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1、-1-Section Word power & Grammar and usageX INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑写作词汇语境考察:预习P57的词汇,完成以下小对话1.Have you (选定)a place for your holiday? Not yet.2.What did his sister do when she was young?She worked as a (接待员). 3.Will the minister attend the (一年一次的)ceremony? Yes,he will.4.What did he give yo

2、u just now?A (一把)of coins. 5.Why has the sporting meeting (推延)? Because of the bad weather.decided on receptionist annual handful been put off X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南 did not turn up until 10 oclock.(教材P56)他们到十点才露面。考点turn up出现Hes still hoping something will turn up.他仍在期待时机出现。We in

3、vited her to dinner but she didnt even bother to turn up.我们请她吃饭但她都不露面。考点延伸 阅读以下句子,指出黑体词构成的短语及其含义I cant hear the radio very well;could you turn it up a bit?我听不太清楚收音机,你把声音开大点行吗?词组 turn up含义 调大 X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南turn up 出现;调大 X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南,well,we do

4、 welcome students to visit this centre,but you will have to fill in a form and then we will decide on the best way to organize the visit.(教材P57)嗯,好吧。我们确实欢送学生们来参观这个中心,不过你们要先填一个表格,然后我们来确定组织你们参观的最好路线。考点一fill in 填写(表格);消磨(时间)Some people find it difficult to fill in a form.有些人觉得表格不好填写。Ill fill in the oth

5、er details for you.我将为你补充其他细节。How am I going to fill in this afternoon?我怎样打发这个下午呢?X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南考点延伸 阅读以下句子,指出黑体词构成的词组及其含义He has filled up the tank with gas.他已经给油箱加满了汽油。词组 fill up含义 装满 The workers are filling the truck with some boxes.工人们正往卡车里装箱子。词组 fill.with.含义 用把装满fill

6、in 填写(表格);消磨(时间)fill up 装满fill.with.用把装满X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南考点二decide on 决定;选定She has decided on art as a career.她决定选择艺术作为职业。Has the list of candidates been decided upon?候选人名单确定了吗?考点延伸阅读以下句子,指出黑体词构成的词组及其含义He finally made a decision.他终于做了决定。词组 make a decision含义 做决定X INZHI DAOXUE

7、新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南decide on/upon 决定;选定make a decision 做决定X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南3.Its not possible for more than a handful of students to visit at the same time.(教材P57)很多学生同时参观是不可能的。考点handful n.少量的人或物;一把(的量);难控制的人He dipped into t

8、he bag and brought out a handful of sample wheat.他把手伸进袋子里,取出一把小麦样品。We invited twenty people,but only a handful of them came.我们邀请了20 个人,但只来了寥寥几人。The little boy is really a handful.那个小男孩真是个淘气鬼。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南考点延伸 阅读以下句子,指出黑体词构成的词组及其含义Would you please lend me a hand?请帮我一个忙,好吗

9、?词组 lend sb.a hand含义 帮助某人 He lives close at hand.他住在附近。词组 at hand 含义 在附近 Having enough data in hand,we can set to work.手头有足够的资料我们可以开场工作了。词组 in hand 含义 在手中 X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南I have seen people feeding them by hand,and they seem to like the attention.我看到过人们用手喂食它们,它们看起来很喜欢这种照料。词

10、组 by hand 含义 用手 On the one hand I have to work;on the other hand I have a lot of visitors.一方面,我必须工作,另一方面,我又要接待很多来访者。词组 on the one hand.on the other hand.含义 一方面另一方面X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南handful n.少量的人或物;一把(的量);难控制的人a handful of 一把lend hand 帮助某人at hand 在附近in hand 在手中by hand 用手on th

11、e one hand.on the other hand.一方面另一方面X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南 could split up into groups,and come at different times.(教材P57)我们可以分组在不同的时段来。考点split vt.& vi.分割;(使)分开;撕开;割破They went into the room by splitting the door.他们破门进入房间。He split a pie

12、ce from the cold meat.他切下了一片凉肉。The lightning splits the dark sky.闪电划破黑暗的天空。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南(2)在一次大风中,船断成了两截。In a severe gale the ship .(3)如果鸡实在很小,你把它切成两半就行了。If the chicken is fairly small,you may simply .答案(1)has just split up with(2)split in two(3)split it in halfX INZHI D

13、AOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南 would like to put your visit off until then as the annual Traffic Conference is coming up next week.(教材P57)我想把你们的参观时间推迟到那个时候,因为下周就要举行一年一度的交通研讨会了。考点一put off 推迟;使反感Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。Many people are put off by his surly behavior.他

14、举止粗暴使许多人感到反感。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南考点延伸 阅读以下句子,指出黑体词构成的词组及其含义If you have any questions,please put up your hand.如果有问题,请举手。词组 put up含义 举起 Please put away all the toys when the children leave.孩子们离开时,请把这些玩具都放好。词组 put away含义 把放好 The reporter has put down what the old man had said.记者已经

