1、It's New Electives Day普塔塔克中学at Pootatuck Middle School,又迎来了新的选修课报名日which means we get to learn也就是说我们有机会学习about fun things like drama, ceramics and cooking.像是戏剧啊 陶艺啊 烹饪啊之类的有趣的课程But what about the things we really need to know可是那些初中生的必备技能呢how to do in middle school, like lying?比如说撒谎Well, hold on,
2、'cause we're about to get不用担心a big fat lesson in it.教训马上就来Can I just say I'm very excited about ceramics?我真的好喜欢陶艺课Me too! Just think about我也是 想想the emotional connection to the Earth那种与土地的情感交流and the pride I'll get那种用泥土和水from creating something just from dirt and water.展现自我创造力的满足感Liar
3、. You don't know anything!扯吧 你懂什么I know you're taking ceramics 'cause you hear it's an easy A.你不就是想轻松地拿个A吗Fine, that's true, but you lied too!没错 但你也不老实啊He's right.他说的没错You are a liar.你撒的谎多了去了What?!什么Name one time I lied.你倒是举个例子It was not my fault. Try again.这不是我的错啊 再说一遍How yo
4、u feeling, sweetie?你感觉怎么样 亲爱的Better, thanks.好点了I'm so looking forward to the dance tonight.我好期待今晚的舞会Uh-huh, hello, this is Mrs. Minus, Mindy's mom.我是麦纳斯太太 明蒂的妈妈Is everything okay?一切都还好吗Hello? Sweetheart? CJ?CJ 你还在吗Nope, everything's perfect.一切都很好 非常的好I said "One time."我只让你举一个例子
5、Looks like I'm the only one here看起来这里只有我that always tells the truth.总是说实话Observe. I am taking cooking class听好了 我打算上烹饪课because classwork is eating因为课堂作业是吃东西and homework is pooping.课后作业是清空肚子Think about it.你再仔细想想You lie all the time.你也整天说谎的好吗Only you lie for good. Observe.尽管你一般撒谎的目的都是好的 比如说What do
6、you think of Fen's tie?你觉得小芬的领带怎么样I love it!我很喜欢I think his tie really brings out我觉得这条领带完美地诠释了the, uh. the tie.他的 呃 领带Now.现在Tell us what you really think.说出你的真实想法I hate all of 'em except for the one我讨厌你所有的领带that has the little beagles on it.除了那条小猎犬图案的You lied to me?!你居然骗我Whoa, we're all
7、liars, okay?我们都不是什么诚实的人And it stops here.再也不能这样了Because from now on.因为从现在开始we always tell the truth.我们只说真话6:00, it's Monday morning周一早晨六点刚醒Life can strike without a warning生活有时毫无预警Get up, get out, get on起床出发打起精神It's a brand-new day开始全新的一天Find the dream and never stop, yeah找寻梦想 永不言弃You got yo
8、ur friends to back you up, yeah朋友是你坚强的后盾You crash and burn, so what?失败何惧 跌倒何妨It's a brand-new day又是全新的一天No matter what they say闲言碎语不必理会Just shout until you turn around尽情呐喊 潇洒转身And blast the past away烦恼全部丢在身后It's a brand-new day又是全新的一天Yesterday is gone, the game is on昨天已成历史 好戏即将上演It's tim
9、e to jump and take a leap of faith勇敢跳出束缚 与我一同冒险It's a brand-new day 开始全新的一天Okay, everybody!好了 各位Get to know your clay!熟悉一下陶泥Because if your clay likes you,因为如果你的陶泥喜欢你it'll become那么你将wonderful things for you.做出完美的作品Easy A, here I come.拿A就是这么简单I'm gonna makes something for my nana's bi
10、rthday.我想给我奶奶做个生日礼物and that gorgeous eighth-grade boy.再给八年级男神做一个Okay.好吧This cool clay ball tells me this is not drama class.这团美妙的陶泥告诉我这不是戏剧课No, drama class is in yon courtyard.戏剧课在那边的庭院里What play you doing?你们要演哪部戏"Romeo and Juliet."罗密欧与朱丽叶Mr. Bandt said I'd be the perfect Romeo.班德老师说我是
11、罗密欧的完美人选Well, I hope you find your Juliet.祝你早日找到你的朱丽叶A thousand pleasantries for fine directions.只愿博佳人一笑Madam Claymore.克雷默老师Oh.哦Romeo, Romeo!罗密欧 罗密欧Wherefore art thou Romeo?你在何处 罗密欧I am here, Juliet.我在此 朱丽叶But alas thou art not inneth this middle school electiveth.只恨你不在这堂选修课里Give me a second.等我一下I h
12、ave to get into drama class.我一定要去戏剧课But you're in ceramics class.但你已经选了陶艺课了All I have to do is convince Miss Claymore我只需要让克雷默老师相信that I'm in the wrong class.我走错了But that would be lying and against the list thing.那就算说谎了 说谎算违反清单Yes. but remember.对 但是你忘了吗we get one emergency lie我们都有一次with the e
13、mergency.紧急说谎的机会lie coupon.只要使用紧急说谎券Okay, you just made that up.这是你刚刚编的吧Yeah, but you can have a coupon too.没错 但我也可以给你一张说谎券Good luck.祝你好运Miss Claymore? I'm so sorry,克雷默老师 不好意思but I think I got in this class by accident.我可能进错教室了I'm supposed to be in drama class.我上的是戏剧课Oh, CJ, there are no acc
14、idents.CJ 这个世界上没有意外 You're meant to be here.你来是命中注定Okay. gotta go bigger.好吧 要来个弥天大谎了It's just my grandma.是这样的 我的奶奶She's sick.她生病了Oh!天啊And she loves "Romeo and Juliet,"她特别喜欢罗密欧与朱丽叶这出戏and seeing me perform it would.如果能看到我演出really lift her spirits.她一定会很高兴的Oh, CJ, you are so sweet.
