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1、A Lion Goes RoaringA li on goes roa ringA hi ppo goes snor-tingSnake goes hissing!What do you hear? lar zan go es Ah. ah. ah!songsABC songY andNow I'vesung themeWon't youcome andsing withsongsAdjectivesLS SOI « 川 fat! 3 - 01 - fe house! 3 S 2| Of - SOI 2i 21 QI fi son 2| 81 U one! J 1 3

2、 HP tall! U (M XI fe CH Q short! short! short! S 21 81 U one! Oil - ZS pretty! U (H XI fe 5?3 CB fi ugly! ugly! ugly!Isongs 二Animal Rhymes气E 山r门iHorse, horse fu - nning. Sheep sheep kfc - king. Pig. pig mucked around.songsAre You Sleeping?rr Mom-ing bels are ringing Mom-ing bells are ringnog Ding da

3、ng dong! Ding dong dong!songsBig And Little£7£7Big and littleBig and littlebig and Irttle hippos are big and monkeys are littlebig and Irttle hippos are big and monkeys are little£7BingoN G - O andBin go was his name0护2门门口昇纽门口Bright Sunny Day- PBri-ght sunny day; It is very hot The Ir

4、ttie sprout has to cool- do - wn. Thepoor thing might need cold cold water Wil be fi-ne. Wil be fine.songs£7£7Build The House£7£7£7£7 丿Web, web,spiders house.厂门i丄Everyone lives In the house.£7songsClap Your HandsIE"Clap your hands Touch your toes Turn round an

5、d Put yourfingers on your nose丁亠古才誇Flap your armsJump up highWig-gle your fin gers reach for the skyI怨之Colors1. Red yel-low blue and green stand up Red yel-low blue and green turn a roun& and2. Green yel-low blue and red sit down Greenyel-low blue and red standup andi丨丨丨4*air1留J_八 LJ八11. Stretch

6、 up high a - bove you-r head Oh Red yeHow blue and green sit down2Turn right turnleft walk and run Oh Green yel-low blue and red stop stopDays Of The Week-1 亍nMJ7zza4 z11矿¥習 P 習吕 Sun 一 dayg fi g g Mon 一 dayfit 且習吕Tues 一 day伞P 習 吕Wednesday厂V丨力?丨J j|Fl2 sGThurs - dayS Fri - daySatur - day£7s

7、ongs£7£7Deep Ancf Wide存伞以丿一I吗门丨打 < 三Deep and wide Deep a nd wid 已 ther/a foun -tan flowing cfeepwide §小丨r奶厂口 i行"r “ iDeep and wicfe Cteep and wide there's a foun-tan flcw-ing deep and wide songsDon't Do That仏圧口毋Q曲Q皿一口丄Oh.no!- Dondothat! listen - to your mom Plea se, do

8、n't do that! Us notOKrexy Doritdotfat!§嘗口I打丄】门丄口切门nOhno! Donrdothat! Thafssuch a bad thing Plea -$e, don't do that! ftnotCKn Dortdotfiafi£71OOsongsDon't Look Back卅'j打弭丄丿口I门聲KMIy wants to eat the spi-der. spi- der. Spber wants io ru nova/. Fcrawa/, fcrcKva/.Qulc kly run away

9、! Run! run spi - derl Come on, title spi der! Doni look1OOsoagsDr earns Come Truemj刊Dreams come true. Dreams come true. Great and fun And great and lua And Dreams come Ina What a geatwortd.WWW.flashduckxo-kr隊LEveryone Likes Sweetsj/ 1 A 1- I r>r 1 1 1< < <1411丿 # J« ittEveryone like

10、s sweets. Children Ike sweets, loeaeon and chocolate yumllashduck.co.krIsongs 二EyS And EaRS And Mouth And NosesongsFive Little MonkeysRve lit tie mon keysjumpi ng on the bed.One fell dow n andbroke his head.Mo ma called the doc tor, the doc tor said、uNo more mon keysjumping on the bed/oAq Aq Aq oAq

11、poo6 Aq poog Aujuio Aq pooQ Appo(j oXq pooQG/q »Aq GAq eg poo6 oAq poog9Aq »Aq pooQ9人q oAq pooQIMII J|耳uie>6 - d no AAq poo6 oAq poog /poq 2a& Aq poo6 Aq poog 乙30 pOO。二 s6uosII OsoagsHappy Happy HomeW 计 h fa-lherin the fa-m ily ha p-py ha p-py h ome hap-py hap-py horn e ha p-py ha p

12、-py ho me w ithfaher in the fa mily hap-py hap-py home hap - py hap - py home2. mother3. brother4 sister5. babysongsHead and ShouldersHead and shou Lders knees and toes k nees and toes Head and shoul-dets knees and t oes knees and toesI慫耳Hello SongJ? I 21!H1rH f-l5i-|1E L1 f y LA 1JJJ,Y Y 2Hello hel

13、lo How are you (clapx2) Hello hello How are you (clapx2)Thank you Thank youHow are you(clapx2) Thank you Thank you How are you(clapx2)£7*no人 puy:no人 puy *noA>|ueqj ujj -no人lauy ujjno人 aue moh <no人 re /won buoAjbas 'o| |bh mip ea 9| ©h打fl 打 门f丨却(J小次 9J/ MO”IsongsHow Do You Feel? ?