15、把老人说的话全记下了。词组 put down含义 记下 X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南put off 推迟;使反感put up 举起;搭建put away 把放好put down 记下X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南考点二annual adj.每年的;一年一度的The firm has an annual turnover of $75 million.这家公司的年营业额为7500万美元。【高考典句】(2021 福建)May Day is a traditional day for cel

16、ebrations,but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton must be the only people in the world who include cheese rolling in their annual plans.五一节是传统的庆祝节日,但是Stilton的2000个英国村民一定是世界上唯一把滚奶酪包含在一年一度的方案中的人。考点延伸阅读以下句子,指出黑体词的词性和含义The exhibition is held annually.这种展览一年举办一次。词性 副词含义 一年一度地X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIE

17、HUO答疑解惑12345语法指南X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南动词短语概说:动词短语是由动词加副词或介词构成的。(1)动词+副词常见的一些动词+副词的短语及其意义:try out 试验look (a)round 环视break up 打碎;终止 build up 逐步建立;增强blow out 吹灭;爆裂break out 爆发break down 出故障;垮掉;分解;拆毁bring down 降低;击败back off 后退break off 中断;绝交c

18、arry on 继续;开展come on 发生;开展;快点X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南bring over 带来;说服hand over 移交answer back 还口;顶嘴call back 叫回;收回;回电check in 登记;报道 count in 把算入bring about 导致;带来come about 发生John took off his hat as he entered the room.约翰进屋时摘下了他的帽子。Mary put on her hat and left the room.玛丽戴上帽子离开了房间。I

19、 always get on the bus at 34th Street.我总是在34街搭乘公共汽车。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南I was unable to find out the name of the man who called.我找不出那个打 来的人的名字。Last night several friends called on us.昨晚有几个朋友来看我们。Which book did you pick out to send to Helen?你挑选了哪一本书给海伦呢?X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JI

20、EHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南联想拓展 a.副词既可以置于宾语前,也可以置于宾语后。但如果宾语是代词,那么必须置于动词和副词之间。b.此类短语后并不总是跟宾语。c.定语从句中此类短语中的副词不能提前。The sports meeting which you mention will be put off till next week.你提到的运动会将会被推迟到下周。Did anyone call me up while I was out?我出去的时候有人给我打 吗?When the President entered,everyone in the room stood up.总统进来时

21、,屋子里的每个人都站起来了。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南“Look out! John cried as his friend almost knocked against the approaching car.约翰在他的朋友几乎要碰到一辆驶来的汽车时大叫道:“留神!许多短语往往一词多义。Doctors recommended that the drug should be taken off the market.医生建议市面上应停顿出售该类药物。The officer leading the inquiry has been tak

22、en off the case.主持调查该事的官员已被调离。He took off his shoes and went to sleep.他脱下鞋子睡觉去了。My plane takes off at 3:00.我的飞机3点起飞。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南The tiger took off from the ground with a powerful spring.老虎从地上猛地一跃而起。The early morning train is being taken off for the summer.早班火车夏季将停运。Im s

23、o pleased that Ive been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again!我的体重终于减轻了,那些漂亮的衣服又合身了,我真快乐!X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南(2)动词+介词常见的一些动词+介词的短语及其意义:look at 看look for 寻找look after 照顾look into 往看;调查look over 检查arrive in 到达arrive at到达 hear of 听说hear from 收到的来信ask

24、for 要求leave for 前往 send for 派人去请pay for 付钱 wait for 等待agree with 同意begin with 以开场help with 帮助play with 玩X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南listen to 听come from 来自fall off 从上摔下knock at/on 敲laugh at嘲笑 worry about 为担忧write to写信给try on 试穿,试戴take after 像 call for 邀约;要求,需要He takes after his mother.

25、他长得像他的母亲。What do you think of the movie which you saw last night?你觉得你昨晚看的那部电影怎么样?Lets begin our class with an English song.让我们以一首英语歌开场上课吧。The workers asked for more pay and shorter hours.X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南工人们要求增加工资,减少工时。Please write to me soon.请尽快给我写信。He fell off the wall and

26、 hurt his back.他从墙上跌下来摔伤了后背。Dont play with fire!Its dangerous!别玩火!危险!You neednt worry about him.He will be OK.不用担忧他,他没事。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南The lady tried on several clothes but none was fit for her.那位女士试穿了几件衣服,可是没有一件适宜的。It is said that a famous detective will be invited here to look into the case.据说,一位著名的侦探将被请来调查此案。归纳 此类短语中,介词的宾语总是置于介词后。X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345语法指南许多短语往往一词多义。Attend to your work and stop tal


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