



1、英语(五年级下册)Unit 1 CinderellaStory time无锡市花园实验小学 李勤Teaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1 . 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇: prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2 .基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型:Why? Because?并理解句型的意思;3 .能听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Come and he

2、lp me Let me help you. I have to4 . 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事;Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1 .在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型Why? Because2. 能够在理解的基础上以正确的语音语调朗读故事,合作表演故事。教学难点:1 .单词 prince s, clothes, before的读音和拼读 put on, try on, have to的理解,教师 可以通过 TPR 及直拼法等教学方式进行教学;2 .教师可充分利用生活实际和文

3、本帮助学生理解Why? Because句型;3. 本课故事的结构由讲述和对话构成,建议在整体理解的基础上分场景进行详细分析和描述。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Free talkT: Welcome back to school, boys and girls! Nice to see you!S: Nice to see you too!T: Did you have a good time in your winter holiday?S: Yes!T: Oh, good to hear that! What do you usually

4、 do in your winter holiday? S1/S2/S3: I usually T: I see. Do you want to know something about my winter holiday?S: Yes, we do.T: OK, please listen carefully. Try to remember these things. (PPT!现)2. Ask and answerT: Why do I get up early in the morning? (教授why ,渗透why 的音和意并带读)T: You may say“Because教授

5、because 渗透 becaus&勺音和意并带读)51: Because you have to make breakfast for your family.T: Good. I have to make breakfast.“Have to” means must. (渗透 have to 的音和意 ) Why do I go to the park with my mother?52: Because you like playing badminton there.T: Good job! Why do I go to the cinema with my friends?53: B

6、ecause you like watching films very much.T: Yes, you re right. And why do I go tolibthreary?54: Because reading makes you happy.T: Oh, you really have a good memory! Yes, I like reading. And when I was your age, I liked reading fairy tales very much. Do you like fairy tales too? (PPT 显示 “童话故事” )S: Y

7、es.T: Today I bring you a famous fairy tale named Cinderella. Can you read it? (新授 Cinderella) First, let s enjoy some pictures about this story.【设计意图:通过讨论寒假生活引出 why和because的渗透教学。再通过谈论老 师的爱好引出故事主题】Step 2 Presentation1. 介绍故事背景以及人物关系T: There is a girl. Her name is Cinderella. She is beautiful and kind

8、. She lives withonly her father because her mother has died. Cinderella s father thinks she needs anew mum, so he married again. This new mum has two daughters too, and they treat Cinderella badly after her father died.Look! There are four women in this picture. The old one is Cinderella s stepmothe

9、r.Does she like Cinderella? (S: No.)Why doesn t she like herS: Because )I think, because Cinderella is much more beautiful than her two stepsisters. Look at these two girls. They always wear nice clothes, but they re lazy. They do nothing at home, but they always ask Cinderella to do all the housewo

10、rk. Poor Cinderella looks dirty and tired. What will happen? Let s read the story together.【设计意图: 介绍故事的背景和主要人物的特征, 使学生对故事的了解更具完整性,同时激发他们了解故事发展的兴趣。 】Step 3 New teaching1. Watch and judge(1) T: First, let s watch the cartoon together, then, I ll show you some informatioabout the story.If it is right,

11、you can say“ Bingo! ” If not, yo-ouhc” an. say“AUnderstand?5: Yes. 学生观看动画,为判断信息正误做准备()(2) T: OK! Let s judg教师带领学生一起完成判断)【设计意图: 激发学生认真观看, 调动学生学习故事的积极性。 整体感知故事发展的脉络。 】2. Read and findT: Boys and girls, I think you understand this story very well. Now I have some questions for you. (PPT 出示3 个问题 ) Pleas

12、e read the story from Paragraph oneto three and try to find the answers to the three questions.(学生自读课文1-3 段,圈划关键词句 )(1) T: Let s look at question No.1. Where s the party?S: There s a party at the prince s house.T: Yes. Do you know prince? Let me show you. ( 教师请一位男生到黑板前面站好,然后在他头顶紧贴着的黑板上方画一个皇冠) Look ,

