



1、5B Unit5&6调研卷班级姓名一、听录音,选出你听到的内容()1. A. grow()2. A. sheep()3. A. food()4. A. wash()5. A. great()1. A.Tuesday()2. A. busy()3. A. 11:45()4. A. in the bedroom()5. A. make the bed学号(听力部分30分)o (10 分)B. glowB. shipB. wouldB. watchB. gradeB. ThursdayB.happyB. 12:15B. in the bathroomB. make a cakeC. gard

2、enC. sweepC. shouldC. catchC. grapeC. FridayC. hardC. 11:15C. in the kitchenC. make a fruit salad4二、听录音,根据所听内容判断对错,用T或F表示。(5分)()1.Mike' s father is washing the car.()2.Mike' s mother is cooking breakfast.()3.Mike is reading storybooks in his bedroom.()4.The dog is playing with a ball in the

3、livingroom.()5.They re all happy today.三、听录音,选择相对应的答语。(5分)()1. A. We have two.B. Yes, we do.C. Yes, there are.()2. A. He ' s in the bedroomB. She ' s in the garden.C. No, she isn ' t.()3. A. They can swim. B. Yes, theyare.()4. A. There are some grapes.B. No, there aren()5. A. No, she isn

4、 ' t. B. Yes, she can.C. They ' re running. 'Ct.They ' re over there.C. Yes, she does.四、听录音,完成短文。(10分)It is Friday.I ammy homework inthe study. My father isa book in the living room. My is in the kitchen. She is washing the. My sister is with my aunt on the Internet.are my grandpa an

5、d grandma?in the garden. They' re withlittle dog, Ben.(笔试部分70分)一、首字母或句意完成句子。(5分)1. I like eating meat with p.2. My parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen. I m h them.3. It is Saturday a. The students are playing in the playground.4. Today is Sunday. My mother is doing some h at home.5. The so

6、up is y. I love it!二、英汉互译。(10分)1 .整理床铺 2. wash some potatoes3.扫地 4. clean the window5.在厨房里 6. go away7.我等不及了! 9.赶走三、选择填空。(10分)_8. grow grapes10. catch a ladybird,()1. do you usually get up?A. HowB. WhenC. WhereAt about six o' clock.()2. Shall we go fishing tomorrow? .A. Great!B. No, I ' m no

7、t.C. Don' t be sad.()3. Listen! The students an English song.A. singB. singingC. are singing()4. is cleaning the library? Mr Wang.A. WhoB. HowC. When()5.you often help your parents do housework? Yes, of course.A. AreB. DoC. Does()6. I come home a football match.A. atB. forC. fromC. AreC. Can'

8、;t find it.C. looking forC. Yes, he does()7.Ben and his mother cooking meatA. IsB. Do()8. -you listening to music?-No, I ' m watching TV.A. DoB. Are()9. The girl is her pen, but she canA. looking atB. looking()10. - Is Mike washing the vegetables?A. Yes, he isB. Yes, he can四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.

9、.Anna(1ike)drinking milk.2. -How does Mike(come)to schoo1?-Mike often(come) to school by taxi.3. Lily likes(sing)very much.Listen, she(sing) now.4. Look, they(sweep) the floor.5. He wants(take) the bus to the supermarket.6. The bedroom is on(one) floor.7. How many(mango) do you have?8. It' s col

10、d. You should(put) on your coat.五、按要求完成下列各句。(10分)1. Nancy is watching TV in the sitting-room.(改为一般疑问句) Nancy TV in the sitting-room?2. They are playing football at schoo改为否定句)They football in the library.3. Tom watches TV on Sundays将 on Sunday畋为 now)Tom TV now.4. There are some angry women in the ro

11、o m改为单数) There is angry in the room.5. The children are playing in the playground对画线部分提问) are the childrenin the playground?六、根据提/完成对话,并将其序号填入横线上,其中有一项为多余。(5分)1. Does she have any hobbies?2. Does she have Chinese lessons at school?3. How 01d is she?4. Who' s your e-friend?5. What subject does sh

12、e like?6. Can she speak Chinese?A: Hi, Yang Ling. Let' s go and play table tennis now.B: Sorry, I caH t. I'm chatting with my e-friend.A: .B: She s Lucy. She lives in Australia.A: .B: She; s eleven years old.A: .B: Yes, she can.A: .B: No. she studies Chinese after school.A:B: Yes. She likes

13、swimming, reading and singing. She often sends me some nice English songs and stories.A: Sounds great!七 根据中文意思翻译英文。(10分)1.别看电视了。该吃晚饭了。Don ' t TV. It' s time to have2他们在做番茄汤吗?不,他们在做土豆烧肉。they tomato soup?No, theyre cookswith3你在干什么?我在帮助妈妈 are you doing?,m mynum.4.学生们在河边野餐。他们真开心啊!they are!The st

14、udents are a picnic by the river. How八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)It' s a fine Saturday afternoon. There are many people in the park. Some children are playing happily. Two girls are playing on the swing. A boy is flying a kite near the hill. At the foot of the hill, there is a lake. Some boys are rowing

15、boats. And you can see a man walking around the lake.There is a house near the lake. Behind the house, two men are working. A woman is watering the flowers. The flowers look very nice. Some girls are taking photos near the flowers.Look at that big tree near the house. Two cats are climbing up the tr

16、ee. What do they want? Oh, there are some birds in the tree. They want to catch the birds.()1. There are people in the park.A. not manyB. someC. many()2. A man is around the lake.A. walkingB. runningC. riding()3. A boy is flying a kite.A. on the lakeB. on the hillC. near the hill()4. What' s in

17、the tree? .A. A catB. Two dogsC. Birds and cats()5. Which is not right?A People like playing in the park.B There are some flowers and trees in the park.C There is a car near the lake.Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last.

18、For example,my full name is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family name .My parents gave me both of my other names.People don ' t usetheir middle names very much. So“ John Henry Brown ” isusually called “John Brown ” .People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names. So you can say John Br

19、own, or Mr Brown; but you should never say Mr John. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name.Sometimes people ask me about my name.“ When you were born, why did yourparents call you Jim? ” they ask. " Why did they choose that name?” The athey didn ' t call Jim. They called me James. James was the namgonmyather. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. That


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