15、CJ 你真是太贴心了And, yes, you can transfer.我这就让你转班But you can't leave until we all send CJ's grandmother等等 先让全班给你的奶奶送上some positive healing energy.积极的治愈能量CJ's grandmother.CJ的奶奶Hokay.好了so you are all going to start by making favourite food第一项任务是做美国小朋友of soft American children. cookie.最喜欢的食品 饼干S
16、o take 92 seconds and 现在用92秒think what cookie you will make.思考一下要做什么饼干Go.计时开始Hey, Crispo.小脆What do you think你觉得about us making darkness chip cookies?你觉得我们做黑暗饼干怎么样Sugar cookies.在甜饼干上面with black olives.加上黑橄榄black pepper.黑胡椒and a molten black licorice center.然后做个黑甘草棒夹心Sounds awesome, right?听上去不错吧Uh. ye
17、ah.是啊That sounds really, uh.听上去真的 呃You don't like the recipe.你不喜欢这个想法No. I don't like the recipe.我是不喜欢I love the recipe!我爱死这个想法了I want to make 'em right now现在就开始做吧so I can start putting 'em in my mouth,我等不及想吃了I love the recipe so much.这个想法超棒You say you want a cookie, a really good co
18、okie你说你想吃饼干Well, we got the best darn cookie我们这里有It's the best darn cookie in the world!有世界上最梦幻的饼干That which table at?在哪里呢This here table at就在这里Baking with my special girl!和美丽的小姐共做饼干That cookie sound pretty good, huh?那个饼干听上去不错嘛Now. let's turn this clay.好了 现在看我用这堆泥into an A.拿个ANo. no!不Aah.!啊H
19、ow are you so perfect?凭什么你那么完美Wow!哇哦Nice vase, Fenwick.你做的花瓶好漂亮It's amazing.太漂亮了Looks like someone's getting an A.看起来某人要拿A了Fenwick, is that your vase?芬威克 这是你做的吗It's magnifisplenderific!完美无缺 独具匠心Yup, it's my vase.对 这就是我做的That I made. with clay. and love.我用陶泥和爱做的Well, it looks like we
20、have a true artiste in the class.看起来我们的课上有个真正的艺术家Okay, my lie had gotten me into drama class.很好 这个小谎助我成功进入了戏剧课Now all I had to do was get the part of Juliet现在我只需要得到朱丽叶这个角色so I could spend as much time as possible with my Romeo.这样我就可以和我的罗密欧双宿双飞了.though not a Montague.纵是本非蒙塔古Thank you.谢谢你的参与Next!下一个Ok
21、ay. my turn.很好 到我了Hist, Romeo! Hist!罗密欧啊 请勿高呼O, for a falconer's voice禽之主一和To lure this tassel-gentle back again!万鸟而应之Hist! Hist!请勿高呼With the repetition of my Romeo's name.以吾之罗密欧之佳名CJ, that was okay.CJ 你的表现还凑合but after learning that you're doing all this但我听说你是为了你奶奶to make your sick grand
22、ma feel better.才这么做的we're gonna give you the role of Juliet!所以我们决定让你演朱丽叶Congratulations!恭喜你I'm so happy for you.我为你高兴Um. my grandma will be.我的奶奶so happy.一定会很高兴的And now. meet your Romeo.来 见见你的罗密欧吧Hey, it's you, my Juliet.你好 我的朱丽叶Okay, I feel bad for lying.我有点良心不安the best lie ever!但我真的好开心O
23、kay. time for cooking partner taste test.好了 现在是搭档尝饼干时间Okay. cool.很好You, boy with tidal wave hair. How is cookie?卷发男 你们的饼干怎么样It's amazing!味道太美妙了It has kick!太劲爆了Please celebrate this victory你的饼干这么成功by getting me paper towels in girls' rest room.应该好好庆祝 去洗手间拿点纸巾来Why did you not tell me this tast
24、es worse你为什么不告诉我这是than expired yak cheese?!黑暗料理I didn't want to hurt Patty's feelings.我不想伤了帕蒂的心Your lie nearly cost me life!你的谎言差点把我害死了You're right, Lunch Lady.你说的有道理 食堂大妈I should always tell the truth.我应该保持诚实Here you go, Lunch Lady.给你 食堂大妈Patty, these cookies are disgusting!帕蒂 你做的饼干太难吃了
