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1、Improving students reading efficiency by extensive reading practice泛读训练在英语阅读教学中作用论文摘要本课题的目的是通过泛读训练培养学生形成英语阅读的良好习惯,从而有效提高英语阅读质量。本课题基于这样的假设:鼓励指导学生进行有效地泛读训练,培养学生良好阅读习惯,使阅读成为愉快体验,从而提高学生的英语阅读能力。目前,尽管许多教师明白泛读对提高学生英语阅读能力的重要作用,但如何充分利用泛读训练,却存在一些误区。第一、某些教师往往把泛读材料当作课外作业布置,课堂中只关注英语语法与单词的训练,这样给学生照成泛读材料读不读都无所谓的印象


3、过程,教师与学生在英语教学也应互换角色。二、兴趣是泛读训练成功的关键因素之一。三、泛读训练是一项以学生为中心,学生自我管理的活动。学生应积极参与到泛读训练中。四、泛读训练是一个循序渐进的过程,在训练过程中记录学生的每个阶段的情况,以便教学改进、提高。本课题所采用的研究方法是针对一组15人,平均年龄约在15岁左右,英语阅读能力中下的学生展开为期4周,分4次的泛读训练课程。每周每次课程安排一个训练主题,循序渐进,将教学法中的top-down模式和 bottom-up模式结合教学,并将阅读技巧(skimming/scanning/inferring)贯穿其中。本人通过学生在课堂上完成的练习情况,以及

4、学生日常的综合考试成绩进行课程评估。本课题针对每个学生在四周的课堂训练成绩进行对比,清晰的反映出个体情况,同时针对所有学生在四周课堂训练中的平均成绩,问卷调查进行对比,以此反映出整体的情况。根据数据分析所显示的结果,证实了本课题先前所提出的假设是正确的。本课题的意义在于充分发挥泛读训练在英语阅读教学中作用,激发学生阅读兴趣,培养学生良好阅读习惯,有效提高学生阅读能力,促进终身学习。关键词:泛读兴趣阅读习惯阅读技巧阅读能力Abstract As a middle school teacher, currently I tutor several middle school students wh

5、o have troubles in reading English. I found some problems in their English class. Firstly, their teacher felt it unnecessary so that reading was preferred for out-of-school work. Secondly, the material of extensive reading was out-of-date. Thirdly, the students seldom developed interest in what they

6、 were reading. To solve these problems, I made the project. The objective of this project is that the students should cultivate well reading habits. They should be able to use their time and energy to read efficiently with full understanding by extensive reading. It is hypothesized that if we encour

7、age students to read extensively, reading will become an enjoyable experience, and the students reading skills will be promoted efficiently.It is based on the following rationales:Reading is a communication process.Motivation is one of the key factors to the success of an extensive reading programme

8、.Extensive reading should be a student-centered and a student-managed activity.Extensive reading progress is in proper sequence.A four-week project was conducted among fifteen students who are about fifteen years old and of under moderate English level. I combine the top-down model and the bottom-up

9、 model with the project. Evaluation of classes was based on marked students exercises and interesting in extensive reading material. The results of this project fell into comparison of each students mark in each week and comparison of average student mark in the four activities. The results showed u

10、pward progress of students, individually or as a whole. The data showed that the hypothesis of the project is proved.The significance of the project is to make full use of the advantage of extensive reading in English reading teaching, motivate the students, cultivate good reading habits, and promot

11、e the reading ability.Keywords: extensive reading, motivation, reading habit, reading skill, reading abilityTable of ContentsPages1. Introduction .1.1 Project Background.1.2 Description of Project Problem1.3 Problem Analysis.2. Project Objective, Hypothesis and Rational2.1 Project Objective.2.2 Proj

12、ect Hypothesis.2.3 Project Rationale.2.3.1 Motivation is one of the key factors to the success of an extensive reading programme. .2.3.2 Extensive reading should be a student-centered and a student-managed activity. .2.3.3 Reading is a communication process. .2.3.4 Extensive reading progress is in p

13、roper sequence.3. Project Design. 3.1 Former Investigation. 3.2 Procedures and Focus of each Lesson. 3.3 Teaching Notes. 3.3.1 Teaching notes for week one, activity one3.3.2 Teaching notes for week two, activity two3.3.3 Teaching notes for week three, activity three3.3.4 Teaching notes for week four

14、, activity four3.4 Teaching Methods. 4. Results. 5. Conclusion. 5.1 Analysis of Data Obtained from Comparison of each Students Mark of Week One Through Week FourData Process Model 15.2 Analysis of Data Obtained from Comparison of Average Student Mark of Activity One Through Activity FourData Process

15、 Model 25.3 General Conclusion. Bibliography. Appendix12233344455556677889910111111121314Improving students reading efficiency by extensive reading practice1. IntroductionAs a middle school teacher, currently I tutor several middle school students who have troubles reading in English. I investigated

