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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上学员姓名: n加油 学科教师:年 级: n加油 辅导科n加油目:四年级授课日期时 间主 题趣味阅读拓展n加油及写作(1)学习目标1、在阅读中积累词汇短语及句型;n加油2、灵活迁移阅读相关的信息到写作中去。教学内容1、 上次课n加油后巩固作业复习2、 互动探索Task 1 n加油 让学生向全班汇报自己的采购计划. S: We want/n加油 need Its / Then加油yre .yuan Task 21. 建议老师让学生n加油先在下面练习一下,然后叫学生上台读绕口令,看谁读得又n加油快又准确,读得最好的学生老师奖励个小礼物。n加油趣味阅读此环节教案预期时间60分

2、钟教学建议:1. 先让学生把n加油新词读一下,正确读出单词的发音;2. 老师对个别单词n加油给与讲解,比如序数词的讲解和应用。3. 让学生读下面的文章,并n加油让学生先猜测谜底是什么,然后让学生做题。【主题阅读1】 riddle 谜语 letter 字母 first 第一 second 第二 third 第三 whole 整个【例题精讲n加油】New words and expressions: n加油 An加油 Riddle I am a word. I have three ln加油etters. My first is in "n加油snow" but not in

3、"ice", n加油my second is in "rosen加油" and also in "rice", my third is n加油not in "pencil" but in "papern加油", my whole is a place when加油re there is a lot of water. What am In加油?1. Read carefully an加油nd write "T" for true and "F" n加油fo

4、r false beside the statemenn加油ts.仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上(T)对或(F)不对。( ) 1n加油. The first letter of this word is "A".n加油( ) 2. The secondn加油 letter is both in "rosen加油" and in "rice".( ) 3. The thirdn加油 letter is in "pencil"n加油.( ) 4. The word means "a placen加油 with a

5、 lot of water".n加油2. Choose the best answen加油r:( ) 1. Which n加油letter is the first letter of thisn加油 word? A. It's "s". n加油 B. It's "n". n加油 C. It's "o". n加油 D. It's "w".( ) 2. Is n加油the second letter in "rn加油ose" or in "sno

6、w"? n加油 A. Yes, it is. n加油 B. No, it isnn加油't. C. It's in "rosen加油". D. It'sn加油 in "snow".( ) 3. How many lettern加油s are there in this word?n加油 A. One. n加油 B. two. Cn加油. Three. n加油 D. Four.( ) 4. What's thisn加油 word? It's "_". n加油 A. snow n加油 B.

7、 sea C. rose n加油 D. paperKeysn加油: F T T T Keys: A C C B 【主题阅读2】n加油教学建议: 1.先让学生把新词读一下,正确读出单词的n加油发音;2.老师对个别单词给与讲解,比如n加油序数词的讲解和应用。3. 让学生读下面的文章,并让学生先猜n加油测谜底是什么,然后让学生做题 【例题精讲】 1. why not为什么不? 2. because 因为 3. carry a big bag 拎着一个大盒子4. drop 落下 5. poor 可怜的 poor boy 可怜的男孩 6. be full of 满是 The basket is full

8、 of apples.篮子里装满了苹果。7. Whats wrong? 怎么了?8. drop掉落New words an加油nd expressions: Poorn加油 man Look at this man. What is n加油he doing? Hes carrying n加油a very big box. The box is full of bign加油 apples. He wants to put it on tn加油he back of his bike an加油nd take it home. Can hn加油e do that? No, I dont thin加油n

9、k so. Why not? Because n加油the box is too full and too heavy. Ln加油ook! Whats wrong? He drops the box. Pn加油oor man!1. Read carefully and writen加油 “T” for true and “F” for false ben加油side the statements.仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上(n加油T)对或(F)不对。( )1. The box is notn加油 very big.( )2. The box is fun加油ll of apples.( )3.

