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1、部编人教版小学英语五年级完形填空精选及答案一、完形填空1.完形填空读一读,选择合适的选项完成短文。My favourite 1 is the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival usually 2 in January orFebruary. At the Spring Festival, we 3 have a 4 meal. It is a big 5 dinner.【答案】(1) C; (2) A; ( 3) B; (4) 【解析】【分析】本文主要陈刚的自我介绍。We 6 delicious food. We 71. A. dayB. week2.

2、A. comesB. goes3. A. don'tB. always4. A. smallB. dinner5. A. houseB. well6. A. eatB. eating7. A. callsB. visitfriends and say "Happy New Year" to themC. festivalC. runsC. sometimesC. specialC. familyC. eatsC. playC; (5) C; (6) A; (7) B;(1)句意:我最喜欢的节日是春节。根据 Spring Festival可知需要填写Festival,

3、故选C。(2)句意:春节通常在一月份或者二月份。春节到来,用 come ,故选A。(3)句意:在春节我们总是吃特殊的饭菜。春节总是吃特殊饭菜是生活常识,always总是,故选Bo(4)句意:在春节我们总是吃特殊的饭菜。春节总是吃特殊饭菜是生活常识,special特殊的,故选Co(5)句意:它是一个家庭大餐。big family dinner ,家庭大餐,故选 C。(6)句意:我们吃特殊的食物。eat food,吃食物,故选 A。(7)句意:我们拜访并且向他们说新年快乐visit friends ,拜访朋友,故选 B。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完形填空,首先通过空格读懂文章大意,然后

4、 逐一阅读,做出选择,注意时态、语法及固定用法等,注意时态、语法及固定用法等。2.完形填空根据上下文,选择适当的单词Jiamin had a race 1 his father and John. There were 2 people there. His father ran very fast but Jiamin could not. There was 3 he could do. He was so 4. "I couldrun fast at school," he 5. "Why am I so slow now?" Then Mike

5、said, "Drink this!" and gaveJiamin some water. Jiamin 6 it and suddenly he 7 good. He could run fast again. There was a second race. There were many animals in that race. Jiamin ran like a cheetah. He could 8the race. But suddenly he 9 and fell. Then he woke up. He was10the bed. It was all

6、 a dream.1. A. andB.withC.of2. A. muchB.a lotC.many3. A. nothingB.thingC.anything4. A. worryB.worryedC.worried5. A. thinkB.thoughtC.through6. A. drankB.drinksC.drink7. A. feeledB.feltC.fell8. A. winB.wonC.wins9. A. tripsB.tripedC.tripped10. A. atB. inC. on【答案】(1) B; (2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5) B;(6)A; (7) B;

7、 (8) A;(9)C; (10) B;【解析】【分析】(1)句意:嘉敏.爸爸和约翰进行比赛。A选项是:和,连接并列的成分,用在这里不合适;B选项是:和.一起,是介词用在这里正确。C选项是:.的,是所有格,用在这里不合适。故答案为:Bo(2)句意:这里有 人。much许多”修饰不可数名词,这里修饰可数名词people ,不正确;a lot许多”是副词短语,不修饰名词。many “许多”,修饰可数名词复数,用在这里正确。故答案为:Co(3)句意:他.可做的。根据上句池的爸爸跑得很快,但是佳明不能。”可知用nothing没有什么事"。故答案为:A。(4)句意:他很.。这里和be动词搭配w

8、orried焦'急的"。故答案为:C。(5)句意:他.我能在学校跑得快。”这是叙述过去的事,用动词过去式,B选项正确。故答案为:Bo(6)句意:佳明.它。根据上句,句子时态是一般过去时,这里也用过去时,用动词的过去式。A选项正确。故答案为:Ao(7)句意:突然他.很好。上句是一般过去时,本句也用过去时,这里用动词的过去 式,feel的过去式是felt, B选项正确。故答案为:B。(8)句意:他能够.比赛。这里跟在情态动词后面,用动词原形,A选项正确。故答案为:Ao(9)句意:但是突然他.并摔倒了。这里和 fell并列,也用动词的过去式,trip的过去式是tripped。故答案

9、为:C。(10)句意:他床上。这里短语in the bed在床上",表示躺在床上。而 on the bed表示物品在床上,at the bed表示在床的位置,都不合适。故答案为:B。【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。根据上下文意思提示来选择合适的选项即可。3 .完形填空完形填空。Hello. I'm Jenny. I have a best friend. 1 name is Amy. We are in the same school. We both can sing and dance well. She is as 2 as me.At school, my teach

