Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、Dragons.Riders.of.Berk.S01E16.Defiant.One.- 我们走,伙计- Lets go, bud.- 哇- Yeah.- Wow.- 真帅- Cool.- Wow.- 真不错- 他很棒- Wow, nice.- Hes pretty good.- 维京人的生活艰难,艰苦,也艰辛- The life of a viking can bedifficult, harsh, and stormy.一个人单干肯定完蛋Nobody can make it throughalone.所以,我们必须互相依靠Eventually, youre goingto have to r

2、ely on someone.不幸的是,靠谁往往由天算不由人Unfortunately, we dont alwaysget to pick that someone.- 好无聊啊,我们来这干嘛?- This is so lame.Why are we even out here?- 因为这是我们第一次- Because this isour first骑龙搜救任务Dragon searchand rescue mission.- 可我只看到了“搜”,没有“救”- I see a lot of searchingbut not much rescuing.你知道我们在哪吗?Do you eve

3、n knowwhere we are?- 我爸说最后一次看见渔船时,它在向南行进- My dad said the fishing boatwas last seen heading south.- 你完全没搞清状况- You dont knowwhat youre talking about.下面毛都没有,我建议往北行Theres nothing down there.I say we go north.- 那要是嗝嗝说往北走呢?- And if hiccup saidto go north?- 你在扰乱我思维吗?- Are you trying to messwith my mind?我脑

4、子现在一片空白Because nothing gets in here.Nothing!地图上怎么标的,小鱼脚?what does our map say, fishlegs?- 从这个角度貌似很难看到- Its kind of tough to readfrom this angle.- 听着,嗝嗝,我不要再听你的了- You know what, hiccup?Im done listening to you.我说往北,我就是要往北走I said north,and north is where Im going.嘿,你的主人是我hey, you work for me!哇Whoa!- 就

5、这么让他走了?- Are we justgoing to let him go?- 主人是我- Works for me.- 呃- Ahem.- 啊,我去,我去- Ugh.Im going, Im going.把大家带回去,会找到他的Lead the others back.Well get him.走吧,伙计Come on, bud.哇,看看这浩大的海龙卷Wow, look at the sizeof that waterspout.海龙卷太危险了That waterspoutis way too dangerous.- 所以我绕着它飞- Thats why Im flyingaround

6、it.哒啦!Duh!- 你飞得太近了!- Youre cuttingtoo close!小心- 噢,不,不,不,不!Look out!- Oh! No, no, no, no, no!救我,救我,嗝嗝!Help me!Help me, hiccup! Ah!- 我们来了- Were coming!- 无牙,把我们带出去!- Toothless, get us out of here!- 天,鼻涕虫,坚持- Oh, no. Snotlout, hang on!用力推,高伯!push, gobber!- 我在用力,史图伊克- Im pushing, stoick.- 完全没感觉到- Well, i

7、t certainly doesntfeel like it.- 再用点力- 噢,他们回来了- Push harder.- Oh, there they are.- 很高兴你们顺利返回,那艘船已经返回- Im glad youre back.The boat has returned.- 我们没走时你就该说- Couldve told us thatbefore we left.- 什么?- Excuse me?- 没事,首领,是她- Um, nothing, chief.That was her.- 嘿!- 嗝嗝呢?- Hey!- Wheres hiccup?- 他得掉头去找鼻涕虫- He

8、had to double backto get snotlout.我说不用管他I said leave him.还是她说的,我都不知道她是怎么想的Uh, her again.I dont know what her deal is.- 不用担心,史图伊克- Nothing to worry about,stoick.有无牙在没什么伤的了他You know hard it isto get him off that dragon.- 无牙,你在哪?- Toothless!Where are you?鼻涕虫?Snotlout?无牙Toothless!你没事吧?Are you okay?Ah!嘿,

9、跟我说句话Come on, talk to me, bud.谢天谢地Oh, thank thor.这次着陆有点不理想哈?That wasnt our best landing,was it?很好Great.你尾翼坏了,连杆都稀巴烂了Your tail is gone,and the connecting rod我们现在怎么办?What are wesupposed to do now?- 你可以先把我从这棵烂树上弄下来- You can start by getting meout of this stupid tree!- 貌似有点疼- Well, that lookedlike it hu

10、rt.不疼?能说话不?You sure?Can you talk?- 烂石块!- Go.Suck.Rocks.- 嘿,他好了,幸好没事- Hey, hes back.Lucky us.钩牙去哪了?Hey,wheres hookfang?- 钩牙!钩牙!- Hookfang!Hookfang!你在哪?Where are you?钩牙,你给我马上过来Hookfang, you get over hereright now!钩牙?Hookfang?钩钩?牙牙?Hookie?Fangster?- 他可能不在这,鼻涕虫- I dont think hes here,snotlout.- 我知道,这头犟龙