10、 He pn加油uts the apples in the n加油bag.( )4. He can carry the bon加油x home.2. Choose the bestn加油 answer:( )1. What n加油is the man doing? He is _n加油_ A. eatinn加油g some apples B. carrn加油ying a box C. ridinn加油g a bike D. making a box(n加油 )2. Whats in the box? n加油A. some books B. somen加油 bikes C. some apple

11、s n加油 D. some boxes( )3. Can he carry then加油 box? A. Yes, he can. n加油 B. Yes, he is. n加油C. No, he cant D. Nn加油o, he isnt( )4. In加油s the box full or empty? An加油. Yes, it is. B. Nn加油o, it isnt. C. Itsempty. n加油 D. Its full.Keys: F T F FKn加油eys: B C C D【主题写作3】教学建议:1. 让学生根据图片,口头表n加油达要点。2. 10分钟的写作时间。写在教案

12、空白处, 注意提示词的使用。3. 写后n加油让学生相互批改,找出错误表达,找出对方的亮点及不足之处;4. n加油老师点评并给每个学生打分;【例题精讲】Speaking & writing看图写n加油话.提示词:thirsty taste would like.n加油.? enoughAlice: _n加油_n加油_n加油_Mum: _n加油_n加油_Alice: _n加油_n加油_Mum:_n加油_n加油_n加油_Alice:_n加油_n加油_n加油Mum:_n加油_n加油_参考答案: Alin加油ce: Mum, I am thirstn加油y.Mum:Come here, then

13、加油 table is full of fruits and juice.n加油 What would you like to have? An加油lice:Id like to drink sn加油ome juice. Mum:Is that enough? n加油 Alice:I would also like tn加油o eat some grapes.Mum:Ok, here youn加油 are.教学建议:此环节教案预期时间20(n加油练题)+15(互动讲解)分钟。 1. anything pron. 任何事(物) 2. feel v. 感觉 3. thirsty adj. 口渴的

14、feel thirsty 感到口渴4. eat up 吃完,吃光 5. after a while 不久 6. nothing pron. 没有东西,什么也没有【巩固测试1】New n加油words and expressions: Nothing n加油on the Paper An art teacher asks hen加油r students to draw a picturen加油. They can draw anything they want. Aften加油r a while, a boy hands in his pin加油cture. The teacher looks

15、at it n加油but sees nothing on the paper. “What don加油 you draw?” the teacher asks. “A con加油w is eating grass,” the boyn加油 answers. “But where is the gran加油ss?” the teacher askn加油s again. “The cow has eaten it up,” ansn加油wers the boy. “Where is the cown加油?” “When it eats up the grass, n加油it feels thirs

16、ty and goes to drink waten加油r.”一、根据短文内容判断正(T)误(n加油F)。( ) 1. The teacher asn加油ks the students to writen加油 a composition(作文).( )n加油 2. A boy hands in his paper, butn加油 there is nothing on it.( ) 3. Tn加油he teacher is happy to see the n加油picture.二、根据短文内容回答问题。1. What does an n加油art teacher ask her studen

17、ts to dn加油o?2. What doe the boy draw?3.Is the n加油cow eating the grass now?Keys: n加油F T F Keys: 1.She asks her sn加油tudents to draw a picture. 2. Nn加油othing.3. No. 1. goat n. 山羊 2. opposite adj. 相反的 3. bridge n. 桥 4. horn n. 角 5. fought (fight过去式)战斗 fight for .为了。而战6. enough 足够的 enough money 足够的钱 larg

18、e enough 足够大7. wide enough 足够宽的 8. neither 两个都不【巩固测试2】New words n加油and expressions:Two GoatsTwo n加油goats both wanted to cross a nn加油arrow bridge. They started from n加油opposite ends of the bridge,n加油 but it was not wide enough for them n加油to cross at the same time.Meetinn加油g at the middle of tn加油he b

19、ridge, neither wouldn加油 give the way to the other. They knocken加油d horns, and fought for the wayn加油. At last, both of them fell into the n加油river below. ( ) l. What do tn加油he goats want to do? They want n加油to . A.n加油 play games B. eat grass n加油 C. go to a park D. cross an加油 bridge( ) 2. The bridge i

20、s n加油 , so the two goats cn加油an't cross at the samn加油e time. A. wide Bn加油. strong C. narrow D. bn加油ig( ) 3. They foughtn加油 with their . n加油 A. feet B. mouth n加油 C. nose D. hornsn加油Keys: DCD【巩固测试3】Speaking and WritingIVn加油. Read and write (阅读短文,写句子) Its n加油Friday afternoon. The children an加油re in

21、 the classroom. Thn加油ere is no teacher in the cln加油assroom. There are some flowers nn加油ear the window. Look, Alice andn加油 Kitty are watching flowers thern加油e. Theyre picking them. Ben is drawin加油ng on the desk. Eddie isn加油 jumping on the chair. Dn加油avid and Peter are running fast. An加油re they right?

