



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上大学英语I第1次作业二、主观题(共1道小题)41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Difficulties in Studying English”. You should write no less than 80 words. 参考答案: 我在学校英语语法很好,英语口语稍差,现在在工作中,学习英语很困难,总是担心发音不标准。我认为学习英语就像学习一首歌曲,掌握记词的方法,多听,多讲,多写,听英语广

2、播节目和歌曲,读英语故事和报纸、看英语电影和电视,写英语日记,等等,这种方法学习是很大的帮助对我的听力和写作,我坚持它,效果非常明显。 My English grammar is very good at school, oral English is a bit poor, , now at work, learning English is very difficult, always worry about don't have standard pronunciation I think learning English is like learning a song, mas

3、ter the methods of written word, listen more, speak more, write more, listen to English radio programs and songs, read English stories and newspapers, watch English movies and TV, write English diary, and so on, this kind of method study is of great help to my listening and writing, I insist on it,

4、the effect is very obvious.大学英语I第2次作业二、主观题(共1道小题)41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “My Hometown”. You should write no less than 80 words. 参考答案: 我的家乡座落在历史悠久、景色优美、物产丰富的陕西省宝鸡市,宝鸡是华夏始祖炎帝的故乡,周秦文化的发祥地,名胜古迹众多,素有“青铜器之乡”,“民间艺术之乡”的美称。我的

5、家乡有许多著名的旅游景点,也盛产水果,家乡的人民热情又好客。你只要到我的家乡去,好客的人们就会给你献上美味的水果,带你吃遍家乡的小吃,带你游玩所有的景点,保你来了就不想再回去了。My hometown is located in a long history, beautiful scenery, rich products of shaanxi baoji, baoji is the hometown of Chinese ancestor yan, weeks the birthplace of qin culture, numerous scenic spots and historic

6、al sites, known as the "bronze of the township", "folk art of the township" reputation.My home town there are many famous tourist attractions, and is rich in fruits, hometown people warm and hospitable.All you have to go to my hometown, hospitable people will give you offer the d

7、elicious fruit, bring you home eating snacks, take you visit all the attractions, ensure you come just don't want to go back.大学英语I第3次作业二、主观题(共1道小题)41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “My Favorite Teacher”. You should write no les

8、s than 80 words s, and base your composition on the outline given below. 1) 介绍你的一位老师;2) 喜欢这位老师的理由。参考答案:我的班主任黄老师,有多年丰富的教学经验,而且平易近人,和蔼可亲。他浓浓的眉毛下一双眼睛炯炯有神,脸上总是带着笑容,他是。黄老师不但教我们学习,而且还教我们怎样做人。记得毕业那年的班会,黄老师语重心长地对我们说:“你们遇到问题时,不是让社会适应你们,而是你们要去适应社会。”这句话深深地刻在我的心里,我想这句话将伴随我成长,对我一生都有益处。My head teacher miss huang,

9、 has many years of rich experience in teaching, and approachable and kind.His intense thick eyebrows with a pair of eyes, always with a smile on her face, he is my favorite teacher.Huang teachers not only teach us to learn, but also teach us how to be a man.Remember that year of graduation class mee

10、ting, miss huang to longly say to us: "When you encounter problems, not let society to adapt to you, but you are going to adapt to the society."This sentence is deeply engraved on my heart, I think this sentence will accompany me grow up, it is good for all my life大学英语I第4次作业二、主观题(共1道小题)41.

11、 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “My Family”. You should write no less than 80 words, and base your composition on the outline given below. 1) 介绍家庭主要成员;2) 描述令你难忘的家庭活动。参考答案:我的家庭,平平常常、普普通通,成员有:爸爸、妈妈 、我 、妹妹、弟弟。家里穷,经常看不到爸爸,他经常早出晚归为我们的生活费

12、奔波,妈妈在家操持家务,带我们三个小孩;记得小时候爸爸接了一个活可以挣100元,那就是半夜为一所学校清理厕所的粪池,妈妈心疼爸爸太累,又不放心我们在家,就带着我们一起去,妹妹和弟弟在学校操场打地铺睡觉,我在旁边看着他俩;爸爸和妈妈在这种环境下辛苦的干活,这是唯一的一次我看着爸爸和妈妈干活,印象太深刻了,永生难忘。My family, ordinary, ordinary, members are: papa, mama, I and sister and brother.Home poor, often can't see dad, he often arrive early for

13、our cost of living, her mother do the housework at home, with our three children;Remember when I was young my father answered a living can earn 100 yuan, that is in the middle of the night for a school cesspool of cleaning the toilet, mother love daddy too tired, do not be assured that we at home ag

14、ain, to go with us, my sister and brother sleeping on the floor in the schoolyard, I beside looking at them;Mom and dad in such an environment of hard work, it is the only time I looked at mom and dad work, impression is too deep, never forget. 大学英语I第5次作业二、主观题(共1道小题)41. Directions: For this par

15、t, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Physical Exercise”. You should write no less than 80 words, and base your composition on the outline given below. 1) 从事体育运动有哪些好处;2) 你常做的体育运动。参考答案:锻炼有益于健康。明,参与有规律的锻炼会使人身体棒、感觉爽,精力充沛地完成各项工作和任务。体育锻炼的最大作用在于全面增进人的健康,俗话说:“身体锻炼好,八十不算老;身体

16、锻炼差,四十长白发”。我属于偏胖型,为了改变体重与体型 ,我经常在上班的路上快步走路,早上做十分钟体操,晚上偶尔也做下减肥操,每天精神状态特别好,办事效果高,运动在于坚持,我会坚持,你呢?Exercise is good for your health.The fact that the participation in regular exercise can make people good health and feeling great, energetic to finish all the work and tasks.Exercise the biggest role is to improve people's health, as the saying goes: "good physical exercise, eighty is not old, poor physical exercise, forty long hair"I belong to full-figured model, in order to change the


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