10、ers all can make 3 happy. But we must 4 white blouse with the long sleeves. I am good 5 maths and English. She 6 English. She thinks it's difficult. Yesterday we 7 a party at school. We enjoyed ourselves.At spare time, my favourite 8 is winter. I like 9 snowmen in winter. But she likes eating ic

11、e creams in summer.What a pity! In two months' time, we are going to go to middle school. We are very busy everyday. We10harder than now.1. A. SheB. HerC. She's2. A. tallB. tallerC. tallest3. A. usB. ourC. ours4. A. wearingB. woreC. wear5. A. atB. inC. on6. A. isn't likeB. doesn't li

12、keC. don't like7. A. haveB. hadC. are going to have8. A. monthB. seasonC. day9. A. makeB. makesC. making10. A. learnB. are learningC. will learn【答案】(1) B; (2)A; (3) A; (4) B; (5) C; (6) A; ( 7) B; ( 8) A; (9)C; (10) B;【解析】 【分析】本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了我和最好的朋友艾米的一些情况。(1)考查上卜文的联系,根据 I have a best f

13、 is Amy可知我又一个好朋友,她的名字是艾米,故选Bo(2)考查上卜文的联系,根据 She is as asme.可知她和我,样图,asas和样,故选Ao(3)考查上卜文的联系,根据 At school, my teachers all can makehappy 校,我的老师会使我们很高兴,故选Ao(4)考查上卜文的联系,根据 But we mustwhite blouse with the long sleeves.可知我们必须穿长袖白衬衫,故选Bo(5)考查上卜文的联系,根据 I am goodmaths and English可知我擅长数学和央语,故选C。(6)

14、考查上卜文的联系,根据 SheEnglish. She thinks it's difficult.可知 她不喜欢央语,她认为英语很难,故选Ao(7)考查上卜文的联系,根据 Yesterday wea party at school.可知昨们学校举办了一场聚会,故选 B。(8)考查上下文的联系,根据 At spare time, my favourite is winterfl我最喜欢的季节是冬季,故选Ao(9)考查上下文的联系,根据 I like snowmen in winter知我喜欢在冬天堆雪人,故选Co(10)考查上下文的联系,根据 We are very busy ever

15、y day. We harder than now可知我们现在每天都很忙,并且现在学习更努力,根据 now可知此处应该使用现在进行时,故选Bo【点评】本题主要考查了单词的应用,主要考察介词动词名词等.做本题的关键是在理解 短文的基础上,灵活运用所学的基础知识.本题考到的知识点有:固定的短语,词类的转换,名词的复数形式,副词以及祈使句的用法等.因此,这就需要在平时的学习中,牢固 掌握各语言点及一些语法知识.并且联系上下文,选出合适的单词。4 .完形填空完形填空。Jean is an English girl. She lives in Beijing 1 her parents. She doe

16、sn't know Chinese very 2. But she 3 very hard. She often speaks 4 in class and after class. Sometimes her classmates don't understand her 5 she can't speak Chinese well.It's Sunday morning. Jean wants to 6 some flowers, but she doesn't know the 7 to the flower shop. She asks a Ch

17、inese boy for help. The boy can't 8 her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper and draws a 9 of a shop and some flowers. The boy looks at it and then 10 her the way.1. A. and2. A. goodB. withB. niceC. toC. wellD. inD. ok3. A. studiesB. studyC. studyingD. to study4. A. EnglishB. FrenchC.

18、ChineseD.Japanese5. A. soB. butC. andD. because6. A. takeB. bringC. sellD. buy7. A. wayB. roadC. streetD.shop8. A. askB. seeC. understandD. tell9. A. mapB. pictureC.bookD. photo10. A. givesB. tellsC. makesD.speaks【答案】(1) B; (2)C; (3)A; (4) C; (5) D; (6) D;(7) A; (8) C; (9)B; (1。)B;【解析】【分析】(1)live wi