22、 What will you san加油y to them? Please writen加油 it down._n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_Keys: They are n加油not right. I will say to Alice an加油nd Kitty that they should not pin加油ck the flowers, and I willn加油 say to Ben that he should not dran加油w things on the desk an加油nd he should take are of his deskn加油.

23、“我的总结”包含2个方面:1、老师引导学生针对达标检测错题进行反n加油思和总结;2、老师引导学生对精讲提升相关知n加油识进行总结,可采用表格、思维导图等形式呈现。n加油1. 进行错题积累以及总结2. 积累本节课趣味阅读当中出现的生词3. 用would like 表达自己的需求 教学建议:1 规定学生在30n加油分钟内完成;2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;3n加油下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;4让作对的学生给做错的学生讲题n加油,老师进行补充;5老师对错误率较高的题目n加油相关的知识点进行复习。Read and answer the n加油questions n加油 A

24、 The Johns fan加油mily is in the park today. Then加油 sun is shining and then加油 birds are singing. Its a beaun加油tiful day. Mr. John isn加油 reading the newspaper. Mrs. John is ln加油istening to the radio. Sally ann加油d Potty John are playing with then加油 dog. Its names Sam John.  Lookn加油, Sam is jumping

25、here and theren加油. It is very happy. And Tony Jon加油hn is playing the guitar beside tn加油he tree.  _n加油_.1、将短文中划线部分句子翻译成中n加油文:_n加油_n加油_2、找出文n加油中的一对反义词: _n加油_3、在文中找出表示Tony Jon加油hn动作的词_n加油_4、在文中找出和”Its a n加油fine day.”意思相近的句子_n加油_5、续写一句话,完成短文._n加油_n加油_n加油_keys:1.太阳高照,鸟儿在n加油歌唱。2. here-there3. n加油play

26、4. it's a beautifn加油ul day.5. Johns family is havin加油ng a very wonderful day. n加油 n加油BBen and Jim are twn加油in brothers. They aren加油 nine. They are pupils. They study in n加油Yuxin Primary School. They are inn加油 the same class. Everyday they gon加油 to school and come ban加油ck together. Their ten加油ach

27、er, Mrs. Green, sayn加油s to the pupils,” please write an加油 composition (作文) My Mother.” Jim n加油is a good boy. He writes the cn加油omposition at home. But Ben plays footn加油ball with his friends. Then加油 next day Mrs. Green says tn加油o the class,” I read your compositn加油ions today. But two of yours are jn加

28、油ust the same.” Ben stann加油ds up and says,” Jim and I are twins.n加油 We have the same mother.”快速判断:(正确的写n加油T,错误的写F)1.They are twins, sn加油o they have the same n加油mother.( )2.They are brothers so thn加油ey have the same parents.( )3.They an加油re twins, so they are good pupn加油ils.( )4.They have tn加油he same

29、 mother, so their compositin加油ons are the same.( )5.Ben is an加油 good student, he writes the composn加油ition.( )Keys: 1. Tn加油TFTF“教书先生”恐怕是市井百姓最为熟悉的一种称n加油呼,从最初的门馆、私塾到晚清的学堂,“教书先生n加油”那一行当怎么说也算是让国人景仰甚或敬畏n加油的一种社会职业。只是更早的“先生”概念并非源于教书,最初出现的“先n加油生”一词也并非有传授知识那般的含义。孟子中的“n加油先生何为出此言也?”;论语中的“有酒食,先生n加油馔”;国策中的“先生坐,何



32、什么”。根本原因还是无“米”下“锅”。于是便翻开作文集锦之类的书大n加油段抄起来,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不参考作文书就n加油很难写出像样的文章。所以,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病n加油。要解决这个问题,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫n加油,必须认识到“死记硬背”的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米”。Cn加油A monkey likes miming mann加油s action(动作). One day a man wantsn加油 to play a joke on the monkey. Firn加油st he gives the monkey a banan加油na. So when he peels the banana, the mon加油nkey peels, too. He eats, thn加油e monkey eats. He smiles, the monn加油key smiles. He pretends an加油ngry, the monkey shows an n加油angry face. At last, the n加油man picks up a sto


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