



1、小学五年级英语下册第一单元测试题得分:、选出不同一类的单词,将序号填在题前括号内。(2分5=10分)C.fitC. whereC.offC.understandC.sweater()1.A.princeB.fairy()2.A.whyB.winter()3.A.beforeB. after()4.A.pickB. late()5.A.clothesB.jacket、根据要求写单词或词组。(1分X10=1吩)1 .there is (缩写形式) 6.I (宾格)2 .come (第三人称单数) 7.new (反义词)3 .good (副词) 8.put on(反义词)4 .sad仅义词)9.so

2、me (否定式) 5.fit (同义词组) 10. fun(形容词) 三、单项选择,将序号填在题前括号内。(2分X10=20分) ()1. There some water in the glass.A. isB. areC. be()2. Where my shoes?A.amB. isC. are()3. some fruit on the desk.A. They ' re B. There ' s C. There are ()4. are you so hungry?A.WhatB. HowC. Why()5. I don't havetoys.A. some

3、B. anyC. an()6.does Liu Tao have to come back?A.WhatB. WhenC. How()7. Can you make a kiteme.A.toB. giveC. for()8. There is no milk pies in the fridge?A.orB. andC.but()9. Do you like the new shoes?Yes, I do.Please.A.try them onB. tries them onC. try on them()10. This is schoolbag.A. Liu Taos B. Liu T

4、ao'sC. Liu Tao四、连词成句。注意书写格式。(2分/=10分)1. nine .o'clock; 一 you; e, back _; 一 before,haveo,)2. new .shoes; . .please; .your;.put. on (.)._ 3. the. playground;.we;in .;. .a . good. time;have.(.)4. bad . for;.is;.一us;.these . food .(.)5.drawing; .is;a .dog;.Liu. Tao;.for .Nancy;.(.).nA. Because I

5、 have a bad cough.B. At nine o'clock.C. It's in the fridge.D. Yes,I do.E. My foot hurts.五、从II栏中找出I栏中句子相对应的答语。(2分5=10分)I()1.What's wrong with you?()2. Why can't you go to the park?()3.Do you like the new jacket?()4. When do you have to go to bed?()5. Where is the apple?五年级英语 第3页(共4页)六

6、、用所给词的适当形式填空。(2分5=10分)1. She (don t) have any nice pictures.2.She can (go) to the party.3. Cinderella is very beautiful, the prince likes (she) very much.4. Yang Ling (go) home before ten.5. The twins (have) some books.七、根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。(1分X10=10分)1. 博比为什么会吃这么多呢?Why Bobby so much?2. 苏杨试穿看这件新毛衣,但是它不适

7、合。Su Yang on the new sweate,r but it does not .3. 迈克丢下了一个苹果。Mike an apple.4. 为什么他总是感觉很累? 因为他得感冒了。 does he feel tired? he has a cold.5. 你有一些零食吗? 是的,我有一些水果。 Do you have any ? Yes.I have some .八、阅读理解。(10 分 =20 分 )A.判断正误。正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(2分刈=10分)Today is Saturday.Tom and Bob go to climb mountains.Tom an

8、d Bob are very happy.They see some trees, flowers and birds. But Tom I hungry now. They have some food.Tom eats two hamburgers. Bob eats a hot dog. They are full.Bob is thirsty now. They have no water or juice.What should they do?() 1.Today is Saturday.() 2.Tom and Bob go to the beach.() 3.They have

9、 some water.() 4.They see some trees , flowers and birds.() 5.Bob is thirsty.B.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(2分X5=10分)One day, a wolf (狼)sees a rabbit running in the forest. He wants to catch her,but at that time the rabbit comes into a holeQ 同).Then the wolf thinks of a good idea.The wolf is dead仇的).The wolf is d

10、ead, “he shouts. Then he starts to pretend贸装)he is dead.The rabbit hears and thinks, “Ah? Is the wolf dead?” So she shouts,“I ve heard the wolf smouth is open when hes dead.” When the wolf hears this, he opens his五年级英语第 6 页 (共 4 页)mouth quickly.Ah, he's really a cheat编子)! “the rabbit says.( )1.The wants to catch the.A. wolf; rabbitB. rabbit; wolf( )2.The rabbit comes .A. into a roomB. into a hole() 3.The wolf .A. goes back home B. runs after the dog() 4.At first the wolf s .A. mouth is


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