19、th sb和某人住在一起。故选 Bo(2)对中国的了解不是很好,well是副词,修饰动词 know ,理解的不是很好。故选 C。(3) She是第三人称单数,后面的动词要变成对应的第三人称单数。故选 A。(4)这个题目应该对应上下文。第二句提到她的中文不是很好,所以这一句应该填写中文,故选Co(5)考查连词,因为她的中文不好,所以她的同学们不知道她说的什么。故选D。(6)下一句有flower shop花店,所以应该是去要买花。A take拿B bring带来C sell卖Dbuy买花。所以这个题目选择Do(7) the way to去什么的路。故此题选择 A。(8)前面说她中文不好,她向一个男

20、孩求助,但是男孩不能理解他在说什么。选C(9) A地图B图C书D照片。女孩画出了他想去要的东西。故选Bo(10)男孩知道他要去的地方,告诉想去的路。故选Bo【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完型填空首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。5.完形填空完形填空。Bob 1 born in 1993 in New York. When he was 6 years old, he 23school. He 4 to China 3 years ago. He 5 Chinese food and he 6 ma

21、nyplaces of interest in China. He 7 a new friend; They 8 and 9 together in the park. They 10 very happy.1. A. was2. A. go3. A. in4. A. came5. A. liking6. A. visited7. A. had8. A. to sing9. A. danced10. A. is【答案】(1) A;A; (10) D;【解析】【分析】B. isB. wentB. toB. comeB. likeB. visitB. haveB.sangB. to danceC.

22、 be(2) B; (3) B;C. beC. goingC. forC. comesC. to likeC. visitingC. havingC. singC. danceD. was(4) A; (5) D; ( 6) A;D. wereD.goesD. atD. comingD. likedD. to visitD. to haveD. singingD. dancingE. were(7) A; (8) B; (9)(1) Bob出生是个过去发生的事情,故应该选择过去式。排除BC。Bob又是第三人称单数,Be动词应该用单数。排除 D。故选Ao(2)讲的是他六岁时的事情,故用过去式。g

23、o to shool是去上学的固定用法,变成过去式即 went to school o 故选 B。(3)同(2),选 Bo(4) come to来到,讲的是过去的时态,所以是 came to ,故选A。(5)讲的过去喜欢,所以 like变过去式liked。选D。(6)拜访了某个地方。visit加过去式visted。选A。(7)交了一个朋友,have a friend。变成过去式,即 had a friend。选A。(8) sing的过去式sango故选 B。(9) dance的过去式danced,故选 A。(10)他们过去很开心。首先是过去式,排除AB。They是复数,排除C,所以这个题目选择

24、Do【点评】本篇阅读理解主要考察了过去式,应该熟练记忆过去式的规律以及用法。在做阅读理解时候通读全文,第二遍小心做题目。最后在重新检查核实一下有没有错误。6.完形填空完形填空The students of Class 2 are 1 going to have any classes next week. They are going to 2 the farmers 3 their work on the farm. They're going to 4 apples. Manystudents think it's 5 better than having classes.

25、 They're going to get up 6 next Monday morning. They're going to meet outside the school gate at 7: 30. The farm is 7 near. They're going there 8 bus. They're going to 9 on their old clothes. They'regoing to work _10.1. A. noB. notC. havingD. always2. A. doB. helpC. makeD. given3

26、. A. doingB. withC. to makeD. to doing4. A. havingB. pickingC. pickD. have5. A. moreB. muchC. manD. little6. A. laterB. earlierC. earlyD.late7. A. notB. quiteC. littleD. no8. A. takeB. take aC. byD. on9. A. wearB. takeC. putD. hardly10. A. hardB. a littleC. heavyD. hardly【答案】(1)B;(2) B; (3) B;(4) C;

27、 (5) B; (6) C;(7) A; (8) C;(9)C; (10) A;【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】(1)句意:2班的学生下周不上课。本句是一般将来时,构成 be going to, A不,修饰名词,排除; B不,修饰动词;C有,现在分词,排除; D 一直,频度副 词,用于一般现在时或一般过去时,排除。故答案为B.(2)句意:他们将农民在农场工作。help sb with sth帮助别人做某事,固定搭配。故 答案为B.(3)句意:他们将帮助农民在农场工作。help sb with sth帮助别人做某事,固定搭配。故答案为B.(4)句意:他们要苹果。本句是一般将来时,be going

