1、不可忽略的数词全接触英语中的数词包括基数词和序数词两大类,它们的用法非常复杂,为了便于同学们系统地复习数词,现就初中阶段数词的主要内容作以下归纳。 一、基本构成(一)基数词从1数到n 1.112的基数词是独立的单词,即: one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight, nine,ten,eleven,twelve。 2.1319的基数词以-teen结尾。如: fourteen,seventeen等,但13,15,18较特殊, 13thirteen 15fifteen 18eighteen。 3.2090的整十位均以-ty结尾。如: sixty,ninety,但
2、20,30,40,50,80较特殊, 20twenty, 30thirty, 40forty ,50fifty ,80eighty。 4.十位数与个位数之间要加连字符号“-”,如:28twenty-eight,96ninety-six。 5.百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间加and,如:148one hundred and forty-eight ,406four hundred and six。 6.hundred(百),thousand(千),million(百万),billion(十亿)等前面即使有具体的数词,也不能在它们的后面加s。如:600six hundred,8百万eight
3、million。 7.1000以上的数字,从后往前数每三位加一个逗号“,”第一个逗号前为千(thousand),第二个逗号前为百万(million),第三个逗号前为billion(十亿)。英语中无“万”这个词,我们可以用“几十个千(thousand)”表示几万,“几百个千(thousand)”表示“几十万”。如:2,510two thousand five hundred and ten;84,296eighty-four thousand two hundred and ninety-six;274,350two hundred and seventy-four thousand three
4、 hundred and fifty。 8.hundred,thousand,million用复数形式修饰名词时要用“of复数名词”,如:数以百计的年轻人hundreds of young people;数以千计的书thousands of books。注意:hundreds of thousands ofmillions of 复数名词,其前面不能加具体的数词,但可加several或 many。hundreds of new buildings have sprung up here this year.thousands upon thousands of people in south
5、africa are rising against their oppressors.thousands and thousands of people come to visit the city every lions of dollars have gone into the building of this factory. (二)序数词由基数词转变而来,表示“这是第n个”1.口诀巧记基数词变序数词:“一、二、三,特殊记,八去“t”,九去“e”,“ve”要用“f”替,见“y”变成“i”和“e”,词尾加上“th”,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。”第一、第二、第三分别:fi
6、rst,second,third,eighteighth nineninth,fivefifth,twelvetwelfth,twentytwentieth,fortyfortieth,twenty-fivetwenty-fifth。 2其余情况均在基数词后加th。如: sixsixth, nineteennineteenth , hundred hundredth, thousandthousandth等。 3.序数词有时用缩写形式:first-1st, twentysecond-22th.二、基本用法(一)基数词的基本用法1.定语fifty thousand london dockers
7、are out on strike.2.主语数词作主语,谓语动词用单数。如: two months is quite a long time. five is an odd number.3.宾语或介词宾语how many do you want? -eight, please.the city has a population of four million.4.表语we are altogether fourteen.five plus seven is twelve.5.同位语what work are you to assign us three?is there room for u
8、s two?6.基数词单数名词形容词构成合成形容词。如:一个五岁的男孩a five-year-old boy;一座800米长的桥an 800-metre-long bridge;女子400米接力girls'400-metre relay race。 7.句型:主语is about(大约) over more than(超过)nearly(接近)具体数词metre(s)kilometre(s)kilo(s)long high tall deep away等。如:长江长6300公里。 the changjiang river is 6,300 kilometres long. 8.表示“。
9、十”的数词的复数形式可以用来表示人的岁数或年代:he is in his early thirties.he died still in his forties.this took place in the 1930s.(二)序数词的基本用法1.序数词主要用作定语,前面一般要加定冠词(或物主代词):tom is their second son.they celebrated the 10th anniversary of the founding of the republic.i will never give up, not even on the 1,000th or 10,000th
10、 try.2.有时前面可以加一个不定冠词来表示“再一”, “又一”这样的意思:well have to do it a second time.shall i ask him a third time?when i sat down, a fourth man rose to speak.3.first,second 等有时可用来表示“第一个人(批)”“第二个人”等:she was among the first to come and settle in dujiashan.you will be the second to speak.4.如果数字较长,序数词总避免使用,而且读的方法也常常
11、简化:第201房间:room 201第319面:page 319第一拖拉机厂:the number i tractor works第六号车厢:carriage no.6南京路1490号:1490 nanjing road电话号码552347:telephone number : 5523475. 在谈编了号的东西时,我们可以用基数词表示顺序:the first part-part onethe third squad-squad threethe twenty-third section-section twenty-three三、特殊数字的表示法(一)年 月 日表示法1. 年代 年代前用 i
12、n.( in ) 897 读作 ( in ) eight hundred and ninety-seven( in ) 1961 读作 ( in ) nineteen sixty-one (或 in nineteen hundred and sixty-one)( in ) 1905 读作(in ) nineteen and five ( in ) 1800 读作( in ) eighteen hundred2. 月份 月份开头第一个字母须大写,表示“在某月”时, 月份前面用 in。下面月份后附有缩写式。( in ) january jan. ( in ) march mar. ( in )
13、december dec.3. 日期 用序数词(前需要加the)表示; “ 在某日”, 前面用介词on. ( on ) the first ( on ) the eighteenth ( on ) the thirty-second4. 某年 某月 某日in sep. 1954 on may 17, 1960 on oct. 1, 1949(读作on october the first, nineteen forty-nine)注:当年月日完全用数字表示时, 美国人把月放在日前。 8,6,79在英国表示june the eighth (79年6月8日), 但是在美国却表示august the
14、sixth (79年8月6日)。(二)时刻表示法1.英语通常用at所引导的表示时刻。如:( at ) six or six oclock( at ) eight or eight oclock2.如说几点几分,用下面的方法a)表示几点过几分,用介词, 但分数须在半小时以内包括半小时。如:eleven past sevena quarter past eighthalf past nineb)表示几点差几分,用介词to, 但分数需要在半小时以上不包括半小时。 如:two to sevena quarter to eight eighteen to nine注:上午可以用am表示,下午用pm表示,
15、例如:9.50am 11.05pm (三)分数词表示法1.分数词是以基数词和序数词合成的,基数词代表分子,序数词代表分母,除了分子是“1”的情况外,序数词都是用复数,(分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于“1”,分母则加“s”)如:1/4 one-fourth 2/3 two-thirds 7/9 seven-ninths 5/12 five-twelfths 2.另外还有下面一些表示法:1/2 (one) a half 1/4 a (one ) quarter 3/4 three-quarters(四)小数的表示法7.8 -seven point eight0.4-zero point fo
16、ur0.125- zero point one two five 603.09-six hundred and three point oh nine小数作定语时较多:its total industrial output value was up 5.6 times in these years.our grain output is now 2.4 times that of 1970.(五)百分数的表示法百分数由per cent 表示,常常和by连用,作状语也可单独作状语:its total output value increased by 11.5 per cent over the
17、 previous year.the output of cars in the u. s. last year was 24 per cent less than in 1973.有时用作定语 宾语等:the loss of metal has been reduced to less than 20%.the march figure for output value registered a 37% increase over february.(六)倍数的表示法:一倍用once,两倍用 twice,两倍以上用基数词times。如:5倍five times。 (七)一些数学公式的读法:3+8=11 three plus eight is eleven.9-7=2 nine minus seven is two.a>b a is more than b.a (八)约数的表示法 “多于”用more than 或overthis room can hold more than (=over) 500 people.这间屋子能容纳500多人。 “少于”用less than there are less than thirty balls in the basket.篮子里不到三十个球。 “或以上”用or morethe mus
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