then x0 = Shape1.Left + radius y0 = Shape1.Top + radius If x = x0 Thenstepy = Sgn(y - y0) * 50 stepx = ?Elsea = (


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