25、In fact, if a pregnant fly flew by right now,怀孕的苍蝇it would refuse to lay its eggs in these cookies.都不会在这些饼干上产卵That's how bad these cookies are.对 你的饼干就是这么糟糕Anti-fly-egg-laying bad!堪称黑暗料理之最And, man, that felt good!说真话的感觉太爽了And, man, would I get fired if I spoke truth like you!要是我像你一样诚实 我就该被炒了That
26、is why.所以I am making you我要任命你official cooking class taste tester!为烹饪课的官方鉴定人Ha!哈Okay, everyone, now that your pottery's dry,很好各位 现在你们的作品已经干了let's glaze them and get them ready让我们开始上釉吧for the nurturing warmth of the pottery kiln.然后把它们交付到陶瓷窑温暖的怀抱中Do I feel bad for lying?我心中有愧疚吗Yes.毫无疑问But do I
27、like A's more?但我更想拿A吗Yes!当然Fenwick?芬威克Fenwick?芬威克It's broken, isn't it?它碎了 是不是No, don't tell me.算了 我不想知道Okay, tell me.好吧 还是告诉我吧It's broken.确实是碎了But the important thing is to not get upset但那个不重要 关键是保持良好的心态or darken your aura,不要灰心because you can always make.因为你总是可以another one!再做一个的
28、Come on, everyone, gather 'round.各位 到这里来Let's watch a true artiste make another vase.让我们欣赏一下这位艺术家再创辉煌A new one?再做一个With everyone watching?大家都看着Is that a problem?有问题吗Nope, not a problem at all!不 完全没问题One new vase coming right up.现在就做Oh, I can't wait to do it.我都等不及了Oh, this is gonna be so
29、much fun.一定很有趣Oh, my stomach! Ooh!天啊 我的胃啊 Oh, the pain!好疼啊Oh, Romeo, Romeo.哦 罗密欧啊罗密欧啊So there I was, Juliet with my Romeo,朱丽叶和罗密欧在一起and then.然而My truth being.实际情况.this happened.却是这样的I really wanna be in ceramics class.我真的很想去陶艺课Not the lines!台词错了Did he just say他刚刚是不是说he wanted to be in ceramics?他想去上陶
30、艺课Mr. Bandt, I thought my heart was into drama,班德老师 我原本以为戏剧是我的爱好but when I started molding that clay in ceramics,但我把陶泥握在手心的那一刻I knew it was the elective I really wanted to do.我知道这才是我的兴趣所在Well, I'm crushed,我很受伤but touched by your honesty.但我欣赏你的诚实What?什么So. I'll let you switch.我允许你转课What?!什么I
31、bid you adieu.你我至此诀别Parting is such sweet, uh.分离总是甜美Well, you know.你知道的I'm making pots!我要去做陶罐了Gorgeous Eighth-grade Boy is out?八年级男神居然退出了Don't be sad losing your Romeo, CJ, because I have不要为失去一个罗密欧而伤心 CJgreat news!我有个好消息Shakespeare in the Courtyard is gonna do庭院莎士比亚剧组将要在这周五a special rushed G
32、randma-only performance this Friday!为CJ的奶奶准备一场加急演出Friday? This Friday?周五 这周五吗Yes.对啊We all can't wait to meet我们等不及and cheer up your sick grandma.想让你的奶奶开心一下Come on, people, let's move!各位 行动起来We've got work to do! Move, move! Raise that banner up.我们还有很多工作要做 把横幅挂起来See? I told you we were gon
33、na get看吧 我说过我们a big fat lesson in lying today.会得到教训的Okay, when you last left me剧情回顾I told a tiny lie about my grandma being sick我撒谎说我奶奶生病了to get into drama class to be with Gorgeous Eighth-grade Boy,为的是和八年级男神一起上戏剧课but now that tiny lie grew into the Godzilla of lies,但那个谎言已经像雪球一样越滚越大了which means I no
34、w needed to include my friends,所以我得拉上我的朋友们making it an even worse lie.把这个谎言进行到底So if anyone asks,所以别人问起it's a mysterious illness that doctors can't explain.就说我的奶奶得了某种医生诊断不出的病And if anyone asks you, I was recently diagnosed如果有人问起 你就说我最近被诊断为with nervous stomach syndrome,紧张性胃痉挛综合征which acted up
35、 at the exact time Miss Claymore asked me to make在克雷默老师让我做那个a new vase like the one I said I made but didn't.我假装会做的泥塑时发作I cannot go along with this.我不和你们同流合污I am only telling the truth,我只说真话which is the list thing, remember?清单上也是这样要求的 记得吗But before I go, perhaps this will help.但我走之前要说句实话You all