16、 students reading in the classroom. I found that in classroom, their teacher feels that reading is better programmed for out-of-school work, so that class time can be used for grammar exercises or vocabulary exercises. Deprived of extensive reading practice, students never feel the need to read at a

17、ll and thus never develop the habit. And students continue to find it hard to understand what they are reading, so their reading rate is not increased. They remain to read slowly. The students read very slowly, so they seldom develop much interest in what they are reading. Without enjoyment, they re

18、ad as little as possible. To solve these problems, I choose reading in English as my general problem and how to make full use of the advantages of extensive reading for the middle school students as my specific problem. The object of this project is that the students should cultivate well reading ha

19、bit. They should be able to use their time and energy to read efficiently with full understanding by extensive reading. Getting students to read extensively is the easiest and most effective way of improving their reading skills. It is much easier to teach students to read better if they are learnin

20、g in a favorable climate, where reading is valued not only as an education tool, but as a source of enjoyment.The project is hypothesized that if we encourage students to read extensively, reading will become an enjoyable experience. The students reading skills will be promoted efficiently.We learn

21、to read by reading (Frank Smiths slogan). This provides another slogan the best way to improve your knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among native speaker. The next best way is to read extensively in it (Robb and Susser 1989 report its value for improving reading skills). So the proj

22、ect is based on the following rationales:Reading is a communication process. Teachers and students should exchange roles in English teaching.Motivation is one of the key factors to the success of an extensive reading programme.Extensive reading should be a student-centered and a student-managed acti

23、vity.Extensive reading process is in proper sequence.As a tutor, I know that enjoyment is the key for students to promote the reading habit. I choose some interesting extensive reading materials (short, appealing, easy, vary, etc) to motivate the students. I organize some activities to create intere

24、st in English reading. A four-week project was conducted among fifteen students who are fifteen and with under moderated English level. Evaluation of classes was based on marked students exercises and interesting in extensive reading material. The results of this project fell into comparison of each

25、 students mark in each week and comparison of average student mark in the four activities. The results showed upward progress of students, individually or as a whole. The data showed that the hypothesis of the project is true.The significance of the project is to make full use of the advantage of ex

26、tensive reading in English reading teaching, motivate the students, cultivate well reading habit, and promote the reading ability.1.1 Project Background Currently I tutor several middle school students who have troubles reading in English. The main reason is that they are not interested in the readi

27、ng materials. So I choose reading in English as my general problem and how to make full use of the advantages of extensive reading for the middle school students as my specific problem. 1.2 Description of Project ProblemIts important for students to improve the extensive reading. There are two reaso

28、ns for this. Firstly, getting students to read extensively is the easiest and most effective way of improving their reading skills. Secondly, it is much easier to teach students to read better if they are learning in a favorable climate, where reading is valued not only as an educational tool, but a

29、s a source of enjoyment. My approach to this problem is to select effective extensive reading materials to promote students reading habit, which will make students like to read in English.1.3 Problem AnalysisExperienced teachers know that the best way to improve students knowledge of a foreign langu

30、age is to go and live among native speakers and fully immerse oneself in the language surroundings. The other way is to read extensively in it. So as a tutor, I want to promote the students reading level. After I decided to research the problem, I started to ask myself about how to improve students

31、English reading ability.Firstly, I investigated students reading in the classroom. I found that in classroom, their teacher feels that reading is better programmed for out-of-school work, so that class time can be used for grammar exercises or vocabulary exercises. Deprived of extensive reading prac

32、tice, students never feel the need to read at all and thus never develop the habit. And students continue to find it hard to understand what they are reading, so their reading rate is not increased. They remain to read slowly. Secondly, the students are short of vocabulary, and read very slowly. If

33、students read too slowly, they will easily get discouraged. They seldom develop much interest in what they are reading. Since they do not enjoy it, they read as little as possible. So one of the most common ways of increasing reading speed is to read widely and ask them to time themselves. As a tuto

34、r, I know that enjoyment is the key for students to promote the reading habit. I choose some interesting extensive reading materials (short, appealing, easy, vary, etc) to motivate the students. Thirdly, I organize some activities to create interest in English reading. I decide to read aloud to help

35、 the students to speculate about what happens next and encourage them to read on by themselves. I encourage students to make or do things arising from their reading, that they could prepare pictures for display. I promote discussion of the practical or ethical problems faced by people in the reading

36、 materials.Finally, to do these, I let students read in a favorable climate, where English reading is valued not only as an educational tool, but as s source of enjoyment for students. 2. Project Objective, Hypothesis and Rationale2.1 Project ObjectiveBy the time I have implemented my project, my st

37、udents should be able to use efficiently their time and energy to read fast with full understanding by extensive reading.2.2 Project HypothesisIt is hypothesized that if we encourage students to read extensively, reading will become an enjoyable experience, and will be done for students own sake. Th