11、- Obviously.pigheaded dragon.- 别担心,我们会找到他- Dont worry,well find him.现在,我们先想想Now, all we have to dois figure out怎么从这里出去How to get out of here.行,这样应该行Okay,that should work.这个可能更韧些This might bea little tougher.- 嗝嗝,这里没有吃的东西- There is nothing to eatin here, hiccup.这算哪门子搜救任务?What kind of search and rescu

12、emission is this?- 相对于在那抱怨,为何不来帮我一把?- Uh, instead of complaining,why dont you try to help me?- 我在设法帮你- I am tryingto help you.我在教你生存Im trying to teach youabout survival.出门必备物品之首You dont leave homewithout proper supplies,就是食物And at the topof that list is food.- 食物,你手上那种?- Food.Like the food in your h

13、and?- 你指这个过期的甜点?- You meanthis day-old biscuit?它都发霉了嘿!Its even got a little spotof mold right-hey!- 现在的问题可比甜点发霉更麻烦- Weve got bigger problemsthan a biscuit!- 他吃我甜点!- He ate my biscuit!哪有龙吃人甜点的What kind of dragontakes a mans biscuit?瞧瞧,什么样的主人- you know, his bad manners养什么样的龙Are a reflectionon you.- 让我

14、来- give me that.你就爱胡搞瞎搞Youre doing itall wrong.你得用点力You need to putsome muscle into it.呕,我忘了,你哪有力气Oops, I forgot. You cant.不行,不行,小心点,它会No, no, no. Be carefulwith that, or it might- 你想要两个,是不?- You wanted two of em,right?- 不是,那是我们回家的唯一希望- Nope. That wasour only hope of getting home.- 你的龙一半尾巴没了,又不是我的错-

15、 Its not my faultyour dragon has half a tail.再搞一个杆不就得了Just get another rod.- 你还不懂吗?- Dont you understand?我们都不知道这是哪!We have no ideawhere we are!- 听见没?- 在那- You hear that?- Over there.- 你看见什么了?- 闭嘴行不行?- What do you see?- Would you be quiet?我们可能上了敌人的岛For all we know,we could be on a hostile island.- 别天

16、真了,哪有那么多敌人?- Dont be such a baby.How hostile can it be?- 那些是野生龙的踪迹- Those are wild dragon tracks,all right.- 很好,我想杀龙了- Good.I feel like killing.- 你觉得够“敌人”了吗?- Is that hostile enoughfor you?- 那儿什么也没有- Nothin over there.- 我知道我们在哪了- I knowwhere we are now.- 过来,这边- Come on,this way.- 真可怕- That was savag

17、e.鼻涕虫,我们在“流放岛”Snotlout,were on outcast island.- 流放岛?不可能吧- Outcast island?I cant believe this.我们要赶快修好连杆Weve really got to fixthis connecting rod离开这,不然死定了And get out of here,or we are dead men.鼻涕虫,我觉得你不应吃那些浆果Snotlout, Im not so sure youshould be eating those berries.- 我觉的,你把我甜点都吃了- Well, Im not sure y

18、ou shouldbe telling me what to eat,现在我吃什么你应该管不着Especially after you tookmy biscuit.嘿,走开,这些是我的Hey, back off.These are mine.- 那些浆果可能有毒- Those berriescould be poisonous.- 嘿,我们在“流放岛”,我们要准备战斗- Hey, were on outcast island.Were going into battle.我们需要体力,算了,你哪里懂这个We need our strength, a conceptyou know nothi

19、ng about.- 跟他们打?你确定?就我们俩?- Battle the outcasts, really?Just the two of us?当然absolutely.- 你,你刚刚说什么?- Wha-what did youjust say?我说,当然I said, absolutely.也就是,当然As in, of course.- 噢,天哪- Oh, for the love of-我说过别吃那些浆果I told you not to eatthose berries.为什么?怎么了?why? Whats wrong?噢,我好丑Oh, no!Im hideous.- 把我背包给我

20、,里面可能- Give me my satchel.I may have something有东西能治舌头That can helpwith your tongue.- 背包?- 够了- Thatchel?- No, no, no.别跟我说,你把它落那儿了Do not tell meyou just left it there.要是有人找到那个背包,我们就完蛋了If someone findsthat thatchel, were done.上面有博客岛的标志Its gotthe berk crest on it.- 安啦,我们很安全- Relax.Were safe.相信我,没人找得到它Tr