36、look ugly when you lie.你们说谎的时候无比丑陋Just being honest!我只是比较诚实Okay, mysterious illness sounds fake.神秘的疾病听上去不靠谱You might wanna go more specific,你最好更加具体一点like spattergrate or redbone disease,比如磨骨症或者红骨病which aren't real. but sound it.都是我编的 但听着很像真的Okay, you know what?你猜怎么着I'm just gonna tell Mr. Ba
37、ndt the truth.我打算告诉班德老师真♥相♥He likes the truth, because that's what he said to-他喜欢真♥相♥ 他就是这么告诉Gorgeous Eight-grade Boy.八年级男神Hey. I've been looking all over for you.嘿 我到处找你呢How's your grandma?你奶奶怎么样了It's redbone disease.她得了红骨病Whoa. that sound
38、s bad.听上去挺糟糕的But not as bad as spattergrate.但没有磨骨病严重Which the doctors feared.医生都怕这种疾病Oh, well, I made this for your grandmother.我为你的奶奶做了这个I hope it lifts her spirits.我希望能让她开心一点I'll make sure she gets it.我会转交给她的Come on, everybody!各位 过来Gather 'round, gather 'round! Oh, there she is.她在这里 各位
39、聚过来Hey, let's do an even bigger energy dance让我们为CJ的奶奶for CJ's super-sick grandmother.进行一次更大的能量舞Okay, so I was now stuck in.我现在已经困在an out-of-control lie.失控的谎言里了How do I know this?我怎么知道的Is there something you wanna tell us.奶奶的事情 你有没有什么话about your grandma?想跟我们说'Cause according to these get-
40、well cards.从这些慰问贺卡来看she's about to leave us soon.她已经土埋半生了Um. I may have told a lie about Grandma being sick我可能撒谎说奶奶生病了so I could switch electives为了换选修课and be in a play with Gorgeous Eight-grade Boy.和八年级男神一个班And it kind of ballooned from there.结果情况失控了Sweetie, what did we tell you about lying?亲爱的
41、我们是怎么教育你的You should only do it只能在以下场合使用to get out of bad dinner parties晚宴上的人with people who like you more than you like them.都不怎么喜欢你You did tell her that.你确实是这么教育她的Well, you better come clean about this one你最好在事态失控之前before things get even more out of control.尽快坦白Phew. yeah, it's a little late fo
42、r that,现在有点晚了considering we're putting on毕竟我们a special performance of "Romeo and Juliet"要为了奶奶举♥行♥一场just for Grandma and she has to be there.罗密欧与朱丽叶的特别演出tomorrow.就在明天Your nana is healthy.你的奶奶很健康and on a river cruise in Europe!而且在环游欧洲的游船上What about Abuelita?那外婆呢She
43、lives 2,000 miles away.她家在3200多公里以外and she thinks Shakespeare no es bueno.而且她觉得莎士比亚是一派胡言So that's a no.所以她也不行My parents were right.爸妈说得对I had to tell Mr. Bandt the truth,我必须告诉班德老师真♥相♥because this lie was starting to cause me因为这个谎言都要让我得nervous stomach syndrome.紧张性胃痉挛综合征了Exce
44、pt when I walked in.但我进去以后Ooh! Good news, CJ.好消息 CJI got the local news to cover your sweet, sad story.我让地方台来报道你温馨又悲伤的故事了CJ, can you tell us what you're feeling right now?CJ 你能告诉我你现在什么感受吗I. um.我 嗯Donations are pouring in from all over town.整个镇都在为这个可怜的女孩捐款In fact, Jed's Tire Emporium杰德轮胎厂is d
45、onating three tires to the event,为此次活动捐赠了三个轮胎making this seventh-grader and her sick grandmother让这个七年级学生和她病重的奶奶very happy.非常的开心We are.是的We are very happy.我们很开心All right.好了Now that all cookies have been baked, including mine.你们的饼干好了 我的也做好了it's time for honest official taste tester to taste.我们的诚实试