14、丿门门卩门厂丁RJ 1How do you feel How do you feel I'm so happy happy todayQl门IQlI am happy You are happy So we are happy happy all the time*songsHow Is The Weather?Oh, how is the wea-therthe wea-ther the wea-ther? Oh,how is the wea-ther the weather out - side? It'ssunny. It'ssunny. It's sun

15、ny. It'ssunny.Oh, how is the weather thewea therthewea ther outsi de?2. rai ny3 cl oudy4. windy5. snowyI O亘socgsI Am A Little TrainL fm a little tra- in choot choor choolHere Is my en-gine a nd here Is my wheel.21 con go everywhere on the railChoo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo.choo!隊LIm Goinq On

16、 A PicnicI Want More2 J*门力埠功 攵丨门打 丨盟却丿iCockaMoamoamoamoaMoa moamoa What a fresh micBuzibuzL honey. I want more, more.CZIf You re Happy击启扫护切亠 p;1 If yoJre hap-py and you know it clap your handsIfyoJre2. If yoJre hap-py and you know it stampyourfeetfyoJre3. If yoJre hap-py and you know it nod your hea

17、dfyoJre4. If you're hap-py and you know it so/good byeIf yok/re呱门门门厂C丨口厂3口Glhap-py and you know it clap your handsIf yoJre hap-py and you know it Ifyoi/rehap-py and you know itstampyourfeetIf yoJre hap-py and you know it IfyoJrehap-py and you know it nod your he adIf yoJre hap-py and you know it

18、 IfyoJrehap-py and you know it sa/good byeIf yoUre hap-py and you know it Ifyoi/re糾h门巧口口qg事貝1'''Qhappy and you know it If yoJre hap-py and you know it clap your handshap-py and you know it If yo«Jre hap-py and you know its tamp yourfeethappy and you know it If yoi/re hap-py and you

19、know it nod your head hap-py and you know it If yok/re hap-py and you know it say good byeI'm So Happy2. sad3 angry4. sleepy5. hungryIn A Cottage In A WoodwoodLit tie man by the wm-dow stoodIn a cot-tage inSaw a rab - bit hop - ping byKnock-ing at the door>斗耳斗m7H二A'Help me! Help me! Help

20、me" he said H Be fore the hun ter shoots me dead"hap - py we will"Lit - tie rab - bit come to me.£7songsIn My Familytwinbro thers.fivelittleducks.Twin sis ters and Mom anddad andALItsy Bitsy SpiderIt- s/ bik/spi-derwent up the wa-ter spoul Dcwn came he rah and washed the jpi-der

21、out£7IOOsongsLets Go GarcfeninqLets go garclenlngl Dig dig a hole-Puths(xne seeds andMhsome water. Now you need and see.noAB04on eou #ou ou "ou jqo U OAQquoo no人 ajaq "aioq 'aieq imod |o6 arj "60J4 o |o6 aj| 之 406 oaj 40屮桃护5406屮入耳°5;°e pmm 半 5s6uosOOIsongsMake It Sa

22、feFor Every one触品门戸|门口丨品门口|护耳1Make it safe fcx everyone. Everyone. Everyone. MateitsafbrQ«yDne)Gbfchtheqg"iandtrafIicitIOOsoagsMary Had A Little Lamb345Made the children Lefs lefsMa - ry had a E-veryw here that Followed her toLit tie larrb Ma - ry went school one laugh and plant aLil - tie

23、 lambMa - ry went school one da/ laught and play plant a seedLit - lie lamb Ma - ry went school one da/ laugh and pla/ plant a seedMa ry had a E-vetywhere that Followed her to Made the children Lefs lefsLit - tie lambschool onewent da/ pl啤seedfleece was White assnowThe Lamb was sure togoTo leam the

24、gol-denrvleTo see a lamb atschoolIt will growfastsongsMonths丰會$R*1 J_LJanu-ary> Feb-ruary. Ma r ch.2!一=| |严-= 一<A priL h:iSa y.1JJu neL .Ij1厂J11Ju ly .Au gust. Sep - tem benOcto-ben Novem-ber; De cem ber.songsMonths 2Je-nu-ary Fe-bruary M - a - r chA - pril Ma - y June Jul - yI慫之Old MacdonaldH

25、ad A Farm& # 2 jj j | 门门丄 jj jj j | 门门丄 仃Old Macdonald hadafarm E -I - E -I 0 And on his farm he had a cow E I E -1 - O With a留.对护,期如期门+片盯n.| E7丿nmoo m<x> here and a moo moo there here a moo ihre a moo ever/whre moo moo Od MaodonaH had afaim E-l- E l O2. p<g-ohk3. chicken-cbckhotse-na&#

26、163;7songsOnce I caught A Fish AliveOne two three four fiveOhce I c*6t a fchWFy ddyou let it goCajse it ht my frig er soseven eigit nine ten口戸Thenlet it go a gdnWrbh finger didthis ittle finderon the 砂 tf ashduck.cc.krI Osovngs1. Fbll pullpdl the topePull with dl your mightr<w your boatgent -、dow

27、n the sttean2. Row rcwPull Pull Pull The RopeHer - d«r bar - derdonft letgoholdon ve- rytightMeni - fy Mem -、Meni - 1/Meni- 1/ Lieis but a<±e<msongsRain Rain Go Away1. Rahrah2 Rahrana - wa/3wcyit tie childrengo a - waywcnfc to pla/w<nfc to pla/Ut tie chickenCome a gain a noth t da/Come a gan a - noth - <sr da/Lit - tie brotherlit tie cHWtensongsSallys WearingA Red Skirtredskirtbluepantsgreetshirtyd lowsocks1. Sally's wearing a2. Sally's wring3 Sally's wearing a4. Sally's wearingredskJrtredskirt.bluepantsbluepant


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