21、ust me,no ones going to find it.- 得把这个给艾尔文看看- Oh,alvin needs to see this.- 都几天了,他们还没回来- Well, theyve been gonefor days.我以为你说他们紧随你们之后I thought you saidthey were right behind you.- 可能他们歇歇,等风暴过去- They probably set downto wait out the storm.- 那是什么- I see something.- 是钩牙!- Its hookfang!- 钩牙都回来了,鼻涕虫呢?- If

22、 hookfang is here,wheres snotlout?- 还有嗝嗝和无牙呢?- And where are hiccupand toothless?- 准备好龙,我们出海- Get your dragons ready.Were heading out.- 我喜欢这条,它挺灵巧- I like this one.Hes got the right spirit.我就不能使唤这些龙吗?Will I never get these dragonsto do what I want?- 你需要那本书- What you needis that book.- 不,我们需要的是史图伊克的儿

23、子- No, what we needis stoicks boy.- 艾尔文- Alvin.- 博克岛- The berk crest.今天我生日吗?Is it my birthday?- 我没给他准备礼物,他喜欢什么?- Uh, I didnt get him anything.What does he like?- 别废话了,把包主人给我找来- Stop gossiping, and bring methe owner of this bag.- 您要活的?- Do you want him alive?- 废话,现在就去- Why not?For now.等等,那儿Wait, wait

24、,there it is.我们只需要等铁匠离开We just need to waituntil the blacksmith leaves,然后我偷偷进去,造一把新连杆Then I can sneak in thereand make a new rod.- 我的舌头还要耷拉在这多久?- How long do I have to leavemy tongue in here?太恶心了,我见无牙往里面吐口水Its disgusting.I saw toothless spit in it.- 确实,不过- He did indeed.but-夜煞的唾液有极强的治愈功能But night fu

25、ry saliva hasincredible healing properties.- 啊哈,有股牦牛馅饼的味道- Ick.It tastes like yak pies.放松,伙计,伙计Easy, there!Whoo, dragon!还好我穿了条铁裤衩Good thing I packedmy iron skivvies.听我说,伙计thats it, dragon.追着你主人的气味走Followyour masters scent.就凭小鼻涕虫的那个味儿,这能有多难?- Its snotlout.How hard can that be?- 还没到吗?- 没- Are we there

26、 yet?- No!- 我得去趟洗手间- I have to goto the bathroom.- 咱们走之前你就该解决好- You should have gonebefore we left.- 头盔上场的时候到了- Thats whatyour helmets for.- 等等!钩牙好像闻到了什么- Hang on! I thinkthe dragons got a sniff.- 来,快点- Come on.Hurry.我们不知道铁匠We dont knowhow long the blacksmith什么时候会来Is going to be gone.- 贝蒂买♥&h

27、earts;黄油- Betty boda boughta bit of bitter butter.“还有”,她说,“黄油是苦油”and, said she,this butters bitter.“若买♥♥好黄油if I bought a bit- 苦油,就会”- 你在干什么?Of better butter, it would- what are you doing?- 耍一耍我灵巧的舌头- Enjoyingmy tongue again.- 看你耍我还“真高兴”- Well, Im gladsomeone is.- 钩牙!- Hookfang!不是钩牙Not

28、hookfang.- 是一头野生的烈焰狂魔!- Its a wildmonstrous nightmare!无牙,等下Toothless, stop!- 他们在这儿!- There they are!博克小贼The berk intruders.- 快跑!- Run!带他们去绕个弯儿,伙计!Circle back around,bud!- 他们在那儿!- There they go,that way!- 谢天谢地,他们走了- Good.Theyre gone.好了,我们就待在这儿等无牙回来All right, well just waittill toothless comes back,然后

29、直奔铁匠铺Then headto the blacksmith shop.- 没门,我才不去那儿- No way. Im not goinganywhere near that place.你差点害我们被抓起来You almostgot us caught.- 我差点害- I almost got-?The only reason就是因为你把有博克标志的包搞丢The outcasts knowwere here is我们才会被发现Because you lost the satchelwith the berk crest on it.- 好吧,那又是谁把带有标记的包- Well, who b

30、roughtthe satchel with the berk crest带到流放岛上来的?To outcast island?- 我怎么知道我们会掉到这个岛上来!- Well, I had no ideawe were going to outcast island.- 那就是你没准备好,倒怨我- So youre not prepared,and I get blamed.哼Hmm.- 行了,你要不愿听我的主意- Fine.If you dont like my ideas,那拜托你给个点子出来Please, please,let me hear one of yours.我就知道你想不出