46、吃员就要开始评分了Too buttery.黄油放太多了by which I mean it tastes too much like butt.吃起来简直恶心He's just being honest.他只是实话实说I think you forgot the secret ingredient.我觉得你缺了点talent.才能I'll just put it around my neck to ward off vampires.这都能用来驱赶吸血鬼了Okay, that was little harsh.这有点过分了So was that!那饼干也很过分I want a
47、whole bag of these.我想要全部打包带走so then I can empty the bag and use it to throw up in!集体销毁掉 然后吐在里面Okay, taste test over!你够了 试吃结束了They're terrible!它们太糟了What? I wasn't done.我还没完呢Yes, you are.已经完了because I do not know if whole class want to cry我可不希望让所有学生哭成一团or to kill you.把你杀了I'm just being hon
48、est.我只是实话实说Yeah, no more honesty.你还是少说实话吧But I haven't tried your cookies yet.我还没尝你的饼干呢Which, by the way, taste like感觉就像是12 wild elephants came into this classroom,十二头野象闯进了教室jumped on top of this table and took 12 huge.跳上了这个桌子 然后I wasn't being mean!我没有刻薄I was just being honest!我只是在说实话So toda
49、y's list thing今天的清单任务是is "Be incredibly rude to everyone"?对所有人粗俗无理吗No, it's to always tell the truth.不 任务是只说真话And since I almost killed Lunch Lady我没有说帕蒂的饼干很难吃by not telling her Patty's cookies are deathly.害得食堂大妈差点晕过去I vowed to always be honest.我发誓永远说真话Well, Christian, it's
50、usually never a good idea to lie,克里斯蒂安 说谎在大多数情况是不对的but being brutally honest for honesty's sake但为了诚实而粗俗无理can be just as bad.跟说谎一样糟糕You can end up hurting people's feelings.你会伤害别人的Okay, I give up.我放弃了When do I lie and when do I not lie?到底什么时候说谎 什么时候不说谎It's not always easy to determine.这个问
51、题确实很难回答But a good way to tell is to ask yourself,最好的方法是问自己"Will my honesty hurt someone's feelings?"我的真话会伤害到别人吗And if the answer is yes, then.如果答案是肯定的telling a little white lie说善意的谎言is actually a pretty cool thing to do.也是件好事So you don't want me to tell you that your vest is hideou
52、s?所以你不想我说你的背心很丑No.不想But you do want me to tell you但你的确想让我说if you're about to eat cookies that could potentially kill you.这块饼干不是特别好吃I would appreciate that.不错Now, get back to class回去上课吧and good luck with the list thing.祝你完成清单任务Thanks, Mr. Roberts.谢谢你 罗伯茨老师I like this vest.我喜欢这件背心Almost was perfec
53、t but it fell on the floor, so.你的作品很完美 可惜摔在地上了Oh, look, Fenwick's back芬威克从医务室from the nurse's office. again.回来第二次了Well, maybe we can finally get him我们可能终于有机会看他to work his magic.一展风采了Okay.好吧One magic vase coming right up.完美的花瓶马上就好Okay.好吧First, you need.首先the clay. obviously.当然需要有陶泥Then you ju
54、st.然后只要把Okay, I lied! I said I made the vase and I didn't好吧 我承认我说谎了 那个花瓶不是我做的and I took it from someone else.是我从别处拿来的Why did you feel you needed to lie?为什么说谎Guess I was. ashamed that I wasn't great, and.我只是觉得很丢脸 我不够优秀I wanted to be great,但我希望自己优秀and I wanted everyone to think I was great.而且希
55、望别人认为我是个优秀的人Well, instead of lying,你为什么要说谎呢you just need to take the time.你只需要花点时间to be great.来变得优秀And I have just the person to help you.而且我知道谁能帮助你'Sup?你好吗Now more on that local school's special performance欢迎收看 本地学校将为校内一位同学的for a very sick grandma.病重奶奶举办一次演出I just know that, that Grandma's我知道looking forward to the show.奶奶很期待这次演出It's a very special day.今天是特殊的一天And that very
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