28、 to+动词原形,根据前句句意,可知本句帮助摘苹果,A有,现在分词;B摘,现在分词;C摘,动词原形;D有,动词原形。故答案为C.(5)句意:许多学生认为这比上课要好得多。better是形容词比较级,A更多, more +形容词原级,表示形容词比较级,排除, B更,修饰形容词比较级;C男人,名词,名词不能修饰形容词,排除,D一点,形容词形容词原级,排除。故答案为B.(6)句意:他们下星期一早上要 起。根据下文要外出,可知早晨要早起,A迟的,形容词比较级;B早的,形容词比较级;C早,副词;D迟到,形容词。副词修饰动词。故答案为C.(7)句意:农场在附近。本句是否定句, A不,副词,副词修饰动词;

29、B很;C一点, 形容词;D不,副词,修饰名词。故答案为A.(8)句意:他们公共汽车去那里。by+交通工具,表示乘6故答案为C.(9)句意:他们要旧衣服。put on穿上,固定搭配。故答案为 C.(10)句意:他们会努力工作的。 work是动词,副词彳饰动词, A努力,形容词或副词; B 一点,修饰名词,排除; C重的,形容词,排除; D几乎不,用于否定句,本句是肯定 句,排除。故答案为 A.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译句子,然后根据句意,选出恰当的单词填空,使句 意完整。7.完形填空完形填空In England, people often talk about the 1 because

30、 you can experience( 经历)four seasons in 2 day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. 3 an hour, black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets 4 cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be clear, the 5 will begin to shine and it will be summer at this time of a day.In E

31、ngland, you can also have summer in winter, 6 have winter in summer. So in 7 you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should wear warm clothes.When you go to 8, you will see some English people usually take an umbrella or a1. A. time2. A. every3. A. Ago4. A. few5. A. weather6. A. and7. A.

32、 spring8. A. England9. A. sunny10. A. can't【答案】(1) C;B. foodB. oneB. BeforeB. a fewB. earthB. orB. summerB. the USB. rainyB. don't2) B; (3) C; (4) C; (5)raincoat with them on a 9 morning, but you shouldn't laugh at them. If you 10 take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret( 后悔)later

33、 in the day.C. weatherC. theC. AfterC. a littleC. sunC. butC. winterC. AustraliaC. cloudyC. didn'tC; (6) B; ( 7) C; (8) A; (9)A; (10) B;【考点】完型填空【解析】 【分析】(1)句意:在英国,人们经常谈论;因为你可以在天内经历四季。根据后半句 four seasons四季,四季气候不同,可知指谈论是天气,与选项 C天气, 相匹配,故答案为 C.(2)句意:在英国,人们经常谈论天气,因为你可以在天内经历四季。根据前半句指四季的天气,在一天中的不同,与选项

34、B一,相匹配,故答案为 B.(3)句意:一个小时乌云密布,然后下起大雨。本句是一般现在时,A以前,用于一般过去时,排除,B在之前,后面接一段时间,用于一般过去时,排除,C在之后,用于一般现在时,故答案为 C.(4)句意:天气冷。cold是形容词,A 一些,修饰可数名词,排除, B几个,修饰可 数名词,排除,C有点,修饰不可数名词或形容词,故答案为C.(5)句意:下午晚些时候,天空晴朗,开始照耀,一天中的这个时候是夏天。A天气,B地球,C太阳,根据begin to shine开始照耀,可知是主语是太阳,故答案为C.(6)句意:在英国,你也可以在冬天过夏天,在夏天过冬天。根据前半句句意与后半句句意

35、是选择关系,A和,并列关系,B或者,选才I关系,C但是,转折关系,故答案为 B.(7)句意:所以你可以游泳,夏天你应该穿暖和的衣服。根据后半句夏天你应该穿暖 和的衣服,在冬天里也可以做夏天时候的游泳了,A春天,B夏天,C冬天,故答案为 C.(8)句意:当你去的时候,你会看到一些英国人通常在 的早晨带着雨伞或雨衣,但 你不应该嘲笑他们。根据 some English people 一些英国人,可知是英国,与选项 A英国, 相匹配,故答案为A.(9)句意:当你去英国的时候,你会看到一些英国人通常在的早晨带着雨伞或雨衣,但你不应该嘲笑他们。 A阳光明媚,B多雨的,C多云的,多雨的和多云的天气带雨伞是

36、正 常的,BC排除,阳光明媚的天气不应该嘲笑他们带着雨伞或雨衣,故答案为A.(10)句意:如果你带雨伞或雨衣,你会后悔的。本句是 if引导的条件状语从句,主 句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,主语是第二人称,助动词用do,否定形式是 don't不,故答案为B.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译句子,然后根据句意,选出恰当的单词填空,使短 文完整。8.完形填空完形填空Mr. White is a farmer. Last month he drove his truck to town and 1 the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt

37、 him. He sent the boy to a 2 at once. He paid a lot of money for that, but the boy's parents wanted to get 3 money from him. So they said their son could 4 lift his right arm above his head.Mr. White's lawyer came and asked the boy a few questions in the court.“Now, my boy,“Yes, sir“ he said

38、, 5 " yoliast morth, weren't you? said the boy.“And you can't lift your right arm now, can you?“6, sir.“Could you 7 us how you 8 lift your right arm? Slowly the boy lifted his right arm before his nose.“Oh, very high,“ said the boy proudly and thie)went up right over his head1. A. byB.

39、inC. atD. on2. A. farmB. houseC. hospitalD. court3. A. moreB. manyC. a littleD. little4. A. easilyB. usuallyC. no longerD. nearly5. A. was hurtB. were hurtC. hurtD. were hurted6. A. NoB. YesC. NotD. Yes, I can't“And9howyoghift it before the accident?said the lawyer.“Poor boy,7. A. tell8. A. canB

40、. sayB. couldC. askC. mustD.showD. did9. A. canB. couldC. mustD. do10. A. boyB. lawyerC. armD. nose【答案】(1) D;(2) C; (3) A;(4) C; (5) B;(6) A; ( 7) D; (8) A; (9)B; (10) C;【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙聪明的律师处理交通事故的短文。(1)句意:路上,他撞伤了一位小孩。根据句意这里是短语:on the way"在路上",用on,故答案为:D.(2)句意:他立刻将男孩送进 。根据句意应该是医院。C选

41、项是医院,故答案为:C.(3)句意:他因为这件事花了很多钱,可知男孩的父母想从他身上获得钱。根据句意,应该是更多的"more",故答案为:A.(4)句意:因此他们说他们孩子的右臂 能举过头。A选项是:容易地,B选项是:通常, C选项是:不再,D选项是:几乎。根据句意用 no longer.故答案为:C.(5)句意:上个月你伤了,不是吗?这是反义疑问句,问句是否定,主句用肯定句,根据疑问句,主句谓语动词用 were,根据句意这里是被动语态,hurt用过去分词,应填:were hurt.根据所给选项,B选项正确。故答案为:B.(6)根据问句,这里应该回答是的 ,因为问句是肯定形

42、式的反义疑问句,因此用No来回答。故答案为:A.(7)句意:你能.我们你如何.你的右臂的?根据下句陈述,这里是 show"展示",故答案 为:D.(8)句意:你能展示给我们你如何.抬起你的右臂的?这是请求的句子,can"能够”,could" 可以",must"必须",do"做",根据句意用can正确,故答案为:A.(9)句意:在事故之前你 举多高?这是问过去的事,用过去时 ,只有could是过去式,故 答案为:B.(10)句意:男孩骄傲地说,直接向上过了他的脑袋。根据上下文,应该是胳膊 "arm

43、". 故答案为:C.【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。对综合知识的运用有较高的要求。9.完形填空完形填空。On Sundays we often go to the 1 near our school. There are many 2 in ittigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The 3 are very big. They all have 4 noses. Their noses can 5 them eat and drink. Tigers are very 6. They often run around. Theydon

44、9;t like to 7 in the zoo. Many people like 8. They are animals of China. But I likemonkeys most. We like 9 to the zoo. We can 10 more about animals there.1. A. parkB.schoolC.zooD.the shop2. A. peopleB.childrenC.animalsD.things3. A. elephantsB.tigersC.pandasD.monkeys4. A. longB. shortC. freeD. small5

45、. A. giveB. helpC. makeD. get6. A. strongB. hungryC. happyD. careful7. A. eatB. playC. walkD. live8. A. elephantsB. pandasC. tigersD. monkeys9. A. goB. goingC. are goingD. goes10. A. seeB. playC. getD. know【答案】(1) C;(2) C; (3) A;(4) A; (5) B; (6) A;(7) D; (8) B; (9)B; (10) D;【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】(1)根据所给的