13、 hes a princenow. Prince is the son of the king. Oh, what a handsome prince!新授 prince) Do you want to be a prince, boys?Boys: Yes.T: Why? (可以让几个男生回答)(2) T: There s a party, but, what a piCtyi!nderella cannot go. (教师板书句型)Who can go to the party?S: Cinderella stsepsisters can go to the party.T: Yes. L

14、ook at her sisters. What do you think of the sisters? Are they good?U: No, they re so bad.V: Right. The sisters are so bad. Can you read like them? 让学生分别模仿读一(读 sisters)(3) T: Look, Cinderella cannot go to the party, so she is very sad. Question Two, who helps her? Her stepmother? The prince?S: No. A

15、 fairy helps her.T: Good. Look! The fairy can fly, and she can do a magic trick. 新授(fairy)S: Why are you so sad, dear?T: And Cinderella saysT: And why?T: And the fairy says What does the fairy ask Cinderella? 提示学生回答()S: Because I can t go to the party.S: Because I don t have any clothes or shoes.S:

16、Let me help you!T: What do you think of the fairy? S: The fairy is very warm-hearted.T: Cinderella is very sad. Can you read like them? S: 模仿语气对话。(教师板书主要句型):Why are you so sad?Because I Why can t yogo to the party?Because I 【设计意图:指导学生朗读,帮助学生更细致到位地理解故事情节。 】(4) T: Look! Cinderella puts on the new clot

17、hes and shoes. (新授 put on) AndQuestion Three, when does Cinderella have to come back? Look at the clock on the blackboard. Who can draw the right time for us?51: I can draw. (一名学生在黑板上画出钟面的正确时间范围。教师引导学生猜想并理解时间,新授have to, before)T: Good! Now, I think Cinderella is ready for the party.1-3 幅图片的细节信息。 】(5

18、) Retell the part before the party:T: What happened before the party? (教师带领学生一起复述) Cinderella sstepsisters can go to the party, but Cinderella cannot. She is so sad. Why can she go to the party? Because she has no nice clothes or shoes. A fairy comes to help her, and she asks Cinderella to come back

19、 before 12 o clock.T: Do you know why should Cinderella come back before 12?5: Because if not, all the nice things would disappear.可以请学生用中文说说 )2. Read and matchT: What happened then? Please read paragraph 4-5, and match the sentences with the pictures.S: 阅读课文 4-5 段并完成第八页的图文匹配。T: 与学生核对答案并读一读句子。( 同时板书

20、短语:have a good time, have to go,try on, it doesn t fi)t,Litofoitks, these things happened at the party and after the party.3. Fill in the blanksT: Can you introduce by yourself? Talk about the pictures with your partner first,then, finish the sentences.【设计意图: 通过较新颖的学习方法增加学生的学习兴趣, 以旧知引出新知, 简化重难点短语。 】

21、Step 4 Reading time1. Listen and repeat【设计意图: 听录音模仿语音语调, 有助于学生对故事人物和情节的准确理解。 】2. Read by yourself3. Read together4. Ask and answerT: Good job! Do you remember the whole story now? Here are some questionswhich may help you. Ask and answer in pairs. 可以最后请几组学生演示()【设计意图: 通过对故事完整情节的复习和回忆来发掘学生的思维想象力和语言能力。

22、 】5. Try to act1. 让学生任选一个场景表演故事。2. 学生发挥想象设计一个故事的结局,教师及时点评。【设计意图:发挥想象,畅想结尾,进一步激发思维能力与语言能力。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Read the story three times.2. Copy the new words and phrases.3. Review the story and act it out with your friends.Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备:光盘,PPT,板书,头饰等相关道具。板书设计:Before the party cannot go to the party A fairy comes.Why are you so sad?Because cannotAt the partyhave a good timehave to goUnit 1 Cinderella (Story time)After the partyvisit every housemany girls try on the shoeit does not fitit fitsBecause don t have any nice clothes or shoes说课本节课是的教学目标设


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