31、来Preciselyas I suspected.回来了啊,干得好,伙计There you go.Good job, bud.至少“有人”能把他们带跑了At least someones pullingtheir weight around here.- 你太自以为是了- 我自以为是?- Oh, you are so smug.- Me?- “小嗝嗝真聪明”“小嗝嗝真勇敢”- hiccups so smart.hiccups so brave.“小嗝嗝把红死神宰了”,“小嗝嗝把龙驯服好了”he killed the red death.he trained the dragons.“小嗝嗝连钢

32、腿都有了”hes gotthe metal leg.- 钢腿?这又怎么惹到你了?- Metal leg?Thats whats bothering you?你就眼红这个?钢腿?Thats where youre going?Metal leg?- 不是,是那条腿所代表的一切- No. Its everythingthe leg is attached to.- 好吧,把这先放在一边,鼻涕虫- Okay, well, deal with it,snotlout,现在你就只能靠我Because as of right now,I am literally all youve got.- 哦,你觉得

33、我得靠你?我可不需要你- Oh, you think I need you?I dont need you.- 好吧,我也不需要你!走你的吧!- well, I dont need you! Go!是他的错,对吧?Its him, right?- 啊哦- Uh-oh.你们来看看这个You guysneed to see this!- 风飞,尾部弹卷!- Stormfly,tail flip!是无牙的尾翼Toothlesss tail.- 哦,不,无牙把他的尾翼弄丢了- Oh, no.Toothless lost his tail.无牙没有尾翼就不能飞If toothless doesnt ha

34、vea tail, he cant fly.它不能飞他俩就不能飞,他俩不能飞If he cant fly, they cant fly.If they cant fly- 够了!他们可能是掉海里了- Enough! Those boysare probably stranded at sea.咱们贴着水面飞一飞We flyclose to the water.- 这主意不错,我正好要洗洗我的头盔- Good, because I really needto rinse out my helmet.- 回去,伙计,待在那儿躲好了- Back there, bud.Stay hidden.- 你做

35、什么呢,小嗝嗝?- And what are we making,hiccup?- 呃,这是给艾尔文的礼物- Uh,a gift for.Alvin,来感谢他的盛情款待,唉,算了To thank himfor his hospitality. Oh, boy.- 你还是自己谢他吧,抓住他!- You can thank him in person.Grab him!啊!- ah!啊!Ah!- 不是只有你能想得出好主意- Youre not the only onewho can come up小嗝嗝With a good idea, hiccup.哈 哈!鼻涕虫,鼻涕虫!噢!噢!Ha ha!S

36、notlout, snotlout! Oy, oy!噢oy.还好没让他看见Good thing he wasnt hereto see that.无牙?Toothless?我不管你藏哪儿了,小嗝嗝,我才不需要你Wherever you are, hiccup,I still dont need you.嗝嗝?嗝嗝!Hiccup?Hiccup!哦,我懂了,他需要我Oh, I get it.Hiccup needs my help.嗝嗝!嗝嗝?Hiccup!Hiccup?你这头蠢龙,他才不在这儿Stupid dragon.Hes not even here.嗯hmm.这东西看上去有点面熟啊This

37、 looks familiar.你看,无牙,咱们可是好搭档- You know what, toothless?We make a pretty good team.我都不想把你还回去了I might not give you back.玩笑而已kidding.走吧无牙,咱们去把他救出来Now, lets get him,toothless.- 史图伊克不可能光把你派过来- Stoick wouldnt havesent you here alone.你的小团队呢?Wheres the restof your party?- 哦,不,不,不,就我一个- Oh, no, no, no, just

38、 me.Its just me.你看我就是来度个小假Taking a little vacation,you know.我听说这个季节的流放岛最漂亮了I heard outcast islandis beautiful this time of year.- 艾尔文会让你知道它有多漂亮,他可喜欢告诉你了- Alvin will get it out of you.In fact, hell enjoy it,不过相信我,你肯定讨厌。But, trust me,you wont.我们走!Move!- 祝我生日快乐,祝我生日快乐!- Happy birthday to me.Happy birthday to me!- 我有点糊涂了,到底是不是你生日?- Im confused.Is it your birthday or not?- 要放你这儿说,我是天天过生日- As far as youre concerned,every days my birthday.现在,给我把龙准备好了Now, prepare the dragons.咱们的驯龙人来了Their trainerhas arrived.- 跑!- Run!- 无牙,趁现在!- Toothless, now!- 啊!哦


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