46、短文,星期天我们经常去学校附近的。tigers,elephants, pandas and monkeys.老虎、大象、熊猫和猴子。后面句子提到许多动物,可知学 校附近是动物园,故答案为C.(2)根据所给的短文,有许多 老虎、大象、熊猫和猴子。根据句意指动物,可知选项C符合题意,故答案为C.(3)根据所给的短文,是非常大的。根据前句中大象是最大的,可知选项A符合题意,故答案为A.(4)根据所给的短文,他们都有.鼻子。根据句意,可知大象有长鼻子,可知选项A符合题意,故答案为 A.(5)根据所给的短文,他们的鼻子可以他们吃和喝。根据常识大象的鼻子能帮助它自己吃喝,可知选项 B符合题意,故答案为 B

47、.(6)根据所给的短文,老虎 .,它们经常跑来跑去。根据常识老虎很强壮,可知选项A符合题意,故答案为 A.(7)根据所给的短文,它们不喜欢动物园。动物不喜欢在动物园居住,可知选项 D符合题意,居住live,故答案为D.(8)根据所给的短文,许多人喜欢 。它们是中国的动物。中国的国宝是熊猫,可知选 项B符合题意,故答案为B.(9)根据所给的短文,我们喜欢动物园。like doing sth喜欢做某事,可知选项B符合题意,故答案为B.(10)根据所给的短文,我们可以更多地了解那里的动物。know more知道更多,固定词组,可知选项D符合题意,故答案为D.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然

48、后根据短文选择恰当的选项填空。10 .完形填空完形填空。I 1 a bad cold yesterday. So I didn' t goto school morning. After breakfast,I 3 a book. There ' re many signs 4 it. From this book I know 5 about traffic(交通).We should walk or drive on the 6 of the road( 路)and get slower(慢下来)at the crossing of the roa D. "Red

49、 light " means 7" . "Green light " means ”We9go in the time of “ Red light ”.We must 10the"Green light ”and go.1. A. gotB. am gotC. haveD.get2. A.inB. in theC. theD.this3. A.look atB. readC. seeD.look4. A.inB. onC. besideD.about5. A.a lot ofB. manyC. lots ofD.a lot6. A.leftB

50、. lightC. rightD.write7. A. stopB. stoppingC. goD. going8. A.goB. goesC. goingD.to go9. A.shouldB. shouldn ' tC. mustD.can10. A. waitB. wait forC. waitingD. waiting for【答案】(1)A; (2) B; (3) B; (4) A;(5) D;(6)C;(7) A; (8) A;(9)B; (10) B;【考点】完型填空根据所给的短文,根据所给的短文,根据所给的短文,根据所给的短文,【解析】【分析】 根据所给的短文,I go

51、t a bad cold yesterday.我昨天得了重感冒.故答案 为A.So I didn ' t go to schrotoie morning.所以我早上没去上学 .故答案为 B.After breakfast, I read a book.早饭后,我读了一本书 .故答案为 B.There ' re many signs inJt面有很多标志.故答案为 A.From this book I know a lot about traffic(交通).从这本书中我了解了很多关于交通的知识.故答案为D. 根据所给的短文,We should walk or drive on

52、the right of the road(路)and get slower(慢下根据所给的短文, 根据所给的短文, 根据所给的短文, 答案为B.来)at the crossing of the road.我们应该走在马路的右边开车(路)和速度(慢下来)在路口 故答案为C."Red light " means红stop市停止故答案为A."Green light " means'1T"是指"走"故答案为 A.We shouldn ' t go in the time of " Red light我们不

53、应该在 红灯”时走.故根据所给的短文,We must wait for the "Green light我Candg等待绿灯,然后走 .故答案为B.【点评】考查了阅读理解,首先要通读短文,理解全文,注意尽量使用文章的语言,找到 与选项一致的内容,就可以轻松的确定答案11 .完形填空完形填空。You say you'll have a two-week summer holiday and decide to travel a lot and visit as many new places as possible. I 1 it's a good idea. I

54、9;ll tell you a story about my friend Mr. Bell. Last July he 2 in Europe. Europe is very beautiful, 3 his holiday wasn't very nice. He visited four countries, and was in 4 of the countries only three days. He visited quite alot of museums and famous places, and was always 5. Bell was on the trai

55、n or bus almostevery day. When he returned 6 Europe, he was very tired.So I think that you7better spend your holiday in a different way. It is 8 totravel with a friend to one country, and visit only one city. Choose a city 9 and you will be able to have a good10on the seaside.1. A. am sure2. A. was3. A. with4. A. everyone5. A. unhappy6. A. to7. A. would8. A. better9. A. in the countryside10. A. holiday【答案】(1) C; (2)B;


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