38、e students reading skills will be promoted efficiently.2.3 Project RationaleWe learn to read by reading (Frank Smiths slogan). This provides another slogan: the best way to improve your knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among native speakers. The next best way is to read extensively

39、in it (Robb and Susser 1989 report its value for improving reading skills). So the project is based on the following rationales:2.3.1 Motivation is one of the key factors to the success of an extensive reading programme.Extensive reading motivates learners to read by self-determination. Bells accoun

40、t of work in Yemen (Bell 1998) provides some good evidence of how well-chosen books can motivate readers. Extensive reading provides learners with the opportunity of reading materials on their own, and in their own way. The readers do need to be liberated from dependence on the tutor, and reading gi

41、ves them opportunity to do so. Extensive reading can give them the confidence and competence to cope with longer materials.Motivation is one of the key factors to the success of an extensive reading programme. Capturing students interest is important. If the reading materials available are interesti

42、ng to the students, they will be far more likely to want to read the materials. It is said that these books (reading materials) should also be at a level appropriate to their reading ability. They should not be too difficult to understand for students according to their experience, so that students

43、can find they are able to read in English and that they enjoy it. This positive experience should stimulate them to read more, increase motivation, enjoy reading and desire to read.2.3.2 Extensive reading should be a student-centered and a student-managed activity.Extensive reading should be a stude

44、nt-centered and a student-managed activity. During tutoring, teachers role is director. The teacher should give occasional summaries to help students understand what their reading materials are about. The teacher also asks students about their reading experiences while the students are doing silent

45、reading. That would help students to find certain information, trace an argument, explain the evidence for the writers conclusions, and so on.2.3.3 Reading is a communication process.We first notice the reading is a communication process. In fact, reading is a complex information processing skill in

46、 which the reader interacts with text in order to create meaningful information. In trying to create meaning from the reading materials, the reader was involved in an active process, a process which Goodman (1967) thought reading was a psycholinguistic guessing game. In playing the game, the reader

47、combined information from the reading materials and knowledge he (she) brought with him (her) to reading it. From this view, reading can be seen as a kind of dialogue between the reader and the reading materials, or even between the reader and the author (Widdowson 1979a).Reading is a communication

48、process. So teachers and students should exchange roles in English teaching. While reading, if the teacher is also seen to be a reader by the students, they will be encouraged to read. The teacher can talk to students about books that she or he has been reading, and if they are knowledgeable about t

49、he books, then they can make genuine recommendations to students about what to read. The teacher can also read aloud to students. Help the students to speculate about what happens next and encourage them to read on by themselves.2.3.4 Extensive reading progress is in proper sequence.We should organi

50、ze an extensive reading programme to tutor. Extensive reading not only helps students to know the world widely, consolidate the English knowledge, but also improves students reading ability. Skimming enables students to look efficiently for something that interests them, without spending too much ti

51、me reading what is unnecessary or uninteresting. Scanning means locating specific information the students want from the materials. The students do not necessarily follow the order of information in the passage, but can go back and forth to read the part of the materials relevant to the purpose. Inf

52、erring means that making use of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements. By exercising time after time, the students reading speed may be improved.3. Project Design3.1 Former Investigation From the questionnaire about English reading, the students had some t

53、roubles in western culture background knowledge, uninterested in the reading materials, and so on.3.2 Procedures and Focus of Each LessonA four-week project was conducted among fifteen students who are fifteen and with under moderated English level. Evaluation of classes was based on marked students

54、 exercises and interesting in extensive reading material.The timetable of the project is as follows:Table 1Date (proposed)Activity Description (topic, method)Objectives (must be related to hypothesis)Materials (include classroom aids)Data Collection Methods (tables, diary entries, surveys etc.)Class

55、 Time (minutes)1. 3/22Sports, skimming, bottom-up Reading for general ideaEnglish SalonTape-recorder, teaching notes452. 3/29Foods, scanning, top-downReading for comprehensionEnglish SalonTape-recorder, teaching notes453. 4/5Travel, inferring, discuss in pairReading for specific informationEnglish S

56、alonTape-recorder, teaching notes454. 4/12Music, discuss Reading for detailed informationEnglish SalonTape-recorder, teaching notes453.3 Teaching notesIn each class, reading activity was conducted in three stages, namely pro-reading stage, while-reading stage and post-reading stage. The teaching not

57、es are as follows: Teaching notes for week one, activity oneTime: 4:30-5:15 p.m. Date: March 22, 2008Objective: Reading for general idea.Topic: Sports (English Salon)Teaching methods: “Bottom-up” approach, it builds up the meaning of a text on the basis of decoding smaller units. / Skimming.Activity: Pre-reading stage, while-reading stage, post-reading stage in Unit 3 of En


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